4 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 f LAW SCHOOL: Campbell Competition Begins Tonight f- By SUSAN KARTUS The annual Henry M. Campbell competition will begin its opening rounds tonight at the Law School. Campbell competition consists of a single case, of a complicated nature, composed by a faculty member, which is argued by the 16 top ranking Case Club partici- pants. This year's case is a corporation matter concerning improper sale of securities by the director of a Exotic Gifts From 15 Nations TREASURE EVAN Sponsored by W.U.S. - I.S.A. LANE HALL Dec. 10-13 ... 1:30-8:30 P.M. A cross from Bob Marshall's Book Store" corporation. It involves the rules and regulations of the Federal Securities and Exchange Commis- sion. The sixteen participants will work in two-man teams. Law school professors will act as judg- es, interrupting the team at any time during its presentation to ask pertinent questions. The quarter final and semi-final elimination rounds culminate with the remaining two teams opposing each other before a five man court comprised of eminent jurists. In past years Justices Clark, Burton and Frankfurter of the United States Supreme Court have presided over the final round of Campbell competition. This year's presiding jurist has not been madeI public as yet. Case Club and Campbell Com- petition provides practical experi- ence in court room procedure, an experience that no law schooll course offers, according to offi- cials. This year's participants are: Lee Abrams, Jim Feibel, '58L, John Hurley, '58L, Eugene Wanger, '58L, John Lewis, Grad., Jerry Meeker, '58L, John Foster, '58L, Charles Gerlinger, '58L, Philip Placier, Grad., Eugene Hartwig, '58L, Robert Knauss, '58L, James Wills, '58L, Martin Pompadur, '59L, Howard Nemerouski, '57L, Richard Wolfe, '57L and Leonard Wilcox, '60L. Tonight's opening competition will begin at 7:30 in rooms 116, 120, 132, and 138 of Hutchins Hall. Spectators are welcomed and encouraged to attend. Social Work Expansion Aided Here Sitting rather inconspicuously across the street from the big Horace G. Rackham School of Graduate Studies is the small frame building which houses the offices of the School of Social Work. Inside, the hallways are narrow and the offices are crowded with stacks of pamphlets and corres- pondence which just won't fit into already overstuffed filing cabi- nets. But this does not seem to ham- per the work which goes on here, the running of a school which is trying hard to aid in filling the demand for social workers across the country. Only for Gras Ac, I1 I , ' :; . , ; : : ;. .g r MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .75 1.87 -2.78 3 .90 2 25 3.33 4 1.04 2.60 3.85 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily. 11:00 A.M. Saturday Phone NO 2-3241 XMAS GIFTS MANY MON EY SAVERS Flannel slacks, 100% wool gabardine and flannel, assorted colors, $10.95; plaid shirts, $3.88. Many other gift items. USED CARS '49' PACKARD Four door. New tires. Excellent mechan- ical condition. $165. NO 2-3433. Pri- vate. )N71 1 ; SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington 8)14 XMAS GIFTS 4.. Strike a Xmas Match with Color-Matched Sweaters, Blouses and Skirts from The Dillon Campus Togs at 1111 S. U. )S40 A S T w E E K Mas TONIGHT. FRI SAT. 8:15 MAT. SUN. 2:30 SUSAN GLASPELL'S INHERITORS A forceful, fighting play that takes a stand. Ann Arbor's PROFESSIONAL Arena Theatre sonic Temple 327 S. 4th Ave. NO 2-5915 00 00 The John Stott Lectures Rackham Lecture Hall . . . 8:00 P.M. Today's Lecture WAT MUST I DO' Mr. Stott will conduct a question period on his Wednesday eve- ning lecture, "Why Did Christ Die?", at 4:00 P.M. today in Room 25, Angell Hall. You are cordially invited to participate. Sponsored by Michigan Christian Fellowship _l For graduate work exclusively, the social work school accepts students graduating from an ac- credited four year school as can- didate for a Master of Social Work degree requiring two years of study. During that time, a great deal of field work in social agencies is done, and the income from this helps defray costs of education according to Prof. Patricia Rabin- ovitz, social work teacher. Prof. Rabinovitz went on to say that due to the growing recogni- tion and need to conserve human resources, a corresponding growth in job demands has resulted. "They way outreach our ability to fill them," she added, "so the field has real possibilities." Opportunities Available A look at an issue of the em-' ployment opportunities bulletin' put out by the school shows a de- mand for over 190 people with a masters degree in social work to fill positions in November alone. The areas where these jobs are offered include administration, child welfare, community organi- zation, rehabilitation, family serv- ice, group and hospital work, psy- chiatric casework, public welfare and research. Began in Detroit The school had its beginning in Detroit in 1935 although it was then already an integral part of the University. At that time it was an institute and it was not until 1950 that the Board of Re- gents decided to move the school to the Ann Arbor campus and re- vise it's program. So in 1951, the school was moved and although some field work is still done in the Detroit area, the program is conducted here with the emphasis on public' welfare. At that time a new dean' was appointed, Prof. Fedele Fauri, who has done a great deal of work in public welfare administration and legislation. Still Expanding Today, the school is still ex- panding its program. The newest addition to the curriculum is a doctoral program in social work in cooperation with the Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Also slated for the near future is a move from the present quar- ters into the old Ann Arbor High School building, soon to be known as the Frieze building which will enable the School of Social Work, according to Prof. Rabinovitz, "to expand its program and facilities even more." For that Hard to Please Man in your Life Go to Nate's Boat Shop for all types of marine accessories 2527 Dexter Rd. Phone NO 8-8500 )S36 TARANTULAS, BIRDS and MONKEYS Beautiful tropical fish, aquarium sup- plies, hamsters, and guinea pigs. UNIVERSITY AQUARIUM 328 E. Liberty NO 3-0224 Open daily except Thursday )S34 UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS, AND ALL THROUGH THE HOUSE - They'll carry the portable radio you give them for Christmas. We carry a com-;i plete line of famous GE radios, from transistors to ,console models. Also 1957 model GE television sets includ- ing portables priced from $99.95 and up. Also a good selection of record IIplayers. IDEAL RADIO SHOP "Authorized G.E. Dealer" 1531 Miller Ave. Phone NO 2-3660 )S27 A Picture to Remember Is a Gift to Remember RENTSCHLER STUDIO Fine photography since 1890 319 E. Huron )S20 CHRISTMAS KITTENS, registered Sia- mese. Will hold. Call NO 3-8054 after 6:00. ) S38 9x12 COTTON RUGS $29.95 Many variety of colors to choose from. SMITH'S FLOOR COVERING 207 E. Washington NO 3-5536 Open Monday evening until 8:30 )S37 FOR BIG LITTLE MISSES A real Singer Miniature Sewing Machine (not a toy, sews just like Mom's). Special for Christmas, regular $12.95 value, only $9.95. This offer limited time only. SINGER SEWING CENTER 114 S. Main St. Phone NO 2-5569 )S 18 FLOWERS SAY IT BETTER "MERRY CHRISTMAS" -- Beautiful Christmas Greens made to order or traditionalwreathes a n d d ok 0 swatches. Order now while stocks are complete. OPEN HOUSE Sunday, December 16-9:00 to 5:30 NI ELSEN'S FLOWER SHOP 1021 Maiden Lane Phone NO 2-3269 )S28 DIAMOND RINGS-Complete selection -45-55% off. Direct from Factory representative. Written guarantee. Money refunded if not satisfied. NO 2-2684. )S25 PERSONAL ATTENTION FEBRUARY GRADS! Sale of Senior announcements in the Ad- ministration building. Through Fri- clay, December 14, 10:00-4:30 )F89 SANTA: Please have Joe get our J- Hop ticket reservation today. Candy. )F75 CONVERT your double-breasted suit to a new single-breasted model. $15. Double-breasted tuxedos converted to single breasted, $18, or new silk shawl collar, $25. Overcoats $18. Write to Michaels Tailoring Co., 1425 Broad- way, Detroit, Michigan, for free de- tails or phone WOodward 3-5776. )F1 MAKE SANTA COME 12-52 TIMES A YEAR One Two Magazine Gift Gifts Better Homes & Gardens .. $3.00 $5.00 Colliers.....................3.50 6.50 Field & Stream ............ 3.50 6.00 Glamour ................. 3.50 5.50 *Gourmet.. ..... 4.00 7.00 *Good Housekeeping ........ 3.00 5.00 *Harper's Magazine........ 5.00 9.00 *High Fidelity..............4.75 8.00 *House & Garden........... 4.00 7.00 *Living for Yng Hmkrs ..... 3.00 5.00 *Look ...................... 3.00 5.00 karents...................2.50 4.00 *Playboy...................5.00 10.00 *Popular Mechanics......... 2.75..5.00 *Popular Photography ..... 3.00 5.00 *Reporter...................3.50 6.00 *U.S. Camera ............. 2.50 4.00 *Vogue ..................... 5.00 7.50 May include your own subscription. *University personnel only. These are just some of the 2,067 gifts that we carry; many more University specials for inexpensive giving. Phone Student Periodical, NO 2-3061; days, evenings. )F90 CORSAGES, Cocktail Lites, Air Fresh Candles. Stuart Nye hand wrought silver & copper jewelry. Fur acces- sories. Margaret Shop. NO 5-5729. )F65 REAL ESTATE THE BUTTS & SWISHER CO. REALTORS FOR ANN ARBOR WOODS (Washtenaw at Stadium) Models Open Daily 10-8 Office 214 E. Washington - NO 3-0800 )B1 TRANSPORTATION FLY TO MIAMI-Round trip $79.61 plus tax. Plane will leave 8:00 Decem- ber 22. Will leave Miami at 9:00 P.M. January 2. Lunch included. Phone NO 2-7414 for reservations. )Gil NEEDED-2 drivers. Have opportunity for 2 people to drive 2 new Fords to California. Call Herb Estes, NO 2- 3261. )G14 HELP WANTED PART TIME maintenance man from 5:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Call NO 2-6920 from 9:00-12:00, or 2:00-5:00. )H68 CARRIERS for the Michigan Daily. Openings available now and after Christmas vacation, Excellent pay. Morninghours. No collecting. Call NO 2-3241 and leave message for Dick Alstrom and I will call you. )H67 WANTED-Cab drivers, full or part- time. Apply 113 S. Ashley. Ann Arbor Yellow and Checker Cab Company. Phone NO 8-9382. )H:20 ROOMS FOR RENT ONE BLOCK from campus, newly fur- nished room for two men. 523 Pack- ard. Call NO 2-1443. )D17 706 Wolverine Bldg. Fourth & Washington NO 8-6019 EXPERT FOREIGN and Sports Car Service. Nye Motor Sales, Inc., 514 E. Washington, NO 3-4858. )J19 TYPEWRITER REPAIR & service pick- up and delivery. Mosley Typewriter Service. 204 N. 4th Ave. NO 3-5888 )J22 REWEAVING-Burns, tears, moth holes rewoven. Let us save your clothes. Weave-Bac Shop, 224 Nickels Arcade. )J2 WASHINGS - Also ironing separately. Specialize in cotton blouses and washedskirts. Free2pick up and deli- very. Phone NO. 2-9020. )J23 EXPERIENCED Operators in Beauty work of all kinds. Ritz Beauty Salon, 805 E. William, NO 8-7068. )J3 WHITE'S AUTO PAINT SHOP 2007 South State NO 2-3350 Bumping and Painting )J8 FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE 2 ROOMS, $65. 3 rooms, modern kitchen, private bath. 1020 W. Huron, 3-5224. )C47 TWO ROOM Furnished Apartment. All. utilities except gas..Share bath. Mar- ried couple, no children. Call Mrs. William Luck, NO 8-8900. )C45 2-ROOM Furnished Apartment. $70 a month. Very close downtown. and campus. 603 E. Ann, NO 2-7274. )C44 FUNCTIONALLY FURNISHED modern home. Available Jan. 19-Sept. 19. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, studio-workroom. Quiet, pleasant location. $150. Phone FOR RENT-2-Room Suite and large kitchen for 3 men students. Nevhy decorated. 1227 South State. NO 3- 1650. )C46 MISCELLANEOUS r-"1a AA "1'T Ci 1954 OLDSMOBILE-Two-toned green, radio, heater, power brakes, premium white walls, refrigerated air condi- tioning, and many other extras. Call Don Lincoln. NO 2-8796. )N70 1948 MERCURY sedan, deluxe acces- sories, good rubber, fenders whole, no rust. $189. Phone NO 3-5519. )N52 1956 FORD, V-8, Ford-O-Matic, fully equipped. $1850. Call NO 2-2783yaf- ter 6 p.m. )N32 '56 DODGE, Royal, Hard top, power steering, power brakes, white walls, radio, many other acc. Low mileage demo. Special this week $2497. Don Pringle Dodge - Plymouth 331 S. Fourth Ave. I )N65 '50 PONTIAC - 2 door-Hydramatic, heater, blue; good chrome. Best of- fer. NO 2-7310. )N64 BUSINESS SERVICES CONTACT LENS Drop in for a free demonstration any time. Write or phone for a free book- let "Questions and Answers About Contact Lens." BETTER VISION. CENTER Your occulist prescriptions filled . I )J6 LOST AND FOUND LOST-V-Neck Brown Sweater in Em. bryology Lab. Reward. Call NO 5-6750. )A68 LOST - Diamond phono needle. Re- ward. Cali Chris Baker collect. North- ville 2729. )A67 FOR SALE New Atlas Tires With written guarantee, 67x15, $15.95; S710x15, $17.95; 760x15; $19.95. (Plus tax and trade-in) No money down and eight months to pay. (First paymenthafter Christmas) Hickey's Service Station Cor. N. Main & Catherine NO 8-7717 )B149 RARE VIOLINS AND BOWS ALL ACCESSORIES, STRINGS, REPAIRS MADDY MUSIC 508 E. Williams NO 3-3223 )B74 EXCELLENT BUY-Electronic Flash. Many exclusive features. Just like new. (Honest). Big Savings. Glenn Rosin, Winchell House, NO 2-4401. )B157 2%x3% Speed Graphic with Kodak-Ek- par 4.5 lens. Flash case, 6 film hold- ers, film pack adapter and developing equipment. Call NO 2-6200. )B155 COAT-Dressy black with ermine collar and trim on pockets, size 12, excellent condition, $125 value for $40. Also three-quarter length* grey storm coat, $15. Call NO 2-3061. )B158 MODERN COUCH-Ideal for apart- ment, 3 years old, $300. NO 3-1408. )B153 Cakes and Cookies To satisfy that hunger pain You don't have to riot Just go out and buy it. Campbell and Son Bakery 219 N. Main NO 8-9880 We deliver-Order now and keep your snack on hand. )B151 H I-FI BECAUSE We feature only famous Name Brands in all Hi F1 Components Foreign and Domestic Audio Supply Laboratories 334 Nickels Arcade NO 2-7767 and NO 2-9425 )B13 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AT Your Garden Center 215 South Fifth NO 3-5616 )B140 SIAMESE-Stud Service. Call Mrs. Pe- terson, NO 2-9020. )B136 . , AIR FLIGHT to Read Daily Classifieds CrV A IVI U (Formerly Boyd's) 2805 E. Michigan . EL. HU 2-2204 )S4 INFORMATION - UNION STUDENT OFFICES 2-5 P.M. Cinema quld Today and Friday 7:00 and 9:00 "GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE" With JACK BENNY ANN SHERIDAN' Saturday 7:00 and 9:00 Sunday 8:00 only ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S "SUSPICION" L61 I hi DIAL NO 2-2513 Wherever he rode his past was always ahead of him I I STUDENT RECITAL of SALLY STEENHUSEN, contralto Thurs., Dec. 13, 8:30 P.M. Little Theatre, Ann Arbor High School OPEN TO THE PUBLIC I I . WUERTH STARTING FRIDAY ROBERT MITCHUM THEATRE !esdh- ltll A man likeSHANE the suspense of HIGH NOON! ALSO FRANKSNRA IN o H IS FIRST WESTERN! * " STARTING FRIDAY ORPHEUM IT'S GAY! IT'S FRENCHI IT'S FUNI I I I RKO RADIO PICTURES PRESENTS AT OMULUS u* u " a AR~ICAN QUEENN HI HIII l 11 111 ItI! 1 k1 1 1