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December 05, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-12-05

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Latest Deadline in the State



Britain Asks
U.S. Forget
Large Debt
Government Struggles
To Preserve Value
Of Pound Sterling
LONDON (MP)-Anthony Eden's
government asked the United
States yesterday to forget about
82 million dollars in interest com-
ing due this month-in effect,
to slare the price of the Egyp-
tian invasion.
The object, the government ex-
plained, is to try to save the in-
tegrity of the pound sterling,
British currency, and keep it from
a devaluation that would affect
much of the world.
Britons to Brace
Britons themselves were told to
brace for a dose of austerity.
American officials expressed
sympathy with Britain's request
to be permitted to pass up pay-
ment of 82 million dollars interest
due the United States Dec. 31.
Still, the state and Treasury
Departments were said to feel that
this is a matter for Congress.
Money Still Due
In the meantime, it appeared
that the 82 million dollars would
simply be marked on the books
as due, with action postponed
pending consideration.
The British government put the
nation on notice that income
taxes-already the highest in the
world-might he increased, and
last-ditch dollar securities might'
have to be sold to keep the coun-
try in the black.
It raised the price of gasoline,
by 20 cents to a record 90 cents
a gallon.
Board Acts
To Correct
Board of Governors of the Resi-
dence Halls took a critical look at
itself yesterday and found at least
three areas in which it was weak.
To correct these weaknesses the
Board decided to meet bi-weekly
instead of monthly and to request
heads of departments connected
$ with Residence Halls to meet
with them.
It was felt the bi-weekly meet-
ings would enable the Board to
devote more time to their job of
guiding the Residence Halls.
The meetings with the depart-
mental heads would enable infor-
mation about the running of the
Residence Halls to be brought to
the Board.
Board Not Understanding
Dean of Women Deborah Bacon,
who first suggested the meetings,
said she believed the Board gen-
erally does not understand how or
why departmental heads take the
action they do in running the
Residence Halls.
Board members clearly spelled
out three areas in which they be-
lieved themselves weak.
The first was the line of com-
munication from the student body
in the Residence Halls. to the
It was pointed out that Sunday's
demonstration for better food was
indicative of an area where stu-
dent government has failed to
bring the student complaints to
administration and faculty mem-

Warrick Explains
Inter-House Council president;
Robert Warrick, '57E, said that
in many areas where complaints
had been carried through proper
student channels results were rea-
sonably quick and satisfactory.
The second area of weakness
was a lack of information by the
Board on exactly how the Resi-
dence Halls operated. It was ex-
pected that departmental heads
meeting with the Board would help
alleviate this problem.
The third area concerned power
and responsibility of the Board.
Members were not sure just how
much actual absolute control they
can exercise over the Residence
Halls and how much of their
actions are no more than recom-
Women Brave

SOegregation ists
Beaten at Polls
CLINTON, Tenn (P)-Clinton voters handed segregationists a 4-1
slap at the polls yesterday as federal officials moved to halt a new
outbreak of racial strife which closed Clinton High School.
Election returns showing an overwhelming defeat of candidates
endorsed by the White Citizens Council were announced in the
quietly tense town after a day crammed with these events:
A Baptist minister was attacked by a group of white men after

he escorted six Negroes, who hads
IHC Starts
Quad Food
An immediate investigation into
quadrangle food grievances was
started and a longer and fuller
study of the general foodproblem
was hinted at last night at a spec-
ial meeting of the Inter-House
The three Men's Quadrangles
will compile complete lists of stu-
dent food complaints leading to
Sunday's demonstration, which
will then be combined into a single
South Quadrangle p r e s i d e n t
John Mayne, '58BAd, said this in-
vestigation had been nearly com-
pleted in South Quad and a pre-
liminary report compiled.
Report Revealed
This report was accidently made
public but Mayne pointed out that
many items in it would not appear
in the final report.
Food committees in all three
quadrangles had been meeting be-
fore Sunday's demonstration and
were preparing grievances, some of
which were being passed on to
members of the business staff.
Mayne said after the meeting
that he had met with Residence
Halls Business Manager Leonard
A. Schaadt last week on the food
problem but was "amazed" to learn
that Schaadt was entirely unaware
of student complaints.
Vice-president for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis said yester-
day that when the report on stu-
dent grievances over food is com-
pleed, he and other University of-
ficials "will definitely sit down,
consider it, and come to some def-
inite conclusions."
Motion Passed
IHC also passed a motion by
Gomberg House president William
Ginter, '57E, establishing a four
member committee to recommend
to IHC ways in which that body
could further study the food prob-
lem beyond student grievances.
This hinted at a broad investi-
gation of Residence Hall food from
Food Service (Quadrangle supply
agency) down through the busi-
ness staff and into the Residence
Halls kitchens.
The body also passed a report,
to be completed by next week, on
the events of Sunday evening.

stayed away from school four days,
through a crowd of jeering by-
standers to the school. One man
was arrested on assault charges.
The school board ordered the
school closed "until further no-
United States District Attorney
John C. Crawford asked Federal
Judge Robert L. Taylor of Knox-
ville to order the "arrest of cer-
tain parties" for contempt of the
court in Clinton disorders.
United States Attorney General
Herbert Brownell wired the An-
derson County School Board that
the Justice Department would
take action to protect those who
obey Taylor's order desegregating
Clinton High, but added that "the
responsibility . . . rests upon state
and local authorities . .."
In the city election, former
Mayor T. L. Seeber defeated gro-
cer James C. Meredith.
Meredith had been endorsed by
the White Citizens Council, but
neither candidate had taken a
stand on the issue.
'UsTo Hold
First Winter
Next January, for the first time,
the University will hold formal
graduation ceremonies at the end
of a fall semester.
Erich Walter, assistant to the
president, said yesterday this move
was made at student request and
to allow "undergraduate life to be
marked in a memorable way."
Previously, students graduating
between semesters were invited to
return in June to participate in
ceremonies then. However, few
students found it possible to re-
turn in June, owing to permanent
employment and prohibitive trav-
eling distances.
Senior Board and Student Gov-
ernment Council requested the
fall semester graduation, Walter
This year's graduation ceremo-
nies will take place at 2 p.m. on
Jan. 26 in Hill Auditorium. Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher
will deliver the commencement ad-
Leonard Allen, '57P, Senior
Board president, has said seniors
will be able to order announce-
ments beginning Monday at the
Administration Building. Caps and
gowns can be ordered now at
Moe's Sport Shop.

FPA Wants
From Tax
Unemployment Tax
Discussion Topic
Fraternity Presidents' Associa-
tion decided last night ". . . to
actively investigate and proceed
. to have themselves declared
exempt from the Michigan unem-
ployment tax," along with other
interested groups.
This includes sororities and pro-
fessional fraternities.
According to Assistant Dean of
Men Bill Cross, fraternities and
sororities were exempt from such
a tax until 1956.
Prior to that time all organiza-
tions exempt from 'federal social
security taxes were also cleared by
the state.
But in 1956 this "savings clause"
I was dropped.
Sororities Liable
Two sororities have already been
'informed that they are liable to
the tax, and have been working
with Cross. Homer L. Heath, of a
local bank, and Bill Conlin, an Ann
Arbor lawyer, to see what can be
done to change the situation.
Conlin told the presidents yes-
terday the tax would have to be
paid for all fraternity employees.
This includes people who work for
Cost of meals would be totaled
and a 2-7 per cent tax would be
levied against the group. After
four years, he added, an experience
rating is computed, which could
raise the tax to four per cent.
Fraternity and sorority cooks
and porters have claimed unem-
ployment insurance during sum-
mer sessions.
Clause Cited
However, Conlin said, there is
still a clause in the state law which
exempts any educational institu-
tion, and fraternities might come
under this.
He suggested that two affiliated
groups "with good charters" pay-
their taxes under protest and then
sue the state in circuit court for
return of the money.
The fraternity system, sororities
and interested professional fra-
ternities would pay legal expenses.
The unopposed motion stated:
"That the social fraternities of the
University of Michigan, having
operated residences with four or
more employees, join with the sor-
orities and other interested groups
to actively investigate and proceed
in due course to have themselves
declared exempt from the Michi-
gan Unemployment Tax."
All Groups Liable
Cross explained that if two sor-
orities were liable "you can bet
your boots" that this goes for all
affiliated groups.
At the same meeting, Ed Zeerip,
'58BAd, of the fraternity services
committee, told the group that the
response to University x-ray ser-
vice for all fraternity food hand-
lers had been poor.
Only 12 groups have had their
cooks and porters checked since
the program got underway.,




--Daily-John Hirtzei
CHAOTIC MEETING-SGC President Bill Adams responds to questions from approximately 300
students -who questioned and commented on SGC's consideration today of the status of Sigma
Kappa sorority.
Co.nfusion,13 Reig&ns at Forum


K ap pa

Student Government Council's
Sigma Kappa forum broke out in
general confusion last night.
Students repeatedly called for
and were denied answers to ques-
tions involving opinion.
There seemed to be general mis-
understanding about the purpose
of a question period following
presentation of available facts in
the case.
SGC President Bill Adams, '57
BAd, gave a rundown of the Coun-
cil's actions and correspondence
with National Sigma Kappa to
date. Assistant to the Dean of
Men Dave Baad, Grad., who mod-
erated the meeting, then opened
the floor to questions.
Question Period
He pointed out several times
that the purpose of the question
period was to answer factual ques-
L te Permit
Coeds attending today's Stu-
dent Government Council meet-
ing will be able to take a special
12:30 a.m. late permission, ac-
cording to Women's Judiciary
Betty Jean Kafka, '57 BAd, Ju-
diciary chairman, said it would
not be necessary to use up one of
the six automatic late permissions
to attend the meeting.

tions. Many of the questions
asked, he said, would be debated
tonight on the Council floor.
But one student said, "A lot of
us came here to get SGC members'
views on the case with an eye to
influencing them, and we're not
getting what we wanted."
Many questions hinged on the
nature of the evidence proving
Sigma Kappa stands in violation
of University regulations regard-
ing discrimination.
Proof to Be Debated
Adams said proof of violation
would be debated at the Council
meeting. To make a statement at
the Forum would be pre-judging
the case, he added.
Referring to a story in yes-
terday's Daily claiming that the
University's Sigma Kappa chap-
ter had once been told it could
not pledge a Chinese girl, Ann
Head, '58, said, "When I was at
SMU, one of the Sigma Kappa
members there was an oriental
"Does National policy apply
only to one chapter?" she asked.
In clarification later, Miss Head
said she had been a student at
Southern Methodist University
from January, 1954 to June, 1955.
At that time, she claimed, a Ha-
waiian girl of Chinese descent
named Penny Scott was a Sigma
Kappa there.
Adams said possible discrimi-

nation against a Chinese girl here
at the University had not been
presented to the Council as evi-
dence, but was merely a news
story. To his knowledge, he said,
the Council has made no plans to
discuss it as evidence.
Debate portion of the Forum
centered around discussion of
Council .procedure tonight and
whether or not SGC is assuming
duties of prosecution and judge.
One girl said, "It's pretty ob-
vious that, by constantly evading
questions, SGC is not represent-
ing the student body."
Another student countered, "If
you don't think you're being repre-
sented,. you should try to get on
the Council."
Troops Gear
Leave Egypt
PORT SAID, Egypt ()-Troops
and gear went aboard ship yes-
terday to begin the British-French
exodus from Egypt.
Two thousand soldiers will be
aboard the troopship Dilwara to-
day, just one month after the first
paratroopers leaped into the canal
An armada of ships of all kinds
steamed toward Port Said to take
on others.

Debate Out,
Council Says
Question To Hinge
On Maintenance
Of Recognition Rules
Student Government Council
decided last night against holding
constituents' time during tonight's
discussion of the Sigma Kappa
The Council made it clear, how-
ever, that relevant information
could be channeled to Sigma
Kappa representativees or SGC
President Bill Adams, '57BAd, who
will present other evidence.
Previously Announced
Although it had been previously
announced that there would be a
constituents' time, Council mem-
bers said tonight's meeting falls
under SGC's judicial powers and
not its legislative functions, in
which case student and other
opinion would be valuable.
In providing for presentation of
facts through Sigma Kappa or the
Council president, SGC left the
meeting open for all pertinent in-
formation from constituents and
other interested parties, in ac-
cordance with an Oct. 10 decision
to consider the question of Sigma
Kappa's possible violation of Uni-
versity regulations.
Tonight's meeting comes as a
result of the sorority National
Council's withdrawal this summer
of a chapter at Tufts and suspen-
sion of its Cornell chapter's char-
ter. Both chapters Iledged Negroes
last spring.
Announce Question
Following the special three-hour
session last night, SGC also an-
nounced that tonight's discussion
will be centered on the question:
"Does National Sigma Kappa meet
the conditions for maintenance of
recognition as set forth on page
five of the University Regulations
covering Student Affairs, Conduct
and Discipline?"
Rules for maintenance of rec-
ognition state that "the organiza-
tion continue to meet the condi-
tions for initial recognition pre-
viously listed" and that "the or-
ganization act in good faith with
the spirit of the regulations for
recognized organizations."
A 1949 ruling of SGC's prede-
cessor, the Committee on Student
Affairs, states, "Recognition will
not be granted any organization
which prohibits membership in
the organization because of race.
religion, or color."
Constitution Certified
Dean of Women Deborah Bacon
certified when Sigma Kappa was
recognized last spring that the
sorority's constitution and by-
laws had no statements indicat-
ing a membership policy discrim-
inatory on these grounds.
Present at last night's meeting,
at Adams' request, were Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis, Prof. John Reed
of the Law School, Prof. Lionel
Laing of the political science de-
partment, Assistant Dean of Men
John Bingley, SGC Administra-
ive Secretary Ruth Callahan, As-
sistant to the Dean of Men Dave
Baad, Grad.
Yesterday The Daily received
a report from Rep. Sumner Kap
Ian (D) a member of the Massa-
chusetts state legislature.
Instruct Chapter
An investigation into fraternity
and sorority discrimination at col-
leges and universities in Massa-
chusetts, the report concludes with
a resolutioi barring discriiinatory
practices in fraternities and soror-

ities at the University of Massa-
The resolution, to be introduced
on the legislature floor, also asks
Massachusetts University trustees
to instruct their Sigma Kappa
chapter to disaffiliate from the
National and continue as a local
if it desires.

'Hansel and Gretel',''Brigadoon'To Open Today

Humperdinck's fairy-tale opera,
"Hansel and Gretel" will begin a
four-day run at 8 p.m. today in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The opera, presented under the
auspices of the speech department
and the School of Music, is also
schedtled for a matinee perfpr-
mance at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, with
special admission rates for child-
Principal roles in the cast of
40 will be sung by.Janet Ast, '59,
Alice Dutcher, Grad., James Berg,
'57, Svea Blomquist, '57, Robert
Brandzel, '57, June Howe, Grad.,
Mary Matteld, Grad., and Kath-
leen Rush, Grad.
Blatt To Direct
Prof. Josef Blatt, of the music
school, music director for the pro-
duction, has supplied the English
translation being used. J
Despite Humperdinck's efforts
to imitate Wagner, according to,
Prof. Blatt, the music of "Hansel
and Gretel" sounds different and'

An old University tradition for-
mally ends tonight when MSUKET,
successor to the Union Opera, pre-
sents its premier production of
"Brigadoon" at 8:30 p.m. at the
Michigan Theater.
Continuing nightly through Fri-
day, the musical story of the en-
chanted Scotch village stars Pat
Wright, '57M, Herb Start, Grad.,
Marian Mercer, '57M, and Tom
Sexworth, Spec., in lead roles.
Costumes Professional
Although MUSKET (Michigan
Union Show, Ko-Eds, Too) Gen-
eral Chairman Don Medalie, '57-
BAd, chose to use a professional
script for the organization's first
show, he has indicated future
shows may use student-written
Costumes are also professionally
done this year, and the show has
a new director, Gerhard Linde-
mulder, director of the Ypsilanti
Players, who has had varied
t h e a t e r experience throughout'



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