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December 08, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-12-08

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4itr tgan


Latest Deadline in the State




'U' Receives U.S.
Building Funds
Grant of $1,263,522 To Be Utilized
In Expansion of Health Facilities
The University yesterday was allotted $1,263,522 for construction
of health research facilities and announced it has been promised
matching funds from private foundations.
The allotments, which were the University's share of a $30,000,000
Congressional appropriation made earlier in the year, were announced
yesterday by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare.
University Vice-President Wilbur Pierpont said he was "very
pleased" by the allotments, which asigned $600,000 for the seconid

Sweep I



Hungary; Ask


Italy 'Slaps'
Reds' Face,
Cancels Visa
ROME(IP)-The Italian govern-
ment yesterday dealt a humiliat-
ing diplomatic blow to Russia by
cancelling the entry visa of high-
ranking Mikhail Suslov '"in the
interests of public order."
The slap in the face to Suslov,
a secretary of the Soviet Commu-
nist party, came as he rolled
through Eastern Europe in a train
en route to address the Italian
Communist party's 8th national
congress opening in Rome today.
Refused Permission
The Italian government earlier
had refused permission for Suslov
to land at Rome in a jet-liner
direct from Moscow.
The clear warning to Russia to
keep its fingers out of the Italian
political pie climaxed mounting
anti-soviet feeling in Italy.
Italians were appalled at Soviet
ruthlessness in Hungary. Parades
and anti-Soviet demonstrations
followed the Budapest fighting in
most of Italy's big cities.
Italian diplomats boycotted
Russia's National Day reception
here recently - sending only a
minor protocol official to "sign
the book."
Nationwide Celebration
A nationwide celebration of
"Soviet film week," a return ges-
ture for an Italian film festival
in the Soviet Union, was can-
celled by government order.
Slight, scholarly-appearing 50-
year-old Suslov is rated as the
Kremlin's expert on relations with
Communist parties abroad. There
has been recent speculation that
he visited-Budapest and advised
on suppressing the Hungarian re-
Suslov also is reported to have
been in the faction of Kremlin
leaders which sought to curb So-
viet party boss Nikita Khrush-
chev's rapprochement with Presi-
dent Tito of Yugoslavia.
Weight to Speculation
The decision to send such a
heavyweight to speak at the Ital-
ian party congress lent weight to
speculation that the Soviet is
worriedabout keepingItalian par-
ty chief Palmro Togliatti in line
-and in the anti-Tito camp.
The cancellation of Suslov's en-
try visa was reported by the So-
viet Embassy in Rome. Pressed
for a statement, the Foreign Of-
fice said merely: "It was neces-
sary in the interests of pubic
Program Gets
Award for TU,
The Institute of International
Education yesterday presented the
University with a citation for out-
standing contributions to Ameri-
can foreign relations through per-
son-to-person programs.
The citation praised the Uni-
versity for a "long and notable
record" of "distinguished service
in the field of international edu-
The more than 1,000 foreign
students at the University make
up about 5 percent of the student
population. This is believed to be
the highest percentage of foreign
students in any public education
Also receiving awards were Sen.
William Fulbright (D-Ark.), the

City of Denver, the International
v, i arhi ,,,,a rnrnrn an

unit in a mental health building,
$605,000 for an addition to the
School of Public Health and $58,-
522 for the completion of labora-
tories in the Kresge Medical Re-
search Building.
Largest Since Depression
Pierpont said the allocation rep-
resented the largest federal grant
to the University for, buildings
since the public works projects of
the Depression era.
The allocation, he reported,
largely met the requests authorized
by the Regents at their Sept. 29
meeting, except that the Univer-
sity had asked $425,000 more than
it received for' the second mental
health unit. The first unit of the
building has already been author-
ized by the state legislature and
will be ready for construction bids
early next year.
Work on the second of the two
units was scheduled to begin "as
soon thereafter as possible," al-
though the lower allocation means
there are not now sufficient funds
for its completion.
Kresge Work To Begin
Construction or the Kresge
laboratories should begin in "the
next few months," Pierpont con-
tinued, while work on the public
health addition is expected to
extend from next summer to
sometime in 1958.
While the University has "been
assured of foundation grants" to
supplement the federal funds, de-
tails will not be revealed pending
a joint announcement by the
foundation of the University.
Ike Foresees
Arms Budget
Rise for 1957
AUGUSTA, Ga. (P)-Secretary
of Defense Charles E. Wilson said
after conferring with President
Dwight D. Eisenhower "it certain-
ly looks" as though military spend-
ing next fiscal year will run high-
er than the 36 billion dollars es-
timated this year.
And Sec. Wilson told reporters
he sees no prospect for "any sub-
stantial change" in the strength
level of the armed forces, now at
2,800,000 men.
Wilson and administration fiscal
experts spent 2/2 hours with Pres-
ident Eisenhower going over near
final Pentagon plans reportedly
calling for about 38 billion dollars
in defense spending in the fiscal
year starting July 1.
The Cabinet officer declined
comment on then38 billion figure,
saying it would not be proper for
him to do so at this stage. The
President's budget for all govern-
ment departments will go to Con-
gress early next month.
Just before the parley got under
way at the Augusta National Golf
Club President Eisenhower re-
marked to Wilson-with a clear
show of irritation-that "leakage"
of defense spending data and mili-
tary manpower plans "is some-
thing that's got to stop."
Asked later whether he and
President Eisenhower had discuss-
ed that matter further, Wilson re-
plied with a wry smile:
"No, I wouldn't bother the Pres-
ident about that. He would think
that is my job."
Wilson has insisted all along
that only non-combat, service-
typn personnel havembeen trimmed
from the United States forces in
Europe. He leaves today for a
ParisNATO meeting wherethe
level of such forces seems certain
to be discussed in the light of the
IPresident 's determination to
strengthen the North Atlantic Al-
Flies to Paris

WASHINGTON (P)-Headed by{
SIeret, Sgf ea Tnhn ' irc,-,

DROP IN THE BUCKET - A University coed donates her coins
to Galens bucket drive. But Galens President Bob Kretszchmar,
'57M, reported, "We're not doing as well as we should," having
collected approximately $3,000 toward the $7,000 goal.
Asked yesterday about rumors -that Galens would again ask
SGC's review board to reconsider their status relative to the tenta-
tive Unified Campus Chest Drive, Kretszchmar said, "Whether
we're considering it or not, I don't know."
Philippines Voted Seat
Ont Security Council
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (AP)-Eastern Europe lost its seat on
the Security Council yesterday to the Philippines, backed by the
United States in the latest East-West row of the General Assembly.
The Soviet Union protested vehemently.
The Philippines polled 51 of the 74 valid ballots cast during the
secret voting. The Soviet candidate, Czechoslovakia, received 20 votes,
Afghanistan, Spain and Yugoslavia one each and one country ab-

Yugoslavia, which resigned fr
Polish State,
Church Set
Peace Pact
WARSAW (P-The Polish gov-
ernment and the Roman Catholic
Church yesterday announced a
sweeping settlement of their dif-
The settlement was the outdome
of four weeks of negotiation by a
joint state-church commission set
up after the release of Poland's
primate, Stefan Cardinal Wyszyn-
The agreement includes these
1. An arrangement to restore
religious education to grade and
high schools for children whose
parents request it.
2. An agreement allowing chap-
lains to work in hospitals and
3. A government commission, for
exiled priests and nuns to return
to the western territories which
Poland regained from Germany
after World War II.
4. Church recognition that the
state has a theoretical voice in
church appointments. It is under-
stood-although not written in
the agreement-that the state has
agreed never to veto appointments
in the church.
New President
PRINCETON, N. J. toP)-Prince-
ton University yesterday reached
into its own teaching ranks and
picked a 37-year-old assistant
professor India-born Dr. Robert F.
Goheen-to be its new president.
The university's Board of Trus-
tees selected Goheen, who teaches
in the Classics Department, to
succeed Harold W. Dodds when
he retires next June at the age of

rom the council in accord with a
4deal breaking a 35-ballot dead-
lock with the Philippines last
year, will give up its seat Dec. 31
and the Philippines will serve the
remainder of the normal two-year
It will be the first time since
the council was organized in 1946
xthat a country from Eastern Eu-
rope has not occupied one of the
six nonpermanent seats. The So-
viet Union is one of the five per-
manent members.
"Crude Violation"
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Vassily V. Kuzentsov charged the
election was a clear discrimina-
tion against Eastern Europe and a
"crude violation" of the charter
provision for geographical distri-
bution of the nonpermanent seats
on the council.
He said the United States was
using the UN for its own pur-
poses and was violating the Lon-
don gentlemen's agreement of
1946 giving Eastern Europe a seat
on the council.
The United States, whose chief
delegate, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.
waged a campaign for Manila
from the very start last year, con-
tended the London agreement was
meant for one year only and no
longer was binding.
No Soviet Hold
Actually, the Soviet Union has
not had a hold on this seat since
1950 even though it was occupied
by an Eastern European country.
After the election, Jose Vicente
Trujillo of Ecuador, told the As-
sembly a resolution would be sub-
mitted soon to enlarge the Coun-
cil. It was reported one seat
would be for Asia and one for
The others would remain as set
up in the 1946 agreement in Lon-
don. This gave Eastern Europe,
the Middle East, the British Com-
monwealth and Western Europe
one each and Latin America two
Soviet sources indicated their
next move would be to try to ob-
tain a revised agreement making
a firm written commitment guar-
anteeing Eastern Europe a seat.

IWorld News
By The Associated Press
NATO Report. ..
PARIS - Military leaders of
the Atlantic Alliance yesterday
completed work on a comprehen-
sive report which finds member
nations still short of defense goals
set three years ago, a spokesman
The report will be presented to
the North'Atlantic Treaty Organi-
zation Council of Foreign, Defense
and finance Ministers which meets
in Paris Tuesday. The council
will review progress in 1956 and
set targets for the coming year.
. * *
Committee Findings.. .
HONOLULU - The Senate In-
ternal Security Subcommittee de-
clared yesterday its six-day hear-
ing here found "Communists are
acting in a present day conspiracy
to further Soviet purposes in these
In a prepared statement, the
committee said "conspiratorial
forces" contral the International
Longshoremen's and Warehouse-
men's Union, headed by Harry
Bridges, and a satellite union, the
United Pacific Workers.
"These conspiratorial forces, by
their control of the ILWU and the
UPW, exercise a far-flung influ-
ence of the islands. They are in a
position to choke off the flow of
all ocean-borne commerce on
which these islands depend," the
statement said.
* * 4'
Clinton Segregation
CLINTON, Tenn. - City and
county officials laid down a stern
warning yesterday against any
effort to' disrupt reopening of
Clinton High School Monday
morning on a continued integra-
tion basis.
Police Chief Francis Moore, who1
is a member of the Anderson
County School Board, told the
teachers he would see that no
loiterers prowl around the school
grounds or interfere with orderly
resumption of classes.
Egypt Demonstration
PORT SAID, Egypt - About
2,500 Egyptian civilians, mostly
young men of military age, march-]
ed defiantly through the streets
yesterday in a show of mourning'
for Egypt's war dead.
British authorities were troubled
most by a sudden splash of green
and white Egyptian flags on build-1
ings and a rash of newly painted
signs on walls saying- "British, go
home," "Death to Eden" and "The
Suez Canal is ours."
* * *
Riesel Trial..
NEW YORK - Three under-
lings in the Victor Riesel acid-
blinding case were sentenced to
prison Friday.
Federal Judge William B. Her-
lands sentenced Goldolfo Shiekie
Miranti, 57, and Domenico Nick
Bando, 47, to five years each, and
Leo Telvi, 26, to two years, Mir-
anti was fined $10,000.

tional Monetary Fund in the form*
of a dollar loan against Britain's
own assets.
Not Involve Aid
It would not involve any aid at
all in the usual sense of giving
money or goods to a foreign coun-
Differences in administration
estimates of the situation appar-
ently are based on different esti-
mates of Europe's need.
While some Administration offi-
ficial are talking agout a new pro-
gram of aid for Europe, they have
not so far done very much about
it other than to agree to try to
get congressional approval to
waive a British payment to the
United States due this month.
No Evidence of Studies
Inquiry at the State Department
produced no evidence of any full-
scale studies there on the Euro-
pean plight looking to the devel-
opment' of long-range aid pro--
grams. This does not mean that
the programs might not be worked
up quickly in the next few weeks..
It does indicate that the grand-
scale concepts being noised about
by some high-level authorities-
have yet to be translated into any
substantial action.
Convinced of Need
Some top State Department of-
ficials are convinced that Britain,1
France, Italy and other European
countries will soon need greater
help than any so far projected.
By contrast, a high Treasury
official said yesterday he sees no
need for any grant aid-outright
gifts-to Europe. He said figures+
on Europe's losses from the reduc-
tion of Middle East oil supplies
had been exaggerated.
_ i
Subsidy Plan.
Faces Big Ten
The "equalization" plan for
subsidizing Big Ten athletes will
likely be voted upon today byj
Conference faculty representa-
Yesterday Big Ten officials
"wasted a lot of time" analyzing
the proposal item by item, accord-
ing to University Athletic Direc-
'tor H. O."Fritz" Crisler.
Equalization is a plan whereby
Conference schools subsidize ath-
letes to the extent of the differ-
ence between their financial
means and the costs of attending

... seeks seventh term
Ann Arbor
Mayor Seeks
Ann Arbor Mayor William E.
Brown Jr. revealed yesterday that
he will seek his seventh consecu-
tive two-year term as mayor.
Brown stated that he had seri-
ously considered not running for
the position again. He is now
serving his 12th year as mayor.
He expressed concern over the
possibility that several incumbent
city council members may not seek
re-election. He stated that, while
it is important to have new per-
sons come onto the council, there
is much need forexperienceat the
present, time.
Ann Arbor is in the process of
considering a several million dol-
lar capital improvements program.
A new city hall will be a major
element in this program.
Brown has been a major force
behind the construction offAnn
Arbor's off-street-parking facili-
ties. These include a series of
surface lots and two multi-level
parking structures.
Among the mayor's other major
projects are attempts to discover
additional sources of municipal
Meeting Will
Hear Hatcher
University President Harlan
Hatcher will address delegates to
the Union's annual Student-Fa-
culty-Administration conference
today, according to Larry Rattner,
'57. Co-chairman.
Vice-President in charge of Stu-
dent Affairs James A. Lewis will
introduce the topics for the day-
long meeting.
The Conference is held each
year to "stimulate interest and
supply background information,"
according to Rattner.
"No attempt is made to solve
particular problems," he said. "We
only hope to set a future pattern
of constructive thinking."

A drinistratic
Over Aid toIf
WASHINGTON (MP) - Administrai
sharply divided over the amount andI
which America's allies in Europe may ne
This became evident yesterday as
would borrow a billion dollars on short-
borrowing is to raise cash which, among
to help meet Britain's dollar needs.
Very little of the billion, however,N
from the United States. Most of it wou

Prisonetir s
Police Battle,
Divided Angr Mobs
uropansIn Budapest'
tion officials appear to be
kind of financial assistance Fresh Violence, New
ed in their present economic Strikes Threatened
the Treasury announced it By Workers Council
term bills this month. This BUDAPEST, Hungary (MP)-New
g other things, may be used strikes and street fights swepb
Budapest yesterday.
would go to Britain directly Workers told the Russian-im-
ild go through the Interna- posed government to quit jailing
their leaders or face another out-
burst of violence.
The Central Workers Council is-
sued a proclamation charging
that continued jailing of leaders
_ : .would end in "a general strike,
bloodshed and a new national
Give Ultimatum

The workers demanded an an-
swer by 8 p.m. overBudapest ra-
dio. The hour passed without the
station mentioning the workers'
A street fight broke out at al-
most the same site as Thursday's
clash that took three lives by offi-
cial account and 17 according to
unconfirmed reports.
A Russian armored car stopped
in the crowded area and picked
up a young Hungarian. About 100
Hungarians immediately gathered
around and began to argue.
Two more Russian cars stopped,
but the crews were friendly and
smiling. They drove off. Then the
argument with the police started.
The whole. Western Railway
Station was soon surrounded by
Hungarian police with tommyguns
at the ready.
Police c h a r g e d the crowd,
swinging clubs and firing in the
Arrests Made
Eyewitnesses said police carried
several truckloads of men and
women from the scene of the
Several other disturbances were
rumored in the capital.
The Central Workers Council
reported there were sporadic and
spontaneous strikes in several fac-
At Csepel iron and steel works,
Hungary's largest industrial com-
plex, thousands of workers stayed
away from their jobs. This cut
the number of active personnel to
50 per cent of a normal 38,000.
The reason for the strike at Cse-
pel was a local dispute over man-
Council Voices Fears
The Central Council in a prodla-
mation posted in all factories
"It appears that an organized
hunt has been started against the
workers' councils throughout the
"If this continues, the confi-
dence of the workers will be lost
completely and those who direct
the provocations will reach their
goal by turning the workers' class
definitely against the government.
The end will be a general strike,
bloodshed and a new national
The Central Council represents
all the workers in the capital and
surrounding areas.
Budapest radio said the nation's
coal miners were still launching
"daily strikes and stoppages" and
called upon them to cease.
Door Opened
To Hungarians
VIENNA (A)--United State's offi-
cials cut all the red tape they
could yesterday in President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's program
to get more than 21,000 Hungarian
refugees into the country this

Advanced High School Courses Given U' Credit

By DIANE LaBAKAS attract more superior students to
Students with superior back- the literary college," accordingto
gound can now enter Literary Col- Assistant Dean James Robertson
lege directly from high school withI Special examinations will be ad-
as uchas 6 hursof dvacedministered , by the Educational
as much as 16 hours of advanced Testing Service and graded under
TadColleged fits supervision by a commission on
TeClgefaculty has voted adacdpacmn n a com-
to allow students who have taken advanced plach examination sub-
special courses in high school and t

ceiving his exam report score, the
examination papers, and a des-
cription of the course by its tea-
cher or other school official. The
students' secondary school will re-
ceive the examination papers from
the ETS together with the Uni-
versity's decision.
During the last two years, ap-


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