SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1956 TH MCMGAN DAILY SECTION TWO-PAGE THREIP. ~UYDAY, DEVEMBER 9, lOSS TILE MICHIGAN DAILY SECTION TWO-PAGE THREE Snow, Yule Considered Synonomous There's something about snow, at Christmas that traditionallyJ , completes the holiday season. Christmas brings to many minds the hope of slowly falling snow- flakes, gliding silently and peace- fully from the Heavens. As one coed said. "Without a snowfall Christmas Just isn't complete for me." Her only explanation was, "A white Christmas creates a holiday atmosphere." There is no real evidence that 1 snow fell on that special night over two thousand years ago. But, still, the tradition was somehow started and almost nobody can ignore it. Snow Everywhere Greeting cards are decorated with snowmen and drifting snow- flakes. Santa is pictured merrily at work amidst the snow in the frozen North Pole. Reindeers are portrayed landing on snow cov- ered rooftops. Windows are gaily decorated with artificial snow- flakes and trees are sprinkled with icy looking tinsel. Not everybody, surprisingly enough, is ecstatic with joy when the holiday snow begins to pile up. Tom Jolls, '58 claims that snow during the Christmas sea- son means more work for him. "It happens every year," he groaned.' "I go home for a rest. Ir snows. I spend all my time cleaning the walks" Another, student car owner de-' clared, "It is bad enough getting parking places, let alone having to .drive on snow covered pave- ment, at Christmas or any other time." i Not Unanimous Then there are those who have been brought up in regions where snow is a nasty word. John Neily, '59, a pre-med student from Del- ray Beach, Florida, says that warm Florida breezes are by no means detrimental to holiday celebra- tions. For those who refuse to be con- vinced that Christmas can still be Christmas without snow are not getting the benefit of a guaran- teed White Christmas. The weather man refuses to go out on a limb by predicting the Yuletide weather outlook. The weather report as of now is, "We may have snow and then again, we may not-" It must be admitted that snow and Christmas have become a tra- dition to many people but cer- tainly not a necessity. STEREOTYPED CARDS: Personalized Greetings Get Varied Comments SDIALE MGHEN TTwo Routes 'T Flori .! ySJ .., *vutaa Fingers eagerly rip open the* there is neatly engraved letters envelope, take out the card, and IFC Proceeds On Chl dren 's Xmas Events By RICHARD TAUB Interfraternity Council p 1 a n s two major functions to celebrate the Christmas season, one a ser- vice to the community and the other to the fraternities them- selves. Annually, the IFC holds Christ- mas parties for the children of Ann Arbor. Invitations are sent to all those in grades one through four in this area. The children go to individual fraternity houses for the party, in which all fraternities participate. IFC divides the children pro- portionally to the number of mem- bers in the house. A fraternity with 80 men will entertain more children than one with 50. Games are provided by affil- iates, as well as refreshments of1 cookies and :ice cream. This year the party will be 1:30- 3:00 p.m., Dec. 15. IFC provides five Santas to visit the houses with small pres- ents for each child. Because of the high price of Christmas trees in Ann Arbor, IFC service committee provides Christ- mas trees to fraternities, sororities, and professional fraternities. The trees are purchased from a wholesaler outside of Ann Arbor and then sold to the fraternities at cost plus expenses at a substantial saving. Individual fraternities are plan- ning pledge formals with Christ- mas as a theme. Some are holding theirs after the children leave Dec. 15, because it is a late per- mission night. Others, fearful of possible decoration destruction by Christmas spirited youths, are holding theirs on Dec. 8. Many fraternities have their own small, informal Christmas parties during the week. Carols are sung and in some cases pres- ents exchanged. An evening of caroling is also scheduled for many houses. Some just pick out one sorority house to visit; others make the rounds. are the words "Merry Christmas Isadora Coed." One of the big contributions of the business world in recent years to the advancement of Christmas spirit has been the so-called "per- sonalized" Christmas cards, sets of stereotyped greetings, conveni- ently printed with the name of the well-wisher. But what do people think when they receive these cards? Doesn't Like Idea "I certainly don't think much of' the idea," commented one young lady. "If my friends don't have the energy to sign their own names, then they can't really beI very good friends." From all attainable information,j this seems to be a fairly common sentiment. It's not universal by any means' though. An architecture student offered his opinion that "person- alized Christmas cards reflect the. holiday spirit of a modern world. What difference does it make if my name is written with printer's ink or dime store ink?" Whether a businessman's scheme or a reflection of the modern world, still "personalized" Christ-I mas cards are sold and mailed. Too Commercial "They're simply too commer- cial," a freshman coed claimed. "It's bad enough that stores make such a fiasco out of Christmas, but these kind of cards look like something your real estate agent would send you." "They don't have a personal touch to them," added her com- panion, an engineering student.' "When I receive one of them, I just think of the 47 other people who are getting the very same card." It seems there always has to be at least one person who insists he is completely indifferent. Makes No Difference Disturbed while studying for a bluebook, a young man grumbled, "It doesn't make any difference. People don't care who sends them cards,, just how many they get. Now can I study?" "Well I like them," volunteered a sophomore coed overhearing the conversation. "I think they look nice, and it doesn't take so long to send them." And so the comments go . pro and con and indifferent. Prob- abaly the only truly uncommitted person is the postman. As one put it, "One kind of card weighs just as much as another." .iVY . AX--A .l"" In Use Now An estimated ten per cent in-, crease in Florida visitors from; Michigan is due this year, ac- cording to the Automobile Club of Michigan. Last year the Sunshine State drew over 300,000 from Michigan and advance indications point to an additional 30,000 this year. Many thousands of sun seekers will use the nation's highways to reach their destination. Jerry E.; Fisher, Auto Club touring mana- ger, reports that Michigan driv- ers will have a choice of two main routes. The eastern road through Cincinnati, Knoxville and Atlan- ta covers 1,425 miles from De- troit to Miami. This route, how- ever, includes some mountain driving. The western route through Louisville and Nashville is 125 miles longer but takes only thir- ty-five minutes more driving time.I Fisher said that the majority of drivers prefer the flatter routes1 afted mid-December when moun- tain roads may be slippery or* snow-covered. The hilly route, be-' cause of added scenic qualities is preferred during late fall and ear- ly spring when slippery roads are no longer a problem. Michigan drivers are cautioned that plans are underway to rear- range some route numbers in Ala- bama early in 1957. Fisher ad-1 vises drivers traveling through this southern state after January 15 to obtain new route maps or check with Alabama officials for possible changes along their route. KALAMAZOO STNPK OHIO Kokomo " "Springfield 04DOAMAMUS*O g NCNNATI S *Lexington NPK Eliabethtown L $33sW fCoAttAN #S ? " N IAMus o n ' us KNOXsILL SWayross Thomasvile. * Valdosta 2S4St. Augustne \atona US 23T1P Palm Beach Pl ec SOUTHERN ROUTE -- This road map shows two main routes from Michigan to Florida. ------------------------.- It FOLLETT'S showsyouhowto make 18 people happy this 4 iUstmas Ii 1 Ii I pie ----UO,'U 1.50 _<::Y " 1 .Please eerybodyCERTAINLY hether you have eigt eighteen or eighty on your list, books will compliment them I -- and you. FOLLETT'S is the one place where you can find the most appreciated gifts for everybody, from small children j to large grandfathers, from smiling brides to serious business- I I men . . . and for just as little (or as much) as you want to spend. BUY AND BROWSE AT. FOLLKTT'S 1 State St. at N. University ----.-.--.-- ---l ards Fine selection of assorted -4and single cards at prices that will please YOU! Christmas notes (for that personal message) in many designs. STATIONERY A Christmas gift that will be appreciated! Many fine values in plain and decorated papers for men, women and children. ' We have a large selection of notes; plain, decorated and initialed. -Y' p Police Dept. Gets No Rest To the student population of Ann Arbor Christmas means leav- ing the city and taking a vacation. Christmas brings no rest, how- ever, to members of the Apn Ar- bor police and fire departments. Both forces keep full staffs on duty 24 hours a day, in spite of the holidays. Policemen are needed on duty more during -December than in any other month because of the increased traffic in Ann Arbor shopping areas. Traffic Violations Last year, according to chief of police Casper M. Enkemann, the increase of traffic caused the to- tal amount of tickets for moving and parking violations to be 454 more in December than in No- vember. "Christmas spirit is always evi- dent, though, even when we are forced to distribute tickets," En- kemann commented. Fire Dept. The fire department is prepared to extinguish any fire during the Christmas season. "Last year 23 people in the na- tion died because of fire at Christ- mas," said chief Ernest Heller. .Heller recommended that peo- ple set their Christmas trees in water, keep them away from all heating and electrical appliances, and use only electric Christmas tree lights to prevent fires. He also requested that people HOLIDAY HUSTLERS: letie Season Attractive To Thieves I. h*~ ic .zV. 4^;.*. 11 JB of' ">iiPr' '"'dd ^a. ' ' ?ems -.. The old adage, "Be good and Santa will bring you lots of pres- ents," doesn't seem to have much weight these days, at least not judging by police reports. December, the season of festivi- ties and good will has had more petty larceny during the past five years than any other month of the year. The 59 reported in 1955 were one and one-half times the normal monthly average of 40 in the city of Ann Arbor. even included five Christmas trees, one set of Christmas tree lights and a wreath, the symbols of this Joyous season. Christmas seems to be a time for visitors from both the upper and under parts of the world, as police attribute a major portion of the offenses committed in that season to out-of-town profession- als, and only eight of the 40 cleared cases to University stu- clothing are the most commonly stolen items, although one case involved the theft of a $750 Per- sian fur coat. Although there is no pickpock- eting in the area, there are many purses stolen because excited shop- pers run off and leave them lay- ing on counters. Although there are a great many cases of shoplifting, store owners say the proportion compared to! It is the idea of giving at Christmastime which is enjoyable. The gift you will fiud a t our shop will be afpreciated more. JOHN LEIDY q. .7 v,., N 6L§I ,,my, $ ${{ u5. Pill Phone NO 8-6779 0 601 East Liberty ... < I Stolen articles ranged in value dents.I volume of sales is no greater dur- refrain from smoking in the storesh from three dollars to $150.00 and Money and small articles of ing this season. I crowded with Christmas shoppers. FEW SHOPPING DAYS LEFT: Christmas Vacation Brings Shopping Frustration By Lou Sauer T cards will have to be sent out 3 which has a special section on find yourself wandering around Tinsel sparkles brightly, bells from here. Christmas gifts this month. through a haze of perfume, bath tinkle musically - Christmas is Midnight oil will burn long and You"ll find many suggestions. salts, compacts and jewelry, Fin- almost here. bright, as it always does-but Umbrellas are a big favorite this ally, a few minutes before closing In less than two weeks, stu- this time it will illuminate busy year. Every gift section has at time, you could grab the nearest dents will dash home, toss their hands wrapping packages, tying least two umbrellas, one moder- likely-looking compact and leave. gaily wrapped presents under the bows and addressing envelopes. ately priced and the other out- tree and settle down for the an- And professors, in an eon-long ! right exhorbitant. No Guilt Complex nual pre-final long winter's nap. tradition, have planned a good- Exotic Bird . You would not feel the least Vacation in its magic manner, sized examination or paper for One national magazine recom- bit guilty when you saw the tie will be glorious. The rest at home their classes, to give the students mends an exotic bird in a white your girl had picked out in some- will cure many a case of nerves- something to relax after. cage for your fair lady. But, if what the same manner, probably contracted during the Envy Early Shoppers you're budget conscious, try a But on Dec. 22, your problems two weeks spent planning for If you have done your shopping, parakeet. Not many girls will say, will be over. You will have wrap- Christm as. your are to be envied. If you have "Just what I've always wanted!" ped all your gifts and mailed all made your list, the same. If you but they will, doubtlessly, be im- your cards. You will be done Few Shopping Days are undecided and disorganized, pressed. with Christmas shopping for an- With only two shopping days at you have much company. You could wait until the local' other year. home before the big day, most What are you buying for your women's stores have their annual You'll be ready to spend a glori- students will do their buying in girl? If you can't make up your I "men only" night. Then, at al- ous ten days at home-just relax- Ann Arbor town. And Christmas mind, try browsing a magazine ! most the last minute, you would ing with a good textbook. NYLON TRICOT LINGERIE ENCHANTING COLLECTION k'for HOLIDAY' SEASON with 4 e SLIP - Bodice mode of lace and lining both front and back. Cut to fit with sleek perfection. At bottom a deep, deep hemline of lace. Sizes 32 to 38. 8.95 HALF SLIP - to underpin a suit or sheath with as much femininity as ': 9 r. <: ............. . " }. .... ...... {rf :" . . . :w f'.......5" . .yyryyy <..< ... ... .......................................................::::::::::.::::::::::::::.:: .:":".:::::::............. ......... .:..:< A.,......Yl::.;,".'}..I..w. .... .r .. .5"":'$."Y.. '"d-.. .wr X<.!' ..5 : :4'a{ .. Q ' !5 .. M.1va".:1. ei My ,K~w.aveAw ' +R :;.:; r. ;<:;;> ;; u ! / ,. o ., rt . . 4 This Christmas Give Lazyback Give Com fort, Color Foam Rubber Pillows Give several of these decorator styled pillows for sofas, chairs, beds. They really brighten up the room. Foam rubber pillows stay buoyant and clean, cannot pack, always look neat. Covers zip off for easy washing and cleaning. Antique satin, Rupee nub silk, mandarin cotton and imported pure silk ... in a variety of colors. Perfect gift for roommates. 3.95 to 8.95 l