PAGE RIGHT, THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAT. DECEIMER 12,195r, I'AGE EIGHT TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY WE~)NESDAY. DECEMBER 12 1~EI p 4 SURROUNDED BY PAST: Modern Man Looks At Universe (Editor's Note: This is the last in a series of three interpretive articles discussing the development of as- tronomy and its effects on human thought.) By WILLIAM SPODAK Entering the present phase of astronomy, one encounters such expressions as light-year, inter- stellar matter and red-shift or ex- panding Universe. The commonly-used term "light- year" has been somewhat -mis- understood by the general public. A light-year may be defined as the distance light travels in a year at a speed of 186,000 miles per sec- ond, approximately six trillion miles. But when one views a star at 100 light-years distance he is see- ing it as it was 100 years ago. Thus when gazing up at the evening sky one is looking back in time. Though we think we live in the present we are nevertheless inex- orably surrounded by the past. Static Relations The relation between astronomy and the public has remained quite static throughout almost all of history. Prof. Dean B. McLaughlin of the astronomy department has re- marked, "people have isolated bits of information concerning astron- omy but they are not connected in thought." The list of practical applications of astronomy, such as time deter- mination, has been mentioned in a previous article. We can add to this list today the study of meteors to determine upper atmospheric conditions, ob- servation of sun spots for their in- fluence on terrestrial radio trans- mission and the study of solar radiation for its relation to tem- perature variations on earth. Astrophysics Astrophysics has also indirectly contributed much needed infor- mation in the construction of the Hydrogen bomb. The reason for this is that astronomers are able' to study in stars anomalous atomic conditions that can not be dupli- cated in terrestrial laboratories. Another aspect of astronomy that should be noted in the con- stant reference made in poems, plays, songs and paintings to cel- estial phenomena, thus manifest- ing astronomy's cultural value. At present the Universe is be- lieved to be in a state of rapid ex- pansion with all the galaxies, or "cities of stars," "running away" from each other. By the use o~ various techniques it is possible t6 arrive at an esti- matidn of five billion years for the age of the Universe. Star Evolution Stars are also believed to under- go, during this time,various evolu- tionary processes. Some stars are thus found that are quite old while others are considered to be relatively new. The earth is but one of the minor members of what is called the solar system. Countless other such systems probably permeate space and there is the definite pos- sibility that some of these contain life as we know it-the only kind of life. The Sun is considered one of the average members of its "city" located at about 35,000 light-years from the center. The most recent theory concern- ing the origin of the Universe,_ and one that has reeived much favorable attention, pictures it in a state of constant evolution. The original elements were prob- Organization Notices Newman Club, panel discussion "Idea1 of a University" 8 p.m., Father Richard Center. * Sociedad Hispanica, poetry recital contest, 7:30 p.m., League. Sociedad Hispanica, coffee hour, 3:30- 5 p.m., Union Snack Bar. Ballet Club, meeting, 7 p.m., begin- ners, 7:50 p.m., advanced, Barbour gym. BIG EYE-Prof. Dean B. McLaughlin stands next to the 37-inch reflecting telescope at the Main Observatory. Its primary function is to gather large quantities of light. Attachment at bottom is a spectroscope. ably hydrogen and helium with the heavier elements built up in the interiors of the first genera- tion stars resulting from this pri- modial matter. These theories indicate a defi- nite connection between astron- omy and philosophy. Astronomy Foundation Any metaphysical philosophy must take into account and rest on a foundation of astronomy. The Universe in its entirety, its past, present, and future as revealed by the astronomer must be consid- ered. One cannot argue about a "first" cause unless the subsequent re- sults of this cause are known and appreciated. Thus these two subjects are so closely connected that for no other reason than this, astronomy is worthy of attention. Astronomy is now embarked on a great adventure, the exploration of the Universe. Countless prob- lems are at hand and a rich and long future is predicted for this science. As man achieves space travel, attention will once more be focused on astronomy. But as Prof. Mc- Laughlin points out, astronomy is not primarily concerned with the problem of space travel. Moon Observatory The main advantage that it can derive from the "conquest of space" is the establishment of an observatory on the Moon, where due to the absence of an atmos- phere, observations can be car- ried out with more precision and a greater range of the spectrum is obtainable. Whether people wish to con- sciously recognize the influence astronomy has had on the develop- ment of civilization, they cannot escape the fact it is there. "The Heavens declare the Glory of God." the Psalmist says and it is the astronomer, in his mountain top observatory, who reveals thie glory.. Prof. Weller's Medical AccomplishmentsLauded - / r- Gent lemen ... MEN'S NIHI at Is 7 to 9 P.M. TONIGHT!1 Your annual "stag" shopping night.. unham- pered, unhurried with everything arranged to make your gift-selecting easy and pleasant. Our helpful people will be on hand to assist you in solving your "what-to-give-her" problems. Have every purchase glamour-wrapped ready to put under the tree on Christmas morning. ? * t. .* . 1 'P i'YJS : fif ^a''i~'0f' brilliant fashion game . Christmas blouses from Jacobson's You know she'll be delighted with blouses like these from our wondrous Christmas collection ... classics, soft dressmakers, evening froths, gala prints and so many more beautiful styles from which to choose! Left: Soft.modern classic pure silk shirt with a smart convertible collar . . . a handsome, versatile print with multicolor houndstooth checks on white. Yellow, orange or grey. Sizes 10 to 18. 1 11.95 i 4Center: Delicately feminine white dacron-and-cotton blouse, sweetly yoked and ruffled in front with exquisite lace .. . a drip-dry darling she'll love for day and evening wear. Sizes 10 to 16. 11.95 Right: Dainty print shirt of polished cotton, a-glow with a sprinkling of jewels on the front and on the con- vertible collar. Wine with pink, lilac with turquoise, green with orange. Sizes 10 to 18. 9,95 9. E1 _c , r ' 4* t i l* ~-\ ~if j I p 4 Associates of the late Prof. Carl a great nersonal and nrofessional V. Weller, chairman of the Uni- w ga..wV F.+ :uvaawa wsau, Na a va versity pathology department for 25 years, yesterday paid tribute to his accomplishments in the field of medical science. On hearing of Prof. Weller's death Monday, University Presi- I Prof. Carl V. Weller, late chair- man of the University pathology department. dent Harlan Hatcher said, "Dr. Weller was one of the most dis- tinguished and honored members of the University faculty. His work has had a profound influence upon the development of medical sci- ence. "It lives on in the ,men who trained under him. His passing is DAILY OFFICI (Continued from Page 4) f loss," Hatcher declared.1 Acclaiming the nationally known pathologist's work in Michigan, Dr. A. C. Kerlikowske, director of University H o s p i t a 1 explained, "Pathology in Michigan owes a great deal to Dr. Weller. He was renowned in his field, and the pre- mature loss of his guidance and counsel will be deeply felt. "His mark of service to Michi- gan hospitals will be long remem- bered. For years, hospitals in Michigan called upon him directly to see their patients. He was 'our pathologist' to many hospitals. "His mai'k as a leader is shown by the increasing number of Mich- igan hospitals which now have resident pathologists, most of whom trained under him," Dr. Kerlikowske concluded. Prof. Albert C. Furstenberg, dean of the medical school, praised Dr. Weller saying, "The medical school has lost a valiant and faithful member of its faculty. Those of us who have had the good fortune and rare privilege of studying under Dr. Weller's direction found in him a most inspiring teacher. "His students and colleagues will long continue to reap full benefits of his inspiration and rich resources which he has left with us," Prof. Furstenberg con- cluded. AL BULLET"IN] Manistee, Michigan -- Manual Arts. For additional information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. Personnel Interviewts Representatives from the following will be at the Engrg. School: Mon., Dec. 17 Rand Corp., Santa Monica, Calif. MB Mfg. Co., New Haven Conn. - all levels in Aero, Ch. E., Civil, Elect., Ind., Instru., Mat'ls, Math., Mech., Engrg. Mech., Metal., Nuclear, Physics and Science for development and de- sign, production and sales. U.S. citi- zen. Radiation, Inc. Melbourne, Florida - all levels in Aero., Elect., Ind., Instr., Math., Mech,, Nuclear, and Physics for research, development, design and sales. Tues., Dec. 18 Diamond Alkali Co., Painesville, Ohio -all levels in Ch. E. for exploratory and applied research and development. Wed., Dec. 19 Hazelet & Erdal, East Lansing, Mich.,- all levels in civil and construction for 'C * * * al Generation, reorganizational meeting for winter issue, 7:30 p.m., Publications Building. ' * .s Finance Club, meeting, 4:15 p.m. 131 Business Administration Bldg., speaker:3 Mr. Raymond MacDonald, "Problems Facing International Business." Dec. 12, 1139 Natural Science, 4:15 p.m. Refreshments at 4:00. * 1'___r__r Hillel, cultural committee meeting, Chemistry Department Orientation 4:15 p.m. Hillel. Seminar. Thurs., Dec. 13. 7:00 p.m., 4 * * Room 1300, Chemistry Building. Dr. B.i Hillel, religious committee meeting, 4 Jaselskis and Dr. A. Shilt will be the p.m., Hillel. speakers. * * * Hillel, elementary Hebrew, 7:45 p.m., Chemistry Department Colloquium, Hillel. Thurs., Dec. 13, 8:00 p.m., Room 1300, * * e* Chemistry Building. A. Emery will speak on "Raman Spectra of Metal Borohy- Hillel, musicfil program, 'An Evening drides"; S. Reid will speak on "Studies With GershwIn, 8 p.m., Hillel. I in the Synthesis of Alstonine". Physics Club, meeting, 7:30 p.m., 2038 Randall, speaker: Ralph Goodman, "The Aplication of Acoustics to an Oceanographic Problem." Spring Weekend, special events sub- committee chairmen meeting, 4:15 p.m., Union. * * * Doctoral Examination for Alice Knar Barter, Education; thesis: "A Study of Elementary School Teachers' Attitudes Towards the Woman Principal and To- wards the Elementary Principalship as a Career", Wed., Dec. 12, 1600 University Elementary School, at 9:00 am. Chair- man, R, S. Fox.