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Intellectual Interest
In Religion
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Latest Deadline in the State



VOL. LXVII, No. 72



Dave Baad Chosen
As Rhodes Scholar
Assistant to Dean of Men Becomes
First Recipient from 'U' in 10 Years
Dave Baad, Grad., was selected as a Rhodes Scholar yesterday.
Assistant to the Dean of Men and formerly Daily managing
editor, Baad became the University's first Rhodes Scholar in 10 years.
He was one of four chosen from 12 finalists in a region that in-
cluded Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois.
j The selection was announced at 3:30 p.m. yesterday in Chicago where
the 12 candidates had gathered for interviews.
32 Rhodes Scholars Chosen
Thirty-two Rhodes Scholars are selected annually-four from
each of eight geographic regions.
As a Rhodes Scholar. Baad is entitled to two years of study at Ox-

UN Forces




ford University in England. He r
StMill Oppose
Kadar Acts
Workers' Leaders
Still Imprisoned
B U D A P E S T (3)-Hungarian
workers maintained their attitude
of bitter opposition yesterday to
the policies of Premier Janos
Kadar's Soviet-supported regime.
But more men were appearing
on the job under the compelling
urge of keeping their families in
Radio Budapest reported the
first execution under martial law
imposed last Sunday.
Janos Soldesz was sentenced to
death and immediately executed
after his conviction at Miskolc on
r a charge of hiding arms.
Another man was sentenced to
death but the court recommended
the sentence be commuted.
The government made no move
toward releasing two workers'
leaders whose arrest set off sit-
down strikes by thousands of men
Thursday and Friday.
Reporters Charged
Two Western correspondents,
Eric Waha of the Associated Press
and Richard Kilian of the London
Daily Express, were ordered to
leave Hungary before tomorrow.
Waha, a 32-year-old Austrian,
was accused of encouraging work-
ers to strike, and Kilian,29 years
old, an American whose mother
lives in New York City, of failing
to adhere to regulations applying
to foreign newsmen.
Waha denied the charges, and
both me expressed belief the ex-
pulsion was actually ordered by
Soviet occupation headquarters,
which takes a dim view of report-
ing activities by Western news-
No Action Taken
Hungarian authorities took no
action to limit activities of Rich-
ard Kasischke and Endre Marton,
two other AP reporters in Buda-
Kasischke is an American and
Marton a Hungarian. Both were
admitted to the big Csepel in-
dustrial complex on the island in-
the Danube Rives south of Buda-
Work in Shops
Workers said about 50 to 70 per
cent of the staff reported on the
job yesterday and some work was
being done in the shops reporters
visited. About 36,000 are employed
On Friday 28,000 men staged a
sitdown at the plant to enforce
their demands for the release of
Sandor Racz, chairman of the out-
lawed Budapest Central Workers'
Council, and Sandor Bari, the vice
chairman. Similar sitdowns hit
other Budapest factories.
The reporters attended a meet-
ing of the Csepel workers' council,
where Premier Kadar's policies
came under severe criticism.
ELI Student
Hurt, Robbed
In Dearborn
Rafael Bolanos, an English
Language Institute student from
El Salvador was beaten and rob-
bed early yesterday morning, Ann
Arbor police reported.
Bolanos was attacked by three

men and two women in a car while
walking alone on a Dearborn

eceives 600 pounds (approximately
n $1,500) yearly.
Informed of the selection, Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher
commented, "He is a wonderful
representative of the University
of Michigan. I'm delighted that
he's going, not only for his own
sake, but as a University of Mich-
igan man."
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis said, "I
can't think of a person better
equipped for it, or who would get
more out of or give more to the
Rhodes Scholarship."
History Major
SDean of Men Walter B. Rea
termed Baad "an outstanding in-
dividual, both as a student and
as a member of the office staff."
As an undergraduate Baad ma-
jored in history, was a member

--Daily-John Hirtzel
ESCAPEE MOTHER AND SON-Mrs. Ethel Csmoss and her nine-
year-old son Zoltan (left) file through the family scrapbook with
Art Csomors, her brother. Reunited with her brother after 10
years, Mrs. Csomoss and Zoltan fled Hungary in October and
arrived in Ann Arbor two days ago.
Escapee Relates Flight
From Torn Homeland
Mrs. Ethel Csomoss began walking from Pilizentivan, Hungary,
last October 27 with her aline-year-old son Zoltan.
She trusted only two people in the town of 3,000 well enough
to tell them where she was going-to Austria. Zoltan's best friend
cried when he learned he would never see his companion again.
They packed only two utility bags for their journey-one change
of clothes for each of them. In Piliszentivan they abandoned a com-
pletely furnished house.
They Reach Austrian Soil
Five days and 200 miles later Mrs. Csomoss and Zoltan were on
Austrian soil. They had walked half the distance. At other times they
hitchhiked rides on horse-carts

. . . Rhodes Scholar
of Sphinx and Michigauma hon-
or societies and was a member
of Student Government Council.
In addition to his work in the
Dean of Men's office, he is study-
ing for .a master's degree in Far
Eastern Studies.
The last Rhodes Scholar chosen
from the University was Robert
L. Taylor, '46, who was named
just 10 years ago.
Rhodes Bequest
The scholarship fund was be-
queathed by Cecil Rhodes to fos-
ter Anglo-American relations.
Rhodes was a British colonial
and imperial statesman. A gradu-
ate of Oxford, he was responsible
for opening up and settling the
colony in South Africa now named
for' him.
Plan Hearing
For Driving
Rules Review
Hearings will be held after the
first of " the year to determine
whether changes should be made
in present driving regulations, Uni-
versity Vice-President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis has an-
Although definite arrangements
are yet to be made Vice-President
Lewis said the committee would
include student representatives,
probably from Student Govern-
ment Council.
Fee Questioned
Particular attention during the
hearings will be placed on the $7
auto registration fee, which groups
and individuals have claimed un-
fair and asked to be exempted
Junior and senior medical stu-
dents, Vice-President Lewis ex-
plained, have felt they should not
be includedunder the regulation
because of the excessive driving
they must necessarily do to at-
tend classes.
Married graduate students have
also claimed the $7 fee represents
a hardship for them.
Present University driving reg-
ulations, in effect this fall, were
approved on a two-year trial basis.
Hear Complaints

and milk wagons. Twenty times
they were halted by Red Army
troops and 20 times they lied
("We're just going to the next
At night they slept in fields.
Since Friday they have been
sleeping at 907 Sybil in Ann Ar-
bor. Via Austria and Camp Kilmer,
New Jersey, both mother and son
were brought to live with her
brother, Art Csomors, '56E,, and
her mother, Mrs. Veronika Csom-
Art and his mother left Hungary
in 1945. He speaks both Hun-
garian and English, translating as
his sister tells her story.
Taught School
Mrs. Csomoss, a divorcee, taught
elementary school in Piliszentivon.
She was forced to tell her pupils
there was no God.
Any teacher caught attending
church was purged from her job.
She had to drill home the lesson
that a good patriot was one who'
informed on his friends and par-
Anyone caught deriding Premier
Rakosi with a joke was given five
years in prison.
Will Learn English
During the revolution, her stu-
dents ripped down the national
flag with the red star in it and
burned all communist texts they
could find. She said Soviet troops
and Hungarian police lived in con-
stant terror.
Well, it's all over now. First
she's going to learn the English
language and then get a job.
Zoltan will start school in Ann
Arbor next semester. Despite
language difficulties he will start
in the fourth grade, the same
grade he was in when he left Hun-
Art's mother is employed by the

University but is now on a
leave of absence because of illness.
Art won't have a job until he
graduates in June, but says of
their family of four, "I think we'll
make it."
What do Mrs. Csomoss and Zol-
tan think of America? "Csodala-

Ile, Dulles
Pact Vigor
WASHINGTON (tP) -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and Sec-
retary of State John Foster Dulles
yesterday hailed what they called
"renewed evidence of vigor and
unity" in the Atlantic Alliance.
They held that this unified
strength is being displayed in the
face of "difficulties and dangers"
-apparently dangers arising from
the upheavals against Soviet dom-
I ination in Eastern Europe.
Dulles spent an hour and 40
minutes reporting to the Presi-
dent immediately after he re-
turned here by air from Paris.
NATO Conferences
In that city he held a week of
conferences with Allied foreign
ministers at a meeting of the
INorth Atlantic Treaty Council.
This session decided uponcan
atomic-age streamlining of Allied
In connection with this decision
it is reported that the United
States is planning to cut the
manpower srength of its infantry
divisions by about 4,000 men each
over the next two years or so.
Dulles' Statement
In a statement at the White
House after his meeting with the
President, Dulles referred to the
military modernization move.
He said the NATO Council had
"directed a fresh military study,
which would take account of mod-
ern weapons, available resources
and the cooperative sharing of
burdens and responsibilities."
He also emphasized that the 151
nations comprising the anti-Com-
munist alliance had agreed on
plans for "a more thorough-going
system of consultation" and for
promoting "the peaceful settle-
ment" of future disputes among
the member countries.
State of Union
President Eisenhower will de-
liver his annual State of the Union!
message, containing his latest as-
sessment of international and do-
mestic problems, on Jan. 10.
The White House announced
this date yesterday and said the
President will appear personally
before a joint session of the Senate'
and House at noon to read the
Nehru Leaves
For Meeting
LONDON (P,)-Prime Minister
Jawarhalal 1lehru of India took
off yesterday for talks with Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower in
a "contented" mood.
Wearing a light fawn raincoat
over his national costume, he'
seemed optimistic as he boarded
President Eisenhower's personal
plane for flight.
Nehru spent 45 minute confer-
ring with Prime Minister An-
SthonyEden during his stopover.

tos," they both exclaim.
That, in Hungarian,

-Daily-Peter Song
GRAB THAT BALL-Michigan's Randy Tarrier grabs a rebound
in the fourth quarter of the Wolverine victory over Butler.
Cagers Edge Butler, 84-77;
Late Surge Brings Victory
It took superior size and a 27-point splurge by sophomore George
Lee to do it, but Michigan's scrappy basketball team finally subdued
red-hot Butler, 84-77, last night at Yost Field House.
Catching fire in the latter portion of the second half, the
Wolverines called on superior rebounding and some fancy shooting
to overcome a six-point Butler advantage.
Sink Free Throws
Both squads were blazing from the floor. Michigan hit on 45 per
cent of its field-goal efforts, the visitors making 'good on 56 per cent,
althought shooting only 55 times
to Michian's 72. 17
Another factor which probably o l ver e s
made the Maize and Blue a better
ball club than it was on its recent
trip west was its 86 per cent job e t ]jjcjil
from the free-throw line.
Lee, who now has 84 points in
four games to lead Bill Perigo'sS
five with a 21-point average, miss- rs, 5


Ike Offers
Aid Increase
WASHINGTON 0P) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower dipped into
his emergency fund for an addi-
tional four million dollars yester-
day to help care for Hungarian
refugees fleeing into Austria.
On Capitol Hill, Sen. Arthur
W a t k i n s (R-Utah) called for
broadening of the McCarran-Wal-
ter Immigration Act.
He contended this wasrnecessary
to facilitate the transfer of more
refugees to this country.,
Sen. Mike Monroney (D-Okla)
said, however, he thought Con-
gress should turn its attention to
relocating more of the refugees
closer to their former homes, where
they can help carry on the fight
against communism.
In announcing President Eisen-
hower's action, the White House
said the flight of refugees from
Hungary has continued since the
initial allocation of one million
dollars Nov. 14.I

H Attack
On French
Occupation Patrols
Come Under Fire;
Report No Casualties
PORT SAID, Egypt ()--United
Nations troops opened fire yester-
day on Egyptian guerrillas, break-
ing up an attack on a French
It was the first time UN troops
have had to shoot sine the inter-
national police force landed in
West Leaving
An official Egyptian source said
yesterday all British and French
forces would be withdrawn from
Port Said today.
He said that 1,000 Egyptian o-
licemen are to be moved by train
from Ismailia to Port Said today
and the British and French would
be gone by the time they arrive.
Norwegian troops in the blue
helmets of the UN aimed their fire
at a band of Egyptians hurling
grenades at a jeep. There were
no reports of casualties.
Grenades Tossed
The Norwegians themselves had
come under attack earlier in the
day. Three grenades were tossed
at a Norwegian jeep.
Small arms fire was also directed
at Swedish patrol.
Guerrillas continued to harass
the British occupation forces,
bringing a warning from the Brit-
ish commander that more attacks
could lead to "really violent" re-
Casualties in the day's incidents
were one Egyptian killed and a
French soldier wounded.
General Protests
Lt. Gen. Sir Hugh Stockwell,
commander of the British-French
task force, fired off a strong
protest to the UN high command.
He demanded that Egyptian au-
thorities stop what he described as
"a coordinated and sustained cam-
paign of violence."
Addressing Maj. Gen. E. L. M.
Burns, UN troop commander
Stockwell said:
"Failing a clear manifestation
of the sincerity of their Egyptian
assurances as expressed to you
previously, I reserve to myself the
right to take whatever action I
deem necessary for the security of
the forces under my 'command."
Burns Protests
Before receiving Stockwell's
message, Burns himself protested
strongly to Egyptian' authorities
in Cairo against the attacks on
UN patrols.
The Egyptian government de-
nied knowledge of any grenade
'Abdel Hatem, information dir-
ector, said the Egyptians had
lodged a complaint with Burns
against alleged looting of private
houses and automobiles by British
troops in Port Said and the hold-
ing of Egyptians as hostages.
Son of Cuban
Rebel Missing
In Mexico City
MEXICO CITY ()-The son of
a Cuban rebel leader was reported
kidnapped yesterday but police
appeared inclined to treat it as
a private custody battle.
The Cuban Embassy in a state-

ment said it had learned the child
was with his mother.
A relative charged the abduc-
tion was a Cuban government plot
to smash the uprising.
Reported kidnapped was Fidel
Castro Diaz, 7 years old, son of
Fidel Castro Ruz. The father, ex-
iled to Mexico, has been reported,
without confirmation, leading a
small invasion of Cuba.

ed kwn iKramer s home-team Yost
Field House record of 28 points by
He operated at both the guard!
and forward positions, but it seem-I
ed to matter little where he was
Wright Does Well
Other fine performances were'
turned in by Billy Wright, who
notched 18 and hit well from the
outside throughout the evening,
and Pete Tillotson, who was sur-
prisingly consistent on his set-
shooting, an unfamiilar weapon
for the 6'6" forward.
The action was see-saw and
somewhat sloppy throughout. the
first half, with both teams losing
the ball several times on travelling
violations and poor ball-handling.
Guzek Scores 30
Red-haired Wally Cox hit ex-
tremely well from all over the
court for the visitors, and forward
Ted Guzek, who was high man
with 30 points, made good on
drive-ins, hooks, layups, or any
See LEE, Page 3

Michigan's hockey team turned
a slow start into a wild third
period scoring spree as it came
from behind to whip the McGill
Redmen, 5-2, before 2,500 fans at
the Coliseum last night.
The game was the Wolverines'
last on home ice for the next
two weeks as they head west to-
They will open league play a-
gainst Colorado Tuesday and
Wednesday and then play Den-
ver Friday and Saturday.
Changed Team.
As the Wolverines took the ice
to start the third stanza they were
behind by one goal.
Then they caught fire. To start
off, Tom Rendall dug a puck out
of the corner, controlled it beau-
tifully as he waited for a team-
mate to get into position, and
then fired to Ed Switzer in front
of the goal and Switzer flipped
it in to tie up the contest.
Just 13 seconds later, Switzer
grabbed a loose puck off Neil Mc-
Donald's stick, whirled around,
and fired hard from 15 feet to
push the Wolverines out ahead
and virtually break McGill's back.
Loose Puck
The fourth goal came at 8:57.
Don McIntosh raced around be-
hind the McGill net with the
puck, and then flipped it out to
Rendall who pushed it in at
point blank range.
The last goal was scored with
Michigan at a one man advant-
age. McGill's Warren Allmand
See PUCKSTEW3, page 3


Student Groups Cheer Up Hospital Patients
Hospital patients and grade-school children throughout the Ann }
Arbor area were treated to Christmas parties and benefit shows by,
University student groups yesterday.
Forty campus fraternities played host to almost 2,000 Ann Arborz
$? grade-schoolers, while the League and Union combined to sponsor ,
entertainment at University Hospital, St. Joseph's Hospital, Ypsilanti
State Hospital, Michigan Children's Institute and Ann Arbor Con-
velescent Home.
The all-afternoon benefit programs featured all-student acts'
with most of the entertainers chosen from campus talent shows.
From One Floor to Another
At University Hospital performers and emcees went from one floor
to another so patients in all wards could see the Christmas show.
. The League sent 40 hostesses to five hospitals to talk with patients
between acts of the informal program.
I - - . .-- - .-. -- . -. -. G0I

Student Gives
Minor Liquor
Ann Arbor police yesterday ar-
rested a University student for

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