sIE TIDE MICHIGAN DAILYM SNDAYDECEMBER 16.1956 ,1A , "L ;1 i1 li ~t Ra pid T rum p' Loss Creates Difficulties FOR R ADIO ACT IV E SUBST ANCES: Ridenour Checks, OK's All Nuclear Experiments By EDGAR SIMONS Daily Bridge Columnist V 08 f 65 A65 AKQ82 972 J1074 E A73 KQJ3 A982 Q4 BY GERALD LUNDY Most people would probably agree that handling radioactive It isdificultto realzethat tre aresomepeople wore iaslost daily in poessayor f anotche bthPrng.nGerlng, hie- st nursifty'e Unieriy's SConol ofeope. Checks Precautions As chief safety officer of RCS, Y r 2'2, } t> 1 tion of the presence of radioac- The work of Prof. Ridenour and tivity. Ihis staff, and similar staffs all ationinthe atmosphere. atrialscanbae URO ,SERS and SKI T r-- OUR N We H lr NEXT REEK MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 4 { 11 N 147. The Bidding: Dble 1 SAME-DAY SERVICE Fourth and Washington Phone NO 2-3488 :- - - W P P 4 P r 4 sit ras it is his job "to see that proper i 34 P 44 ll passprecautions are established ink: y Among the many problems in experiments involving the use of aea e bridge, not the least is the problem radioactive materials to insure of knowing when there is a prob- the safety of those conducting the lem, and when a problem is cre- experiment as well as individuals! DUAL PURPOSE-In a duotesi ated. In today's hand there is no! in the area who might be exposed counter to determine radioactivit, problem, but one is created by to atomic radiation. the efficiency of the washer. south and it is discovered byI Presently there are approximate- east.- ly forty research laboratories on measure the amount of radiation North bid aggressively as he felt; campus conducting research pro- that a worker comes in contact hls high cards would be very use- jects that involve the use of with." ful with, south's long suit. West radioactive materials. The film badge is made of metal opened the four of hearts, and! In all of these experiments, high with a space for the insertion of when dummy was spread south' or low level, great care must be a small square of unexposed film, noted that he would lose two exercised to insure against over-. much like that used in the ordi- spades and a diamond.' exposure to radiation.I nary camera. Atomic radiation Hence declarer cashed the' ace However, if a person should re- affects unexposed film in much and king of clubs, discarding the ceive an overdose of radiation all the same manner as light waves. two losing hearts from his hand. precautions are taken so that no Worker "Lays Off" . Now declarer began to draw trump ill-effects will result. If the maximum of 300 milli- The first spade trick was won by It is theoretically impossible for roentgens should be exceeded, the west who then led a heart. This a person who uses radioactive! safety officer makes certain the was trumped by south and another materials in his occupation to be worker "lays off from the job" round of trum~p was led. Now the completely free from radiation, for a certain length of time so monster was created. according to Prof. Ridenour. that radiation will decrease. East won this trump lead and Maximum Radiation -In high level experiments, Prof. led a third round of hearts. South The average amount of radia- Ridenour and his staff are present began to squirm as his trump was tion that a person can absorb in so that safety rules are properly being used up at high speed. He one week without ill-effects is 300, observed. In such cases he is con- now held two trump and the op- milliroentgens. suited on the experimental set-up ponents one, andl the ace of dia- A milliroentgen is a unit of so that the least amount of hazard monds had not been driven out. measure used to compute the is risked by the group performing Before drawing the last trump amount of radiation absorbed in a the experiment. south led a diamond. East won( given amount of time. In this type of an experiment a this immediately "and led his Prof Ridenour sees that all "dry-run" is made to insure fourth and final heart. Once again; people working with activated ma- against any errors that may occur south had to trump, lest oppon- terials wear what is known as a in the final setup. ents win their fourth trick. "film badge" which is used to During the actual experiment East and south now held one --------- - trump, and the diamond queen in dummy blocked that suit. Southj could not lead a diamond as he would have no way of leaving dummy without establishing the setting trick for the opponents. In a last desperate attempt to kill the monster he had made, south drew the last trump and dis- carded the queen of diamonds Al t from the dummy. This, however, established east's nine of diamonds at the end for the setting trick. South was careless as the con- diamnd i s drivenout hearly.It was north who ended matters by O AE suggesting his partner not play hands unless the trump suit is U.S. Families Keep Savingc Installment buying has not stif- led the American will to save, according to Prof. George Katona of Survey Research Center. a n a a ieo h Prof. Katona reports that many middle-class families buy goods on the installment plan and still -. set aside funds for saving. 5 l This is especially true of those 4 t~ g l who feel optimistic about their family's financial future, he add- ed. Hillel Now Of fers MYST ERY with its MEAL 1 i 1l A.M. to 5:30 P.M. 7 P.M till 9 P.M. r ° A Prof. Ridenour reads geiger y of clothing after washing and Prof. Ridenour makes geiger read- ings of the experiment so that no one will receive an overdose of radiation. On low level experiments neither staff supervision nor dry-runs are necessary. However, the worker must conduct the experiment ac- cording to set safety standards. Furthermore, the safety officers, make "a constant survey of the different laboratories to observe, how safety rules are followed. Prof. Ridenour and his staff supervise all activated materials w/hich enter the University. All! requisitions for these materials issued by the University must first be approved by them. Prof. Ridenour and his staff have at their disposal some of the most modern equipment for detec- 1204 South University oy Jp \ 11 "DA NGE ROUS A 3-ACT TH R IL LE R by J. B. PRIESTLEY Chester Robe ifts We will be more able to serve you promptly with our complete staff A HILLEL PLAYERS' PRESENTATION Sunday, December 16 Following Supper Club i;.- Time: 7:15 P.M. Admission Free I I a r - ---- - ------__..---- _ e ShrtDone RO d vo_ r "'" 'FOLLETT'S BOOKS ,. .. GAMES . .. TOYS MICHIGAN SOUVENIRS ". -_ CARDS WRAPPINGS OPEN MONDAY, TUESDAY ' :AND WEDNESDAY NIGHTS - -i Mte Street and N University' . {. I SPAGHETTI AND MEALS OUR SPECIALTY 10:30 to 7:30 P.M. Dozily Except Saturday "My disposition's always keen Because my clothes are always clean, They always look so bright and new, What more, it always costs lesstoo- 1 I University Laundromat 13V7 S. University I FEINER GLASS & PAINT CO. 216 W. William Street Ann Arbor, Michigan Telephone NO 8-8014 We 11ave All Kinds of Glass-Mirrors and Furniture Tops. We Have the Nationally Advertised Paints. You Can Park Right in Front of Our Store. WE HAVE BEEN SERVING THE COMMUNITY FOR 67 YEARS . . .. . Take Books Home This Christma's - , 'i Fisin -N n Fc in -Bo ehis -R lgin THE QUARRKY, Inc. "Everything fo r the Amateur" SEasy to use. Sun Dial sets $9 camera for you. f/2.5 lens. $3 gr ] Bell & Howell SUNDIAL CAMERA Bell & Howell PROJECTOR MOVIE SCREEN 2 Lih a n ub only 1411down yo . .. . . . . . . A s . 1 t , We would like to take this opportunity to express our most sincere thanks for the patronage extended to us by our many customers -- to wish them a Most Joyous 11 } I I