"Not Very M7h. W aLs New W You?" 342 gtigan al Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICIi. * Phone NO 2-3241 ,'TODAY AND TOMORROW: Mr. ulles "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM HANEY A Necessary Calculate isk pHINGS ARE happening fast in Eastern Europe. The Hungarian revolt is going into its third month with an effective general strike. Poles are rioting in Stettin. Rumblings are heard in Lithuania and Albania. West Germany has warned NATO that an East German upris- ing is a distinct possibility. Meanwhile the United States is sitting back and watching all this, doing little. Secretary Dulles has prophesied the disintegration of the Soviet empire. A good place to start in pushing the disintegrating process is in Hungary, by giving supplies and weapons to the Hungarians. The have already shown they can do their own fighting, There are compelling reasons for such action. Moral grounds are readily seen. Parallels can be, and have been, drawn between the current Hungarian revolt and the American revolution of 1776. They are self-evident, and need no reiteration. P RACTICALLY. aid will benefit both the United States and Hungary. First, it will encourage resistance to the Russians in the other satellites and just might lead to the end of Communism referred to by Mr. Dulles. It would certainly carry more weight with the free world-r-and the Russians-than any United Nations resolution of condemnation. America would also take the initiative against the Kremlin for the first time in ten years. Some- where Communism must be checked; why not in Hungary? This could, admittedly, turn out to be the opening gun in World War III, with all its implications: atomic war, death to millions throughout the world, perhaps even destruction of civilization. We could force Russia's hand, arousing her to a full-scale shooting war. On the other hand, Russia can start a war whenever she wants, simply by invading any member of NATO. From all indications, it does not suit her purposes at the moment. Either Russia sees she can get what she wants without a war, or does not think she could, win a general war right now, and is waiting to build up strength. Inthe former case, the United States should show Russia that she cannot achieve her ends without fighting, and coerce the Soviet Union into reevaluating her goals before starting a full-scale war. In the latter, we have little to gain by wait- ing for a Russian attack. The United States is not going to get any stronger, relatively. If the Kremlin does not think it could win now, Russian leaders will think twice about sup- pressing a satellite revolt by military force, and their other means of fighting it will be sharply curtailed. WE HAVE TO TAKE the calculated risk here, and perhaps go to the brink of war once again. For America to lift its hands in pious horror at the outrages will do no good; we must roll up our sleeves and pitch in. -JOHN WEICHER > -11. AAl & a" ' S V. Kam 9, C ( ' ' cmd url Forc [11 S RE'OR ED from Paris-- no text has been published-Secretary Duile saici on Tuesday that NATO, while maintaining its military trenh. sh;ould in its inrnational dealings rely on moral force. This has been te line taken by the Administration both in the Hungarian and in h Eyptian affair. It has meant the setting up of a working the-ory i my View a false theory--that the- alternative to the use of military freo as an instrument of policy is propaganda-that is to say arousg public opinion by putting forth declarations and speeches and restios condemning, deploring and denouncing. Apoli ich rets olly, or even principally, on the alternatives of military force and moral force is like a stool which has only two legs. It will not stand up. Thu third and missing leg is to have negotiable proposals. The three modes of international action are diplomacy, force, and propaanda, and to act on the theory that the alternatives are force _4 WAShINGTON I ERRY-GO-ROUND p fg) ) -77,1117p a °t i~ ;' ' - ; ,".y S DREerW q or propaganda will lead either to futility or disaster. The real al- ternative to war is negotiation. and no statesman should ever be allow- ed to forget it. THE hARD CORE of diplomacy is the third led, the working out of pioposals which are negotiable because they come to grips with the issues of a conflict. It is here that the United States policy has been lacking, most especially in the Hungarian trady. . Quite rightly, so at least it seems to me. the President took the decision that he would not in- tervene in Hungary with military force. But that decision carried with it, I believe, the moral re- sponsibility of a full dress attempt to bring about a negotiated settle- ment in which the Hungarian na- tion would achieve a position com- parable with that of Poland or, Yugolsavia. It is not good enough, indeed it is embarrassing, to do no more than to hurl adjectives at Kadar an d the Soviets-while we assure them that we won't fight and while we show them that we do not know how to negotiate. The Western world, with the United States in the lead, should be ad- dressing the Soviet Union with proposals for a European system within which The rations of East- ern Europe can live in security and in national freedom THIS IS URGENT business. and Secretary Dulles is inviting great trouble for the fuiurF if he stands where he has been reported as standing in Paris on Tuesday. On the one hand, he vias saying that we would not intervene. On the other hand. he vas saying that we hope for rebellion against and within the Soviet empire. This is to play with fire in a situation which is highly explosive. The whole situation needs to be brought under control, brought in- to a manageable prespective, and this can be done only if somehow -perhaps in a mission by the Sec- retary General of the United Na- tions to Moscow-there are set go- ing diplomatic negotiations deal- ing with a system of European se- curity. 1956 New York Herald Tribune Inc. AT THE ST'(TE: AT FORM AUD.: Ja anj i& iteatio s APAN reached a most significant point on the road back to an honorable place in the family of nations when she was admitted as the eightieth member of the United Nations this week., Overlooked in the flurry of other pressing issues facing the world and the United Nations today, Japan's admission is a direct outgrowth of negotiations with Soviet Russia last fall. Russia's veto of Japan, used several times pre- viously, was withdrawn as a part of an agree- ment which included Russian acceptance of the terms of the San Francisco treaty of 1951, thus ending a 10 year technical state of war. Fifteen years ago this month. Japanese at- tack on Pearl Harbor spread the European war into World War I. Out of this war was born the United Nations, dedicated to the pre- servation of world order and the settlement Of disputes by means other than violence. The admission of Japan into this organization is an important step in the rebuilding and re- covery of a nation from what has been labelled one of the truly great mistakes of history. IT IS NO LESS an important step'for the United Nations, that a one-time proven ag- gressor has now come to the point where she can rightfully join this international assembly. The efforts of those who have labored for the success of the United Nations have not been in vain. There is a touch of rather grim irony in the situation. Japan, bitter enemy of the United States eleven years ago. is now her ally and a welcome fellow-member of the United Na- tions. Soviet Russia, valiant fighter in the struggle aganst fascist aggression a decade ago, has just been condemned by the United Nations for the very crime she fought with us to eliminate. The example of Japan is one which the Kremlin might do well to heed. We hope that Soviet Russia will not commit the same error Japan did but can arrive at a similarly re- spected place without making all nations suf- fer through the throes of another world war. In the meantime, we offer our congratula- tions to the Japanese people on their nation's attainment of membership in the United Na- tions. -RICHARD HALLORAN Editorial Director GREAT DEAL of backstage diplomatic jockeying took place before the United States finally agreed to furnish oil to our long- time allies, Britain and France. The extent of this jockeying is im- portant as an indication of how far the State Department has drifted away from Western Europe and how eniptured it has become of its new-found friends in the As- ian-Africal bloc. It took hot warnings by U.S. Ambassador Douglas Dillon in France, by General Gmuenther, former head of NATO, plus a table- pounding session with Sen. Hu- bert Humphrey of Minnesota to jog the State Department out of its oil boycott of Western Europe. The Humphrey session was es- pecially significant. The Minne- sota Democrat is now serving as a member of the American delega- tion to the United Nations in New York. He came to Washington, asked to see Acting Secretary Her- bert Hoover, Jr., but was turned down. Hoover, a former executive of Union Oil, closely affiliated with Gulf Oil which gets most of its product from the Near East, has leaned heavily toward the Arab States. ' * * * IN THE OLD days, a U. S. Sen- ator could always see the President of the United States, to say noth- ing of the Secretary of State. But Humphrey was not even able to see the Undersecretary of State. Instead he saw Deputy Undersec- retary Robert Murphy, Robert Hill, Assistant Secretary for Congres- sionalARelations, and Francis Wil- cox, Assistant Secretary for In- ternational Organizations. They listened as the Minnesota senator warned that the State Depart- ment's oil boycott of England and France was splitting NATO and the defense of Europe right down the middle. "We put too much into the NATO A lliance," Humphrey warn- ed, "to behave like miffed child- ren toward our old allies." The State Department officials argued that the United States had made so many new friends among the Arab countries that they didnt want to antagonize them by selling oil to England and France. "Yes," replied Humphrey, "but your new friends will judge you by the way you treat your old friends. If we push our old friends, the French and British, around just because they made a mistake and now admit it, what makes you think our new friends aren't go- ing to judge us accordingly?" In the end, Senator Humphrey threatened to resign from the American delegation to the UN if oil was not sent to England and France. Other factors influenced the situation, such as the British promise to the State Department that they would announce with- drawal from Suez, but the furnish- ing of oil on credit was announced four days later. A TIP to Joe De Silva of the Retail Clerks in Los Angeles: Waterfront goons are out to do to you what was done to Harry Brid- ges near San Francisco or to Vic- tor Riesel in New York. Look out ... Scott McLeod, Joe McCarthy's old pal now in the State Depart- ment is the man who literally has put the blocks in front of Hungar- ian refugees' entry into the United States. At first McLeod was for ad- mitting refugees, but now he's fearful there might be a Commu- nist in the lot . . . there are now 100,000 refugees in Vienna sleep- ing in tents, o nthe floor or in ihe open as their reward for battling Comunism Georgia Republicans have been feuding over the Soil-Bark pro- gram. When GOP National Com- mitteeman Robert Snodgrass crit- icized the Soil Bank in Georgia it so infuriated GOP Georgia Chair- man Bill Shartzer that he de- manded Snodgrass be fired. Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Texas, the Democrat leader, has cabled all Dems traveling abroad to get home by January 1. Otherwise a loss of one vote could upset the Democratic margin in the Senate -and of course lose Lyndon his his job. * *, * BEFORE Vice President ,Nixon m: de his recent speech pledging aid to Western Europe, newsmen were called in for a so-called "back-grounder." This means they were told for "background" that the Nixon speech was to be a great speech, another way of advising that it be given headlines. There have been two important aftermaths of the Nixon speech. Upon them will depend whether it lives up to the advance "back- ground" billing. Secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey said there would be no aid for Western Europe other than through the export-import bank and the International Monetary Fund. This was in direct contra- diction to Mr. Nixon, and on finan- cial matters George Humphrey usually knows what he's talking about. Furthermore, the confidential budget figures. which already are made up, bear Humphrey out. They call for $4,200,000,000 of for- eign aid which is less than the $4,- 700,000,000 requested last year, and more than the $3,900,000,000 whcih Congress voted last year. In the present budget no money is in- cluded for France or England. The average annual expenditure on foreign aid during the Truman years firom 1948 to 1952 was $6,- 400,000000. (Copyright 1956 by Beli Syncbeate, Inc.) Contradicti0. of L r y uR ct n BOOKS ARE the staff of educational life- perhaps more so than are students and teachers. If the right to access of books is violated, education is stilted and knowledge suppressed. When libraries disrupt that free flow of know- ledge, they contradict their avowed purpose of disseminating information. The Legal Research Library of the Law School is guilty of encroachment in its new policy of not permitting Literary College stu- dents to take books from its library. Since there are some books which Lit. school students need which are not provided in the general library or are not provided in as great an abundance as is the same volume, in the Legal Library, a certain hardship is placed on those who cannot spend hours in the Legal Library reading these "closed reserve" books. THE LEGAL Library recently enacted this policy because it is said Literary school people. "don't bring them back." This, it would seem, is classifying the major- ity of Literary students using the Legal Li- brary's facilities as irresponsible, or worse, thieves. Possibly this is not their intention, but their ruling victimizes the rule-obeying majority as well as the spoilers of the minority. An old adage says that it is better to throw away a few rotten apples than to wait until they spoil the whole barrel. The Legal Library seems to have chucked away the whole barrel rather than taking measures to salvage the main portion not of apples but of Literary School readers. PERHAPS there are not enough Literary School students using the Legal Library fa- cilities for them to "matter." The voice of such a minority is not loud. But should lack of numbers constitute lack of rights? Libraries have records with which overdue books can be traced and monetarily-induced reprisals for lost books. This was no doubt the practice used in recovering over-due books prior to a few weeks ago. But a complete ban is a much stiffer penalty than any fine. True, a book overdue could handicap a law student's use of it. It would seem that some sort of limited take-out system - if not a res- toration of the old policy - could be arranged on weekends or during times when such vol- umes are not in use by law classes so that Lit- erary College students might also benefit more fully. -RONALD SCHELKOPF SGC SJDELG HTS: reg . St d en , s. .J1 , a y ? o a 5 THERE S blood, head-shrinking, tribal skirmishes and the old male-female conflict, along with a feathered beastie, at the State. It seems Curucu, the Beast of the Amazon, is terrorizing the Brazilian natives right back into the jungles to live the good old life of whooping it up and head-~ shrinking. Our hero, John Brom- field, sets out to catch the beast and get those natives back where they belong, on his plantation. Accompanied by a red-headed lady doctor who whispers sweet nothings about needing the for- mula for head-shrinking for a little research project on cancer. he heads for the jungle. There they wander about, getting cap- tured by the wrong tribe and saved by the right one, killing the beast along with a few dozen pythons. crocodiles and natives, and falling in love. THE SECOND feature is a{ science fiction film that starts out uniquely and gets run-of-the-mill after a while. The Mole People is introduced by a realistic Pro- fessor of English from the Univer- sity of South Carolina. Next thin.; you know, we're somewhere in Asia on an expedition with a bunch of nebulous archeologists, who stumble onto the ruins of an ancient Sumerian tribe. While they're looking the place over, on- of the party falls through the ground and whammo!. they've found an entire civilization living underground. The folks down there, presum- ably Sumerians, have a nice litt>, despotic system going, whipping slaves (the Mole People) and all. They resent the intrusion. Fur- thermore. they can't stand bright light and the archeologists have a flashlight, so things go along pretty well until the batteries run down. Then it's touch and go for a while, with the earthmen help- ing the Mole People, finally get- -i . a - 11f ad t ntp opr +m r IAST night the Detroit Sym- phony played a concert su- perior to many heard in Ann Ar- bor recently. There seemed to be few people from this city pres- ent, and several seats in the new Ford auditorium remained empty. The first part of the program was devoted to two relatively un- spectacular works: Berlioz' Ro- man Carnival Overture, and Beethoven's Piano Concerto 2. However, the pianist, young Leon Fleisher, whom these reviewers last heard some years ago, has im- proved tremendously; in fact his performance is to be compared with the Schnabel recording, long a criterion of excellence. After the intermission, Bartok's Music for Strings, Percussion, and Celesta was performed in the ori- ginal scoring: for chamber orches- tra. The sounds of the small group were somewhat lost in the spa- ciousness of Ford auditorium; a quality which is both visually and acoustically evident. The sound quality is dry, but not unpleasant- ly so which was helpful in keeping the contrapuntal lines distinct, This extremely dfificult work was played with great skill and pre- cision. The acoustics of the hall were most advantageous in the last work on the program, Rachman- inoff's heavily orchestrated Rhap- sody on a Theme of Paganini. Fleisher again was excellent. As one ofthe younger generation of pianists he should have a great future if he stays out of airplanes. *, * * THE PEOPLE of Ann Arbor are fortunate in having May Festivals and the Choral Union series bring- ing four or five orchestras a year to the campus. But with this fine Detroit organization less than an hour away, giving almost weekly concerts it is surprising that some arrangement has not been made, perhaps involving the University's large bus family, to take groups of people into Detroit Thursday or Friday. The next concert, Thursday, December 20, at 8:30 p.m., fea- tures Mendelssohn's fifth sym- phony, and mezzo-soprano Mar- tha Lipton singing Ravel's She- herazade, plus some minor works. -J. P. Benkard & David Kessel DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an of- ficial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. No- tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preced- ing publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1956 VOL. LXVI, NO. 8 General Notices Christmas Holidays. While the Uni- versity offices and departments will be open on the Mondays before Christmas and New Year's Day, staff members will have the option of selecting one of the two Mondays as an additional holiday. Those staff members who se- lect the Monday before Christmas as a holiday will work the Monday before New Year's, and, conversely, those who work on the Monday before Christmas will have the Monday before New Year's as a holiday. Janiary Graduates must place orders for caps and gowns at Moe's Sport Shop, 711 N. University, before Dec. 21. Caps and gowns are required for Com- mencement Exercises Jan. 26, 1957. Social Chairmen of Student Organi- 7ations are reminded that the calendar 9:; closed to student sponsored activi- tis for ten days prior to'the beginning of a final examination period. For the present semester, no such activities can be approved beginning Jan. 10. This I 'k j - . . eay eet n LAST night's scheduled boycott at Alice Lloyd was a culmination of students' feeling that' the Administration is needlessly disregarding simple requests. For the past two months, girls of the Jewish faith residing in Alice Lloyd have been asking that at the three weekly served meals, pork and ham be omitted from the menu. During served dinners, no substitute is offered, whereas during the majority of calk-teria-style dinners, left- overs are available, thus giving some choice. ,!Or/ t - -== .- The girls realize that any public institution cannot afford to comply with individual dietary requests. They do not ask that these foods be entirely omitted from the weekly menu, but that they merely be included at other times during the week. This would cause little in- convenience to the personnel involved and would satisfy students. Students cannot complain that dormitory personnel have not been in agreement, or that the staff has not shown sympathy . . . but no change has resulted. A last minute change in menus was instituted yesterday morning be- ! V ..I +1 n n f i , I _ _ n-n T 7n -, A By VERNON NAHRGANG, Daily Staff Writer O NE of the numerous reports Student Government Coni was concerned with Wedniscay night was on the Foreign Student Leadership Program and its value on this campus. SGC ultimately approved a mo- tion to "apply for a student from the Forei°n Student Leadership projecttfo rthe academic year 1957-58 and that the Finance Committee report on . . . possible scholarship provisions , . It was pointed out in discus- sion that SGC is under no finan- cial obligation to the program, that it must apply to have a stu- dent on this campus if it wishes to, but has no assurance its ap- plication will be approved. Council members also qu.es- tioned the value of the proram on campus. Presently. Tom Kano, Spec is the student attendng I t nriz-,-,,nyfhr- o +in ,-' tm tih m n- er ulation of international stu- dens now on campus rather than bring a few more here. ANOTHER OF Wednesday night's reports concerned the "M" Handbook. The study committee came up with several recommen- dations calling for some revision in future editions of the hand- book and technical aid from the journalism department in its pre- paration. Council decided to publish the "M" Handbook to be sent to in- coming freshmen during the sum- mers of 1957 and 1958. One SGC member asked about fre,;hmen who would enter the University during the winter. The answer: there aren't very man>y of them. * * * SGC ALSO heard a past presi- dent of the National Stidents Association. Al Lowenstein, en the subject of student government .ndt li- ni n Ori nro, rnn iv Tao the American scene and will be for some time to come, he said. Lowenstein also noted the sac- ifices being madeby Hungarian students today in their fight for academic freedom. "You're not asked to attack tanks with your bare fists," he told SGC members. Later in the evening Lowen- stein met with a smaller group to criticize the University's student government and its lack of a con- stitutlion. * * * THERE SEEMS to be some daubt about the functioning of SGC's Board in Review. As explained by its chairman, Prof. Lionel H. Laing, of the political science department, the Board reviewys actions oi SGC to see if these actions have gone be- yond 1' Regental practice, and 2 administrative policy- The Board is not an appeals board, bu a "concerned" person may nevertheless request a Board mrmer t o r tim hchairman to