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September 20, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-09-20

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Sixty-SixtAh Year

The Great highway Gamble

T reaty ShNould De fine
Rights of Users


aInions Are Free
Will Prevail"


s printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

. SEPTIEMBER 20. 1956


MR. DULLES s facing an even
more difficult task at the sec-
ond London conference than he
did at the first. For the Western
position, that of the Big Three,
has deteriorated, and It will re-
quire ome hard work to retr

Junk ing Staggered Distribution
No Solution to Ticket Problem

ERS AT THIS YEAR'S seven home foot-
Li. games will probably be closely correlated
wrhere in the alphabet the last names of
udent spectators fall. .
nks to the ever-Increasing genius of the
to department, football enthusiasts -
ien and seniors alike--who have had the
tune of being born into families from
SKni will be spending the coming Satur-
fternoons in the less desirable seats at
gan Stadium.
cy in previous years has been to pass
ckets during registration but to stagger
clstribution so that a student who regis-
on the last day would have the same
3 of getting a good ticket as -one who
~red on the first. This fall tickets were
iuted on a non-staggered basis.
sequently, the good seats In each class
i went to those stugdents who registered
trliest and hence received their ticket
s first. From Monday to Wednesday the
ole seats got progressively worse and the
s, Harrises and Jones justifiably became
r dnd madder.
WOT STAGGERING the good and bad
rets, distribution was undoubtedly much
administratively thIs year. But if the
c department thinks that administra-
rnvenience is more Important than not
sing people because of their last names,
reens, Harrises and Jones say it has
~r think coming.

Perhaps there were disadvantages to the
staggered system, but the athletic department
would have been more reasonable in remedying
the disadvantages within the staggered system
rather than junking It completely.
ONE (XE'THE chief problems encountered in
staggering occurred when ticket-seekers
waited itround the counters until the good
tickets came up in their section. But this prob-
lem Is no reason to do away with staggering
completely. A solution would have been simply
to ask the students how many tickets they
Wanted and give them the tickets with no
previous information on whfether or not the
tickets were in a good Stadium location. There
would thus be no way of knowing whether the
tickets distributed would get better or worse
if the student waited a little longer.
The Incentive to organize group seating
blocks has been lessened under the new system.
Now individuals are hesitant to wait until all
members of their prospective group have regis-
tered, since the longer they wait, the smaller
the number of available seats. Before, groups
stood the same chance of getting a favorable
location no matter when they registered.
Staggered ticket distribution should be re-
instituted next fall as the most equitable
method for the student body.
Daily Managing Editor

Great Britain and France,
though they have not said so ex-
actly, have encourage the notion
that in order to get international
operation of the canal they might
reoccupy the canal zone. Then,
under pressure from the United
States and from world opinion,
they have almost but not quite
said that they would not use force
to impose their solution on Nasser.
In the game of power politics,
which is what Is being played at
Suez, it Is a mistake to threaten
If you are not quite certain that
you can carry out the threat, and
It ls equally a mistake to give your
opponent a public assurance that
you will not use force. A good dip-
lomat does not talk much about
force; he letsi the other fellow
wonder and worry about it.

Co1~7~10~t, 1956, Tht PuIltet PUbI2BbIDZ C@..
St. Louis Post-DisPfttCh
I~IIerbtock Is on Vacation)

Israel A 'Pressure-Cooker'8

Eo operation in Student Driving

A8 UNIVERSITY students went through the
semi-annual registration chaos earlier this
week, they were asked to turn In a signed card
stating that they understood- and were willing
to abide by the provisions of Regents' Bylaw
8.06 and the Administrative Code.,
Many students, anxious to enter the classifI-
cation room, no doubt signed the card without
giving a thought to the pledge of responsibility
it entailed.
Others, having reached the charmed age of
21, were pleased by the thought that they are
~now allowed to drive as well as drink.
New University driving regulations are the
product of many long months of hard work and
cooperation on the part of students and admin-
istration. It is the biggest step taken so far to'
insure a friendly spirit of cooperation between.
these Vwo Important, but notoriously antagonis-
tic campu~s groups. If the new regulations work
out well, the cooperative spirit may well be:
brought Into play with regard to campus drink-
ing and the housing problem.
BUT IF STUDENTS disregard the new regula-
tions, the 26-year driving age may well
return d mand, more iportant, the spirit of co-

operation may receive an almost irreparable
The University is going to be tough, very
tough. They have hired three additional police-
men and bought new equipment. First offense
will bring a $50 fine; second offense may lead
to a semester's suspension.
Because the University couldn't get authority
to stop any car suspected of violating regula-
tions, some students may think it easy to escape
the $7 registration fee or the trouble involved
in getting an under-21 permit. .
But it won't be es.Becas'te ar
deputy sheriffs, campus cops willebe aby e t
stop any car violating state or local regulations.
An unregistred car could legally be stopped
for going 21 m.p~h. in a 20 m.p.h. zone. Whether
this sort of procedure is ethical or not is another
question and not germane to this particular
ICE-PRESIDENT LEWIS has said that there
wil b e every attempt to be as fair as possible.
We bleve that the University will not abuse
itsprivilege to stop cars.
Ahendr wehope that students will not abuse
terpriiege to drive them.

SYRIA,. Israeli Border - Two
Syrian border guards stood sil-
houetted against the sky on the
hill just beyond us. They looked
down, across the ravine where the
Jordan River came tumblijig down
from Syriq across Israeli and on
toward the Sea of G&Wge.
It had been tumbling ddwn that
ravine since David crossed it to
escape the attack of his son Absa-
lon, since Jacob's daughter looked
for her brother Joseph when his
brothers sold him into slavery in
Egypt, and since John the Baptist
immersed his converts in its rest-
less waters. .
Oblivious apparently to the part
It had played in history, the River
Jordan paid no ajtention to the
two Syrian guards on the hilltop,
nor to our own'"group which lis-
tened to Dr. Paul Doron, chief
irrigation engineer for the Jordan
Valley project, tell of his plans to
harness the turbulent river below.
* , * *
THAT WAS why the two Syrian
sentries were suspicious. On pre-
vious occasions they have shot at
Israeli engineers as they pushed
work on a half-mile canal con-
necting a 90-mile irrigation ditch
with the Jordan.
The sentries did not fire this
time, however, perhaps because
two jeeploads of Israeli troops were
with us; or perhaps because Israel
has now stopped work on the con-
necting link of the Jordan canal
in deference to a request from the
United Nations. Alongside us was
rusting machinery, mute testimony
that work on this end of the canal
had stopped.
Work on the rest of the 90-mile
stretch of canal and concrete pipe,

however, has not stopped. It ex-
tends down, all the way through
Galilee, through Judea and the
Sharon to the deserts of the Negev,
over which I drove en route to the
Dead Sea. There, water carried
from the Syrian border in the
north almost to the Egyptian bor-
der mn the south should make the
desert bloom like a rose.
- * * *
THE REASON the rest of the
Jordan River project is being
pushed is because of the intense
pressure on the Israeli government
to feed its present population and
take in more population to fulfill
the centuries-old dream of a Na-
tional Jewish Home.
"Israel is not a melting pot, it's
a pressure-cooker," explained Ja-
cob Herzog, son of the Chief,Rabbi
of Israel. "We have absorbed all
the Jews of Iraq, 60,000 Jews from
Yemen, 350,000 Jews from the Arab
countries. We have 70 nationali-
ties to absorb, and there are more
to come. We have to support them
and feed them if we are to fulfill
our pledge of mankind."
To feed them requires crops; and
crops require water; and water re-
quires irrigation. That is the rea-
son for the two suspicious Syrian
sentries who watched us from
across the Jordan.
* * *
THE TRAGEDY Is that the so-
called TVA for the Jordan Valley
would benefit the Arab countries
of Lebanon, Syria and Jordan just
as much as it would benefit Israel.
But, despite the patient, pains-
taking diplomacy of Eric Johnston,
the Arab countries have not
'whey have not, agreed chiefly

because they don't want to help
Israel. They would rather hurt
than help themsel.es, and therein
lies the biggast roadblock in the
path of peace for the Near East.
Most people don't realize It but
there are 180,000 Arabs living In
Israel. Thist is about the same pro-
portion as thae Negro population in
the U.S.A. 'This does not include
the Arab refugees who live outside
Israel, but the Arab population
which did not escape and chose to
take a chknce on getting along
with the JeW's.
One of the lswrgest of these Arab
settlements is In the ancient city
of Acre, which the crusaders con-
quered inn their log campaign to
take Jerusalem from thie Moslems,
but which Napoleon did not con-
quer in his quest to turn the Medi-
terranean into a. French Lake.
** *
THE KADI oX Acre Is Sheik
Moussa Tabori, a -tall, handsome
Moslem, whom I interviewed in
his office next to the Mosque of
Yassar Pasha.
"I am Intrust ed with presiding
over the Moslem~ courts," the Kadi
explained. "Since the Arab popu-
lation has different marriage and
divorce laws, thes Israeli govern-
ment has given us'.separate courts
for these domestic-matters."
"What are the relations between
the Arabs and the Jews?" I asked.
"Excellent; we get. along very
'well together," was the reply. "We
have complete faneedom of worship
and we also have Moslem schools.
They are opera ted by the Israeli
government, of c ouss but In them,
the children study AMabic, Hebrew
and English."
(Copyright 1956, by :BeitSyndicate, Inc.)

HAVING renounced military
force through Mr. Dulles' state-
mentN that we would not shoot our
way through the canal, the Brit-
ish amd French, with the United
States dragging its feep behind it,
began to talk as if they icould bring
Nasser to his knees by organizing
a boycott of the canal. Mr. Dulles
then watered down that press. In
this chapter of the story the world
was treated to the embarrassing
spectacle of Sir Anthony Eden and
Secretary Dulles talking different-
ly about a proposal that they were
alleged to have agreed upon.
The Western position has been
weakened by these thregts and
backdowns. But most seriously of
poseaNsolution which t wasp
the Western powers have made it
very difficult Indeed for them-
selves to negotiate with Nasser at
all. For by taking what is so very
nearly an inflexible position on
their proposal for operation by an
'international board, they have
left themselves with very little
room to maneuver.
The event has shown, so it seems
to me, that the sound course would
have been to present the Western
proposal, not on a take It or leave
it basis of international operation
or nothing,but with a willingness
to modify It by negotiation. The
modification should have been in
the direction of the Indian and, I
believe, the Spanish proposals for
international advice to the Egyp-
tians operating the canal. Our ob-
ject should have been to create a
commonfrot of all the 22 con
trie t the first Londo cone-
ene, which would havenincluded
India and thle Soviet Union, on
the fundamental principle of the
legal right of all the nations In the
use of the canal.
AS IT IS, standing so Inflexibly
on the demand for international
operation, there is no common
front. Instead, Nasser'has the ex-
tremely powerful support of the
Soviet Union and of virtually all
of Asia. Now, if we negotiate for
anything short of international
operation we shall be climbing
down from the too high horse we
mounted so hurriedly.
The Western terms of settle-
ment, which Mr. Menzies took to
Cairo, were a reasonable proposal
with which to begin a negotiation.
But were they' so good as to war-
rant standing on them to end ne-

Suppose Nasser had accepted
the principle of an International
board to operate the canal. It
would have been a board which
had among its directors not only
Egyptians but also, let us say, a
Swiss, a Swede, and Indian, -per-
* * *
WHATEVER the membership of
te boardIt would be opertni-
side of Egypt, within the military
and the police power of Egypt, de-
pendent on Egyptian public utili-
ties and Egyptian administrative
services. What reason Is there to
think that such a board could In
some specifically dependable way
guarantee the rights of the users
if the Egyptian government were
determined to violate those rights?
The old Suez Company, which
Britain and France found so sat-
1sf actory, was unable to enforce
the treaty of 1888 agaist the
Egyptian government in the case
of the Israeli ships. This leads me
to the belief that since the, canal
is In Egypt and within tle mili-
tary power of Egypt, free and
equal use of the canal Is not guar-
anteed by as private operating
company nor would it be reliably
guaranteed by a public Interna-
tional operating company.
The rights of the users will be
only as good as their power and
Influence, which Includes their
ability to obtain the support of
other nations. For that reason we
are, I believe, missing the bus in
not.getting the Soviet Union and
India explicitly and firmly aligned
behind a new treaty which defines
the rights of the users.
1956 New York Herald Tribune Inc.
7:15 p.m. Monday in the 'Enslan
offi eofteSstudent Publica-
Those who have previously
reviewed for the Daily, and per-
sons interested In reviewing
movies, drama, music, books
and art are invited to attend.
The Daiy Offelial Bulletin gs an of-
fiital publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editoria1 responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication.





General Notices


The Thinking Citize

1,LL here we go again. People have come
back to the Univerity ul oenhsam
eagerness, imagination-real fireo len soam-
thing, push grades up a couple of notches,
"really get something out of college.'' Plenty
of determination to stick to the books all
week, no partying except on an occasional
For most, this will last about a week, maybe
two, three at the most. .Then back into the
same old rut, trying to do half asm te's
work the night before the mid-term blue-book';
writing as fast as the prof talks In the lectures
and never thinking about the course once out-
side the classroom.nHappensd every fall. -
coming at the end of four years and a reason-
ably well paying job with security follows, why
worry? We've always been able to muddle
through before.
One reason for concern is that the world
has become a far more complex place in which
to live and work. Every community faces grave
poblems and the problems become tougher on
he national and International level.
THE ONLY WAY the grave complexities of
the modern world can be handled Is by
Editorial Staff
RICHARD SNYDER, Managing Editor
Editorial Directo City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN -......... Personnel Director
ENSTREODOSSIN..........EMagaine Eiditor
MARY ANN THOMAS. ............Features Editor
DAVID GREY......................... Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER ...... Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN . .. ..... Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROFERTSON............Women's Edio
VERNON SODEN .... ............Chief Photographer
Business Sta f f

think ing citizens. The purpose of this or any
oher university is to produce thinking citizens.
Whaever other reasons one may have for
getting a higher education, an underlying one
should be the attainment of some awareness
of the responsibilities one has as a citizen.
The evils of the world won't destroy them-
-selves. We can be rid of them only througha
the efforts of alert, comprehendin citizens
Many obstacles lie hrn the path of the student
striving to become a thinking citizen. Not the
leasth of tese are some of the characteristics
of te Uiversity itself--the bigness, the loss of
identity in the classroom, the distance betwee
the studentc andhis teacher Theseb thestude n
those he throws In his own way, allowing him-
self to be distracted from his essential purpose
as a student. Among them is the tendency to
conform, to submit to the influence of the
group, rather than seeking one's own way both
intellectually and socially. It takes courage
tert oeel out of a group headed for
entsedtainment in favor of an evening of some
outsie reding
TODAY, more than ever, the community, the
nation, and the world needs thinking citi-
zens. The day wIll come when we can no
longer muddle through.
This Is the tas bfralofuasti
school year begins eoealo sa hs
Daily Edit orial Director
New Books at the ibrary
Harris, Mark--Bang the Drum Slowly; NY,
Knopf, 1956.
Heriat, Philippe--The Spoiled Children; NY,
Putnam's, 1956.
Hodeir, Andre--Jazz: Its Evolution and Es-
sense; NY, Grove Press, 1956.
Horsf all, J. C.-Australla; NY, Fred. A. Prae-
ger, 1956.

Engineering to Home Ec: IHM Needs Oil.

Daily City Editor
A FUSE blowout in the Univer-
sity's master IBM machine
would be a catastrophe of no small
It would force life in this vibrant
community to a virtual standstill.
It would determine that automa-
tion, which has been creeping up
on registration for years, has fin--
ally taken control.
The last remnant of individuality
disappeared when student acquired
numbers at registration. The stu-
dent number is on all IBM cards,
elections cards and cashiers re-
As a woman in the statisticians
office explained, "You're much
easier to alphabetize as a number."
* * *
ALTHOUGH WE realize that
utilizing numbers for identification
rather than -Namnes is purely ad-
ministrative we can't help feeling
a little sad. There is something
frightening in being told you're
easir tohandle as a number.usd
for branding cattle or tagging
warehouse items.

AND PICTURE the freshman of
tomorrow reporting to the Office
of Academic Counseling for advice.
He's greeted by a sterile looking
secretary who says, efficiently,
"Please write your number on the
second line. Fill in all information.
Do not pass 'Go,' do not collect
Because this is the age of auto-
mation the freshman's high school
record, the results of several elec-
tronically scored aptitude tests, his
age, parent's address and other
vital Information have all been
transferred to his IBM card.
As soon as he's completed the
blanks the freshman hands his
card to the secretary who puts it
in the machine, sets the crank-
frizzle for medium, adjusts the
carboshaft and flicks the switch.
hUnfortunatel sh ueforgot to pil
a notch 'and forces the poor chap
to major in home economics. But,
after all, machines are only hu-'
- *
REGISTRATION proved more
than just automation. It demon--

cate the overthrow ofa the driving
ban by force. Signed,.Sammy Stu-
It will probably tr.Jke a Joint
Judic decision to deteTfline if the
oath must be taken by all students
or just those in sensaitige positions.
* * *
and the drama is not to be re-
peated for several .nporaths. We've

been branded and sworn to uphold
law, order and the driving ban but
we've emerged unscathed.
Students, take hope. They may
number us and run us through
IBM machines, they may force us
to sign away our lives and take
eight o'clocks, but, as Winston
Churchill once put- it, "We have
nothing to offer but blood, toll,-
tears and sweat."

Activities Sponsored by Student Or-
ganizations. All activities and projects
sponsored or produced by student or-
ganizations must receive the approval
of the Student Goternment Council.
Petitiorns forul considertin d by the'
Administrative secretary of the Coun-
cil in the Office of Student Affairs at
least two weeks before the event is to
take place. Petition forms may be se-
cure ntat ofie, 102 Amnista
recognized, registered student organiza-
tions only will be considered, and acti-
vities and Proj ects under the sponsor.
ship of an individual student or group
of studensznt oconstituting a recog-
Closed Social Events (for members
and invited guests only) sponsored by
student organizations must be, regis-
tered in the Office of (Student Affairs,
1020 Administration Building. Appli-
cation forms may be secured in the Of-
fce of Student Affairs, 1020 Adminis-
tration Building. Requests for approval
must be submitted to that office NO
will be published in the ,Daily Official
Bulletin on Thursday of each week
semestr soial carmen are remind
that the calendar is closed seven days
prior to the beginning of final exam-
inations. For the present semester, ex-
aminations begin Jan. 15.
Art Print Loan Collection will be on
view Thunrs. and Fri., Sept 20 and 21
Rackham Galleries.
Special Student Rate on Lecture
Course Tickets - Season tickets for the
University Lecture Cgurse are now on
dnts are grantdta special rate of $3.5
for the complete course of eight at-
tractions, including dramatic programis
and discussions of world affairs. Box
office hours are from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Recreational Swimming - Women's
Pool. Starting Thurs., Sept. 20:
Women only: Mon-Thurs. 5:10-6:10
p.m.-Tues. and Thurs. s:15-9:15 p.m.--
Fri. 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Co-Rec Swimming: Sat. 7:15-9:15 p.m.
Sun. 3:00-5:00 p.m.-
for flies wth ichildre unde 308
years)-8:0-9:30 (for other faculty fam-
Michigan Night: Sun. 7:15-9:15 p.m.
A cademic Notices
Correction in Time Schedule. Psych.
31, Lecture B will meet Mon. and Wed.

/t4~ 1t

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