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September 20, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-09-20

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2 -3241

(See Page 4)


Latest Deadline in the State



Sigma Kappa
Raise Issue
National Action May
Affect 'U' Chapter
Suspension this summer of two
e*chapters of Sigma Kappa sorority
has raised the question of whether
the University chapter is comply-
ing with campus bias clause regu-
The local sorority's recognition
as an affiliated campus organiza-
tion is conditional on compliance
with the regulations.
Chapters at Cornell and Tufts
universities were suspended this
summer by the sorority's national
council "for the good of the soror-
ity as a whole." No specific reason
% was given by the council, but both
chapters had recently pledged
Negro women.
SAC Decision
While restrictive membership
policies are not outlawed at the
University, a 1949 Student Activi-
ties Committee ruling denied
future recognition to "any organi-
zation which prohibits membership
in the organization because of
race, religion or color."
The local sorority, formerly
known as Eskasia, was granted
permission to affiliate with Sigma
Kappa in one of Student Govern-
ment Council's first actions as the
University student government. At
that time the Dean of Women's
1 office reported that an examina-
tion of the sorority's constitution
showed no evidence of written re-
strictions on membership.
To keep SGC recognition --
} necessary for the life of any fra-
ternity or sorority-an organiza-
tion must "continue to meet the
conditions for initial recognition"
and "act in good faith with the
spirit of the regulations."
At least one SGC member has
questioned whether the local chap-
ter can be acting in good faith if
in fact it would be subject to sus-
pension should it pledge a Negro
SGC Hears Situation
.'he situation was brought to
the attention of SGC at last
night's meeting when Daily Man-
aging Editor Dick Snyder, '57,
told what is known about the
suspensions and reviewed the rele-
' vant University regulations. He
asked Council members to learn as
much as possible about the situa-
tion in preparation for future SGC
consideration of the matter.
Local Sigma Kappa President
Barbara Busch has reserved com-
ment on the suspensions and their
possible local implications saying,
"as a responsible officer I can't
make any statement until I have
the facts to base it on."
Facts on the case are hard to
come by, even for those most
directly concerned. Thelma Ham-
mond, Sigma Kappa president at
the suspended Cornell chapter,
told the Daily from Ithaca that
despite persistent efforts she has
"found nothing" which the na-
tional organization is using to jus-
tify its actions. "We are making
no assumptions at this point," she
said, but could think of nothing
in the record of practices of the
chapter-other than its pledging
of a Negro woman-to explain its
Doesn't Know Situation
"We're still trying to find out

what our situation is," she added,
explaining that the chapter could
not learn when or whether it may
be reinstated.
The Cornell local was complete-
ly surprised by their suspension,
because it followed only one hint
that the national office was dis-
At an informal meeting during
the sorority's national convention
the chapter was told that its
"pledging activities" were being
j, discussed, although no such ques-
tion ever r'eached the convention
floor. Approximately a month aft-
=r the convention the sorority's
national council, made up of five
women, suspended the Cornell and
Tufts locals.
The reticence of the national



New 'U' Patrol Car








Car Regulations
Expect 4000 Cars To Be Registered .
At University in Next Two Weeks
New University driving regulations go into effect 8 a.m. today.
So far, according to Assistant Dean of Men Karl D. Streiff, 2100
automobiles have received exempt and special permits. He expects
at least 4,000 would be registered within the next two weeks. "But
that's a conservative estimate," he said. "Actual figures will probably
run to at least 4,500."
This would mean a 300-car decrease over last year's official 4,800.
Results of a survey taken last year, however, indicate that, under

-Dai-vern soden
UNIVERSITY PATRO--Students who fail to register their cars
will have reason to fear the new University patrol car in coming
weeks. First offenders face a possible $50 fine, while second
offenders may receive a semester's suspension.
Appeal To Drop Indictment
Denied Former Instructor
A federal judge has denied a motion to dismiss the government
indictment against former University mathematics instructor H.
Chandler Davis.
Davis, who refusesd to answer questions pertaining to his politi-
cal activities while testifying before the House Subcommittee. on
Un-American Activities in May, 1954, must now stand trial for con-
tempt of Congress.,
The motion, denied by United States District Court Judge W.

the new regulations, 5,000 students would
campus and additional 1,700 would - -

be eligible to drive on

Wallace Kent in an 11-pagea


World News
By The Associated Press
WORTHINGTON, Minn.-Senator
Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn) said yes-
terday the "new Nixon," if sincere,
should apologize publicly for what
he called the Vice-President's past
slurs on the loyalty of Democratic
leaders and others.1
The Democratic vice-presiden-
tial candidate said if Nixon has
learned it is possible for political
opponents to differ "without assas-
sinating each other," then "we
will all be glad to welcome him
back to the company of civilized


nion, covered technical points in
O'the government's 26-count in-
Davis maintains, however, the'
the beginning - whether or not
main issue is stillwhat it was in'
a committee of Congress that setsj
out to expose and publicize poli-
tical ideas is violating the First
Amendment and therefore loses
its validity as a committee of Con-
"We will argue this at the
.trial," Davis told The Daily yes-
terday, "and in case of conviction
will argue it in appeal, and even
take it to the Supreme Court if
necessary." -
At the hearings in 1954, Davis
invoked the First Amendment in
refusing to answer questions about
his political activities.
As a result, he was suspended by
the University for refusing to co-
operate with the committee and,
along with former Prof. Mark
Nickerson, was subsequently dis-
"This case wouldn't have existed
if it had not been for my stand
as a witness," Davis continued.
Date for his trial has not been
set yet, although he anticipates
it will be this fall. "Until then,"
he said, "there is no other action
I can take other than to present
new motions, which I am not go-
ing to do."

like to keep cars here on occasion.
Top Driver Estimates
Top estimate for student driv-
ers falls between 5,000 and 5,500,
which means an increase of 200-
700 over last year.
In this case, parking facilities,
already stretched to the limit,
will become practically nonexis-
Until a healthy chunk of an ex-
pected $30,000 registration reve-
nue can be turned over to solution
of campus parking problems, the
University is relying on campus:
congestion to keep unnecessary
driving to a minimum..
"We hope that, in view of the
congested situation around cam-
pus, many students will not drive
except in the evening and on
weekends," Streiff said.
Lt. Harrison Schlupe, of the Ann
Arbor Police Department's Traf-
fic Bureau, said yesterday that at
present, it would be impossible to
determine how the new regula-
tions were affecting Ann Arbor
Can't Predict Affect
"All the kids are here register-
ing now," he said. "We won't be
able to really stell until things get
back to normal some time next
Crowded information tables
outside the Office of Student Af-
fairs and students queued up in
front of the permit office testi-
fied that many are anxious to take
advantage of their age, marriage
or Ann Arbor residence status.
Last year 2,600 exempt permits
and- 2,200 special permits were
granted. In view of the increase
in exempt permits this. year, the
number of special permits granted
is being drastically reduced,
Streiff said.

Ike Delivers
TV Kickoff
Peace Talky
WASHINGTON (P) -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower declared
last night that in a world con-
fronted by "grave problems" Am-
erica stands ready to dedicate its
vast strength "to serving the
needs, rather than the fears of the
In an address built around a
single word-peace-the President
said that "our task is far from
And he said that the people of
the world, including the Soviet
leaders, "must never be deceived
-or delighted-by any myth of
American weakness."
This was President Eisenhower's
first big speech of the presidential
campaign, an address prepared for
delivery at 8:30 p.m. EST over the
CBS television and radio network
from studios here.
The President went into his
campaign kickoff saying that he
has a personal kind of peace
"granted me by the mercy of the
Almighty." and then he said:
"It is this firm conviction: I am
strength to meet all the responsi-
bilities of the presidency, today
and in the years just ahead.
If I were not so convinced, I
would never have accepted renom-
ination to this.office.
"I hope this conviction-this
peace of mind-may bring assur-
ance to many others, as I stand
ready to serve as your president
for another four years, if this be
your will."

' , 1
L. ,

.f g Officials See
: 1,600 ise
n ? v;Over 1955
Rabbit-Warren Room
Situation Levels Off;
1957 Looks Worse
A University enrollment of a rec-
ord 22,300 students for this fall is
running true to form, Edward a.
Groesbeck, director of registration
and records revealed yesterday.
s With the three days of scheduled
Siregistration past, the Records Of-
fice is hastily tabulating exactly
how many students completed
Waterman Gym's maze of red tape.
Official totals will be known on
The increased enrollment-1600
students if the 22,300 figure holds
-Daily-Larry Carbonelli true-has- been the cause of the
CLOSE QUARTERS-It takes a lot of waitin' to call a room your . University's most critical housing
own say 60 South Quadrangle residents who are presently sardined. shortage in years. Especially af-
into the ninth-floor study hal. fected are women and foreign stu-
Temporary housing "pools" exist
P ro l1min most women's residence halls,
the largest sleeping ten women in
Su Helen Newberry Residence and
seven women at Alice Lloyd Hall.
Foreign Students
fAForeign students ithoutrooms
LileadeaebSGCgAgendanCenter as a headquarters while at-
At its first meeting of the new academic year, Student Govern- ttanltofindmenarengsi
ment Council turned to forthcoming campus problems and activities stop-gap housing In Elst, West,
and made plans to fill a council vacancy. and South Quadrangles-60 shar-
The vacancy, caused by Vh resignation of former Daily City ing the cramped quarters of South
Editor Jim Dygert, '56, will be filled when an interviewing and nom- Quad's ninth-floor study hall.
inating board presents its recommendations to the Council next week. Twenty married-student, famil-
Inter-House Council president Bob Warrick, '57E, announced IHC les are being temporarily lodged
will organize groups of students to patrol the campus area the night at the University's Fresh Air Camp.
before the Michigan-Michigan --Another 27 married men are living
Stat fotbal gae. Ptros of" A saiat Sou th Quad. These complica-
State football game. Patrols of A tions arose after plumbing con-
this kind were very effective in tractors completed only 48 of the
warding off pre-game painting " . . 300 Northwood apartments that
parties last year, Warrick said. *mn stratton were scheduled for September op-
Joint Judiciary Council will also
confer with MSU's .udicial body in WASHINGTON () - Adla Ste- Officials Express Gratitude
an effort to divert paint-happy venson yesterday assailed the University officials have ex-
victims of football fever on both Eisenhower administration's labor pressed gratitude to the home-
campuses. owners of Ann. Arbor, Dexter,
But to MSU's proposal fora policy and promised he would ap- Chelsea, Ypsilanti, and other com-
student governmentconference to ply "new imagination," if elected, munities within fifteen miles for
discuss common problems, SGC to spread the benefit of atomic opening their homes, thus easing
was chilly. Daily Managing Editor energy and other new ' a crisis which seems to have reach
Dick Snyder, '57, said, "Last year's yadothianst techniques. ed its zenith. However, the high
meeting was nil in terms of con- In addition to his labor state- demand-fixed supply situation has
Crete accomplishments because of wnent, telephoned to the United brought higher rents and p,rticu-
MSU's superior attitude. We Steelworkers convention at Los lar landlords.
simply don't have'the same prob- Angeles, the Democratic presiden- All schools except Social Work
lems." bial nominee made known he and Business Administration in-
A motion that SGC co-sponsor would add an "extra dimension" creased enrollment from last year
United Nations Week, Oct. 21-27, to his campaign by issuing a ser- according to the. administration's
with the International Student ies of detailed statements on some reliable estimate of 22,300 students,
Association, was tabled until next basic issues. The most significant gains appear
week's meeting so that plans could Stevenson's press secretary, in thechool of Literature, Science
be studied by the Finance Com- layton Fritchey, said the candi- and the Arts which expects a rise
mittee. date will put out five or six such of 400 over last year's 660;En-
statements in a form that will en- gineering vaulted 400 to 3100;
able him to elaborate his viewsGraduate School is up 300 to 4800;
without regard to the "entertain- Law Jumped from 811 to 925; and
ment" or other limitations of p- n Architecture and Design ganed90
on 1955's 620 total.
litical rally speeches. Next year- the housing shortage
Fritchey said these statements should be even more maddening,
will be in the nature of "major No new University hosing will be
iffe Ars0affirmations," with the first two added to present facilities by 1957
Again this year the Michigan tentatively slated to cover "human according to Francis C. Shiel,
Agan tisona it stf resources" such as better educa- manager of service enterprises. In
Daily has openings istf tional facilities and mor- atten- 1958 a women's. dormitory on
for incoming students, both fresh- tion to the problem of using mid- Washington Heights (c a p-a e i t y,
nen and, transfers. dle-aged and elderly persons to 1200 and 300 more Northwood
Experience is unnecessary be- the greater benefit of themselves married student apartments will
,ause The Daily offers on-the-job and the nation. be functioning if plans work out.

LONDON- Secretary of. State
John Foster Dulles asked 18 na-
tions yesterday to press Egypt for
a share in control of Suez Canal
He plainly indicated the canal
might be boycotted if Egypt re-
fused to cooperate.
Dulles added an emphatic warn-
ing that an eventual Suez solution
must conform with justice and law
as well as with peace.
* * *
NEW YORK-A shadowy figure
in the rackets-ridden garment in-
dustry was seized yesterdayIn the
acid-blinding of labor columnist
Victor Riesel.
He is Theodore RU, 43, the target
of a nationwide FBI manhunt.
Rij was described as a hench-
man of John. (Johnny Dio) Dio.
guardi, alleged ringleader in the
April 4 acid attack on the news-
STURGIS, Ky.-After attending
classes for nearly two weeks, eight
Negro students were barred from
Sturgis High School yesterday and
an attorney said he planned to
take their case to federal court.
A white boycott of the school
began lifting immediately after
the Negroes were barred. Troops
remained on guard here and in
nearby Clay.
Warren Recovers
From Heart Attack
Prof. Austin Warren who suf-
fered a heart attack during the


Dail Calls For Ne w St(
D *1
}.. # "k..-rt-,

training by highly-specialized per-
Opportunities for rapid ad-.
vancement, paid posiitons well
above 'the level demanded by the
Michigan Minimum Wage Law,
3nd elaborate and effective study
conditions and facilities for em-
ployees are only a few of the
many advantages offered to new
. The Daily's unique editorial pol-
icy enables any staff member to.
axpress his opinion on the mo-
mentous issues of the day.
Tryouts for positions on the edi-

The first of these statements is
expected to be issued over the
weekend, with the others to follow
on an average of once a week- be-
tween now and Election Day.
Death Claims
Prof. Pargment
Prof. Emeritus Michael S. Parg-
nent, former instructor in the
University's French Department
died from a heart attack at St.

Dewey to Address
Next Week's Rally
Thomas E. Dewey, '23, will ad-
dress a political. rally at Hill;Aud-
itorium Wednesday, it was, con-
firmed yesterday.
The rally, sponsored by the
University Young Republican Club,
in cooperation with the Ann Arbor
and Washtenaw County Republi-
can Committees, has been in the
nlanning stages since May.


- . m . o.........

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