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December 13, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-12-13

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T 4, Hiclpjgan Dailg
Sixty-Seventh Year

"Do You Think There Really Is An America?"

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Juno and the Paycock'
SEAN O'CASEY is one of the least produced contemporary play-
wrights. The Speech Department deserves a commendation for
remedying this situation with last night's production of "Juno and
the Paycock." Although the charm and impact of O'Casey's rhetoric
were frequently forcibly presented, it is regrettable that the per-
formance was generally uninspired, sometimes unintelligible and re-

Editorials printed' in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Need for Creative Thinking
To Solve Housing Shortage

E CONTINUALLY saddening picture of
housing at the University unfolded a little
further last week when administration officials
announced that some doubling-up in the men's
Residence Halls will be necessary next fall.
This should come as no surprise to anyone
who looked at the projected enrollment in-
crease published earlier and realized that no
new dormitories were being completed.
The announcement should help to emphasize
a most unusual situation at the University to-
day. It can quite accurately be said this school
is now in a great state of transition-transition
from a pre-war average sized institution to a
huge post-war institution of mass education.
Only now are the real, lasting effects of the
post-war world being felt in growth. The giant
enrollments immediately following the war
were only artificial and not intended or ex-
pected to last.
Tie mass influx of students of the last
few years and which is continuing" today, is
the first real challenge the University has faced
in converting to large scale operations in
education. That this growth will continue is
ONLY THIS YEAR, have administrators and
faculty members of this and other universi-
ties come to face the full significance of the
greatest problem in expansion-housing. It
is being more fully realized that the University

must assume the responsibility of housing its
students and that the size of an institution will
depend directly on how many housing units it
can supply.
We believe that most administrators fully
realize the housing problem; they need only
look at the women's Residence Halls this year
and both the women's and men's next year,
But we wonder if the right people in the
administration are aware of the heart of the
problem: the inability of the University to meet
projected growth rapidly enough under the
present system of finance.
It is becoming more evident that self-liqui-
dation (whereby students help pay for new
dorms) under which the University now
builds Residence Halls is woefully inadequate.
But even though the self-liquidation plan
appears to be unrealistic, the administration
continues to look to students for new dormi-
THE PROBLEM IS, indeed, gigantic and will
not be quickly or easily solved; but it must
be solved and within the next five years. To
find that solution there is going to have to be
be a great deal of creative thinking over in the
administration building. We would like to sug-
gest that while not denying the ability of
business administrators, most of this creative
thinking has yet to be done.

Hungarian Rebel

Pre-Election Promise Probe

IF YOU don't have a bluebook to write or a
class to teach you might profitably drop over
to the Rackham Amphitheatre at 3:00 this aft-
Istvan Laszlo will speak. He will tell this
campus how 65,000 soldiers and civilians -
more than the number of Americans killed in
the Korean War - were butchered in a few
weeks. He will explain to us why even yet there
is fighting and striking in Hungary by people
who are contesting long odds - the Red Army.
Prom him we will learn why the "left wing
youth" of a satellite country were the turn-
coats that led the rebellion.
Laszlo lived the story he will tell. It was he
who led 5000 Hungaridn "minute men" in the
early phases of the skirmishes with the Red
Army. He has also been in and out of commu-
nist prisons for his anti-Soviet utterances. He
is' president of the student council at the Uni-
versity of Sopron and is barnstorming the

United States representing the student body
and faculty of that institution.
For those who haven't already contributed
something to the plight of the Tiungarians, a
collection will be taken, the funds of which will
help solve the problems of the 100,000-plus
refugees that have poured into Austria.
I ASZLO is being, brought "to campus by the
United States National Students Associa-
tion and an infant political club on campus,
the World Discussion Society. WDS, recognizing
a sterility in campus discussion of the issues
of the day, is planning future discussions with
an eye to giving campus discussion a shot in
the arm.
Their first program today should serve a
dual purpose of getting WDS off on the right
foot and of opening a number of eyes to the
brutality of the Kremlin toward a proud people.

ISA Forum Loses Value

THE extent to which the Repub-
lican Party won votes last No-
vember by promising liberation of
the satellite nations is an inter-
esting question sure to be probed
by Congress in January. Already
Senators Humphrey of Minnesota
and Neuberger of Oregon have in-
dicated they will press for such
an investigation.
A.B. Herman, the astute and able
director of the minorities division
of the Republican National Com-
mittee hasshad some interesting
things to say on this point. Mr.
Herman unquestionably did an
amazing job of swinging the for-
eign-language vote to Ike and
from a cold politcial viewpoint de-
serves credit. A few weeks ago,
prior to the tragic bloodshed in
Hungary, he was willing to take
He then explained to newsmen
that he had figured as early as
1952 that it was important for the
Republicans to swing the big mass
of votes among Poles, Slovaks,
Italians, Hungarians and East
Europe generally away from the
Democrats where they had stead-
fastly voted ever since the early
days of Roosevelt. So he developed
the technique of taunting the
Democrats with the Yalta agree-
ment pertaining to the satellites
and simultaneously pledged liber-
ation of the satellites.
"During the 1956 campaign,"
Herman further explained, "We
pinned George Kennon on Ste-
KENNON IS the former Ambas-
sador to Russia under Truman

who advocated the policy of con-
tainment - namely, thdt the
United States couldn't afford war
with Russia but should contain
Russia and wait until the huge
bloc of nations she had bitten off
gave her political indigestion.
"We figured," said Herman,
"that if revolt did take place be-
hind the iron curtain we could tell
'em this was all Ike's doing."
_ "What about the fact that you
don't liberate 'em?" Mr. Herman
was asked.
"Well, it's kind of coldblooded,"
Mr. Herman admitted, "but it's
the way you win votes."
* * ,
VISITED LATER , after the
Hungarian bloodshed, Mr. Her-
man was not so talkative. He did
talk about the big swing of the
foreign-language group over to
Eisenhower, and he felt that they
would remain in the Republican
column. He was also willing to
have newspapermen inspect lit-
erature which the Republican Na-
tional Committee had circulated
among Poles, Hungarians, Czechs,
et al. Part of it was in the lan-
guages of those nationalities. Part
consisted in editorials from for-
eign-language newspapers and
showed photos of Eisenhower with
American citizens of Czech, Pol-
ish, Hungarian descent taken on
the White House steps.
ONE REPUBLICAN booklet was
captioned "Republican Policy of
Liberation to Turn the Tide
Against Communism."
Another, on the GOP national
platform, contained significant

promises to the satellites as fol-
"Our own initiative the political,
aspects of NATO are being devel-
oped. Instead of being merely a
military alliance, NATO will pro-
vide a means for coordinating, the
policies of the member states on
vital matters such as the reunifi-
cation of Germany and the libera-
tion of the satellites."
Since Nato is a military organ-
ization, a pledge to use it behind
the iron curtain went further than
any pledge ever given by either
political party in the past.
* * *
IT SHOULD BE noted that Mr.
Herman is a compassionate, de-
cent gentleman who would not
knowingly encourage a situation
which might lead men to slaugh-
ter. Doubtless therefore Congress
will want to see whether this was
his policy or whether he was fol-
lowing policy handed down from
Inthis connection, the speeches
of President Eisenhower and of
Foster Dulles will doubtless come
in for review, especially Ike's
speech of Aug. 25,1952 beforethe
American Legion when he said:
"We must tell the Kremlin that
never shall we desist in our aid
to every man and woman of those
shackled lands who seeks refuge
with us, any man who keeps burn-
ing among his own people the
flame of freedom or is dedicated
to the liberation of his fellow men
... The American conscience can
never know peace until these peo-
ple are restored to being masters
of their own fate."
(Copyright 1956 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

markably misunderstood.
"Juno," produced by Dubln's
sey's second play. He wrote of
what he knew best: the slums of
Dublin where he grew up, the
Irish rebellion in which he parti-
cipated and a revulsion-for pover-
ty and cruelty.
At this period in O'Casey's de-
velopmenthe stillhad hopes that
Ireland and, more broadly, the
world, could overcome the greed
and selfishness that result in war-
fare and wretched living. He sym-
bolized this hope in Juno, an
Irish mother who embodied the
virtues of the Irish, by investing
her with tolerance, compassion
and astonishing endurance.
"JUNO AND THE Paycock" is
set in a Dublin tenement and is
the story of the Boyle family, rep-
resenting similar slum dwellers.
Juno (Gertrude Slack) is the uni-
fying force of the Boyles, a hard-
working woman who bears up un-
der superhumian burdens supplied
by the members of her family as
well as the turbulent revolution
which forms the backdrop of the
Juno's husband, "Captain Boyle
(Brendan O'Reilly) is the Pea-
cock, a dissolute and inneffetual
husband and father, but one of
the most charming and rollick-
ing characters O'Casey has pro-
duced. The daughter, Mary (Bea-
trice Minkus) is a pretty lass with
ambitions of rising from the sur-
rounding squalor. The son, Johnny
(Father Raymond Schneider),
has already lost an arm fighting
with the Irish Republican Army.
The permeating force is poverty
and O'Casey has attempted to
show the helplessness and tra-
gedy that befalls those who supply
the foundation of a revolution -
those who must fight and suffer
the consequences of a war. The
enduring beauty of "Juno," in ad-
dition to O'Casey's unparalleled
dramatic language, is the author's
realistic mixture of comedy and
HEREIN LIE the chief defects
of the production. Juno is more
of a shrew and a hysteric than
the strength of Ireland; the
"Captain" is strident and deplor-
able instead of whimsical and
pitiable. In addition, the cast
comes close to mastering the dif-
ficult Irish dialect but, in the at-
tenpt, sacrifices some audience
Both Mary and Johnny are ad-
mirably portrayed. George Ward,
as the irascible drinking compan-
ion of the "Captain"; Reginald
Graham, as a pedantic school
teacher; Laura Webber, as an un-
inhibited friend, and Albert Phil-
lips, as an Irish trade unionist,
turn in credible and intelligent
performances. "Juno and the Pay-
cock" should be seen because O'-
Casey is a powerful dramatist. If
the Speech Deprtment mises
the mark, its aim is still good
enough to supply enough humor,
excitement and pathos to enthrall
the viewer
-David Marlin
to the
Critic Protest . .
To The Editor:
Suffer the hapless music critic for
a moment to cease criticizing
the performers and join Miss Prins
in condemning local audiences.
True late-comers' are an annoy-
ance, but at least their clatter does
die down somewhat as the concert
progresses; nearly everybody has
arrived by intermission time. I

would here denounce another
practice, niore common in Amer-
ica than in Europe; that of ap-
plauding whenever the fancy
strikes, even in the middle of a
The Sixth Symphony of Tschai-
kowsky is often decried as a mus-
ically empty work, y(' it does
succeed in creating a mood of
despair. The climax of the work
comes at the junction third and
fourth movements. The third
movement is a brilliant scherzo
which comes as close as the work
does to gaiety, yet it is a gaiety
held in check by an underlying
stern rhythmic impulse that does
not stop. Immediately on the heels
of this musical attempt to break
the bonds of despair comes a mar-
velously tragic chord wrenched
from the orchestra, which ushers}
the final gloomy pages.
It is quite a dramatic moment.
Yet in concert this, the acme of
the work, is usually lost because
the third movement ends in a few

Abbey Theatre in 1924, was O'Ca-
WHY IS IT that once Hollywood
gets hold of a good idea, they
refuse to let it go? The number of
plots available for use in Westerns
is understandably limited, but
since the success of High Noon
the limitationsupon variety of
story and mode of presentation
seem to have been doubled at
Like High Noon, and like Shane,
Tension at Table Rock is a West-
ern that takes itself seriously. Des-
pite the obvious misfortunes of be-
ing filmed in Technicolor and
Cinemascope, it, too, comes com-
plete with psychological conflicts
and bar-room ballads.
As a Western, though, Tension
at Table Rock really isn't bad. It
tells the story of big Wes Tancred
a cowboy criminal who runs from
his bad reputation, and saves a
town from destruction along his
lonely, noble way into the desert.
Wes, an invincible if slightly in-
articulate hero, is played by Rich-
ard Egan, who seems to have a
fondness for this sort of thing.
THE POOR MAN shoots his
best friend with good cause, but
is soon chased out of the gang, the
town, and even the bars, for his
reputed lily-livered treachery.
In the course of his flight, Wes
assumes an alias, and stops off at
a stage coach stop, where he be-
comes an unwilling friend to the
owner and his son. The old man
gets shot in a scuffle with some
stage coach bandits, but Wes
shoots the nasty bad men, and
starts off to town with Jody, the
little boy.
In the town of Table Rock, we
find, of course, that Wes has only
gotten out of one mess to get in-
volved in another. The boy's uncle
is sheriff of Table Rock, and is in
the midst of a conflict between
saving his own skin and standing
up for law, order, and his wife.
BY MEANS of a few wholesale
murders, the betrayal of one of
his old buddies, and the revela-
tion of his real name, Wes helps
the sheriff to get out and act like
a man, instead of remainin at
home like an anemic tomato.
Then Wes, still haunted by his
name, rides off alone into the
purple sage.
-Jean Willoughby
The Daily Official Bulletins an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
G'eneral Notices
TIAA-College Retirement Equities
Fund. Participants in the Teachers In-
surance and Annuity Association re-
tirement program who wish to change
their contributions to the College Re-
tirement Equitie Fund, or to apply for
or discontinue participation In the
Equitleq Fund, will be able to make
such changes before Dec. 14, 1956.
Staff members who have 1 or V
of the contributions to TIAA allo-

cated to CREF may wish to change to
a 1,z basis, or go from the latter to a
/ or 1/3 basis.
February Graduates must place orders
for caps and gowns at Moe's Sport
Shop, 711 N. University. before Dec. 21.
caps and gowns are required for Cam-
mencement Exercises Feb. 26, 1956.
Try outs for the annual French play:
Thurs., .Dec. 13, Fri., Dec. 14, Mon.,
Dec. 17, Tues., Dec. 18 from 3 to 4:30
p.m. in Room 408, Romance Languages
Building. All students interested in
taking part in the play invited. Those
unable to attend may call Mr. Car-
duner; Ex. 405.
The General Electric and Charitable
Fund is offering 34 fellowships for the
academic year 1957-58. Fields will in-
elude Physical Sciences, Engineering,
Industrial Management, Arts and Sci-
ences, Graduate Law, and Business.
The stipend will be $1750 for a Fellow
who is single, $2100 if married with-
out children, and $2500 for a married
Fellow with children. Tuition and fees
are also paid. Application forms and
further information may "be obtained


THE INTERNATIONAL Student's Associa-
tion forum, "Europe Doesn't Matter Any
More?" contributed some worthwhile ideas but
left much to be desired.
The forum, widely publicized and well at-
tended, promised to be an intelligent, rational,
dispassionate discussion of the present status
of Europe in world affairs.
Unfortunately, the panel, consisting of a'
Pakistani, an Israeli, an Egyptian and an Am-
erican, forfeited the constructive value of the
forum and used it as an instrument for express-
ing private prejudices.
Europe was discredited by one speaker as
being "imperialistic". He also claimed that
colonialism and anti-semitism were European
contributions to world culture.
The old cry of imperialism is almost always
dragged out when European and Asian politi-
cal affairs are discussed. To forget the deep
bitterness of the past will be difficult, but in-
creased international understanding would re-

sult if concentration on a constructive atti-
tude toward Europe were adopted.
IN SPITE of the vindictive attitude of some of
the speakers, many stimulating ideas were
presented. In reply to the claim that European
technology was far superior to Asian, it was
pointed out that the Asians had a slower start
than European nations enjoyed. Industrializa-
tion and technical knowledge of Asian coun-
tries is advancing rapidly because of adoption
of European techniques. Due to this rapidly in-
creasing technology, Asia is coming to play
a major part in the world affairs in the future.
ISA is to be commended for it's positive ac-
tion in providing a forum where ideas can be
Such discussions lose value, however, to the
University community when they degenerate
into an occasion where petty prejudices and
vindictive insults are aired.
ISA forums can serve much more signifi-
cant purposes.

Rep airincg the NATO Alliance


LSA Honor System?

THE IDEA of an honor system in the literary
college, a product of the Student-Faculty-
Administration, Conference, presents a definite
challenge to lit. school students.
The plan should appeal to a conscious feel-
ing of integrity among the student body. Here-
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN ................Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN............. Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK .....Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS ................Features Editor
DAVID GREY ........ Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER..........Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN.......Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON....... .. ...Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER..........,Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE tEWIS..............Women's Feature Editor
JOHN HIRTZEL.................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN... Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH................Adertiaing Manar

in lies the greatest advantage, perhaps nebu-
lous, but real nevertheless.
Two previous abortive attempts to form or
at least investigate the possibility of an hon-
or system, student apathy was reflected. Five
years ago a small group of students proposed a
system. Three years ago, Student Legislature
conducted an investigation into the eventual
adoption of an honor system. In both cases, no
record of results of any investigations are avail-
THIS YEAR, however, the situation could be
somewhat changed with the presence on
campus of an effective student government.
SGC could, by backing the idea, lead the inves-
tigation into student interest, working closely
with the Literary College Steering Committee.
Assistant Dean James Robertson has suggested
that the facilities of the Survey Research Cen-
ter might be made available for sampling 'stu-
dent opinion.
And SGC, while its functions are more as-
sociated with the overall student body, could
coordinate the efforts.
A necessary feature of the system would be
n Lt A 4rnn "r n nii- -mnil"+f t+n vc+-

EVERYTHING is being said, in
fact everything has been said
by everybody, about the import-
ance of repairing the NATO alli-
ance. "It is our firm purpose,"
said Mr. Dulles on his arrival in
Paris, "to bury past discords in
a future of peaceful and fruitful
cooperation." There could scarcely
be any better purpose to be firm
about, and the question is how to "
achieve that purpose.
This will not really be done by
helping with oil and money --
necessary though they are - to
soften the consequences of the
Egyptian disaster. The discord
arose because the -British and
French governments came to the
desperate conclusion that they
had vital interests in the Middle
East which their ally, the United
States, was not effectively deter-
mined to protect and to promote.
The American view was that al-
though these interests were genu-
ine and legitimate, they could not.
lawfully be protected and pro-
moted by military intervention,
The American opposition to the

been compelled to desist. But un-
less the problems themselves are
taken seriously in hand, we may
be sure that the discord will burst
forth again.
THE BIGGEST business which
the NATO allies have ahead of
them is to work out a common
policy on the Europe which lies
east of the dividing line. At bot-
tom, NATO has been based on the
fact that Germany and Europe are
divided between the Soviet orbit
and the Atlantic alliance. To be
sure, the division has never been
accepted in principle. The allies
have never ceased to advocate the
reunion of the two Germanies, and
they have hoped for the liberation
of the captive countries. Neverthe-
less, in the planning and organi-
zation of NATO, the division of
Europe has been accepted as
a fact, and NATO has never yet
had a policy for the unification of
The good things that, have been
happening in Poland, the horrors

will be faced with the most sinis-
ter choices.
IT WILL BE a case of inexcus-
able neglect if the NATO govern-
ments do not prepare themselves
for what might at any time in
the next months explode into a
European crisis of the first magni-
tude, The way to prepare for this
crisis is to anticipate it, and to
avert it with negotiable proposals
which are directed towards the
unification of Europe. The Hun-
garian horror cannot really be
ended, something like it elsewhere
cannot surely be prevented, unless
the NATO powers can work out
with the Soviet Union an all-
European security system.
Merely to go on passing reso-
lutions in the UN is not nearly
good enough. These resolutions do
.not gather force and effectiveness
by being repeated. They do not
liberate anyone. Nor do they re-
duce the threat of a European ex-
plosion which lies just under the
surface. A European policy is ur-
gently needed to provide a frame-
work of guarantees within which
the occupied European countries

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