: , , L Latest Deadline in the State Daiij WINDY, COOLER VOL. LXVII, No. 69 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 SIX PAGES Rule of Kremlin Doomed: Dulles Tells NATO Members Soviets Threatened by Internal Weakness PARIS (?P)-Secretary of State John Foster Dulles yesterday predicted the eventual collapse of Soviet communism. He told the free world allies that unswerving loyalty to the United Nations concept will speed the process. In an earnest, almost religious address to members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the secretary said he had "good reason" to believe that internal pressures are shaking the Kremlin's iron rule. He declared this provides the world with an historic opportunity for real and lasting peace. Exploit Opportunity To exploit this opportunity, he asserted, the West must nmintain a spotless moral appeal to the captive but restive peoples of the East, with staunch adherence to the Expansion ncqr *Suez Canal Conference Imminent PARIS (P)-Britain and France were reported yesterday moving for a meeting with Egypt to seek a settlement of the Suez Canal dispute. They were said to be leaning to- ward Egypt's terms. . United Nations Secretary Gen- eral Dag Hammarskjold would sit in on the conference, possibly in Geneva. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles was understood to be firmly supporting the new Western approach. Clear Indications Britain and France were said to have given clear indications at the current NATO meeting in Par- is they will accept less than the full international control of the Canal they have been demanding. Western diplomats said the present intention of Britain and France is to seek a meeting quick- ly of the British, French and Egyptian foreign ministers. Informants said British Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd and French Foreign Minister Christian Pineal are ready to negotiate with Egyptian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Fawzi on the basis of: Six Principles 1. The six principles adopted by the UN Security Council and Egypt Oct. 13. 2. Hammarskjold's interpreta- tion of those principles as spelled out in a letter to Fawzi Oct. 24. The six principles are: Freedom of access to the canal for all na- tions, respect for Egypt's sover- eignty, insulation of the canal from politics, tolls to be fixed by agreement between Egypt and users, guarantees for developing the canal, and arbitration of dis- putes. Egyptian Authority Hammarskjold wrote Fawzi that international cooperation o the canal might be accomp ished through an Egyptian operating authority, with representation for user nations. The Egyptian Canal Authority and the user representatives would consult on legal matters, settlement of differences and ful- fillnient of decision. But the users would be bound not to interfere in the work of the canal authority. Fawzi in a' reply made public Nov. 3 agreed that Hammar skj old's outline was worth trying as a possible basis for negotiations. Britain and France - and also the United States - heretofore have stood by an 18-power plan for creating an international au- thority to run the canal. The plan was drafted in London in Sep- tember by the main nations using the canal. Moore To Leave Ann Arbor Council Prof. A. D. Moore of the engi- neering college, a veteran of 17 years on the Ann Arbor City Council, announced yesterday he will not seek re-election for a new term. Prof. Moore, whose term will end next April. cited the need to devote more time to research and writing as his reason for not run- ning. "This was not an easy de- cision to make," Prof. Moore de- clared, "Serving on the council is a way of life." He also made mention of the large turn-over in Council mem- principles of the UN charter, es- pecially in renouncing force as an instrument of national policy. But Sec. Dulles added at the same time the West must also maintain a powerful defense shield to deter the Kremlin from the temptations of military adven- ture. His statement marked the open- ing of a session of NATO foreign, finance and defense ministers. Among other things the NATO men must map defense targets for 1957 and consider methods of clos- er political and economic coopera- tion by the 15 member nations. Expected to Continue The session is expected to con-! tinue to the. end of the week. The session was closed to news- men, who received a digest of the Dulles and other speeches from NATO officials. Parts of Sec. Dulles' statement were an obvious rebuke to Britain and France for their invasion of Egypt in the Suez Canal dispute. But the secretary soothed them with a compliment on their prompt observance of the UN call for a cease-fire on the Suez front. Britain's Foreign Secretary Sel- wyn Lloyd and French Foreign Minister Christian Pineau both took the floor to explain their action. It was due, they said, to Cairo's provocation and the men- ace of Soviet penetration into the Middle East. Within NATO's Scope Pineau, declaring that Suez is not now within NATO's scope, urged the alliance to make mutual consultation compulsory in some matters beyond the geographical limits of the NATO treaty. He said such consultation should lead to a joint NATO policy in these "outside" zones to avoid a repetition of the Middle East situ- ation where American policy has been at odds with Paris and Lon- don. Poles Invite MuicGroup To Make Tour' Prof. Joseph E. Maddy of the music school, director of the Na- tional Music Camp at Interlochen' yesterday received an invitation from the Polish Embassy in Wash- ington to make a concert tour of Poland with 100 high school musicians. The invitation asked that the National High School Orchestra of America, sponsored by Inter-. lochen, visit Poland in September. World Friendship The letter said: "We are sure that the visit of the National High School Orchestra will contribute not only to world friendship, but, more specifically, to the develop- ment of a warm relationship be- tween your country and ours. aIt is our hope also that a group of young Polish musicians will in the future find it possible to come to the United States for compar- able performances." Prof. Maddy said that the best 100 of the 1200 camp students would perform in the tour. "We have been planning this trip for over a year," he commented. "In September I went to Wash- ington to confer with ambassadors of each of the Iron Curtain coun- tries. "They all seemed so anxious to welcome our band that I ex- pected invitations in October. When fighting in Hungary broke out I feared all our plans would be forgotten." Expecting Invitations I nP . adv i now x pnting 1' "/j'g -uIL J .1 m..J School Seen ExpectEnrollment Increase of 2000 Prof. Glenn V. Edmonson of the engineering college said yesterday I the college's newly-announced 25 milliondollar expansion program was designed with the "future a u quality and number of students" Walks Out in mind, not over concern with the technological threat of Russia. Five new buildings are planned for North Campus and scheduled to be constructed by 1962 to pro- vide for an increase of 2000 under- graduate students in the college. Horvath Protests This expansion would increase the UN 'Interference' enrollment in the College of Eng- ineering by two-thirds over a four UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. ()- year period. Foreign 'Minister Imre Horvath Emphasis on Principles and his small Hungarian delega- Continued emphasis on the sci- tion glumly walked out of the entific principles underlying all' United Nations Assembly yester- fields of engineering will not be day after protesting alleged UN sacrificed as an expected 8000 stu- intereference In Hungary's intern- dents enroll for courses in the year al affairs. 1970, Prof. Edmonson said before a recent meeting of Detroit and Horvath acted as rebellion Toledo sections of the American flared again in Hungary against Society of Mechanical Engineers his Soviet-dominated government. on campus.. He said Hungary had been "in- Appropriations expected to total sulted" by delegates at the UN. 25 million dollars for the five He said he would return alone to units have been requested of the Budapest and the remainder of State Legislature, Prof. Edmon- the delegation would remain in son related. Funds amounting to New York. $2,950,000 have already been al- Meanwhile, sentiment built up located byte Legislature for con- in the Assembly for overwhelming struction of the first unit of the approval of a 20-country resolu- F 1 u i d s Engineering Laboratory tion condemning the Soviet Union and for planning of the second, he for its intervention in Hungary added. and demanding withdrawal of So- "We are planning facilities to viet troops. raccomodate 5000 undergraduate Britain added its support to the students by 1960," Prof. Edmon- resolution, sparked by the United son said, citing the critical short- States, and at the same time age of engineers which the Uni- frowned on an Indian plan to de- versity is trying to help alleviate. lete the condemnation clause and Now 3100 Undergraduates to ask Secretary General Dag There are now 3100 undergradu- Hammarskjold to go to Moscow in ates in the College of Engineering. an effort to work out a solution. "There is a tendency to liberalize U.S. Chief Delegate Henry Cab- in every profession," Prof. Ed- ot Lodge Jr.. who has attacket monson said, and related this Horvath on charges of attempting trend to the College's increase in to delude the Assembly, com- class and laboratory work on sci- mented that it was "one Soviet entific fundamentals. There is also agent the less" after Horvath left. to be increased emphasis on re- "It would save a lot of wasted search projects, closer contact with time if all the other satellites faculty, and student acquaintance would do the same thing." Lodge with overall activities in all fields said. But no one followed the of engineering, he continued., Hungarians. In the building program are en- Instead, Bulgaria, Albania and visioned a Fluids Engineering Lab- White Russia took the rostrum to oratory, now in the early stages of attack the United States for al- construction; a Materials, Metal- leged interference in Hungary lurgy and Structures Laboratory; and to say the United States a Highway Engineering Labora- should be the country condemned tory; a Sanitary Engineering Lab- instead of the Soviet Union. oratory; and an Engineering Class Turkey asked to join the list of Room and Library Building. sponsors of the resolution backed Foundations Being Dug - by the United States. The other The Fluids Engineering Labora- sponsors are Argentina, Austra- tory, for which foundations are lia, Belgium, Chile, Colombia, now being dug, will encompass Denmark, Dominican Republic, 120,000 square feet of space. Five El Salvador, Ireland, Italy, Neth- hundred students will occupy the erlands, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, laboratory per period during the Philippines, Spain, Sweden, and ten periods per week. Thailand. The Materials, Metallurgy and Structure Laboratory will house 700 students during each instruc- tion period, Prof. Edmonson said. A 65,000 square foot Highway Engineering Laboratory will be BUENOS AIRES, Argentina W) used for the testing materials ac- -Michigan's Gov. G. Mennen tivities of the State of Michigan Williams said yesterday he would Highway Laboratory as well as accept the Democratic nomination surveying and vibrations testing fro President in 1960 if he was of- by students, fered it.I The Class Room and Library Williams is visiting Argentina. Building will provide space for the on a tour of Latin America. use os the increased enrollment The Michigan governor did not and will free areas on the central volunteer comments and empha- campus for the use of the mathe- sized it was early to think about matics and engineering English who may be the Democratic stan- departments. dard bearer in 1960. neral Revolt Strike ISA FORUM-Samin Ali Khan, Grad., from Pakistan discusses the past, ] Western Europe in a forum sponsored by the International Students A Europe Needs Economic AC By CAROL PRINS Europe's future importance in international affairs depends on its ability to develop its economic resources and military potential, an Egyptian claimed last night. In an International Student's Association forum, the past, pres- ent and future of Europe discussed by Samin Ali Kahn, Grad., a Pak- istani student, Michael Bentwich, Grad., an Israeli, Egyptian El-Ah- madi Heiba, Grad., and Bruce Budde, '58E, from the United States. They discussed the topic "Eu- rope Doesn't Matter Any More?" Heiba continued Europeans must accept their loss of power re- sulting from economic collapse SGC Meeting On Violation Student Government Council today will begin discussion of pos- sible action to take against Sigma Kappa sorority, found in viola- tion of University regulations by the Council last week. However, Council President Bill Adams, '57BAd., "doubts very much" any action will be taken at today's meeting, to be held at 7:30 p.m. in the third-floor Conference Room of the Union. The Council will also consider a report and motion by the M- Handbook Study Committee re- garding the handbook's worth on campus and its continuation for the next few years. Student Representation Com- mittee will present a report on Regental action on a Student Ac- tivity Scholarship. SGC will also hear reports on } the Foreign Student Leadership Program, the Cinema Guild Study and military counseling at the University. 0- P-n Open Title roles in the speech de- partment's presentation of "Juno and the Paycock" by Sean O'Casey will be played by Gertrude Slack, Grad., and Brendan O'Reilly, '58. They will play Juno and "Cap- tain" Boyle (the Paycock). The comic-tragedy will be presented at 8 p.m. today through Saturday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Set in a Dublin tenement the play describes the Boyle family and the tragic fate it meets through the weaknesses of one of its members. O'Casey's play, based on the ef- fects of the Easter Rebellion in Ireland in 1916, was first pre- sented in 1925 with Barry Fitz- gerald and Sarah Allgood playing the title roles. The pair played the same roles for the Broadway re- following World War II and work for unification of Western Europe. "Europe is not a continent, it is only a headland of Asia," Kahn stated. He said a similar argu, ment had been recently propound- ed by historian Arnold Toynbee. Kahn cited the alphabet, num- erals and religion as Asian contri- butions to Europan civilization. He asked, "What has Europe contrib- uted to Asian culture? Imperial- ism, colonialism, and anti-semit- ism." He concluded "Europe is the graveyard of civilization." European Imperialism Bentwich stated that European imperialism in the 1600's was caused by the predominant strength of the Western European nations at that time. The failure of this policy was due to the reali- zation of the native's that to be strong "they must know how to hold arms." He called the rapid industriali- zation of West Germany since the last war an example of the ad- vanced technology of European nations. European Universities Examples of European domi- nance were mentioned by Budde. "Most Asian and AfrIcan students come to European universities, the English language is spoken at such world important assemblies as the Bandung Conference recently held! in Indonesia, and European in- dustrial methods prevail in most Asian countries." Anti-Russian Riot in Poland- WARSAW, Poland - Rioting Poles marched on the Soviet con- sulate in the Baltic city of Stettin in a wild burst of anti-Russian feeling Monday night, smashing Iwindows and trying to storm its doors. The Polish press yesterday re- ported the attack as an outburst of "drunken hooligans." But reli- able sources in Stettin said it started as a demonstration by stu- dents and young factory workers in sympathy with Hungary. The press said the rioters were finally scattered by troops and strong-arm "workers militiamen" who were called in by the local Communist party. Several police- men were reported beaten up and a number of the demonstrators ar- rested. Terrorists Launch Attack In Ireland ARMAGH.Northern Ireland (P) Buddes ably not b world affa "Europe ical power fication o concluded WIC WASHI ment yest plan for to Europe 15 Americ oil flowin Mobiliza Flemming ment wh temporari while the: resources, and swap The pa Atty. Gen though Se (D-Wyo.) creates a that willn policy. CAIRO Minister E yesterday stitute wi. help stren between] Union. He told tries will VANCO wind and searchers clues to Trans-Car and 62 pe it Sunday NEW ,Y Corp. and Tube Co. ahead wit merger de sition. WASHI Potter (R yesterday Senate fili Sen. W' dismissed gesture" change ex Sen. P present ru tive votes the 96 threat to progressiv Republica cially wit legislation Grows; Invoked F~ Comml1erce, Industries At Standstill F< ' Rebel Combatants Surrounded in Hills As Fighting Mounts B U D A P E S T ()-Rebellous Hungarians invoked a general strike yesterday and some fought on with. arms against Premier Janos Kadar's Russian-imposed government. " The strike, planned to last 48 hours, tied up nearly all Hun- gary's industry and commerce. Informed Hungarian sources said Russian troops encircled a . band of freedom fighters holding -Daily-Charles curtiss out in the hills at Harmashatar- present and future of hegy, about 20 miles northwest of Association. Budapest, and sought to wipe them out with medium artillery and heavy machine guns. I'f')j'nce Fighting for Lives vance The rebels were last reported fighting to avoid extinction, Com- munications from Budapest to that said Europe would prob- area were cut and the informants be a dominant figure in said the fate of the band was un- airs in the future. determined. 's hope for greater polit- Several clashes between Hun- can be attained by uni- garian crowds and the government f Western Europe," he forces-Hungarian police and Rus- sian troops-marked the strike. Though martial law has been proclaimed and some labor leaders d j arrested, men stayed away from their jobs by the hundreds of thou- sands to protest the dictatorial at- titude of Kadar's regime. Budapest was hard hit and some sources said the strike was nearly NGTON - The govern- 100 per cent effective in the prov- erday issued its master ices. the emergency oil lift Big factories of Budapest were and formally "invited" closed and the city's transport sys- an companies to get the tems halted. Only its power plants ig and food factorieswere working. ation Director Arthur S. A few food stores stayed open. All made public an agree- other shops closed. ich exempts the firms But the government-denounced ly from antitrust action by the Budapest General Workers y voluntarily pool their Council for "anti-people, anti- reroutetanker fleets worker activities"-persisted in markets. the tough coutse it adopted last ct bore the approval of month under Soviet tutelage. . Herbert Brownell,al- Onerreport, unconfirmed, said in. Joseph P. O'Mahoney Hungarian police fired into a ihas charged that it crowd of civilian demonstrators in n "international cartel" Ujpest, a suburb of the capital, manage the country's oil and caused an undetermined num- ber of casualties. * « *Two Incidents Two incidents occurred in front - Egyptian Education of the war-battered N a t io n al Kamal Eldin Hussein said Theater in downtown Budapest, a Russian language in- where thousands of strikers idled 11 be opened in Cairo to or sought the few open food shops. gthen friendly relations In the first, Hungarian police Egypt and the Soviet used clubs and rifle butts to dis- perse a crowd, witnesses said. A reporters the two coun- Hungarian newsman was reported exchange students. wounded in one shoulder. Some policemen trying to arrest demon- UVER, B. C. - Snow, strators were surrounded and clouds hampered aerial beaten. yesterday in a hunt for In the second, Hungarian police the fate of a missing said Russian armored units tried nada Air Lines transport for hours to break up the throng rsons who vanished with aroundthe theater because a r night. drunk had hurledtan empty wine * * *bottle on a tank. ORK - Bethlehem Steel Radio Budapest broadcast a gov- d Youngstown Sheet ernment announcement that the decided yesterday to go state will take control of the prop- ith their long-proposed erty of all persons who have left espite governmetap-Hnaysnetesato h e bellion Oct. 23 and sell it if they T.are not back by March 31, 1957, a pNGTON.- Sen Charles rviously set amnesty deadline. I-Mich) pledged support The same decree said property for an effort to curb of "dissolved" organizations such ibusters. as the labor councils also may be 'illis Robertson (D-Va.) taken over by the government. as a "hollow political Even while.trying to combat the a proposed move to strike, the government struck.out xisting rules. on a new course, with the property otter said the Senate's of refugees as its target. ule requiring 64 affirma- to cut off a debate byRT Ia Senators "constitutes a Re e & ue the continuing record of e achievement under our n administration, espe- h regard to civil rights ." A Hungarian student council * * . * president who led an army of 5000 NGTON - Farmers re- sketchily armed rebels in the re- a referendum yesterday cent Hungarian revolt will speak ed new control program at 3 p.m. tomorrow in the Rack- which Secretary of Agri- ham Building. zra Taft Benson had in- Istvan Laszlo, 21 year-old stu- e favored. dent at the University of Sopron, ae "tll orr rr n+ HoT T-i - 4+ - I SPEECH DEPARTMENT PLAY: 'Juno and PaycocW To - ..E:M;.:-'-"--' ' S.N*..,.,... ___________ .ill' -Terrorist bands yesterday blew up a radio transmitter and court- WASHI house and launched an armed jected at attack on a British military bar- a propos racks. for corn The entire Northern Ireland culture E: constabulary was mobilized in an dicated h ::