f:Yl r e
Latest Deadline in the State ULOUIY, CODER
VOL. LXVU, No. 64
U.S. Pledges
To Support
Asian Pact
Dulles Tells Envoys,
'America Won't Join
Baghdad Agreement'
States pledged anew yesterday to
support the independence of Iraq,
Iran, Pakistan and Turkey, but it
was reported to have balked at
joining the Baghdad Pact.
The Baghdad Pact links Iraq
and her three neighbors with Brit-
ain in -an alliance against Soviet
expansion In the Middle East.
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles personally assured, ambas-
sadors from the four Eastern na-
tions of United States backing
after they called to express con-
tinuing concern over Communist
pressures inside Syria.
Gives No Reason
But Dulles gave the envoys no
reason to hope, informants said,
the United States would change its
present opposition to joining the
pact, despite a new plea by Brit-
ain that it come in.
Dulles talked with four ambas-
sadors about the same time as
British Foreign Secretary Selwyn
Lloyd told the House of Commons
he hoped the United States would
"pass from membership of the Ec-
onomic Committee to full mem-
bership of the Baghdad Pact."
Ie reporting on Dulles' meeting
with the ambassadors, the State
Department confined itself to
stressing the United States "fully
supports the pact and the territor-
ial integrity" of the four nations.
A spokesman said this attitude is
in keeping with a United States
declaration last Thursday that
this country would "view with ut-
most gravity" any threat to their
territorial integrity.
Additional pressure to join came
yesterday from Iraq's Foreign
Minister Burhan Eddin Bashayan,
who said in Baghdad there is also
room in the alliance for Egypt,
Pakistan's Ambassador Moham-
med Ali, acting as spokesman for
the group which saw Dulles, told
reporters that the four govern-
ments were at present mainly con-
cerned by developments inside
Syria, where pro-Communist army
officers are reported in virtual
control of the government.
Lately, Iraq has come under
heavy propaganda attack from
Egypt and Syria who have tried1
to create the impression the Iraqi
government was facing a crisis
because of its membership in the
Campus Chest
Drive Planned
Methods of collecting funds and
publicity for the spring Campus
Chest drive were discussed at an
organizational meeting yesterday
in the League.
"The personal approach" in so-
liciting funds for the overall cam-
pus drive was stressed by repre-
sentatives of various campus
groups attending the meeting.
This method would involve the
selecting of drive chairmen with-
in the housing units who then be
responsible for representatives
contacting each resident.
William Hanks; '58BAd, chair-
man of the spring Campus Chest
drive, presided over the informal
meeting which was designed to
offer an opportunity for sugges-
tions and ideas on the organiza-
tion of the Campus Chest drive.
joint Judiciary
To Close Soon i
Petitioning for five open posi-
tions on Joint Judiciary Council
will close at noon Saturday, ac-
cording to Chairman Mike Mc-
SGC To Decide
Market Scene
Sigma Kappa was found in violation of University regula-
tions by a Student Government Council vote of 12-5 last night.
After four hours of debate, the Council decided the Na-
tional sorority did not "meet the conditions for maintenance
of recognition" as set forth in University regulations.
Immediately after the vote, SGC President Bill Adams,
'57BAd, adjourned the meeting. The Council will consider
what course of action to take at a future date.
Before a Union Ballroom audience of 600-700 people, local
Sigma Kappa President Barbara Busch, '57Ed, declared to
the Council, "If you act to withdraw recognition from the Na-
tional, the consensus of opinion of the girls in our chapter
would be that they go with Sigma Kappa. We like being Sigma
-Daily-Larry Carbonell
UNION BALLROOM-Throng of 600 to 700 students watch as SGC debates status of local chap-
ter of Sigma Kappa in Union Ballroom.
City To Present Civic
Improvement Plan
The largest capital improvement plan in the history of Ann Arbor
will be presented tonight and discussed at a public hearing at 7:30
p.m. in the City Hall.
"This is the first integrated and complete program for the ex-
pansion of the city that has ever been presented," Guy Larcom, city
administrator, said.
Larcom said the $11,353,000 three-year plan, which he, Mayor
William E. Brown and the heads of city departments have been work-
ing on for six months, "Represents all the city's needs."
Called by Ordinance
The program, presented by Brown informally last month, was
called for by present city ordi-
Red Hungary
Turns Down
UN Mission
Red Hungary refused yesterday to
receive Dag Hammarskjold in Bu-
dapest on a mercy mission on Dec.
16 but still left open the possibility
of a visit by him later.
The abrupt turndown of the sec-
retary general's plan to go to Hun-
gary to initiate United Nations
relief activities came as a surprise.
Apparently even to Red Hungar-
ian Foreign Minister Imre Hor-
vath. Horvath had recommended
the date Tuesday.
The word from Budapest was
that no official request had been
received, a statement which a
number of delegates found puz-
zling in view of Horvath's previ-
ous agreement.
United States Chief Delegate
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., denounced
the action of Budapest as "an af-
front to the secretary general and
to the whole civilized world ..."
Others began talking about
moves to revoke the credentials
of the Horvath delegation if Hun-
gary and the Soviet Union do not
agree by tomorrow to accept UN
observers in Hungary. The dead-
line was fixed early yesterday by
the Assembly.
Some diplomats suggested Bu,
dapest wants to be in complete
control of the situation and have
all the signs of revolt put aside
before Hamnmarskjold arrives.
Hatcher To
nances. The ordinances say the
city planning commission is to
plan a six-year capital improve-
ment program.
"So, for several months, Mayor
Brown, the chiefs of the various
city departments and I have been
gathering information concerning
capital improvements," Larcom.
All the- expenditures called for
in the program "designed to meet
the needs of a rapidly expanding
city" are separate from the ordi-
nary budgets of the departments.
According to Mayor Brown, "ev-
ery single item in that program
is a must."
Seven million dollars of the to-
tal costs would be self-financing;
that is, paid for out of charges,
such as sewage and water fees and
parking charges.
Less than $3,000,000 of the ex-
penditures for such a capital im-
provement outlay would have to
be financed by general obligation
bonds secured by general property
Projects Set
University and Ann Arbor city
officials concluded official sign-
ing with Parke, Davis & Co. and
Bendix Aviation authorities yes- f
terday on the location of the two
companies at North Campus.
Parke, Davis and Bendix are
the first two industries to locate
in the North Campus area desig-
nated for the construction of re-
search and development divisions
of major companies.
Say Eden's
Days Few
LONDON (AP) - Signs mounted
yesterday that Anthony Eden's
d&ys as prime minister may be
numbered, even though his Con-
servative government seems sure
of winning a vote of confidence
Eden's party closed its ranks
as the opposition Laborites
charged in a critical House of
Commons foreign policy debate
that Britain "connived" at war
with Egypt. But there was still a
developing revolt inside the party
against Eden's leadership.
Capt. Charles Waterhouse, a
life-long Tory and leader of a
right-wing extremist group, told
the House he would abstain in the
voting as a protest against Brit-
ain's withdrawal from Egypt.
But he emphasized:
"If I thought there is any chance
by my abstention of putting the
opposition - Socialists - in, I
should no more think of abstain-
ing than I should think of singing
a song . . . in this house."
About a dozen other Conserva-
tive lawmakers are expected to
sit out the vote in a silent protest.
The government has an over-all
majority of 59 - sufficient to
withstand a minor revolt of ab-
There was still strong feeling
against Eden's leadership among
Tory legislators, evident in the
lobbies of the Westminster Parlia-
ment. The 59-year-old Prime Min-
ister is in Jamaica resting up
from "severe overstrain." He is
due back in two weeks.
Some influential Conservatives
are saying Eden will be under
pressure to resign soon after he
gets back.#
Eden has defended his govern-
ment's policy down the line since
President Gamal Abdel Nasser na-
tionalized the Suez Canal on July
Even Eden's severest critics
concede it would be difficult to
force him out as prime minister
against his will. Any stepping
down would be carried out diplo-
matically within the party.
Kappas. We want to stay Sig- C
ma Kappas."
Applause Follows
Her statement was followed
by 30 seconds' applause.
The Council acted on the basis
of available information. Its de-
cision centered primarily around
unexplained suspension of Sigma
Kappa chapters at Tufts and Cor-
nell last summer. Both chapters
had pledged Negro girls in the
Neither the chapters nor offi-
cials at their respective schools
have been able to offer explana-
tions of suspensions. In suspend-
ing the Cornell chapter and ex-
pelling the Tufts chapter, the
five-member National Council
listed its reason as "the good of
the sorority as a whole."
Interim Powers
The National Council acted on
interim powers after the sorority's
national convention earlier in the
summer. No mention of either
chapter was made at the conven-
Chairman Adams, after receiv-
ing Council approval of procedure
to be followed, read a brief com-
piling all correspondence and evi-
dence SGC had been able to gath-
Miss Busch appeared before the
Council to make a general state-
ment and answer members' ques-
tions. She reaffirmed the local's
earlier statement that it "intends
to rush and pledge girls on the
basis of their individual charac-
ter and personality and in accor-
dance with the University stan-
dards and ideals and scholarship."
No member of the National
group appeared. Miss Busch acted
as spokesman for the local chap-
Binding Policies
Several Council, members felt
National policies, written or un-
written, would be binding on a
Roll Call
Following Is the roll call vote
taken at last night's Student
Government Council meeting.
Chairman Bill Adams, '57BAd,
did not vote.
NAY: Arnold, Collins, De
Bruin, Engman, Goldman, Lave,
Neary, S n y d e r, Warrick,
Scruggs, Woodard and Winkel-
YES: Chrysler, Cumming,
Leedy, Sawyer and Wrona.
local chapter, despite the chap-
ter's wishes, or that it must face
"If one chapter is suspended
because it pledged a Negro, ours
must be too-all chapters which
do so must," Inter-House Council
President Bob Warrick, '57E, said.
Council action was based on
The Wayne State Univer-
sity daily newspaper, "The
Wayne Collegian," opened the
following campaign to send
CARE food packages to Uni-
versity of Michigan students:
"It gives us an extraordinary
amount of pleasure to an-
nounce that The Collegian will
start sending CARE packages
to Ann Arbor to provide the
bare essentials which have been
withheld from the unfortun-
"In addition to our ats of
charity, we offer asylum to all
refugees from Ann Arbor whose
existence is threatened by the
yoke of dietary oppression
(provided they find (Wayne)
Student Center food palat-
Soviets Halt
U.S. Convo
In Germany
BERLIN (A)-The Soviet army
yesterday blocked a United States
military convoy leaving West Ber-
The move raised fears of an-
other Soviet squeeze on Allied road
and rail links with this Commu-
nist-encircled city.
The United States Army said its
weekly supply convoy turned back
to West Berlin after Russian road
guards imposed new restrictions
on its free run along the super-
highway to West Germany.
West Berlin lies I1 miles in-
side Communist East Germany
and its lifelines to the west are
the superhighway, one railroad
and three air corridors.
The Russians halted the 10-
truck convoy at their Dreilinden
highway checkpoint on the West
Berlin sector border. They con-
fronted the convoy commander,
Maj. Daniel L. Melvin, of Fay-
etteville, N. C., with new de-
mands for identification papers
and the right to search the trucks.
Melvin refused to yield to the
Soviet demands, an Army state-
ment said. Acting on previous or-
ders, he took the convoy back to
West Berlin.
-Daily-Larry Carbonell
MUSKET PRODUCTION -- Cast members in the market scene
from the musical, "Brigadoon". Performances will be today and
tomorrow at 8:30 pm.
Hungarian Police
Disperse Crowd
BUDAPEST (P)- Soviet tankmen and Hungarian police, con-
fronted by a new wave of patriotic fervor resembling the revolu-
tionary atmosphere, roughly dispersed demonstrating crowds in Buda-
pest at least four times yesterday.
The police, acting under Russian order, used their rifle butts to
break up a throng of 1,000 men, women and children who assem-
bled in Freedom Square before the United States Embassy in a dem-
onstration against Premier Janos Kadar's Communist government.
With two dozen Russian tanks patroling the square, the people
l r7irnnnr nrlre+. olp mt"
nad ignored ordersTO lear ou
"Down with the AVH," the
throng shouted, referring to the
secret police. "No more deporta-
Several demonstrators fell under
the police onslaught. Some were
arrested and removed, apparently
to police headquarters. Witnesses
said the prisoners included child-
Among those who saw the up-
rising was India's charge d'af-
faires, I. Rahman. He circled the
square several times in an auto-
mobile. The Hungarians appealed
to him to help free persons ar-
rested by the police.
Russian tanks and armored cars
moved in to put down demonstra-
tions before the British legation-
where women shouted, "Down with
Kadar!" and "Where is Imre
Nagy?"-and at Petoefi Square
and Calvin Square, near the heart
of the city.
Posters and leaflets appeared on
the streets calling for a new gen-
eral strike. Some demonstrators
demanded a "national uprising."
The Budapest chief of police urged
Hungarians to ignore the strike
call, saying it was put out by "ir-
responsible elements" seeking to
promote a revival of the fighting.
Cooler heads thought a resump-
tion of the revolt, crushed by So-
viet arms in early November, was
unlikely. Nevertheless, an air of
tense expectation prevailed.
Quzad Food
To Be Held
Residence Halls Business Man-
ager Leonard A. Schaadt yester-
day declined to participate in a
forum discussion on WCBN tonight
over the Quadrangle food problem
that lead to the demonstration
Sunday evening.
"I do not yet have any list of
complaints and because I have
been out of town I am not fully
aware of the situation Sunday,"
he said.
WCBN plans to go ahead with
a forum from a South Quadrangle
dining room tonight in which
students may ask questions of In-
ter-House Council President 'Rob-
ert Warrick, '57E.
Warrick, Daily Editor Richard
Snyder, '57, and South Quadrangle
President John Mayne, '58, will
comment on the happenings and
their causes as well as answer
The program will begin at 8
p.m., WCBN Director of Special
Events Don Mullally, '59, said. He
asked that all students be there
by 7:45 p.m.
Schaadt told The Daily if he had
had more facts on the demonstra-
tion and a list of complaints he
would have participated in the
"I feel students should be told
what will happen but we must
first have all the facts before de-
cisions can be made," 'he said.
If a similar invitation was ex-
tended in the future Schaadt said
he would accept it.
IHC To Show
Films Tonight
Inter-House Council will spon-
World News Roundup
jUniversity regulations whichnsate L
"Recognition will not be granted
any organization which prohibits By The Associated Press
Sl ' .D a ates membership in the organization
A ddress SFA Delegates because of race religion or color." IContempt Charges...
The regulations further state C L I N T 0 N, Tenn.-A federal
By RENE GNAM "In order to remain officially ree-IJudge yesterday ordered 16 per-
ognized, it is required that the snse ested on charges of rim-
University President Harlan Hatcher will address delegates to g (inal contempt of court growing
Saturday's Union-sponsored Student-Faculty-Administration Confer- the conditions for initial recogni- out of an outbreak of racial vio-a
ence. tion previously listed: (2) the flence which resulted in closing of
President Hatcher, speaking at the noon luncheon, will stress organization act in good faith with integrated Clinton High School.
importance of topics covered by the conference the spirit of the regulations for A few hours after the order, 13
Larry Rattner, '57, conference co-chairman, yesterday said Vice- recognized organizations." persons had been picked up.
President in Charge of Student Affairs James A. Lewis will speak to United States District Judge
delegates prior to the morning discussions. Robert L. Taylor issued the war-
-g-r -h ngd s s Big Ten votes rants in nearby Knoxville on
A. I
quarters said in announcing yes-
,terday that the trip-with specific
dates to be set later-will last "sev-
eral days."
* * *
Plant Explosion
EAST ALTON, Ill.-An explos-
ion in the powder mill division of
the Olin-Mathieson Chemical Co.
yesterday was reported to have
killed three persons and to have
injured at least six others.
The blast, which shook build-
ings as far as five miles away, oc-