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December 09, 1956 - Image 14

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Michigan Daily, 1956-12-09

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Living Units
Enjo Yule"
Many housing units on campus
celebrate the holiday season with
typical holiday meals and after
dinner entertainment.
Helen Newberry Residence hasI

Elegance Describes Fashions

Hatcher Family Relaxes
Over Christmas Holiday


$2.50 to $10 value

This is NOT a
Typographical Error
This is the Full Price


Liquidating Welt-Known Publisher's
Stock of Beautiful GINT SIZE
COLOR PRINTS -- Ready for framing

their tradtiional Christmas din-
ner a few days before the holiday,
recess. Each year, Newberry fresh-
men present "Saint George and
the Dragon" to upperclasswomen
in the house. Freshmen who
aren't in the play sing carols
throughout the house after the
In South Quadrangle, the
Christmas dinner is served in an
atmosphere of candle-dinners.
The Law Club presents a sing-
ing program in connection with
their holiday celebration. The Law
Club Choir and a choral group
from Martha Cook will provide the
music this year.
The girls of Kappa Alpha Theta
take up the Christmas spirit and
on one evening before Christmas
turn the tables on their busboys
mee by serving the meal to them.

Elegant is the word for this sea-
son's holiday fashions.
Whether the trend stems from
the influence of Grace Kelly or
"My Fair Lady," there is no deny-
ing that feminine fashion is favor-
ing the subtle, the old-fashioned
and the ladylike.
This month's Christmas dances
and parties will see a wide array
of fabrics displayed, from rich
brocades and taffetas to graceful
laces and peau de soies.
That most beautiful and deli-
cate of materials, chiffon, is also
regaining its place in the fashion
spotlight. A white chiffon skirt,
flowing from beneath a wide cum-

merbund and topped by a lace or
wool jersey blouse, makes a per-
fect two-piece outfit for evening.
New Dress Length
These holiday fabrics, in keep-
ing with the elegance theme, will
swoop close to the floor in a new
dress length. The halfway-hem
length, which is 8 inches or so
above the floor ,is expected to
come into evidence during the
This month the clothes-con-
scious girl is likely to cause as big
a stir when she leaves a room as
when she enters, owing to the lat-
est rash of "back-interest" dress-
es. "Buttons 'n bows" and bustles,
too, make a girl so pretty that no

Quaint Century Old Tradition
Becomes Business Enterprise




Wikels will gift wrap and mail
your gift selections for you

I. - .1

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Revlon Several
Lines of
and Yardley FAMoU

The quaint, nineteenth-cen-
tury custom of festooning a
small often-scraggly evergreen
with candles and popcorn balls
has become big business.
Back in Victorian days the
Christmas tree was solely a
family enterprise - chopped
down in the woods or in some-
one's yard and propped up in
the front parlor.
Homemade decorations hung
from the branches; some of
them were edible, others, as
experience proved, were in-
Today, the Christmas tree,
like other Yuletide cheer, can be
bought in several sizes, shapes,
and prices.
Decorations, too, vary in
cost and design, from plastic
bubble lights to gold-plated
angels blowing gold -plated
horns. One Ann Arbor merchant
estimated the cost of a new
set of trimmings to be over
$30, excluding the gpld angel.
From the gigantic pine a-
dorning, New . York's Rocke-
feller Plaza to the artificial
trees on Hollywood Blvd.,
Christmas trees take shapes
real, abstract, elaborate and
Some prefer hanging a
branch or two from the ceiling,
thus symbolizing the Christ-

mas spirit, while others like
their trees sprayed in gold,
silver, or blue.
The Christmas tree business,
like other enterprises, operates
with the middleman, selling the
trees on vacant lots throughout
the country from Thanksgiv-
ing to Christmas Eve.
Thus, family tradition of the
Christmas evergreen has grown
into a nationwide business,
which plays the role of woods-
man for thousands of homes
and cities,
The Christmas tree tradition,
no longer quaint, is also not
very old-at least in America.
Though the custom of Christ-
mas extends back into the Mid-
dle Ages in Germany, its exact
origin is not known.
The origin of Christmas trees
in the United States is believed
to date back to the first half
of the nineteenth century in
Philadelphia, where German
settlers introduced their old-
country tradition.
In Philadelphia the "old-
country custom" spread to
homes of Main Line society and
soon to other cities.
This nineteenth century tra-
dition, like the Christmas tree
itself, has thus become adorned
with twentieth-century decora,

one can be offended when she
turns her back to him.
Black is Color Choice
Stores report that black, the
perennial favorite, is the first col-
or choice this season, with white
and the muted pastel tones of
gold, beige, and pale green as
popular second choices. Hosiery in
these pastel shades might well be-
come a new fashion fad.
Now when Milady chooses a
she need not be content to merely
match her shoes and handbag;
she can carry through the color
scheme even to her stockings!
Two more fashion fads worthy
of mention are the "cream puff"
dress and the "candy box" shoes.
The cream puff dress employs an
enchanting pouf skirt that gives
the wearer the look of a Grimm's
Fairy Tale princess. The trick is
to draw the dress in at the hem.
Candy-Box Bow
Foot-conscious femmes are
talking about the shoe with the
candy-box bow. It has a swagger
of ribbon where the strap used
to be, and the ribbon can be
changed along with the costume.
From taffeta to chiffon, from
black to pale green, from buttons
'n bows to sleek sophistication ...
while we can't all be Grace Kelly's
and marry a prince, with all the
elegant styles to choose from this
Christmas there is no excuse for
any girl looking like anything less
than a "fair lady."
Studies Lag
Before Xmas
Though the Christmas holidays
are supposed to bring all good
things to all people, their bene-
ficial effects apparently don't ex-
tend to scholastic activities.
Among the students there is a
common feeling that a slackening'
of effort during the week that
classes end is almost inevitable on
their part. One coed said, "I won't
do any work before Christmas and
I won't do any after."
While her words probably should
not be taken literally, they do
point up the general tendency to-
ward a pre and post-Christmas
academic let-down.


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as far as Hawaii and arrived in
Christmas at the Hatcher's is time to spend New Year's Eve on
a family affair. the islands.
Since there are few official The thing which impressed
functions, the Hatcher Christmas them the most about New Years
will be very much like Christmas mn Hawaii was the extensive use
in homes all over the country. of fireworks. Aside from this they
As Mrs. Hatcher puts it, Christ- found that New Year's in Hawaii
mas is one of the few times of is celebrated very much as it is
the year when she and Dr. Hatcher in the United States.
have been table to stop being the Despite all the excitement and
president and the president's wife, gaiety of the holiday season as
and can relax, make purely social well as the relaxation and privacy
calls and enjoy being together as it affords from the pressure of
a family. the school year, Mr. Hatcher says

Corner of East U. and South U.


Christmas officially begins at
the Hatcher home when the Presi-
dent and his children, Robert,
twelve years old, and Anne, ten
years old put up the large Christ-
mas tree in the library and deco-
rate it from top to bottom, where
the manger scene is recreated.
Decorate for Christmas
Mrs. Hatcher usually does her
part by decorating the rest of
the house for the holiday season.
All this takes place about a
week before Christmas. These
decorations are seldom up for the
few official functions held in the
Hatcher home preceding the holi-
day. However, this year due to
the shortened Christmas vaca-
tion Mrs. Hatcher hopes to have
the house decorated in time for
these functions.
These functions include an open
house for students on Sunday be-
fore vacation and the faculty re-
ception, always held at this time
of year in the Hatcher home.It
has been tradition for the Psurfs,
a singing group from the Law
School, to entertain at this re-
Attend Services
On Christmas eve the Hatcher's
will attend services at St. Andrews
Episcopal church where their son
Bob sings in the choir.
Although Santa has become
more of a legend than a reality in
the Hatcher home, the children
will still hang up their stockings
just as they did when they were
younger and Santa was very real
to them.
There will be the same eager
anticipation to rise at the crack
of dawn and rush downstairs to
see what has been left for them
in their stockings. ,However, as
tradition requires, they will not
be allowed to open the rest of
their gifts until the entire family
has finished breakfast.
Open Presents
After breakfast begins what is
probably the most popular part of
the Christmas ritual in the
Hatcher home, the opening of
the presents.
In the afternoon, according to
the butler, Prezell Williams and
his wife Wingfred, the cook, the
Hatchers will enjoy a Christmas
dinner of- roast turkey, pie, cake,
cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes
and dressing.
The holiday festivities will con-
tinue at the Hatcher home
throughout the week and will be
highlighted by the only truly offi-
cial function of the Christmas
season, the annual reception given
for foreign students who stay on
campus during the Christmas va-
cation. There is usually some type
of entertainment provided by fac-
ulty members, which they try to
make very American, such as cow-
boy songs or rope tricks. The
foreign students usually recipri-
cate by singing songs from their
own countries.
Home for, Christmas
Although the' Hatcher's travel
extensively they have always made
it a policy to be home for Christ-
mas. They were in Ann Arbor on
Christmas last year. However,
President Hatcher had to be in
the Far East shortly afterwards,
so the entire family went with him

that as the vacation draws to a
close they all eagerly await the
return of students and the general
hustle and bustle of the routine
school year.
Santa Claus
Has Many
Nick Names
Hiding behind a number of
guises and pseudonyms, one well-
known international figure is
once again "making the news."
Exempt from the red tape of
applying for passports and visas,
he freely crosses over European
boundaries and even batters his
way through the iron curtain.
Many years ago, he came to
New York as an immigrant with
Dutch colonists who fondly re-
ferred to him as Sinterklaus.
Through the year, American se-
mantics have changed his bame
to Santa Claus and the nation's
children obstinately refer to him
as "ours"-and they are right.
World Wide Fame
The rather rotund, bewhiskered
old gentleman who is transported
by a team of reindeer in a sleigh
laden with toys is strictly Ameri-
can-this version, that is. Other
views of this personage do, how-
ever, exist all over the world.
The original Santa lived many
hundreds of years ago in Lycia,
Asia Minor, as the bishop of Myra.
A well-remembered antecdote
about St. Nicholas was his secret
bestowal of dowry money to an
impoverished citizen. The poor
father was unable to procure mar-
riages for his threedaughters,
and their only alternatives were
lives of shame, if not for St. Nick's
benevolence. - Thus, the custom of
giving gifts in secret on the Eve
of St. Nicholas Day was originated.
This custom has since been trans-
ferred to Christmas Day.
Rode on White Donkey
St. Nicholas was also known to
have ridden through the street of
Myra on a white donkey giving
presents to children and grownups
alike. Through the centuries, his
white donkey has been traded for
reindeer, his name transformed to
Santa Claus and his'bishop robes
to a red fur-trimmed snow suit-
in America that is.
In Holland, "Sinterklaus" still
shows up on Dec. 6 to pass out
gifts. On the same day, this char-
acter appears in Germany as
Sank Nicolaus-only a little fatter
and jollier.
American children know Santa
Claus as a jolly old fellow who
most always leaves toys for them
on Christmas Eve. But in Europe,
the children picture him with a
Jekyll and Hyde nature-a man
who leaves gifts if they are good,
and switches or lumps of coal if
they are bad.
Whether he is 'referred to as
Father Christmas, Sankt Nicolaus
or Santa Claus, the old gentle-
man still is representativesof one
theme-the spirit of Christmas.




Dreams Come True In Wonderland


Christmas bells and the first
fluffy snow flakes of the season
'always caused us to go running to
Mommy to beg her to take us to
see Santa Claus right away.
Of course, she would give in to
our demands and take us to see
the jolly gentleman as soon as he
arrived in our town.
As we climbed on the well-pad-
ded red knees of the bearded

symbol of Christmas, we began to!
rattle off our memorized list of
gifts that we wanted.
Although we really did want
the ballerina doll with the pink
net skirt, the "choo choo" train
with 27 cars, the accordian that
played real music, and the bow
that shot real arrows, there was
always something we desired more.
We wanted to spend a whole
day, all alone, in Wonderland.
One year as we climbed upon
Santa's knees, we decided to tell
him about our secret desire.
He told us that our wish would
be granted if we closed our eyes
and wished as hard as we could.
Before bedtime of the following
day we did as he had advised.
When we opened ouETAOINS1
When our eyes opened, we found
ourselves in the land of our
dreams, in Wonderland.
All around us were toys of every
size, shape and color.
As our wide eyes examined
Wonderland, we had to make the
most difficult decision of our life.
We had to decide which toys to
play with first.
When we spotted a little cottage
made of chocolate cake with white
frosting surrounded by ice cream
trees and shrubs and candy flow-

ers, we knew it was made just for
Four life-sized dolls in the living
room were just sitting down to tea
and asked us to join them.
We talked for a while and then
moved into the dining room where
Goldilocks was sharing porridge
with Mamma, Pappa and Baby
They were so happy together
that we wondered how Mommy
could ever have told us that the
bears once scared Goldilocks away.
Music from a circus band beck-
oned to us.
We ran upstairs and saw a tin
soldier training a ferocious stuff-
ed tiger, gaily painted clowns
juggling china dishes, and beau-
tiful dolls swinging from trapezes.
The land of our dreams was
wonderful, we decided.
We would remain here forever.
Suddenly all the juggling clowns
broke their dishes. The din made
us put our hands over our earsI
and shut our eyes tightly.
When quiet returned, we open-
ed our eyes.
Where were we? The circus,
house, and toys were gone.
A further look revealed the
truth. Our trip to Wonderland
had ended, and we were tucked
snugly into bed.


New 4-inch, f:3.3, wide-
angle lens and near light
condensing system for
brighter-than-ever pic-
tures. Handy Argus Slid.
Editor-included at no
extra cost-lets you pre-
view slides individually.
Super-efficient cooling sys-
tem keeps slides and pro.
jector safely cool. Easy
push-bar elevating device.
Quick push-pull of the
slide-lever shows, changes
and stores slides auto-
matically. Aluminum slide
magazines with individual
frames protect slides from
dirt, dust, finger-prints or
damage. Single magazine
holds 36 slides.
List Price
was 62.50

These hose which are frame knitted will be
of particular joy to the Argyle collector. Made of
the finest quality, shrink-resistant wool yarns
and knitted into attractive four-toned,
hand-tied over-check patterns.
Am $3..50



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