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Latest Deadline in the State
NATO Leaders'
To Build Up Pact
Treaty Organization To Be Given
Wider Political, Economic Powers
PARIS (P)-North Atlantic Alliance leaders agreed tentatively
yesterday to strengthen the treaty organization with wider political
and economic powers.
But secretary of State John Foster Dulles served notice that the
United States reserves full freedom of action in defense of its vital
interests without consulting its NATO allies in advance.
A spokesman for the conference of NATO foreign ministers said
they endorsed the outlines of recommendations by Halvard Lange
of Norway, Gaetano Martino of Italy and Lester B. Pearson of Canada,
members of a committee who have been studying political and eco-
nomic possibilities for NATO.
Cont-vdem s
Mandatory Death
For All Criminals
Communist Government Smar ting
From Strike, Street Demonstrations
VIENNA OP)-Hungary's Communist government-smarting under
a general strike and continued street demonstrations-last night de-
creed mandatory death for all persons convicted of crimes under its
newly issued martial law decree.
At the same time-in a broadcast from strikebound Budapest-
it identified two of the labor leaders arrested in the Communists'
attempt to stem the surge of popular feeling against the Soviet-
supported premier, Janos Kadar.
The two were Sandor Racz, president of the Budapest workers
Central Council, and Sandor Bali, a council member.
They were charged with numerous offenses, including organiza-
5SGC Selects
Sigma Kappa
Student Government Council
yesterday set up a five-man com-
mittee to investigate possible ac-
tion it might take against Sigma
Kappa and to report back to the
council as soon as "feasible."
Acting on the recommendation
of President Bill Adams, '57BAd,
the council appointed Union Pres-
ident Roy Lave, '57E, chairman,
Daily Editor Dick Snyder, '57,
Panhellenic President Carol De-
Bruin, '57, Mal Cumming, '58BAd
and Adams to the committee. It'
will hold its first meeting Wed-
Council members felt the matter
should be investigated fully but
also that action should be taken
prior to Sigma Kappa's activation
of its present pledge class in Feb-
Adams Reads Telegrams
Adams read a telegram to the
council from Sigma Kappa's De-
troit Alumnae Chapter, pledging
support of the University chapter.
Adams also announced the ap-
pointment of five new members to
Joint Judiciary Council.
They are Mary Julia Baker,
'58SN, Robert Birnbaum, '58, Egon
Gross, '58L, Robert Stahl, '58, and
Susan Sturc, '58, all of whom will
serve one-year terms.
SGC accepted a report and re-
commendations from its "M"
Handbook.Committee, and decided
to publish the book bi-annually
for distribution to incoming fresh-
men during the next two sum-
Handbook Report
Included in the report were re-
commendations that the handbook
subcommittee work with someone
from the journalism department
in preparing future issues of the
publication and with the admis-
sions office in increasing circula-
tion of the book.
The increase in circulation, the
report explained, would be on a
basis of the admissions office shar-
ing the cost of the handbook with
SGC also decided to apply for a
student from the Foreign Student
Leadership project for the aca-
demic year 1957-58. Tom Kano,
Spec., is currently on campus in
connection with that project.
SGC also decided to send a
letter to the Board of Regents re-
questing recognition of the Stu-
dent Activity Board and its stu-
dent scholarship.
Lowenstein Speaks
Sandwiched in the long evening
of reports, council members heard
Al Lowenstein, past president of
the National Student Association,
urge them to work harder with
their rights and duties in student
"No student government," Low-
enstein said, "is any more than
the persons in it who think clearly
of the problems of academic free-
dom and government.'
Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the
political science department also
appeared before the Council to
explain the organization, operation
and functions of the SGC Board
in Review, which met Sunday and
approved SGC's recent action,
finding .Sigma Kappa in violation
of University regulations.
Prof. Laing, chairman of the
Board, explained the Board could
be called at any time by himself
at the request of a member of the
board, who, in turn, could be
approached by "any concerned
Action Delayed
But, the spokesman said, action
on their recommendations was de-
layed by French Foreign Minister
Christian Pineau and West Ger-
many's Heinrich von Brentano,j
who said they wanted to submit
amendments. .
A high NATO source said Secre-
tary Dulles told the 14 other for-
eign ministers of NATO member
countries it would be unfair to the
50 other nations with which the
United States has mutual defense
pacts if Washington could not act
in other parts of the world with-
out consulting NATO.
Recommends Consultation
The report by Lange, Martino
and Pearson - called N A T O's
"Three Wise Men"-recommended
"before any new policy is adopted
which might affect NATO, or a
political pronouncement is made,
there should be consultations."
Secretary Dulles, the source said,
told the closed ministerial meeting
he approved of this principle and
hoped it would be adopted. But,
if taken literally, Secretary Dulles
continued, this and another sen-
tence stating "there cannot be
unity in defense and disunity in
foreign policy" both go too far.
Diplomats in the meeting were
quick to point out Secretary Dul-
les' statement appeared Lcely to
cause a protestin view of United
States resentment when Britain
and France took military action
against Egypt without prior con-
sultation with the United States
or any other NATO member.
World News
By The Associated Press
The Security Council yesterday
unanimously approved the admis-
sion of Japan as the 80th member
of the United Nations.
It disapproved Communist outer
The Soviet Union, which had ve-
toed Japan's membership applica-
tion four times in four years, with-
held its veto this time.
Asks Immediate
Red. Withdrawal
American-Backed Resolution Gams
Complete Support of 55 Countries
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (Al - The UN General Assembly
overwhelmingly condemned the Soviet Union last night for
crushing Hungarian independence and called on Moscow to
withdraw its armed forces immediately from the revolt-torn
It was the first time such a judgment had been returned
by the Assembly against any UN member.
The vote in favor of an American-backed resolution slap-
ping the- Soviet Union for its actions in Hungary was 55 in
favor, eight opposed and 13 abstentions.
The Soviet bloc voted against the resolution with the ex-
ception of Hungary, which
Riot Leader
,Will Report
On Hungary
Istvan Laszlo, a student leader
in the recent Hungarian riots,
will speak at 3 p.m. today in the
Rackham Building.
Laszlo commanded a regiment
of more than 5,000 men in the
university city of Sopron duringl
the revolt. He was chosen by his
fellow students at the University
of Sopron to visit the West with
Anna Kethly, Minister of State
during the revolutionrary govern-
ment of Imre Nagy.
Laszlo's nationwide tour of
colleges, sponsored by the United
States National Student Associa-
tion includes Tulane, the Univer-
sity of Oregon, the University of
Minnesota, Marquette University,
Vassar College and the University
of North Carolina,
Al Lowenstein, a representative
of the Collegiate Council for the
United Nations, will serve as
moderator for a discussion. Prof.
George Kish of the geography
department will acquaint the audi-
ence with the present Hungarian
Following the speech, which will
be interpreted, questions from the
floor will be accepted.
The talk is sponsored by NSA
in connection with the National
and International Committee of
Student Government Council and
the World Discussion Society of
the Collegiate Council for the
United Nations. Tom Kano, Spec.,
is chairman of WDS here.
Lohwater To Talk
Prof. Arthur J. Lohwater of the
mathematics department will
speak to the Young Republicans
on "What's What in Russia" at
8 p.m. today in Rm. 3S of the
Prof. Lohwater attended the In-
ternational Congress of Mathema-
ticians in Moscow last summer.
Also on the YR agenda is elec-
tion of officers and ratification of
a new constitution.
tion of "provocative strikes," but
did not seem to fall under the
martial law decree.
Decree Lists Crimes
That decree, issued Sunday over
the signature of President Istvan
Dobi, -listed murder, manslaugh-
ter, arson, robbery, looting, dam-
age to public plants and utilities
and all attempts at those crimes,
along with illegal possession of
arms, ammunition and explosives.
The President, a figurehead, is-
sued a supplemental decree yes-
terday to make the death sentence
'Tension Unbearable'
A Hungarian labor leader newly
escaped to Austria said the ten-
sion within Budapest, torn for 50
days by military and political
fighting, "is almost unbearable.
"The big drama is just begin-
ning," he said. "The storm can
comeat any moment."
In a similar vein, the Moscow
radio said the Hungarian capital-
its industry and commerce largely
paralyzed by the 48-hour general
strike protesting the activities of
Kadar's government-was alive
with "provocative rumors."
Hospital Group
To Meet Here
More than 50 administrative of-
ficials: from Michigan hospitals
will be in Ann Arbor today and
tomorrow to discuss needs and
planning for active public rela-
tions programs.
This Institute for Hospital Pub-
lic Relations, sponsored by the
Michigan Hospital Association in
cooperation with the University,
is the first institute of its kind in
A careful look at patient serv-
ice, relations between medical
staff and administration and pub-
lic relations responsibilities of em-
ployees will be discussed by the
The past president of the Amer-
ican Academy of General Prac-
tice, Dr. John S. DeTar, will dis-
cuss the topic, "A Hospital is Only
as Good as Its Medical Staff."
The reactions of the press to
hospital public relations will be
discussed by Detroit Times science
editor, Jack Pickering, in a speech
entitled "Getting Into and Keep-
ing Out of the Newspapers."
-Daily-David Arnold
SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION-Tickets for Willowhopper service
will be sold from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. today, tomorrow and Monday
at the S. University Travel Service, The Diag and in Mason Hall
Lobby. Willowhopper, a special transportation service for Univer-
sity students, will send buses to and from Willow Run Airport
before and after the Christmas recess. Buses will leave campus
at 12:15 p.m., 1:30 p.m. and 4:15 p.m. Dec. 21 from the Union,1
the corner of S. University and Forest and The Hill. Return trips
are scheduled for 7:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. Jan. 2.
Rah=Rah' Poses Puzzle
For Publications Board'
By WILLIAM HANEY the technical problems and helped
Action to be taken should Rah sell copies yesterday" but he de-
Rah, humor magazine appearing nied any formal connection with
on campus yesterday, be operated Rah Rah.
by University students was un- If the magazine Is to be sold as
determined by University officials a University publication, approval
last night. of the Board must be obtained. If
"This is the first time we've the magazine intends to function
encountered such a situation dur- as a legal business, hawking li-
ing my tenure on the Board," censes for each vendor must be
Prof. John W. Reed, Chairman of obtained.
the Board in Control of Student "Ron told me he had taken care
Publications, said.gof all the legal business," Black
A University regulation gives said
the Board control over publications -
managed, published or promoted *
by students for local sale and dis- usic Schoo
Joint Judic Might Act MayvAccredit
However, Prof. Reed indicated
that though the Board does have
jurisdiction in the event students ew Courses
are connected with the magazine
any action to be taken might be By DIANE LaBAKAS
initiated by Joint Judiciary Coun-
cil rather than the Board. Dean Earl V. Moore of the
Gordon Black, '57, student mem- School of Music declared yesterday
ber of the Board, conferred yester- there is a good possibility that the
day with assistant Dean of Men School will adopt a program of
John Bingley concerning the pos- accrediting special high school
sibility Black was connected with courses taken by superior stu-
Rah Rah. dents.
The Boards' policy is that a The program would be similar to
member cannot serve on the Board that recently passed by the literary
and work on a student publication college.
simultaneously. Students would qualify after
'ei etiopassing an examination given by
Denies Connection the music department. The pro-
Bingley said Black denied eon- gram will be discussed Monday at!
nection with the magazine. Black a meeting of the faculty.
commented, "I neither affirmed "We are willing to follow the lit-
nor denied I was working on the erary college lead," Dean Moore
publication; the question was Just said. "This program is most de-'
brought up in passing and I didn't sirable and will perhaps encourage
answer definitely." the high school student to take!
According to Prof. Reed, Black full advantage of his senior year
asked six weeks ago about the instead of giving him a lot of time
possibility of another campus to play."
humor magazine. Dean Moore said the depart-i
Black said when he questioned ment has already developed pro-
Prof. Reed he was "obtaining in- grams with private tutors to un-
formation for Ron Walker, a non- dertake work with high school
student, who had talked over the students so they will be farther!
chances of starting a new humor advanced when they enter college
magazine." and can be placed on a higher
According to Black, Walker is course level.
the owner of Rah Rah and it is a "We are interested in giving at-
licensed business. tention to the gifted students and
Black admitted he helped Walk- letting them advance as fast as
er "find the answers to some of they legitimately can," Dean Moore
He said the School would accept
Counilt' Loses advanced standing credit for ap-
proved literary college courses
1 taken by music students. These
O r anton courses include English composi-
tion, biology, history, chemistry,
-, _ n -1 nhvcioc. frpioin on.n an nn
was absent.
The voting split the Asian-Afri-
can bloc.
V. K. Krishna Menon of India
abstained but other members such
as Burma, Ceylon, Iran, Lebanon,
Libya, Nepal, Pakistan, the Phil-
ippines, Thailand, Tunisia and Ye-
men voted for the resolution of
It was the sharpest split in this
bloc yet to be registered in the
The Soviet Union angrily de-
nounced the resolution and began1
a drive to bring charges against
the United States for allegedly in-
tervening in the Soviet bloc coun-
To Be Debated1
This will likely be debated later
by the Assembly in the course of
its regular work.y
By its decision -the Assembly
called for the third time for the,
Russians to get out of Hungary.'
This time it added the judgment
against the Soviet Union in theĀ£
following words:4
"Declares that, by using its
armed force against the Hungar-
ian people, the government of thei
'Union of Soviet Socialist Repub-3
lies of violating the political inde-
pendence of Hungary;
"Condemns the violation of the
charter by the government of the1
Union of Soviet Socialist Repub-
lics in depriving Hungary of its
liberty and independence and the
Hungarian people of the exercise1
of their fundamental rights."
Relief Work Asked
The Assembly asked Secretary
General Dag Hammarskjold, who
has been trying unsuccessfully to
go to Budapest, to start UN re-
lief work "that he deems helpful
in relation to the Hungarian prob-
lem." This left it up to Hammar-
skjold to decide what to do.
It was inserted at the last min-
ute to block a proposal by India,
Ceylon, Burma and Indonesia for
the Assembly to instruct Hammar-
skjold to go to Moscow in an ef-
fort to achieve a solution.
Before the vote on the 20-coun-
try resolution was taken, the As-
sembly knocked down by voice
votes a series of amendments by
India, Ceylon and Indonesia which!
would have deleted the condem-
nation clause and tempered down I
the resolution to a great degree.
Nixon To Visit'
Austria, Make
Refugee Study
AUGUSTA, Ga. (PM-At Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's re-
quest, Vice President Richard M.
Nixon will go to Austria next week
to study the Hungarian refugee
problem and recommend what fur-
ther aid the United States can
Announcing this last night,
White House Press Secretary James
C. Hagerty left open the question
of whether the trip may lead to
bringing into this country more
than the 21,500 refugees now plan-
The answer to that question,
Hagerty said in resnonse to news-
See Failure
Of Uprising,
Two University professors last
night agreed the present Hun-
garian "semi-passive" revolt would
probably end in at least surface
"After all," Prof. Preston W.
Slosson of the history department
said, "the strikers eventually will
have to eat."
Prof. George Katona of the psy-
chology and economics depart-
ments noted quietly, "It's hard to
fight tanks."
Prof. Katona, a former Hun-
garian, went on to say the strikes
and scattered violence will prob-
ably have long-range effects.
"The guns and tanks can't be
there all the time," he said. "In
the long run, it's a wonderful
thing, what these brave, brave
Hungarians are doing."
Intimating something may have
happened to recently-installed
puppet Premier Janos Kadar,
Prof. Slosson said, "We don't seem
to have heard much from him
lately. It's impossible to say what
personal role he's playing."
Both professors credited the
current nationalistic wave with
helping to inflame the Hungarian
Conceding the effects would
"probably" be lasting, Prof. Ka-
tona commented, "I think na-
tionalism is on the upswing all
over the world-for good or bad."
Prof. Slosson, however, thinks
Hungarian nationalism will be
crushed, at least for the time
being. "Russia is right next door,"
he said, "and can throw an entire
army into Hungary. Of course,
her prestige is still shaky, but I
think she would take the neces-
sary steps," to completely crush
the revolt.
No matter what loss of prestige
Russia suffers, Prof. Slosson said,
she would be almost forced to
move because "success of a Hun-
garian independence movement
would start the other satellites
Prof. Slosson said Poland's ex
ample was at least partially re-
sponsible for the Hungarian revolt.
"They haven't gone as far there
of course, but the spark was in
the Poznan labor revolts.
"I don't know of any other
satellites under such oppressive
rule," he concluded. "The Hun-
garians had plenty to revolt
Faculty Members
Contribute $400
Professor George Kptona of the
psychology and economics depart-
ments reported yesterday he has
received approximately $400 for
Hungarian relief from 35 faculty
The contributions came in res-
ponse to a motion passed by the
Faiulty Senate Nov. 26.
P A R I S-The French National
Assembly supported Premier Guy
Mallet's pleas for European soli-
darity yesterday and voted 354-
225 to return the rich Saarland
to Germany.
The act removes a major con-
tinental sore spot. The SAAR and
its one million people will be re-
turneq politically to Germany by
next Jan. 1.
NEW DELHI, India-Prime Min-
Minister Nehru said Tuesday
night the United States should
"take the bull by the horns and
deal with Russia" on a Middle
East settlement.
He gave the impression at a
news conference, though he did
not say so specifically, that he
believes an agreement might re-
sult in halting the stream of arms
to the Middle East.
* * ,*
BELFAST, Northern Ireland-
Fears of new raids by the out-
lawed Irish Republican Army sent
royal Ulster police and troops
scouring the mountains frontier
of the Irish Republic last night.
l Prime Minister Lord Brooke-
borough said evidence indicated
raids early yesterday by roving
bands of gunmen originated in
Eire. He accused the Irish Re-
public of failing to cooperate in
checking the outlaws.
** * *
NEW YORK-The federal gov-
ernment, backing up its earlier
thret e mn nt o r+ rtvpctrl- nv o
Christmas On Campus
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