SUNDAY, DECEMBER. 16, 1956 THE MICMGA'v DAILY SECTION TWO-PAGE Tit EE, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SECTION TWO-PAGE THREE The Winter Scene Cold And Christmas Joy Crispsis 11 Offers Vastc Opportunityt For Sports Winter has the dubious distinc- tion of being the leading seasonY for gripes and complaints about the ever popular subject of weath- er. Days are short, walking andt driving are often treacherous and the wind is sharp and biting. For some it is a convenient time to count the days until spring and vow fervently to "go south next year and stay there." But for others all is not lost. The snow covering the ground of- fers vast opportunities for fun and frolic. Racing down snow covered slopes is exhilarating to mind and body. The dangers add a challenge to the skills of the skier. Tobog- ganing and ice skating provide hours of fun for the enterprising sportsman. The snow, a frustrating enemy if one is in a hurry, is also a pic- turesque thing of beauty. Even those who long for summer appre- ciate the impressive views of land- scapes and buildings covered with a clean, fresh blanket of snow. Snow covered porch rails, brok- en down fences and the barren lmibs of trees become the subjects for camera lovers and the old, fondly recalling happy winter days of their youth. For the young afid the young at heart, it is a time for the creation of all sorts of things in snow. The children build the ever-popular snowman with the pipe in his mouth and of course the "fort" for an exciting snow-ball fight. College students hold winter carnivals and build everything from ships to houses, all from snow. Contests and parties are held in the atmosphere of the stimulating vigor of winter. For the winter-lover it is a time of crisp, cold air and rigorous out- door ilfe. For one and all it is a time of beauty as only nature can create beauty. Half the fun and sparkle ofI ' ' Christmas morning lies in seeing it through the eyes of children. It's a day that really belongs to them. Children will come to appreci- ate Christmas more if they are permitted to take part in prepar- ations for the annual festivities. . One easy way of getting chil- dren to participate is to let them help decorate the tree or wrap presents. The "small fry" like to feel that they have a definite part in Christmas preparations. CHRISTMAS AT OVEREECK'S For that gift that's hard to find BOOKS, THE IDEAL GIFT GIFT STATIONERY FOUNTAIN PENS AND PENCILS ' BRIEFCASES ' SCRAPBOOKS, ADDRESS BOOKS OVERBECK BOKST-RE - - - - - - - -- - -------- - ------------------- - - ------------ ... . ...... . I;Open Friday yr " Y ' - , tkru Monday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. CREATIVE GENIUS-Snow and those "long winter nights" seem to bring out the latent artistry in a number of people. This sinking ship on a sea of ice was sculptured several years ago by students of Middlebury College in Vermont for their annual winter carnival. But whether or not the final product is quite as elaborate as this, it's always fun to build something from snow while getting cold toes and catching a cold. StoryI RONALD by PARK NATURAL ARTISTRY-As velvet-soft blankets of snow descend DETERMINED EFFORT-"From here on down it's all uphill,* from the skies, trees, fields and even a stair railing assume an someone once said. It takes an avid skier to go to all the trouble appearance of quiet grace. of climbing a hill sideways. Photos by HARDING WILLIAMS and DAVI D ARNOLD UP AND AWAY-Long periods of practice go into the background of a perfectly executed jump. One of the most appealing aspects of skiing, the jump must be made with both precise timing and balance. WINTER WARMTH-Irregardless of the beauty of winter snow, there are many who feel that the best way to look at the weather is through a window. l, Dangers of Christmas Trees Explained By Safety Council Usually busy absorbing the spirit of the season, people rarely look upon a brightly decorated Christ- mas tree as an instrument of de- struction. The National Safety Council has warned, however, that the tree could very easily bring disaster to the atmosphere of the holidays. Filled with natural pitch and resin, Christmas trees are among the most combustable objects known. Once ignited, they burn so rapidly that extinguishing the flame is virtually impossible by any methods ordinarily available. , i ' Q 4"r^ K..h , f'i kM.'~ -'" vh. :\__i..k{ 1, JB . One al-ways finds 'mairy last-minute needs. 3Op in nn Arbor FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE MOST STORES WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. sm. MON.iTlEs IEA Twoug FRSmT - - - II- ~ (i>DEC PERRENIAL SNOWMEN-Winter means snowmen. If there's no snow, then the snowman may have to be made of tumbleweed. If there is snow, the standard variety can always be found. IK=TovS