I rP
Efr i9an
Latest Deadline in the State
'Big Three'
Close Ranks;
Hold Meeting
Give Highest Priority
To Canal Settlement
PARIS (M!'-The Western Big
Three-with a powerful indirect
assist from Soviet action in Hun-
gary-closed ranks yesterday just
in time for a meeting with their
other Atlantic allies.
American and French sources
disclosed that, in separate meet-
ings, United States Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles agreed
with British Foreign Secretary
Selwyn Lloyd and French Foreign
Minister Christian Pineau on the
need for giving the highest priority
t to reopening of the Suez Canal.
Points to be Followed
They agreed, too, that the six
points approved by the United
Nations and Egypt last October
must be followed in any final
settlement of the Suez problem.
The most important of these was
that the canal must in future be
"insulated" from the political con-
trol of any one country, and open
to all without discrimination.
Pineau told reporters as he left
his two-hour meeting with Dulles:
"There was no recrimination
for past events. We agreed that
the first priority tasks is to clear
the canal. And this must be done
within the United Nations."
Pineau said they also discussed
a settlement of Middle East prob-
lems, including a way of ending
the Israeli-Arab conflict, Syria
and Lebanon.
No Great Differences
"We found there are no great
differences with the United States
on a Middle East settlement,"
Pineau said. "We have the same
objective-peace-and the prob-
lem is still how to bring the Arabs
and Israel together."
Asked if they had discussed
Soviet intervention in the Middle
East, Pineau snapped: "Of course
we discussed this. It is the essen-
tial of the problem."
- Since arriving in Paris less than
36 hours ago, Dulles has worked
ceaselessly to repair the rift in Big
Three relatons which opened
when Britain and France sent
troops to Egypt in the face of
sharp disapproval from most of ,
the world.
Clinton High
Starts Over
On Integration
CLINTON, Tenn. (A)-Clinton
High started all over yesterday
in its integration program inter-
rupted four 'days last week by
racial violence which closed the
Classes were resumed without a
hitch, as eight Negroes and 583
white students returned to school.
Principal D. J. Brittain Jr., said
10 Negroes and 678 whites were
enrolled last month and that yes-
terday's attendance was close to
Within a few minutes after
school opened, trials were set in
nearby Knoxville for 16 white men
and women charged with criminal c
contempt in last week's violence
which led to suspension of classes.
United States District Judge
Robert L. Taylor set the trials for
Jan. 28 at the request of defense!
attorneys, who said they needed
time to confer with their clients
and prepare their defense. The
judge said earlier he planned to
set the cases for trial within 10
The 14 men and two women re-
mained at liberty under bond, 1
ranging from $1,000 to $12,000
each. Court officials said the
Judge had exclusive authority to Y
try criminal contempt cases with- a
out jury and that punishment also s
is left to the judge's discretion.
Dr. Weller Dies
From Heart Attack
Dr. Carl V. Weller, well-known
pathology expert and chairman ofe
the University's pathology depart-
ment, died yesterday following a,
heart attack. F:
Dr. Weller was a graduate of
the University Medical School in
1913 and a member of the staff of;
the pathology department since
1911. He had begun his retirement
Airliner Makes
Forced Landing
Extensive Search Fails To Locate
Canadian Plane Lost In Mountains
VANCOUVER, B. C. W-A crippled Trans-Canada airliner carry-
ing 62 persons, at least eight of them Americans, was down yesterday
in British Columbia's forbidding Chilliwack Mountain area.
Eighteen military and commercial planes battled turbulent winds
and low clouds in a dramatic search, but found no trace of the big
four-engine North Star, Canadian version of the American DC4.
The North Star vanished during a violent storm shortly after
taking off from Vancouver at 6 p.m. Sunday on a flight to Calgary
and eastern Canadian cities. Less than an hour later its pilot, Capt.
Allan Clarke, 35 years-old of Montreal reported the inboard motor on
Court Makes,
'Final Labor
'Case Ruling
preme Court ruled yesterday that
the National Labor Relations'
Board lacks authority to deprive
a union of benefits under the,
Taft-Hartley Act on the ground
an officer of the union filed a false
non-Communist oath.
The court unanimously rejected
the government's contention that
the NLRB can look into the truth
or falsity of non-Communist affi-
davits filed by union officials and
enter out-of-compliance orders in
cases where they are found to be
Justice Douglas, speaking for
the court in two separate cases,
said the sole sanction of the Taft-
Hartley Act is the criminal penal-
ty provided for officers who file
false affidavits.
In another unanimous decision
in a labor case, the court upheld
an order of the NLRB directing an
employer to furnish a union the
name, classification, hours worked
and wage rate 'of individual em-
The court's brief, unsigned op-
inion reversed a ruling by the
United States Court of Appeals in
San Francisco. That court held an
employer need not disclose indi-
vidual wage rates to a union with-
out a showing of specific need for
specific data in connection with
collective bargaining.
The San Francisco court set
aside a board order requiring the
F. W. Woolworth Co. store No. 433,
San Bernardino, Calif., to furnish
individual wage information to
Local 1167 of the Retail Clerks
4the left side had failed near Hope
and he was turning back to Van-
couver, some 100 miles away.
Clarke did not issue a distress
call but told Vancouver air traffic
control he had feathered the pro-
peller and turned on the fire ex-
Trans-Canada listed these Amer-
icans among the 59 passengers
and three crewmen:
Mel Backet, a member of thoe
Saskatchewan team of the West-
ern Interprovincial Football Union,
from Indiana University,
Mario DeMarco, a member of
the Saskatchewan team and a for-
mer professional football player
with the Detroit Lions.
Calvin Jones, Steubenville, Ohio,
former guard at the University of
Iowa, who has been playing pro
football in Canada.
Heavy clouds above 3,000 feet
and turbulent air under them
hampered the aerial search center-
ing in the area of Hope at the
western end of Fraser Canyon. It
is mountainous and rugged, dotted
with lakes and carved by canyons
and gorges.
Tickets on Sale
For Willowhopper
Tickets for the Willowhopper
transportation service to and from
Willow Run Airport before and
after Christmas vacation will be
sold beginning today.
Tickets for the Willowhopper
service will be sold from 12:30 to
2 p.m. today, Thursday, Friday
and Monday at the S. University
Travel Service, the Diag and in
the Mason Hall lobby.
Buses will leave for the airport
at 12:15 p.m., 1:30 p.m. and 4:15
p.m. Dec. 21 from the Union, S.
University and Forest and the Hill
Returning buses are scheduled
for 7:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. Jan.
2 from the airport to the campus.
Guerillas Hit
Anglo Patrol
Cairo Promises Halt
OfHarassing Raids
PORT SAID Egypt (M-Egyp-
tian hostility toward withdrawing
British and French troops crystal-
ized yesterday in a guerilla attack
from ambush on a British patrol
in Port Said.
But Cairo promised the United
Nations police commander it won't
happen again.
Members of the eight-man Royal
Scots patrol - forewarned by a
rustle of rooftop activity that
could be heard even over the noise
j of their jeep engines - halted
quickly for combat against a rain
of grenades and machine gun bul-
One soldier was wounded slightly
by a grenade fragment. The badge
of St. Andrew on his khaki tam
o'shanter deflected it and shielded
him from more serious injury.
Whether British return fire
struck any of the Egyptian attack-
ers was not determined.
The British cordoned off the
area, arrested seven Egyptians and
accused Egypt in an urgent protest
to the UN force of violating the
SGC Ruling
On Sorority
Held Legal
Student Government Council's
Board in Review unanimously
withdrew its stay of action on the
Sigma Kappa case Sunday.
The Board decided the Council's
Wednesday action - finding Na-
tional Sigma Kappa in violation
of University regulations against
discrimination - was within its
jurisdiction and in accordance
with regental policy and admin-
istrative practice.
The Board discussed at length
the nature and sufficiency of evi-
dence presented to the Council.
Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the politi-
cal science department, chairman,
pointed out that action on in-
sufficient evidence would be con-
trary to regental and administra-
tive policy.
In reviewing timing and amount
of evidence, the Board decided in
the Council's favor. Prof. Leo A.
Schmidt of the business adminis-
tration school said, "I can't Imag-
ine getting more definite evidence
than we already have."
Local Sigma Kappa President
Barbara Busch, '57Ed, who spoke
in the sorority's behalf, based her
defense on lack of knowledge of
the nature of the question to be
"We didn't find out what the
motion would be until Wednesday
morning," she said.
Questioning the Council's pro-
cedure, she attacked deletion of!
constituent debate.
Indiat Asks
SWith Reds
India urged yesterday that Sec-
retary General Dag Hammarskjold
be sent to Moscow if necessary by
the United Nations Assembly for
direct negotiations with the So-
viet Union on withdrawal of So-
viet forces from Hungary,
V. K. Krishna Menon, India's
roving Cabinet minister, startled
the UN Assembly with his pro-
posal as United States Chief Dele-
gate Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and
other delegates demanded the As-
sembly condemn the Soviet Union
for what Lodge called its "brutali-
ties" against the Hungarian people.
Menon refused to go along with
Lodge and a 17-country resolution
proposing the condemnation of the
Soviet Union, but he accepted
other sections of the proposal de-
manding the withdrawal of the
Soviet troops from Hungary and
a halt on Moscow's intervention in
In counterproposals, Menon call-
ed on Hammarskjold to ..pen talks
at the UN with representatives of
Hungary and theSovietnUnion on
the Hungarian case.
If these do not bring action,
Menon proposed that Hammar-
skjold consider going to Moscow
for talks designed to bring about
the withdrawal of foreign troops
from Hungary, a cessation of So-
viet intervention in that country,
and recognition of the rights of
the Hungarian people.
Given Plush Welcome
Hammarskjold has made one
trip to Moscow since becoming
secretary general in 1953 and was
accorded a plush welcome.
He has been unable, however,
to obtain permission of Moscow's
puppet government in Budapest to
go to the Hungarian capital on
Dec. 16 to initiate UN relief work
and there was some speculation
whether the Russians would let
him return to Moscow on a mis-
sion connected with the Hungar-
ian case.
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Vassily V. Kuznetsov answered
Lodge with a demand that the
United States be condemned for
allegedly inciting the Hungarian
Kadar Threatens To Use Force
As Budapest Workers Stand By
For Midnight General Strike
--Daily-John Hirtzel
DON'T BE DECEIVED-This is not a Toronto goal! The puck
(shown by arrow) is about to be stopped by Michigan goalie
Lorne Howes in last night's hockey game at the Coliseum. The
Wolverines rallied in the last minute of the contest to tie Toronto,
Icers Tie Toronto,
With Last Minute Surge'
Ed Switzer swept in the tying goal with 22 seconds left to give
Michigan's hustling hockey team a dramatic 2-2 standoff with visit-
ing Toronto last night at the Coliseum.
Outplayed throughout most of the riotous evening, the Wolver-
ines yanked goalie Lorne Howes when they trailed, 2-1, going into
the final minute.
Then, with about 25 seconds left, a faceoff was held to the right
of the Toronto net. The puck trickled off the stick of center Neil Mc-
Donald to defenseman Barrie Hay-9I
Next Princeton AU' President
Well Known to faculty Here
When Princeton University announced that its next president
would be Robert Francis Goheen his name was a familiar one to
University faculty.
Prof. Goheen, 37 years old and an assistant professor of classics
at Princeton, selected as its 16th and third youngest president, is
former National Director of the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Program.
Successor to retiring President Harold W. Dodds, Prof. Goheen is
known to many University faculty members by his work with them
on the Fellowship Program.
As National Director, Prof. Goheen has come to Ann Arbor
several times. Dean Charles Ode- %'
U.S., S]
ton, who fed Switzer, standing at
point-blank position about 10 feet
in front of the net.
Wolverines Outplayed
The puck soared over the prone
Toronto netminder, Ray Dunn, and
the Wolverines mobbed the heroic
Shortly thereafter, a wild touch
closed out the thrilling night as
several Toronto players, harrassed
by a noisy spectator, scuffled
briefly with their heckler until
police came to the rescue.
The visitors from Canada ex-
celled throughout the battle. Their
passing and defensive play had the
Maize and Blue bottled up, and
when they achieved their second
goal early in the second oeriod,
they took to a poke-checking and
ragging style of play which rend-
ered the home sextet all but
punchless, save for occasional
However, during approximately
the last five minutes of the final
stanza, the Wolverines went at a
furious pace, playing the part of
NCAA Champs much more con-
vincingly, and keeping the sparse
crowd of 2,000 in a constant up-
McIntosh Scores Early
The roughness of the action was
apparent from the outset, with 11
Hint Release
Of Captives
WASHINGTON (IP) - American
officials expressed guarded hope
yesterday that Red China may
plan to free the 10 Americans they
still hold to coincide with Indian
Prime Minister Nehru's visit to
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
this month.
They said this hope is based on
recent statements by leaders of
Red China and India. But they re-
mained cautious because the Red
Chinese have reneged for more
than a year on a promise to set
the Americans free.
Red China's Premier Chou En-
lai told a news conference at Cal-
cutta, India, Sunday that the
United States would have to make
he next move if the 10 Americans
are to be freed soon. United States
officials while declining public
comment, privately rejected that
Thus, U. S. officials contend it
is up to Red China to fulfill the
1955 agreement by releasing the
remaining 10.
Weary City
May Witness
New Terror
Soviet Tanks, Patrols
Back Kadar's Threat
BUDAPEST, Hungary (P}-The
Budapest Central Workers Coun-
cil defiantly stood by its call for a
nationwide 48-hour general strike
against the government of Janos
Kadar yesterday.
Workers in several big factories
said they intended to obey the
Sharp tension gripped this revo-
lution-torn city as the midnight
deadline 5 p.m. CST neared. The
Moscow-imposed Kadar govern-
ment, backed by overwhelming
military and police power, threat-
ened new bloodshed if the workers
Another Massacre
Another massacre, the killing of
80 unarmed civilian demonstra-
tors at the mining town of Salgo-
tarjan in northern Hungary, by
Hungarian police, heightened the
There were strong rumors that
Soviet Deputy Premier Georgi
Malenkov had been a visitor in
Budapest Friday and Saturday
and planned to return again today
to help Premier Kadar deal with
the strike.
As zero hour for the strike near-
ed ,thousands of Budapest citizens
made a shopping rush on markets
and food shops.
Police patrols, backed by Soviet
tanks and patrols, came out.In
force and set up road blocks
throughout Budapest. They car-
ried long lists of names, and
checked the identity cards of pas-
sersby. One of their tasks was to
search for arms.
Martial Law Proclaimed
A proclamation of martial law
Sunday night made all civilians
caught with arms after midnight
yesterday liable to be shot. Per-
sons accused of murder, looting,
robbery and other alleged crimes
also were liable to execution after
summary trial.
The story of the Salgotarjan
massacre was brought to Budapest
by a three-man miners' delegation
which came to report to the Cen-
tral Workers Council, The three
told Western reporters 10,000
"peacefully demonstrating work-
ers" had come into the town
to request the release of their
leader and another member of
their council who had been ar-
rested for distributing leaflets.
Speech Dept.
Play TO Open
The Speech Department will of-
fer Sean O'Casey's "Juno and the
Paycock" to University audiences
at 8 p.m. tomorrow through Sat-
urday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Prof. Hugh Z. Norton of the
speech department will direct the
The audience, through a special
scenic effect, is permitted to see
through the living room of the
Irish tenement, into an adjoining
bedroom and out to a fire escape.
Dublin in 1922 is the setting for
"Juno and the Paycock." Barry
Fitzgerald and Sarah Allgood play-
ed the title roles in the premiere
Tickets are on sale at the Lydia
Mendelssohn box office.
'U' Group To Study
Equalization Plan
Faculty Senate's Advisory Com-
mittee will appoint a committee to
come up with suggestions on the
Big Ten's new "equalization" pro-
University regulations deny
recognition to student organiza-
tions which prohibit membership
I on the basis of race, religion or
I color.
gaard of the Literary College, who PROFESSOR SA YS:
served on the Fellowship Program
commented yesterday that Prof.
Goheen is "an active, able man
and one of the first Woodrow Wil-' T
son Fellows himself."
Pleased About Appointment
Prof. Richard Boys of the Eng-
lish department, successor to Prof.!
Goheen as National Director said
he was very pleased ot learn of By RICHARD TAUB
his appointment last weekend Facts can be learned about as well by television as in large lec-
adding that he is "greatly re- tures, Prof. Wilbert McKeachie of the psychology department said
spected as a classics scholar and yesterday.
will no doubt turn out to be an Commenting on the University of Detroit's recent announcement
excellent choice." that many freshman classes will be taught via television, he added
Prof. Otto Graf of the German there's a lot one should learn from college beyond that which is
department and present chairman taught in lectures.
of the Regional Committee of the "In courses where the objective is to develop certain attitudes or
Fellowship Program added "the appreciation, and to stimulate thinking," he said, "classroom ex-
skill with which he handled the perience is probably necessary."
affairs of the Program, his experi- He explained the student must interact with his fellow students
ence ofrmany years spend in India and teachers. "In order to be motivated to work on his own, help
and traveling throughout this should be available."
country well qualify him for the The professor noted television tends to separate the student
position." from the faculty.
Good Classical Background There does come a time when the student is more mature and
Prof. Frank Huntley of the Eng- is able to evaluate his own performance, the professor continued. How-
lish Department who also worked ever, the typical person on the freshman level might not be able to
with him on the program said do so
O1 Hungary
Istvan Laszlo, a student leader
of the Hungarian revolt, will ap-
pear at the University Thursday
in connection with a nationwide
speaking ,our of American col-
Laszlo's speech is scheduled for
3 p.m. at Rackham, according to
Anne Woodard, '57, chairman of
the National and International
Affairs Committee of Student Gov-
erment Council.,
His tour is being sponsored by
the United States National Stu-
dent Association and the World
University Service, in conjunction
with the local chapter of the Col-
legiate Council for the United Na-
Prof. George. Kish of the geog-
raphy department will appear on
the program to review for the aud-
ience events iri Hungary. Al Low-
ensteinof CCUN, past president of
the USNSA, will introduce Laszlo
and moderate the discussion dur-
ing the question period following
the speech.
Laszlo played a leading and
dramatic part in the Hungarian
uprising. He was studying at For-
estrayat, the University of Sopron,
when the revolt began. Earlier this
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The International Monetary Fund yesterday
advanced $1,300,000,000 to hard-pressed Britain to help It weather its
financial crisis.
The 60-nation institution said $561,470,000 of this amount "is in-
tended to add to the monetary reserves of the United Kingdom to
meet payments requirements."
An additional $738,530,000 was made available to be used at any
time during the next 12 months at the request of the British gov-
BESANCON, France-Apparently panicked by French military
maneuvers in the vicinity of their camp near here, some 300 Hungar-
ian refugees yesterday fled toward the nearby Swiss frontier.
The refugees-many of them women and children-braved ice-
covered roads and wintry weather to escape the sound of inachine-
im fir