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December 07, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-12-07

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Foreign Students Meet Housing Discrimination, Social I


(Editor's Note: The following. is an interpretive article on discrimination
against University foreign students and the extent to which they integrate
with the University community.)
Discrimination in Ann Arbor housing presents a defiinte problem
for many of the. Asiatic foreign students who attend the University.
Though these students seem most affected by discrimination in
housing, they also encounter problems of social integration with
Americans. In discussing the social situation, however, some foreign
students indicated they would rather stick with their own national
No reports were given by International students of discrimination
In restaurants, clothing stores or barber shops in Ann Arbor.
Couldn't Find 'Decent' Housing
Though the housing problem affected even American students
during last fall's housing shortage, it was more difficult for foreign
students, especially dark-skinned Asiatics, to find "decent" living
quarters in Ann Arbor.
One Indian student said he called a landlady about an advertised
room. "She told me I could have the room. When I took her the

deposit, she said she changed her mind and wasn't going to rent thel process of locating rooms and apartments for these students. But
room after all," he commented. she further explained the office has a standard list of landladies
In another instance, an Iraqui student phoned in answer to an: which she uses year after year. These landladies she knows will accept
advertisement and was told he could have the apartment for $100 foreign students.
a month. When he arrived with his family and luggage, the landlady Since most of the international students here are graduate
immediately raised the rent to $150. students, there is only a small percentage who live in the residence
Must Resort To Slum Area - halls. According to Karl Streiff, Asst. Dean of Men, there are about

There have been repeated cases of Indian, Gold Coast and
Ethiopian students unable to get apartments near campus, and must
finally resort to living in slum areas near the edge of town.
A Gold Coast student reported trying to get an apartment near
campus without success. "I previously lived near the railroad station,
but it wasn't a good location," he said. This student now lives in
the dormitory system.
Although the International Center provides housing placement
service under the direction of Katherine Mead, the Center is unable
to place all the foreign students who come to the University. Many of
them must attempt to get housing facilities on their own.
Uses Student List for Houses
Mrs. Mead said she has encountered little discrimination in the

90 foreign students who live in the dorms. This does not include those
who come here for an eight week period to study in the University's
English Language Institute.
In most cases, the foreign students are given roommates who
are also non-American, Streiff explained. The policy of his office is to
pair students who have similar likes, backgrounds and interests.
Dorm Appliation Forms
On application forms which new students fill out for resident
hall rooms is the question, "Are you interested in a roommate of a
nationality, or race other than your own?"
"About 89 per cent of the students answer that question with
'no'," Streiff said. Generally, there are more foreign students who
want American students for roommates, he commented, but there
aren't enough Americans who indicate they want to room with them.

Since few foreign students have the same interests, backgrounds
or likes as the American students, they are then given foreign student
One Indian noted he felt there was a, "conscious effort" in the
quads to "place you with someone they think will suit you. As far
as Asiatic students go, they will put an Asiatic with an Asiatic."
Dorms Provide Good Contact
.The dorms provides us good contact with other students, though,"
he added.
Regarding social integration wtih American students, most for.
eigners admit they stick pretty well with their own close-knit groups.
Few will attribute this cohesiveness, however, to any social discrimi-
nation shown to them by University students.
There is some evidence that discrimination is displayed toward
foreign students in reference to housing in Ann Arbor and in social
contacts with students on campus. Their reluctance to admit any
discrimination may be attributed to racial pride.
A Pakistani said any discrimination that might be shown Asiatic
students is primarily color discrimination. "It is probably an out-
growth of the American discrimination against Negroes," he said.


growth of the American discrimination against Negroes," he said.

See Page 4


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Latest Deadline in the State


Aid Report Passes
Big Ten Officials
Round Robin Schedule Defeated;
Grid Season To Begin Week Earlier
"Equalization" plan for subsidizing Big Ten athletes jumped its
first hurdle yesterday in Chicago, University Athletic Director H. 0.
Crisler reported.
fIn a discussion between faculty representatives and athletic dir-
ectors from all 10 schools, Crisler revealed, "The study committee
report on financial aid to Conference athletes was approved with
some dissent, but the general principles of it were accepted."
This report contained recommendations of "equalization" legis-
To Vote Today

Today faculty representatives
Soviets Urge
UN Council
Seat Czechs
z A new East-West clash erupted
yesterday when the Soviet Union
demanded the election of Czecho-
slovakia to the Security Council
over the Philippines, backed by
the United States and Britain.
The Russian demand was made
by Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Vassily V. Kuznetsov at a news.
conference. He reinforced it with
a threat to veto, unless Czecho-
slovika, wins, any proposal to
amend the United States Charter
and put more members on the 11-
nation Security Council.
The 79-nation General Assembly
will ballot today to fill the va-
cancy created when Yugoslavia
resigned from the seat she won
last year after a lottery broke a
prolonged deadlock with the Phil-
Both sides spoke hopefully of
victory. Other diplomats said, how-
ever, it appeared a new deadlock1
might be developing, with the big
powers of East and West throw-
ing the full weight of their pres-
tige into the struggle.
Kuznetsov assailed the lottery
arrangement used after 35 ballots
produced no result. He said it was
illegal and a violation of the UN
Charter. He said the Soviet Union
did not agree to it and had so
stated at the time. {
Yugoslavia resigned its seat, ef-
fective Dec. 31, under the agree-
ment. Kuznetsov told the reporters
that-the seat was assigned to East-
ern Europe by a gentleman's agree-
ment among the Big Powers inc
London in 1946 and that Czecho-
slovakia should be elected. z
Sigma Chi Gets
Judic Censure t
Sigma Chi fraternity was cen- e
cured yesterday by Joint Judiciary g
Council for its participation in the v
Oct. 29 "Arms for Arabs" demon- i
stration, according to Mike Mc-
Nerney, '57L, chairman of Joint $
Group responsibility was deter-
rained on the basis of numbers n
participatinghthe lack of effort by
members to prevent the incident
For complete text of~~~~t
letter, see .page six

(University's Prof. Marcus Plant
Hof the Law School) will vote final-
ly to accept or reject "equaliza-
tion" legislation which was em-
bodied in the study committee re-
Crisler said there was a possi-
bility of ammendments and dele-
tions being made by the 10 faculty
Crisler refused to release a vot-
ing rundown of yesterday's report
Also on yesterday's docket, the
Big Ten officials approved begin-
ning the football season a week
earlier in the fall.
A motion for a "round robin"
football schedule was defeated.
This suggested every Conference
school play every other one every
season. The University voted no.
'Cooling Off'
If the plan passes the faculty
representatives today it will be
shuttled back to each school for
a 60-day "cooling off" period.
Crisler disclosed he would take the
final plan before the University's
Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics for an okay.
Then if any one school rejects
the plan a majority of the Big
Ten faculty representatives can
give it final approval at their
spring meeting.
"Eq u a 1i z a t i o n" is a scheme
whereby the Big Ten colleges will
pay athletes above board the dif-
ference between the athlete's fi-
nancial means and the costs of at-
tending a particular Big Ten I
See BIG TEN, Page 3
City Council s
Studies New
A proosed multi-million dollar''
capital improvement program for
Ann Arbor was discussed by citi-
zens and City Council last night
at a public hearing,
Possbile programs presented
would cost approximately $10,000,-
DO0 on a three-year basis and in
he neighborhood of $12,500,000 in
asix-year plan.
Mostquestionshconcerned the
xpenditures which would require
eneral obligation bond issue
which would have to be author-
zed by voters. Such type of im-
provements would probably total
Councilmen explained a major
ortion of the capital improve-
ment program, as high as seven
illion dollars, can be financed
rom revenue sources other than
he general obligation bonds,
A proposed new city hall which
would cost slightly under two

Backs Eden
On Invasion
Vote of Confidence
Given by Split Party
LONDON (Ri) - Prime Minister
Anthony Eden won a vote of con-
fidence last night for the abortive
British-French invasionof Egypt.
The vote was 312-260.
Fifteen rebellious Conservatives
in the House of Commons refused
to vote support of the Eden gov-
Before the motion of confidence
was put, the Conservatives acted
solidly together in defeating a La-
bor Party motion to censure
Eden's government for its Suez
policies The vote defeating that
motion was 327-260.
Rested in Jamaica
Eden has been in Jamaica since
Nov. 24 for three weeks of rest
because of what the government
called severe overstrain. It was
announced yesterday he is re-
turning Dec. 14 to take over the
reins of government.
But his political future has been
in doubt for days, and the Con-
servative abstentions in Commons
last night lent weight to sug-
gestions that he may not be able
to remain long as leader of the
party and head of the government,
The abstaining Conservatives
are members of the so-called group
of "Suez rebels" who fought bit-
terly against the government's de-
cision to bow to the United States
and the United Nations and with-
draw troops from Egypt without
Forces Should Remain
The Suez rebels argued that the
forces should remain until future
operation of the Suez Canal is as-
Labor voted against the govern-
ment on the ground that the inva-
sion itself was a disastrous mis-
take which weakened the British-
American alliance, undermined
the United Nations, jeopardized
ties with British Commonwealth
countries, and brought on a grave
economic crisis threatening the
nation's well-being.
Eden's chief deputy, R. A. But-'
ler, told the House the reins of
government will be handed back
to Eden when his plane touches
down in Britain.
But regardless of the tally in the
vote of confidence, the conserva-
tive party remained divided with
one wing critical of, the decision
to invade, another opposed to the
withdrawal and many members
confused and uncertain.


Eisenhower Opens Door
For 15,000 Refugees
AUGUSTA, Ga. A)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower signaled
yesterday for a gigantic air-sea plan to bring 15,000 Hungarian ref u-
gees to America.
That quota to be transported "with the utmost possible speed" by
the United States Air Force and the Navy is in addition to 6,500 others
whose travel already has been arranged by an Intergovernmental
Committee on European Migration.
The massive operation by the United States services-pictured
by the White House as the biggest of such type in peacetime history
-will get under way in a few days.
U.S. Airlift Plan
The government airlift plan calls for bringing about 10,000 ref-
ugees from Soviet terrorism in
Air Force and Navy planes. And
U~ ~~the c r t services have been authorized
S.S Sco rs to supplement their own aircraft
with commercial planes to speed
R ed A tiott up that part of the program.
R ed A c ion For the sea-lift of about 5000
refugees, the Navy is providing
three ships, each with room for
In Fgary more than 2,000 passengers.
In Washington, informed offi-
WASHINGTON (RP)-In a sharp- cials estimated the cost mightrun
ly worded protest to Russia, the money to come rodollarswih t2e
United States yesterday de- million dollar White House fund.
nounced what it called "unwar- The President last Saturday au-
ranted" use of Red army tanks thorized admittance of a total of
and guns against "helpless civ- 21,500 Hungarian refugees to- this
ilians" in Hungary. country-more than fourtimes the
Deputy Undersecretary of State number planned originally.
Robert Murphy took 10 minutesT
to deliver the protest verbally to To Begi Soon
Sergei Striganov 'of the Soviet The White House said yesterday
Embassy. Twice Murphy told Stri- the government airlift of about
ganov to pass the word to Moscow 10,000 refugees will begin within
immediately the next few days at the rate of
.mday 200 a day,
Specifically, Murphy objected The three ships, each of 10,000
to Soviet tanks patrolling outside tons, will sail for Ne York from
the U.S. legation in revolt-torn
Budapest - nBremerhaven, Germany, subject
Budapet n even to the point of to approval of the West German
parking on the sidewalk - whileo government. The first of these
Hungarians peacefully demon- will arrive at Bremerhaven about
strated. Dec. 18 and will sail between then
Murphy said that was only one and Dec. 21.
incident. He said the United
States, like the great majority of
the United Nations, is deeply con- e
cerned over Soviet m ilitary sup- p e s n o t e u g i n b l
lion of the ungarian rebel- ticket Drive
Striganov, a small bespectacled
man with straight dark hair, sat Galens will launch their two-
through Murphy's protestation day 30th annual "bucket drive"
without a word. Then he inquired early today.
whether Murphy was aware of Members of the group of 28
the Soviet position in the UN. medical school juniors and seniors
Yes, fully aware, Murphy re- will stand on corners throughout
plied, and he repeated that he the city, with the exception of
wvanted the Soviet government no- the general campus area.
tified immediately of the Ameri- Galens were excluded by Stu-
Gan protest. dent Government Council from
State Department press officer this area, whose precise boundaries
Lincoln White told newsmen about are to be determined today,
the meeting between the red- The recent annual budget has
haired Murphy and Striganov, So- approximated $7000. Funds are
viet embassy counselor who is in used for the Galens workshop, a
:harge while Ambassador Georgi Christmas party and other activi-
Zarubin is attending UN sessions ties for children who are patients
n New York City. in the University Hospital.

Decision Next
U' Sends Counseling

Local Wants
New Session
To Be Called
Dean Bacon Suggests
Further Discussion

Questionnaitres Today
Counseling questionnaires for students will be sent out today to
every tenth student at the University, according to David Baad, As-
sistant to the Dean of Men.
Compiled by Counseling Study Committee, the questionaire is
divided into four sections: vocational plans and decisions, decisions
regarding college courses and concentration, assistance in meeting
financial problems, and personal problems and decisions.
It covers every area of University counseling. This includes aca-
demic residence halls financial assistance counseling, the Mental
Hygiene Unit at Health Service, student counselling service at Rack-
ham, and special phychological$

SGC Board in Review'
To Weigh Sigma Kappa

s -

Every Tenth Student
Every tenth student in the dir-
ectory was chosen to receive the
questionnaire, by recommendation
of Survey Research Center, to in-
sure a proper cross section.
Another questionnaire was sent
to all faculty members connected
with these services.
Counseling study committee was
established last spring to meet the
problems of a growing University.
Students as well as faculty mem-
bers have complained for a long
time about the inadequacy of pres-
ent counseling services.
SGC requested Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A. Lewis
to appoint a study committee in'
this area. Each University counsel-
ing service sent a representative to
the organizational meeting of this
A central committee was formed
comprising students, faculty, and
administration, which has been
hard at work since that time.
Ignorance About Services
The group discovered that there
was great ignorance about Ouch
services. Students were unaware
that many existed, and members
of one counseling unit were often
ignorant of what others were do-
Because of this, wasteful over-
lapping has resulted.
Results of the student question-
naire are most important, Baad
said. "Only by asking students can
we determine the adequacy of our
present counseling system."
He expressed the hope that all
who receive the questionnaire will
return it promptly.
Advice for the preparation of
the questionnaire was provided by
Prof. Lowell E. Kelly, Director of
the Bureau of Psychological re-

Pearl Harbor
Silent Today
Only half a dozen or so vessels
are now in giant Pearl Harbor,
where fifteen years ago 94 ships
awoke to a surprise Sunday morn-
ing visit from attacking Japanese
Included in the targets of Jap-
anese dive bombers were seven
American battleships moored with-
in the one-mile stretch known as
"Battleship Row." Four ships were
sunk there while those still float-
ing received heavy damage.
Of the 2,335 American casual-
ties, some 11 hundred died when
an armor-piercing shell exploded
the forward magazine of the bat-
tleship Arizona. Hundreds of
others were trapped in the bottom
compartments of the Oklahoma as
it suffered hits and rolled over.
But never again will Pearl Har-
bor present such a juicy target,
says the Navy Pacific commander,
Adm. Felix B. Stump.
"There have been many changes
in warfare in the 15 years since
the attack."
IFC Aid Fund
Executive Committee of Inter-
fraternity Council resolved last'
night to establish an IFC scholar-
ship fund,
The motion now has to be ap-
proved by. Fraternity Presidents'
Assembly at their next meeting
early in February to take effect.
Awards will be made annually
of five 100 dollar grants to be ap-
plied to the recipients tuition.
Criteria are: contribution to the
fraternity and/or the fraternity
system, scholarship, character, in-
tegrity and need.
According to the plan, alumni
fund of the University Develop-
ment Council will handle all con-
tributions of money from frater-
nity alumni, after an initial offer
of 100 dollars by IFC.
It was reported by Tim Leedy,
TROnm.-gM nt t at. hiu - ~

Student Government Council's
Board in Review will meet early
next week to consider Wednes-
day's Sigma Kappa action.
It is the second time in a week
the Board has been summoned.
Dean of Women Deborah Ba-
con yesterday "set in motion the
machinery" for calling the Board
at the request of local Sigma Kap-
pa President Barbara Busch, '57Ed.
Under the SGC plan, only a Re-
view Board member may ask for
a meeting. A definite meeting time
has not yet been set.
Voted Violation
Miss Busch's request came as a
result of Council action Wednes-
day night. At that time, SGC
found National Sigma Kappa in
violation of University Regula-
tions against discrimination by
a vote of 12-5.
According to SGC President
Bill Adams, '57BAd, further ac-
tion ,such as withdrawal or sus-
pension of recognition, will "very
likely" be discussed at next week's
Council meeting.
Summoning the Board in Re-
view constitutes a temporary stay
of action. The Board has the pow-
er to review Council actions after
determining whether the actions
go beyond SGC's jurisdiction or
are in conflict with regental or
administrative policies.
Gave Careful Consideration
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis said yester-
day, "I think the students handled
the thing exceedingly well. They
gave careful consideration to the
evidence and I would certainly
agree with their decision."
"In my personal opinion," Dean
Bacon said, "the level of partici-
pation by the Council as a whole
and as individuals appears to have
fully justified the confidence the
University has 'placed in its un-
She continued, "I have parti-
cular admiration for those girls
who had to face the same inner
struggle as Robert E. Lee--torn
between their love of Virginia and
their love of America."
Board in Review Members
Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the poli-
tical science department, chair-
man, Prof. Leo A. Schmidt of the
business administration school,
vice-chairman, Dean Earl V.
Moore of the music school, Dean
Bacon, Dean of Men Walter B.
1? 0 Al*c-" -1$n

Food Forum Creates Little Interest


Students and administrators

alike last night stayed away from ,
a forum on the Quadrangle foodn
A group of less than three dozen e e
students heard IHC President R enom ination
Robert Warrick, '57E, Daily Editor
Richard Snyder, '57, and South Alfred Connable, '25BAd, Re-
Q u a d r a n g le President John gent of the University and a Kal-
amazoo businessman, recently an-
Mayne, '58, give their opinions nounced his candidacy for renom-
and answer questions about Resi- ination to the Board of Regents.
dence Hall food. Regent Connable, active in the
T-- .Republican party for many years.

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