"It Works Fine. You Just Have To Push It. That's All" Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. « ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 hen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" k .- . \; 4 . a r~ ,Y ? ., , ' , Q To The Editor A Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. i ,o ' .v Y. DECEMBER 16. 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: VERNON NAHRGANG Intellectual Interest In Religion Latent 6 " P K , { Y/ .wazr R MOST STUDENTS on this campus adopt a passive attitude toward religion. This is one conclusion which members of the Advisory Board to the Office of Religious Af- fairs. drew at a Thursday meeting. This conclusion begs some analysis and a suggestion. In alanysis, many factors contribute toward determining the student religious "pulse." First, there are the factors peculiar to the Univer- sity of Michigan. Ours is a state university. As such, there are no required courses in re- ligion nor organized chapel services as found on some denominational campuses.' If anyone deeply wished religion mixed with education in the classroom, he wouldn't have come to the University. Secondthere are factors which are part and parcel of college life. Reason is considered the modus operandi of the classroom. This reasofn is becoming increasingly a scientific, "two plus two four" logic. Such dispassionate logic has a .tendency to extend beyond the classroom and become an eyepiece for assessing the problems of life. Religion then becomes the object of cynic's barbs for its inability to stand up to deductive logic. As God finds it difficult to become a "four" of campus logicians, so man's image of man,' as the near perfect creature of God, is shatter- ed. Man is looked upon in a very subjective, anthropological manner. He is an animal and the world is a jungle. Power politics is pre- sented by members of the political science de- partment as an established game. War is mat- ter-of-factly an effective instrument of na- tional policy. Intense business competition is good, say the economists. Religion is related to "human need" by anthropologists. Religion is categorized as a fabrication of human con- dition. THE COLLEGE FRESHMAN walks off the train into this And he must learn of it. Back home he prolbably went to church or synagogue every week with his family. Per- haps he never knew a Buddhist or a Moslem before. From this provincial, tutored life he makes a transition-by-train-car to an existence where the old man doesn't force him out of bed and off to church on Sunday morning, where he will mingle with one of the most religioisly cosmopolitan student bodies in the world, where a conformity to non-conformity is rife, and where he will learn to be reasonable. From all of this,one can conclude that stu- dents are either irreligious, passively concerned with it, or that they are latently interested but for some reason shy away from organized "churchy" groups. Isn't the latter true for most students? The priority which religion is accorded in' campus bull sessions is proof of interest-an intellec- tual one. It is not proof of faith. Thus, college appears as a peiod of "watch- ful waiting" and searching toward religion. The premises of faith are undergoing an intellectual test. SUGGESTION: any program by the Office of Religious Affairs or any other body -6n campus which seeks to encourage student re- ligious participation and thought should at- tempt to satisfy the student's intellectual .hunger for religion. It's not important that Johnny Freshman be an active participant in the Methodist Church of Ann Arbor ;just because he was active in his church back in Hickory Corners. It is important that he learn to intellectualize his faith to make it compatible with his reason. And it is important that he learn the tenets of other faiths he was not "born into." By what mediums can these two things bej accomplished? Inter-House Council had the right idea last year when they sponsored a de- bate, "The Existence of God." The turnout am- mounted to nearly 1000 people crowded into a South Quadrangle dining room. They have neglected to follow through on a well-received program. No other campus organization has been in- terested in carrying the ball in this interest area either. Here lies an opportunity for some campus group. --JAMES ELSMAN 7 Ow (.,. ...j Ar, a j -A- -I +KIs5s6 r 4~a+4~4L4w AM Psr 'C..__ TODAY AND TOMORROW: Two Questions in NATO Policy Extension. . To the Editor: THE recent decision of SGC re: Sigma Kappa appears to have brought to light wht may well become a serious problem, and that is the apparent existence of a double standard at Michigan for. the judging of discrimination. It appears that, due to a rather arbitrary and obvious interpreta- tion by President Hatcher's pre- decessor, of the 1949 anti-discrim- ination rule, any fraternity or sorority existent on campus at the time of the regulation is im- mune from any action due to al- leged infractions of it. In effect, these Greek houses are given a preferred status over all houses coming to Ann Arbor since 1949. I should like to ask why should they have any sort of immunity? Apparently, the 1949 rule was passed because it was thought by the students and administration that discrimination was bad; I be- lieve that, due to the recent publi- city given to the question of civil rights in education, the anti-dis- crimination feeling is probably stronger and more widespread to- day: the Sigma Kappa incident is probably an outgrowth of this sen- timent. If discrimination is bad, it is universally bad; it is ridiculous to say that some groups can discrim- inate with impunity and others cannot. It is ridiculous to say that Sigma Kappa should be prose- cuted (or persecuted) for appar- ently having an oral gentleman's agreement, while nationals having obvious, written discriminatory clauses can sit blithely on the sidelines, impervious to attack, The double standard is not SGC's fault; they inherited it. But they have to face up to the in- consistency and try to reconcile it. The interpretation given to the 1949 ruling is, in the light of exist- ing conditions, bad and unjust. An extension of the 1949 ruling to all houses would solve the dil- emma and the University would be much better off in the long run. -Ronald Pivnick, '60L Baseless Charges . ... To the Editor: AGGRESSORS seek to cover their guilt by hurling baseless charges against the aggrieved. That is what the Nazis and, more recently, the North Koreans did. That is what the Israelis are do- ing now. They say their invasion of Egypt was prompted by Fidayeen attacks on Israel. The truth is, whenever there has been a truce violation on the border, the Arabs have co- operated with the United Nations Truce team to investigate the vi- olation. Israel has often blocked the investigations and withdrew her delegates from the Mixed Ar- mistice Committees. This is a matter of record. So is Count Ber- nadotte's murder by Israeli, and not, mind you, by Fidayeen. This reminds me of what Ben Gurion said in the Knesset at the beginning of 1956 in that Israel will not attack any one, and pre- dicted an attack by the Arab states in the following few months. Then we all saw the Israeli inva- sion of Egypt which was not prompted by Fidayeen attacks on Israel but was the result of an apparent conspiracy between the British, French, and Israelis to overthrow the Egyptian Govern- ment-an aggression condemned by the whole world. No Lecture Committee Action THE Lecture Committee, like dorm food and counseling, is one of those things people scream at but do nothing about. But unlike dorm food and counseling, where some progress is being made, people are still doing nothing about the Lecture Committee. There is a lot wrong with the Lecture Com- mittee-no student representatioi, no' prpced- ure for appealing decisions, no provision for turn-over in membership-and the odds are good these wrongs could be righted. All it takes is some student initiative and hard work. Careful analysis of the Committee's workings with recommendations for improve- ment is sorely needed. Student Government Council set up a four- man committee to study the problem last Oct. 10. It hasn't been heard from since and prac- tically nothing has been done beyond holding a few chaotic meetings., We suggest SGC ask Chairman Tom Sawyer for a report of the Lecture Study Committee's work since Oct. 10. F THE REPORT shows as little progress as little progress as we suspect it will, we urge that SGC set a time for a final set of recom- mendations. And if there is no progress when the time expires, then a new committee should be appointed. The Lecture Committee infringes on our rights as students by having the right to ban speakers. It is powerful and dangerous. Atfempts to change or ignprove regulations governing it should not be allowed to lapse into passive inactivity. -LEE MARKS, City Editor By WALTER LIPPMANN THE news from Paris about what is going on at the NATO confer- ence is meager, there being no re- porters present and no aailable transcript of what is being said. But two interesting questions have been raised. One is the theoreti- cal question: how far can a mem- ber be expected to go in consult-. ing NATO when the issue arises outside the regional limits fixed by the NATO treaty-say in the Far East or in the Middle East? The other is a question of prac- tical policy. t has been raised by the German Foreign Minister, Mr. Von Brentano, by putting NATO on notice that there may be an uprising in Eastern Germany sim- ilar to that in Hungary. * * * THE THEORETICAL question poses one of those problems that are insoluble in the abstract and can be solved only by common sense, loyalty and good will. In theory, the jurisdiction and the obligations of NATO have precise geographical limits. They include, for example, most of Western Eu- rope but not Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, or Spain. They in- clude Greece and Turkey but not Iran or any other Middle East- ern country. NATO is, juridically speaking, not a general alliance at all but a collective pact for the military defense of a carefully defined group of territories. Theoretically, what goes on be- yond the geographical limits of NATO is not the business of NATO. But in fact, the NATO powers are bound to be concerned with anything which happens else- where that bears upon the effect- iveness of NATO. Mr. Dulles, for example, seems to have said in Paris that we are not bound to consult with NATO in case we feel that we have to go to war over Formosa. According to the words of the ,NATO contract, es- pecially the fine print in the contract, this is true. But what if a war with Red China drew in China's ally, the Soviet Un- ion? Is it our theory that NATO, and along with NATO our bases in NATO territories could be neu- tral in such a war? So it is in the Middle East where in theory Bri- tain and France have no strict legal obligation to consult NATO. But as the whole of NATO is in- volved in the manifold conse- quences of what they have just done in the Middle East, it is im- possible to argue that the Middle East is none of NATO'S business. * * * THE POINT OF all this is that whatever the letter of the con- tract may say, its spirit and its substance requires continual con- sultation when the issue is peace or war in any part of the world. This obligation cannot success- fully be defined in some kind of general formula. If this were at- tempted, so many holes would be picked in the generalization that it would be useless. What is needed is not a formu- la of words but a habit, almost one might say an accepted routine, in the conduct of foreign affairs. There should be a habit of con- sultation among allies so that none is taken by surprise. And for that consultation it should not be necessary to convoke great con- ferences, or for the Foreign Min- isters to shuttle back and forth in airplanes. The habit of con- sultation should prevail not mere- ly at the summit but at the work- ing levels of diplomacy. THERE IS PLENTY for NATO to consult about without' consult- ing very much in the abstract about how much it ought to con- sult. The question raised by' the German Foreign Minister of what is to be NATO policy in view of the danger in East Germany is in- dubitably NATO business. The meeting now going on in Paris willdbe a great disappointment if it adjourns without taking serious notice of the East German dan- ger. To take serious notice would mean, it seems to me, not merely to wait and see whether an ex- plosion has taken place and then to try to react to it, presumably with grandiose moral declarations. To take serious notice of the dan- ger would be to take the initia- tive, to act now rather than to react later, to propose a renewal of negotiations with the Soviet Union for the unification of Ger- many, for the thinning down and moving backward of the armies, and for an all-European system of security. 1956 New York Herald Tribune Inc. No United Nations army will move into Hungary. The law of the beast and the brute still rules that forlorn land, that home of heroes. But Russian communism and its leaders sink day by day lower into the depths of mankind's contempt. They still have power where their armies can reach, but their mastery over the minds of free and reasoning men has been destroyed forever. -The New York Times Let peace reign in the Middle East, but let this reign be based on justice and fair .play and not on the terms of the aggressor and the tyrant. -Isam Bdeir Organization Notices Michigan Christian Fellowship, John Stott Lectures, "What It Means to be a Christian" 4 p.m., Presbyterian Church. : . s Congregational and Disciples Student Guild, vesper service and open house, 7 p.m., vespers at Memorial Christian Church, open house at Guild House. * * * Roger Williams Fellowship, Bible class, 9:45 a.m, Guild House , + + t Lutheran Student Associatalon, ean- dlelight service, 7 p.m., Chapel. * * * Graduate Outing Club, hae an isup- per, 2 p.m.. Rackham Building. Hillel, Sunday supper club, 6 p.m., Hillei. * * * Hillel, organizational meeting for chorus, 4:30 p.m., Chapel. Hillel, Yiddish classes, 10 a.m., Hillel. * * * Wesleyan Guild, fellowship program and drama- program, 5:30 p.m.. Wesley Lounge * s * Unitarian Student Group, Interna- tional Christmas party, 7 p.m., 1st Uni- tarian Church. + . . University of Michigan Folk Dancers, dancing, 7:30-10 p.m., Monday, Lane Hall. Deutscher Verein, annual Wellnachts- feer, 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Room 3G, Uu- ion. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 70 Automobile Regulations will be lfted for Christmas vacation 'from 5 p.m. Fri., Dec. 21, to 8 a.m. Thurs., Jan. 3, 1957. Late Permission - All women stu- dents who attended "Juno and the Paycock" at Lydia Mendelssohn Audi- torium on Thursday, December 13, had' late permission until 10:50. Dr. R. G. Bickford, assoc. prof. o physiology, University 'of Minnesota, and consultant in electroencephalo- graphy at Mayo Clinic, will present a University Lecture at 8:00 p m. Tues., Dec. 18, in the NPI Amphitheater, Un- versity Hospital. "Behavioral Changes Produced by Depth Stimulation of the Human Brain," Sponsored by the De- partment of Psychiatry." Operations Research SeTinar: Prof. Harry Goode will lecture on "The Ap- plication of the System Design Process to Business Problems," on Wed., Dec. 19. Coffee hour at 3:30 in Room 243 West Engineering Building and seminar in Room 229, West Engineering at 4:00 p.m. All faculty members welcome. Student Recital: Bonnie Glasgow, mezzo-soprano, at 8:30 this evening, in Aud. A, Angell Hall, in partial ful- Ifillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree. Miss Glascow is a pupil of Chase Baromeo, and her program will be open to the public. Student Recital: Michael Avsharian, Jr., violinist, will perform works by Vitali, Bach, Beethoven, and Ravel, at 8:30 p.m., 'Tues.; Dec. 18, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Nelita True will accompany him. Avsharian is a pupil of Gilbert Ross. This recital is in par- - tial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music and is open to the public. Academic Notices Pharmacology Seminar, 10:00 a.m. Tues., Dec. 18, Room 205, Pharmacol- ogy. "Experimental Neoplastic Chemo- therapy." Dr. Alexander M. Moore, as- sistant to the director of research, Parke. Davis & Co., Detroit. Coffee will be served in the departmental library at 9:40 a.m. Mathematics Colloquium: Tues., Dee., 18, at 4:10 p.m. in 3011 A. H. Freder- ick Bagemikl of the University of Notre Dfame will speak "On a Theorem of Lin- delof." Doctoral Examination for Walter Duane Kline, Romance Languages and Literatures: Spanish; thesis: "The Use of Novelistic Elements in Some Span- ish-American Prose Works of the Sev- enteenth and Eighteenth Centuries," Mon., Dec. 17, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 4:00 p.m. Chairman I. A. Leonard. Doctoral Examination for Ann Kron- quist Fitz-Hugh, Education; thesis: "The Conceptual Structure in Spon- taneous Client Laughter During Coun- selling Interviews," Mon., Dec. 17, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Co-chairmen, E. S. Bordin and H. Y. McCluskey. Doctoral Examination for Deil Spen- ,cer Wright, Political Science; thesis: "The Prestige of the Public Service in a Metropolitan Community," Tues., Dec. 18, 4609 Haven Hall, at 1:30 p.m. Chair. man, Ferrel Heady. Placement Notices The following schools have listed vacancies on their teaching staffs fo Feb. 1957. Peck, Michigan - Home Econ./Jr. High. Davenport, Iowa (St. Katharine's Episcopal School) - Dietition/Home . A 4 =1 4 4'{ t _A i I 1 1, '"w A .4 Attention on Nehru Visit 4 THE EYES of the world today are focused on the meeting of President Eisenhower, foremost representative of the free Western world, and Prime Minister of India Nehru, a leading spokesman for the uncommitted na- tions. Two occurences of the last month, our con- demnation of British and French agression in the Suez dispute and the cruelty of Russian intervention in the Hungarian ,fight for free- dom, have put the United States in a better position to gain the confidence of Prime Min- ister Nehru than at any time since India be- came a free nation nine years ago. Indians view the world conflict largely in terms of colonialism versus anti-colonialism while Americans see it as Democracy versus Communism. Just now, America is beginning to act in- dependently, by not taking the side of her allies in all international affairs. Because of United States' censure of British and French attempts to reestablish colonial power in the Suez Canal zone, India might now be made Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER. Editor RICHARD HALLORANNLEE MARKS ' Editorial Director City Editor Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN.... Associate Business Manager WILMm PU SC ------- --- .-rt -nb U -nn to realize that America does not condone colon- ialism. The United States stand was taken at the cost of creating a great rift in the NATO alliance, a rift that we are now attempting to close. Being preoccupied with Western colonialism India has apparently failed to recognize that Communism intrinsically involves a brand of colonialism all its own. Until recent Russian supression of freedom in Hungary, India greatly underestimated the ruthlessness of Soviet to- talitarianism. At first Nehru seemed to accept the Soviet contention that Hungary's rebellion was merely a domestic affair. Recently, however, he has condemned Russian intervention. Soviet at- tacks have created great disillusionment and disgust -in Indian political circles. 1THY IS IT that India, a nation immersed in Droblems of overcoming illiteracy, dis- ease, poverty and economic underdevelopment should hold such great diplomatic weight in the struggle for balance of power? The course of world history will be sub- stantially influenced by the attitudes of the uncommitted nations who are struggling to go their own ways, to -remain free of associa- tion with any particular bloc or alliance. The Asian nations who are in this category hold a key position in the global struggle for the balance of power. The degree of their suc- cess in retaining' freedom of action will play a vital role in determining the outcome of the power conflict. INDIA is strongly committed to the view that - - r -tnfim ..'Ks -A Nri .r -- -nefn n- TALKING ON TELEVISION: 1956-Lack of Original TV Programming By LARRY EINHORN Daily Television Writer LAST year at this time, this column was devoted to a re- view of television for the year 1955. This offering, being the last one for 1956, will express the writer's humble opinions of tele- vision for the year 1956 and a contrast between this and what was said about television for 1955. I felt that 1955 was television's most progressive year since the early network development days. Biggest advancement was the ad- dition of compatible color. The television spectacular had become a reality. The "64,000 Question" made the most meteoric rise of any program in the history of television. Mary Martin and com- pany enchanted the nation in "Peter Pan." New program ideas such as "Wide Wide World" were introduced. It seemed that 1955 was to be the stepping stone for better tele- vision. In logical sequence 1956 should have continued this for- ward development. ** c + the work of network publicity de- partments. The sharp decline . came about as soon as the first show was in progress, This charmed circle includes the new "Herb Shriner Show," "Walter Winchell Show," the Bud- dy Hackett "Stanley" series, "The Brothers," and the new "George Gobel Show," to name just a few. There has always been at least one new comedy sensation in tele- vision in every previous year. It started xvith Milton Berle and then in succeeding years Jackie Gleason. Red Buttons, Jerry Les- ter Sid Caesar, Steve Allen, George Gobel and finally Phil Silvers were acclaimed the "new" come- dians of their respective years. There was no new sensational comedian in 11956. There was not one new program that even attempted to break in- to the Top Ten. This does not follow the respected idea that a television program has a limited life and a new television program should therefore have the ad- vantage over the veteran shows, because they are newer and have not been able to become "tired of" in the minds of the public. 'The Phil Silvers Show." None of the new mystery programs have the interest of "Dragnet" or "Al- fred Hitchcock Presents." The new variety programs cannot compete with the success of Ed Sullivan. * 4 * THUMBNAIL impressions of the' new developments in television in 1956 best describe how unpro- ductive it was. Jackie Gleason spent more than half the year on film before realiz- ing that the public wanted the old live show. Steve Allen couldn't compete with Ed Sullivan, but has never- theless given up the "Tonight" show, where he was popular, to further his fight. The best spec- tacular of the year was a repeat of the 1955 "Peter Pan." "I Love Lucy," a real television veteran, now leads all the popu- larity polls. Jimmy Durante, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis are no longer seen on a regular basis. Bob Hope has lessened the num- ber of his television shows and this fewer number are on kine- scope recording. Jan Murray junk- ed the nonular "Dollar A Seonr1" The contractual arrangements were not so firm with the "Walter Winchell Show," the "Herb Shrin- er Show," "Do You Trust Your Wife?" and "High Finance," ' which are now in the process of being dropped. * *' * THE BIGGEST single develop- ment in television during 1956 was the release of the giant back- logs of the major motion picture companies for their use on tele- vision. This is probably the biggest single development in the his- tory of television toward the abo- lition of local live network pro- gramming during the daytime and late evening, when there are not so many network programs. Generally speaking, it can be concluded that 1956 was certainly not a' productive year for new television entertainment. Of course there are exceptions. Jack and the Beanstalk," "Matinee Thea- ter," convention and election night coverage and "Project XX" are a few of the 1956 entries that deserve roses in this bed of thorns. Television itself did not suffer from the lack of new irl f.ora >{ k 1 41