American Athletes'
U.S. Maintains Fading Olympic Margin
As Soviets Score with Gymnastic Win
MELBOURNE (Thursday) (P)-
Russian athletes have surged tol
within 20 points of the United
States in the ding-dong battle for
the unofficial team honors at the
1956 Olympic Games, and Amefi-
hopes of pulling out victory vir-
tually disappeared today.
After the Russian success in
gymnastics yesterday, the score
stood at 5381/2 points for the U.S.
and 518/2 for Russia. This was
under the system of 10 points for
each first place, and 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
for the other five placings.
U.S. Leads in Firsts
In gold medals, the U.S. leads
Russia 31 to 23. The Soviets lead
in second places, or silver medals,
with 25, as against 22 for the U.S.
Bronze medals show 24 for Rus-
sia and 12 for the Americans.
Only a handful of swimming
finals remain for the U.S. to pick
up additional points, while Russia
still has plenty to pick up in gym-
nastics, Greco-Roman wrestling
and fencing.
Thus domination of the United
-, States in the Olympics that began
with the first modern games in
Athens in 1896 alnmost certainly is
coming to an end.
Irony of Fate
But by the irony of fate, Amer-
ican achievement of 15 gold med-
als in men's track and field and
" one in women's track represents
a record in this sport that is the
center of the games.
Despite the setback in unofficial
points, yesterday was a great day
for the red, white and blue.
Pretty Shelly Mann from Ar-
lington, Va., led a grand slam
sweep of the women's 100-meter
butterfly swimming event, and set
a new Olympic record of 1:11.0.
She was followed by Nancy Jane
Ramey of Mercer Island, Wash.,
and Mary Jane Sears of Chevy
Chase, Md.
George Breen of Buffalo, N. Y.,
served notice on Australia's Murray3
Rose, winner of Olympic 400-
meter, that the American must
be reckoned with in the 1,500 or
metric mile.
Smashes Record
Breen smashed the 1,500 meter
world.record to bits in his quali-
fying trial, setting a new mark of
17:52.9. Rose's old record was
17:52.5. They meet in the finals
And in swimming, 16-yr.-old
Carin Cone of Ridgewood, N.J.,
lost a heartbreaker to Judy Grin-
ham of Britain in the 100-meter
backstroke in which both girls
were timed in 1:12.9 for a new
Olympic record.
There also was hope for U.S.
points-possibly even one, two,
three-in the high dive in which;
Dick Connors, Pasadena, Calif.,
led after the six preliminary divest
with 80.20.
Joaquin Capilla of Mexico was
second with 78.68 and Josef Gan-
lach of Hungary was third with
The reason for American opti-
mism is that the dives that lie
ahead are of the optional and dif-
ficult character in which the Am-
ericans excel.
Keen Competition Keynotes Swim.Meet
mer of the day was Carl Woolley, stroke, but Hopkins' performance
In a tune-up for the coming who captured two first-places, inl and time were impressive, con-
season, the Michigan pool was the the 100 and the 50-yd. freestyle siderinmehweryimp isine
scene of an annual swimming meet events, a second in the 200-yd. in- g how early it is m the
last Saturday afternoon, dividual medley and a third in the season.
This year witnessed the largest 100-yd. backstroke. Displays Progress
The main purpose of this meet
representation of swimmers in re- But Woolley was not the only was to give the coaches andsswim-
cent years.rThere weresbetter outstanding performer of the day. mers a chance to see how they
swimmers from more areas, thus, Chet Jastremski, swimming for
providing more competition. the Toledo YMCA, captured the were progressing at this point in
th+w n-s on -Fftnm,,ana
In the past, the final events
were usually monopolized by Mich-
igan swimmers, but this year's
events produced some variety.
Woolley Stars
The outstanding Michigan swim-
200-yd. individual medley in a
good 2:14. Michigan's coach, Gus
Stager, points out that this time
would have placed in last year's
Big Ten and NCAA meets.
... another season ahead
There's an old saying in foot-
ball: "The backs get all the
Applied to hockey, this might
go, "The forwards get all the
glory." Or it might be the goalie.
These are the people the headline
writers cite with their eye-catch-
ing displays of ink. But, like the
line in football, hockey has its
unheralded group of players-the
Bob Pitts, captain of this year's
hockey team, is a member of this
This Week In Sports
Friday, December 7
Saturday, December 8
HOCKEY-Toronto-Coliseum-8:00 p.m.
BASKETBALL-at Nebraska
Monday, December 10
HOCKEY-Toronto-Coliseum-8:00 p.m.
Big Ten Publicitors Ask
NC AA for TV Revision
the puck might just be wearing
a big "5" on his jersey. Take
notice sometime. This it Bob Pitts.
Remembers Mistakes
This "standing off in the back-
ground," so to speak, befits Pitts'
temperament quite well. The mild-
mannered, soft-spoken native of
Nelson, B.C., remembers much
more quickly a mistake he made
in a game or a fine performance
by a teammate, rather than a per-
sonal feat.
For example, in talking with
him, it was meintioned that he
once scored two goals in a game-
quite a feat for a defenseman, who
often times doesn't even get two
shots on goal during a game. Pitts
vaguely remembers this, Dut
couldn't recall whom it was against
or even whether it was last year
or the year before.
But he quickly recalled the
following incident in the opening
round of the NCAA playoffs
against St. Lawrence in Colorado
Springs last March: "I failed to
handle a bouncing puck late in
the game and a St. Lawrence
player got around me and came
in on Lorne (Howes) on a break-
away. Lorne made a beautiful stop
to keep us in the game. -The
score was tied, 1-1, at the time
and we eventually won in over-
time, 2-1, but I'll never forget that
Played Best Hockey
Pitts can't recall a high point
in his career, unless it was win-
ning the NCAA championship for
the last two years. Teammate
Mike Buchanan thinks that Pitts
played his best hockey in the
NCAA tournament last March. "In
that game against St. Lawrence, igan's
especially, but also against Michi- shape
gan Tech, Bob played defense as it Junior
should be played," said Buchanan. Diving
Pitts is majoring in petroleum A t
geology and has a definite plan State
for his future. He has already ac- Reinke
cepted a position with the Hudson Cy Ho
Bay Oil and Gas Co. in Calgary,
Alta., only about 100 miles from C
his home town. I11ini
Recommended Hope
One might wonder how Pitts Tem:
landed so far from home. He and Duke
fellow defenseman Bernie Hanna Dayt
came here upon the recommenda- Colu
tion of a former Michigan star
hockey player, Wally Gacek.
Pitts, who was married last sum-
mer, plays golf for relaxation. He
shoots "somewhere around par."
As for hockey after graduation, Tr
he plans to play in a league in
Calgary sponsored by the different
oil companies who have operations
in that territory.
His immediate goal? A rather
obvious one-to help Michigan
win its third straight NCAA title.
A i
CHICAGO W)-The Big Ten
yesterday appeared to be heading
toward another squabble with the
National Collegiate Athletic As-
sociation on the televising of col-
lege football games.
Big Ten athletic publicity dir-
ectors yesterday opened the annual
conference meetings by recom-
mending the athletic director re-
open the television matter at the
NCAA convention in St. Louis
next month.
The publicitors urged limiting
NCAA control of football televis-
ion. They charged the present
NCAA plan is not in accord with
Chicago 2, New York 2
Montreal 3, Toronto 1
original provisions of the regula-
tions passed by the NCAA in its
1951 convention at Dallas.
The policy adopted at Dallas
was to have been a television ex-
periment and not rigid control.
Monopolistic Control
However, the publicitor said the
NCAA has created "an undesirable
monopolistic control of football
television ... and by so doing..
is endangering college football by
failure to capitalize in the public-
relations values of college games."
In addition, Big Ten football
coaches recommend liberalization
of the present substitution rule
and also proposed to expand ex-
change of scouting movies of
The coaches, during the winter
business session of the conference,
suggested to the National Foot-
ball Rules Committee that any
player be permitted to appear
twice within the same quarter of
a game. The present rule allows
only the player who starts a quar-.
ter to return within the same per-
Movie Exchange
The coaches suggested, for ap-
proval by the athletic directors,
that any game movie be exchang-
ed no later than two weeks before
the meeting of the two schools in-
volved. In addition, a movie of a
game the week immediately ahead
of the game between the two in-
volved schools could be exchanged
by mutual agreement. The current
agreement on exchange of game
movies permits swapping of only
one movie."
Another proposed rule change
called for a modification of the
timing situation on replacing an
injured player after the maximum
of five time outs. This would re-
quire that an injured player re-
quiring an official time out could
not be replaced by a substitute un-
til after he left the field. The clock
would start immediately when the
substitute went out - on the field.
... follow this man
latter group. You don't see Pitts'
name in the scoring column often
-in fact, it appeared there only
twice all last season. And you
won't see him leading those dazzl-
ing rushes into an opponent's zone
this winter.
But if you watch closely when
the opposition rushes, the fellow
who breaks up the play or clears
For men and women, practically
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coat or acting as my agent on a
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write me. Hurry up, Christmas is
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A Campus-to-Career Case History
He puts communications on the go
Marti Jesn E-E, Prue, '53, sports events and the like. Last sum-
s an Engineer in the Radio and mer's Democratic National Conven-
Special Services Section of Illinois tion, for instance, used enough
Bell Telephone Company. circuits and facilities to serve a small
"I help design mobile radiotele. city. There were special circuits for
phone systems," says M~artin. "WXe broadcasting, teletypewriters, the
have a wide variety of customers, press, and for inside communica-
including trucking firms, railroads tions. It was 6ur job to set those
and marine traffic of all kinds, Many facilities up and keel) them operating.
businessmen, too, want these systems "Teices ndmn o ee
h or their private cars. Each customer phone and related services is phe-
a has his own communications prob- nomenal. It's this growth that's
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stimulating engineering challenge. t1s re1als caree opom ~iis i.
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