OIL SHIPMENT PREMATURE See Page 4 Y Si'r4A DaitP PARTLY CLOUDY, FLURRIES Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXVII, No. 61 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2,1956 EIGHT PAGES More Refugees To Be Admitted President's New Decision Extends Sanctuary To 21,500 Hungarians AUGUSTA, Ga. (/P)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower shredded red tape yesterday and ordered 21,500 Hungarian refugees from Soviet terror admitted to the United States. The original plan offered asylum to only 5,000. In announcing the big increase at the President's vacation head- quarters, the White House said the greater number "will be brought here with the utmost practicable speed" under an emergency program. President Eisenhower will ask Congress in January to take longer range action. The President's move-to "give practical effect to the American people's intense desire to help" the victims of Soviet oppression-came Democratic Committee Meets Here By PETER ECKSTEIN The Democratic Party is taking a look in the mirror here this weekend and' generally liking what it sees. And for what it doesn't like, the Advisory Committee on Po- litical Organization of the Dem- ocratic National Committee is suggesting means of correction. According to the group's chair- man, Michigan State Chairman Neil Staebler of Ann Arbor, the major problem facing the com- mittee is trying to bring national issues home to voters. He hopes the committee meet- ing Friday, yesterday and today in the Union, will contribute to solving the problem by recom- mending "new responsibilities" for the National Committee, and "higher degree of cooperation" between the state and national organizations and among the state organizations themselves. 'Stronger Than GOP' But, according to another spokesman for the advisory group, the party is stronger than the Republicans "and we intend that it will be even stronger" for 1958 and 1960. "We're in a formidable position" for elections in those years, he added. "It's indicative of the general party outlook and morale," the spokesman said, that "the process of planning for the next two and four years" is beginning within a month after the last election. Results of that election he termed a "party victory" for the Democrats, inasmuch as "party candidates at every level other than the Presidency won as well as they did." The Advisory committee, gene- rally "not drawn from party brass," will conclude its day-long deliberations today and then re- port to National Chairman Paul Butler. Butler himself attended the first day's meetings Friday in the Union's Bates Room., National Voice Needed Another party organ, the new committee set up this week to advise the Democrats on national legislation, Staebler called a par- tial solution to the problem of providing "a national voice for the party which doesn't have the Presidency." Although he refused to predict the group's chairman, Staebler did anticipate both But- ler and defeated Presidential can- didate Adlai E. Stevenson would be members of the body. Another representative of the organizational committee said both it and the legislative group "might be indicative of trends" in the party system. "Unless a party is examining itself," he added, "what happens to it is more by chance than by design." UN Advances In Suez Zone UN OCCUPIED ZONE, Egypt (P)Danish infantry widened their peace zone on the Suez Canal yesterday and set up housekeep- ing under the blue and white flag of the United Nations. The flag was hoisted on a 15- foot strip of second-hand lumber to denote occupation by UN police of the, hAffltilin E,,1, na,'PA a nn -was he waited the arrival tomorrow of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles for a review of the still tense Middle East situation and the world picture generally. Arrives Today Secretary Dulles will fly to Augusta today from Key West, Fla., where he has been recuperat- ing from a Nov. 3 operation for intestinal cancer. He plans to return to his Wash- ington desk tomorrow and will leave next weekend for a North Atlantic Treay Organization meet- ing in Paris. Even as the President hiked the Hungarian refugee quota by 16,500, the government hinted there may be still another increase later. "When these numbers have been exhausted, the situation will be re-axamined," a White House statement said. Expanded Program It added that the expanded pro- gram approved by President Eisen- hower today will "materially assist the government of Austria, which has responded so generously to the refugees' needs, to carry out its policy of political asylum." Only about 6,500 of the 21,500 to be offered asylum in this country can be brought in under the Refu- gee Relief Act, which expires Dec. 31. The other 15,000 will be admit- ted as "parolees" under the gen- eral immigration and nationality act, known as the McCarran-Wal- ter Law. It gives the Attorney General discretion to admit refu- gees for an indefinite period when he finds such action in the public interest. SGC Board In Review To Convene ' By TAMMY MORRISON Student Government Council's Board in Review will meet at 10:30 a.m. today in the Union to discuss the Council's recent refusal to let Galens hold a campus bucket drive next Friday ad Saturday. As yet, the Board's reason for meeting is unclear. Under the SGC plan, it meets if a Council action is outside SGC's jurisdiction or in conflict with regental or admin- 1 istrative policies. At its meeting, the Board will first decide whether SGC's action fulfills either of the two require- ments. If so, it will then review the action. Dean of Men Walter B. Rea re- quested the meeting Thursday after talking with Galens Presi- dent Bob Kretzschmar, '57M. Kretzschmar appeared before the Council Wednesday to request per- mission to hold the annual drive, conducted to raise funds for the children's school at University Hospital. The Council denied permission on grounds that a December Ga- lens drive would defeat the con- cept of a unified Campus Chest drive, to be held next spring, Ga- lens had previously been guaran-! teed $7,000, the amount it usually collects, by the Campus Chest Board. The Senior medical honorary asked to be allowed to hold the! campus drive becauseit had not yet had time to confer with faculty and alumni on the question of joining with Campus Chest. Kretz- schmar also said the Society felt there would be loss of public re- lations and public education if it joined Campus Chest. Board in Review members are Dean Rea. Dean of Women Deb- orah Bacon, Prof. Lionel Laing of the political science department, Hardships Prophesied In Hungary Solution Far Distant; Inflation Threatens BUDAPEST, Hungary OP)-The Soviet-supported Hungarian Com- munist government warned the people yesterday this will be a grim winter of chaos and suffer- ing. Only if workers end their pas- sive resistance and return to their jobs can the future be more prom- ising, the official radio and press declared. Situation Grim The government of Premier Ja- nos Kadar admitted that the situ- ation remains grim nearly six weeks after revolution which was crushed by Russian tanks and in- fantry, "We must be blind," said the party newspaper Nepszabadsag in an article broadcast by the Buda- pest radio, "if we do not realze that a solution of our present situ- ation is still far distant." The party paper and radio ad- mitted what tens of thousands in Budapest know: 'Thousands Freezing', "Thousands of our people are freezing and without roofs over their heads. Winter is approaching and we don't know whether we will have heat even for our hos- pitals, schools and homes. Infla- tion threatens. Our factories are ready to operate but they don't have enough coal." Budapest became a little more lively today when about 30 of the ~capital's 100 movie houses re- opened. Many of them show films made in Western countries. Standing in line is the main occupation of Budapesters. They have to stand in line for food, fuel, textiles and almost everything else. United Nations Will Discuss Hungary Issue UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. ()- The United Nations announced last night the General Assembly will debate the Hungarian question tomorrow at the request of the States. A source close to the United Statesdelegation toldaereporter the United States and perhaps 10 other countries will introduce a resolution urging the Communist Budapest government to let UN political observers into Hungary. Cuban Delegate Emilio Nunez- Portundo declared that if Hun- gary does not let in observers he will submit a resolution, perhaps Tuesday, to expel the Hungarian delegation from the Assembly. United Nations Secretary Gen- eral Dag Hammarskjold has been trying snce early November to get observers into Hungary or to go there himself. His latest request was delivered in Budapest Thurs- day. Refugees on Way CAMP KILMER, N. J. (')-A group of Hungarian refugees who will be settled in the Michigan area will fly today to Detroit in a plane chartered by the Catholic Relief Services. The American Airlines DC-6 will leave from Newark Airport at 11:20 a.m. with 30 to 40 refugees! aboard. Iraq Shelves ] Europe Saves rJ { Lack Of Oil Means Cold, Hard Winter Britain Discourages Optimism Over Aid LONDON OP)-A wave of fuel and food hoardings swept over Western Europe yesterday. Reduced oil supplies spread fear of a cold and costly winter. Promise of a bigger flow of oil from the United States cast some cheer in the general gloom, but officials cautioned against too much optimism. "It will be well into the new year before the effect can be felt," said Britain's Ministry of Fuel and Power. "Even then Britain will be getting only about 75 per cent of her normal petroleum supplies." The American plan is to boost shipments of U.S. oil to Europe to about 500,000 barrels a day, starting this month. American officials in France and Britain said much U.S.-owned oil is still reaching Europe through a pipeline across Syria from Saudi Arabia and hinted the Arabs could cut this if they got the im- pression the United States was cooperating with what the Arabs call "British-French aggression" in Egypt. With gasoline rationing due to begin in Britain Dec. 17, the Auto- mobile Association described the scramble for gasoline as a "crazy pump-crawling merry-go-round." Filling stations continued to limit customers to one to three gallons, but a motorist could go from place to place. Grocers reported extra heavy buying, particularly of canned foods. They said consumers had the idea that gasoline shortages and rationing would cut down de- liveries and even stocks. 'Phony' Crisis Worries U.S. WASHINGTON (A)-State De-I partment officials are deeply con- cerned lest a new Middle East ex- plosion be set off by an essentially "phony" crisis between Syria and Iraq. Authorities here were surprised by Syria's call yesterday for United Nations protection against "pre- paration for armed aggression" by Turkey, Israel, Britain and France. Officials here said they have heard of no such preparatiops, do! not believe they are in the making and think that unless some one gets panicked by propaganda war jitters there is no real danger of conflict in the area. One of the puzzles about the ap- peal by Syrian Foreign Minister Salah Bitar t the UN is that it did not mention Iraq, which has been a target of Syrian and Soviet propaganda in the last few days. Charges have been flying thick and fast for more than a week from both sides.! World News Roundup By The Associated Press BELGRADE, Yugoslavia-Tan- jug news agency said yesterday Hungary's puppet Premier Janos Kadar demanded Imre Nagy's res- ignation and a pledge of coop- eration as the price of his free- dom. Nagy refused. the official agen- cy said in a review of negotiations with the Kadar government while Nagy and his associates were refugees in the Yugoslav Buda- pest Embassy last month. Radio Belgrade's Budapest cor- respondent reported Nagy is be- ing held at Sinaia, a Romanian 'summer resort about 30 miles from Bucharest The dispatch said letters from him have been received by relatives In Hungary. * . * UNITED NATIONS, N.Y--Is- rael announced yesterday It will pull back more than 30 miles from the Suez Canal by tomor- row to let the United Nations emergency force move in. It also announced it has with- drawn another brigade, possibly 3,000 men, from Egypt to make its withdrawals about 9,000. , '* , WASHINGTON - Confidential State Department papers for 1942 released yesterday told how Gen- eralissimo Chiang Kai-shek, frus- trated by nondelivery of United States planes and military sup- plies early in World War II, threatened to make a separate peace with Japan. The threat was dismissed by then U.S. Ambassador Clarence E. Guass as a "bluff of the type that Madame Chiang was capable of concocting." WASHINGTON - The govern- ment yesterd'ay boosted the in- terest rate on Federal Housing Authority loans from 42 to 5 per cent in a move designed to prime the dwindling flow of mort- gage funds available to prospec- tive home buyers. 'U IFC Captures Third Place Tie The University's Interfraternity Council tied for third place with Ohio State in competition for the National Interfraternity Confe- rence Grand Trophy in New York yesterday. Illinois won the trophy, awarded annually by the NIC to the Inter- fraternity Council having "the most outstanding program of Interfraternity activities in col- leges and universities in the United States and Canada." Ari- zona placed second The University's IFC was com- mended for "maintaining such high standards." Twice recipient of the Grand Trophy, Michigan was selected for first place honors last year. Fuel,; Parliam11ent;. -Daily-John - Hirtzei GOING UP-Michigan's Randy Tarrier pours in two points as Michigan defeats Delaware 79-68. 'I' Tops Delaware, 79=68 In Home Basketball Opener By JIM BAAD Coach Bill Pe'igo's least experienced players looked like his most last night as Michigan's basketball squad moved to a ,79-68 victory over a determined but outmanned Delaware team at Yost Field House. Sophomores George Lee and M. C. Burton played their first college game as if they'd been doing it for years. Together they threw in 50 points, grabbed nearly half the rebounds, and were outstanding on defense. - Lee, stationed at guard after playing either forward or center in ood Iraqi Ruler Cuts Politics Temporariy Suspension Designed To Prevent Debating Middle East Crisis BAGHDAD, Iraq ()-A royal decree yesterday suspended Par. liament for a month, freezing all political activity in Iraq. The decree was issued by King Faisal II only .a few hours after a newly convened Par1iament heard the young monarch say all of Iraq is under martial law. Parliament had opened with its usual pomp. The effect of the de- cree, issued at the request of Pre- mier Said, is to stave off debate by deputies on the current Middle East crisis. Breathing Spell Said's government now has a breathing spell In which to wait and hope for a calmer Middle East atmosphere. In the traditional speech from the throne-written and presented to the King by Said-Faisal told deputies martial law was pro- claimed to protect the rear lines of the army while it prepares to take part with Jordan in the "common defense of the Arab states." The action by the throne at the behest of the government came at a moment when this contry.is increasingly concerned with the activities of Syria. The local press in Baghdad re- ports that Communist elements in Damascus are moving toward a position of control, Violent Radio Attack At the same time, Damascus radio attacks on the Iraq govern- ment are becoming more violent. In view of all this, special sinf- icance is being attached here to portions of 'the throne speech which 'spoke of "beloved Egypt." The words, spoken for the govern- ment, were obviously , aimed at calling the Arab nationalist feel- ings of the populace. All dispatches from Baghdad are subject to censorship. Damas- cus radio has reported the arrest of several opposition leaders in Baghdad after they asked the King to dismiss Said and pull Iraq out of the Baghdad Pact. Syrian broadcasts have been filled with propaganda blasts at Iraq, and it is difficult to sift out what is propaganda and what is actual news. Soviet Threat. Unites West After Split LONDON M) - The Western powers closed -ranks last night to counter the threat of a new' Communist coup in the Middle East arising from the situation in Syria. That Arab nation is reported receiving Soviet arms and under the growing influence of army leaders with Soviet leanings. Britain and France prepared their peoples for formal announce- ments tomorrow of a quick and large-scale withdrawal of their military forces in Egypt. President Dwight D. Eisen- hower's dramatic offer of oil for Western Europe checked a rising tide of anti-American feeling in both countries. Fresh efforts to heal the breach between the United States and her Major Western allies were launch- ed against the background of alarm over the future of Syria and concern for the stability of Prime Minister Nuri Said's friendly gov- ernment in Iraq. The Soviet Union, clearly acting to preserve friendships in the Arab world, put out a formal denial of reports that they have offered to sell auantities ,of npfrolprm' to all previous experience, put on a masterful exhibition of how to play the position. Although he was a little shaky at times with his passing, his shooting and aggressiveness left little to beadesired. With set shots, driving lay-ups and tip-ins, the 6' 3" sophomore led the team scor- ing with 26 points. Right behind him was the steady Burton with 24 tallies. The husky forward was the smoothest look- ing player on the Wolverine squad. The Wolverines had no real trouble in defeating Deleware, but they just couldn't open up a wide margin on the eastern visitors. One of the reasons was Blue Hen guard Jim Smith. Smith racked up 26 points against Michigan with what is known as a "natural" shooting eye. Every time the 5' 11" redhead threw the ball, it seemed to go in. He made baskets from every possible position. Only near the end of the con- test did Delaware appear to be threatening, but even then Michi- gan managed to widen the margin enough so that the gap was never really closed. With about four and a half minutes to play, -the Blue Hens came within five points, 60-65, but See SMITH, Page 5 ei Flames Kill Ten in Fall .Of Bomber CASTLE AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (P)-A shattering, flaming' crash of the Air Force's biggest! A-bomb' carrier Friday night kill- ed 10 Air Force men. Their 8%-million-dollar B52' fell into a plowed field less than' three minutes after takeoff. Castle AFB headquarters said' yesterday a team of experts will try to learn what caused the eight-jet swept-wing plane to plunge from the sky. There were no survivors. No Radio Contact The control tower had no radio contact with the big plane after it became airborne. Alfred B. Stockman, an anti- aircraft man from the base, who was near the crash scene, told reporters: "We saw one huge flash about a mile away and just before it hit the ground, we saw another explosion." Plane Disintegrates The 200-ton plane disintegrated. A county fireman, Glen Towers, one of the first on the scene, saw "a streak of fire for about two miles and wreckage scattered over a three-mile area." . One of the 10 men aboard lived for a few minutes after he was THREE-WAY PLAN: Crisler EXpIlns Athlete-Aid Penalties By JAMES ELSMAN approved by the Conference at its players." This policy has come ed equalization as, "What any ath- picked up, but was so badly in- H. 0. "Fritz" Crisler, University Chicago meeting. under some fire from critics who lete can be tendered by different jured he couldn't talk. athletic director, yesterday reveal- The study committee of \vhich claim athletes sell these tickets schools will vary only with costs He was Sgt. Gerald E. Riley, 26, dthe firt tepdy e Crisler is a member was directed and pocket the money. I of the schools." of Lakeland, Fla., a tail-gunner. ed for the first time publicly the by the Conference to draft aegis- Crisler sketched procedural de- . There are time limitations on idpltisan dheteaWiestrnatl- tlation pursuant to the committee's tails of the proposal, saying, "Un- the "tendering" of aid. Crisler ex - ference is likely to adopt Dec. 5 indictment of Big Ten athletic aid der this plan, athletes are entitled plained, "There can be no tender in Chicago. requirements. to aid on the basis of need only." to anyone before June 15 if he willR P e n a 1 t i e s are directed three He assessed "equalization" as a: CSS To Estimate Need enter in the fall.a ways, Crisler said. step in the right direction, but "Need" will be estimated by the 21 Days To Accept I JC ways, Crise i ai. violates added, "It isn't all I would like, College Scholarship Service at "After a tender is made, an ath- If a prospective athlete viltsCleeShlrhpSriea the equalization plan, he forfeits personally." Princeton University upon appli- lete has 21 days to accept it, or re- FORT WILLIAM, Ont. (M)-The his eligibility in the Western Con- 'Equal Opportunity' t cation by a prospective Big Ten ject it, no offer being accepted comman'der of a United States Air ference forever. In clarification he remarked. "I athlete. after Aug. 1. Force jet bomber which crashed in Staff Member To Be Dismissed would like to see athletes on an- CSS determines the athlete's "Once an institution makes a the wilds of western Ontario was "If a staff member of a school equal opportunity basis with other f family assets, income, and savings, tender of aid, it can't contact the rescued by helicopter yesterday. ie mil~c ha"ril h~i'V~ nt i fi tuent. Athletesp nwi la n -,vi~a i A i n a iro" nc'r ae l-alna' -.4-1'.laa -,a and nn,. thy. ath- The a te of hifi three'co -