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November 30, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-11-30

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us 4A rnlgatt Daily
Sixty-Seventh Year

'This Is Strictly An Internal Matter Among Us Doves"





i \

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

SGC Meetings Require
More Sense of Direction

A TOPIC for discussion set for SGC's Sunday
retreat is "how can SGC gain more respect
from the student body?"
Judging by Wednesday's meeting, the group
has a long way to go before it can earn any
campus respect. .The performance was discour-
aging-members were uninformed, out of order
and discourteous.
Anyone witnessing the meeting could feel
little but disappointment.
The problem started when a representative
of Galens requested special permission to Con-
duct Galens annual bucket drive separately
from Campus Chest. An hour and a half was
spent while he repeated his points and council
members, in order to emphasize what had
already been said, repeated each other's points.
Later, another problem with Campus Chest
arose. Nobody seemed to know what could be
done with profits from a group dance, which
had been planned for charity. Or rather three
people offered what each believed to be Campus
Chest policy and all three policies were differ-
THE CLIMAX came when discussion began
on the handling of the Sigma Kappa hear-
ing December 5. The talk was highlighted by
a great deal of petty bickering and a remark-
able lack of direction.
Motions were offered and withdrawn, mo-
tions were offered out of order, many of which
resulted in disputes with the chair, Council.
members buried themselves in side conversa-
tion when other members were speaking, and

discussion usually had very little to do with
the motion at hand. At one point, there was
even a dispute as to whether a motion whose
intent was clear, could legally be stylized.
Some council members just wanted to go
home. They eagerly and repeatedly called for
the question, whatever it might be at the
time, out of order, and made a great show of
putting their heads on their desks and going to
Finally, after another twenty minute debate
on how the discussion could be properly post-
poned, with nobody quite sure, the group
of members seems to be one of the difficul-
ties. Many members seemed uninformed not
only on the problems discussed, but on rules
of procedure as well.
The chair, parliamentarian as well as leader,
certainly could do more to improve organiza-
tion. Motions written out before being offered
would put an end to a certain amount of con-
fusion. Discussions should be more definitely
directed than they are now. Tangenital dis-
cussions should not be permitted when a mo-
tion is on the floor. In a word, the meeting
needs a more positive control.
SGC is a body with the problems of any
young organization, which will in time be
ironed out. Better planning at meetings might
very well be an important step in the matura-
tion of this group.

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University Performers
Offer Thrilling Music
EVEN IF it is unfortunate, that the recent craze for the LP phono-
graph record has dragged so many feeble vocalists into stardom and
has amplified many a mediocre orchestra high into stereophonic third
dimension, it is to be commended for its oopularization of chamber
music. It has invited music down from its pedestal into our own liv-
ing room and has made nearness of tone assume a new value. Unwit-
tingly it has created a new demand for live performances and, a per-
sonal contact with sound that is always missing from microgroove re-








Understanding o nIntellectual basis

Middle East Turbulence

East illustrates that the Arab states, almost
fanatical in their desire for independence, are
highly susceptible to exploitation by Commun-
ist 4orces. ,
The Suez crisis, beginning with the canal
seizure by Egyptian President Nasser in July
and still unresolved, served as a catalyst re-
leasing a great upsurge of Arab nationalism.
The unresolved Suez question presents a
major obstacle to channeling this patriotism.
British, French and Israeli troops still remain
in the Canal zone despite promises to the
United Nations to withdraw. The refusal to
withdraw troops further heightens the antag-
onism of the Arabs toward their former colonial
Increased tensions between Syria and Iraq
are evident. A Communist coup has been re-
ported in Damascus, capital of Syria. It is
feared that Iraq will be drawn into a civil war
between the communist and anti-communist
forces in Syria. -
This conflict has caused more confusion on
the already bewildering Middle East scene.
Syria, in accepting Soviet weapons, has been
bitterly denounced by Turkey. Turkish Radio
Ankara has charged that Egypt, with Com-
munist help, is instigating large scale trouble
in other Arab states.
Iraq, to counteract the Aussian aid to Syria,
Monday appealed to the United States for jet
planes and antiaircraft defensive weapons.
Another, Arab state, Jordan, has voted to
end its 20 year treaty of alliance and friend-
ship with Britain and to expel British troops
from the country.
Behind all this, like a distant but growing
rumble of thunder, lies the Russian threat
of intervention.
IN ANALYZING the situation two main trends
can be noted. The Arab nations are now
caught up in a great surge of nationalism
sweeping across North Africa and through
the Middle East. This nationalism is one of in-
dividual states fightiing for recognition rather
than a united effort led by one nation. It is
a nationalism difficult to appease or channel.

Secondly, there arises the dark cloud of
Communist intrigue in the Middle East. The
Soviets, while not themselves precipitating the
crises, have exploited developments to their
own benefit. In the British and French action
in Suez, the Soviets branded the two nations
as colonialists. They then promised to send
"volunteers" to aid the Egyptians in removing
colonialists from Suez. Russian economic and
arms aid to Syria has been steadily increasing.
Russia's clever propaganda has exploited the
situation to its fullest.
THE UNITED STATES has been less quick
to take advantage of the opportunity to
advance its interests in a spot where so many
of its vital concerns lie. Huge American dil
investments, its military defenses installations
and the "northern tier" of allies in the Bagh-
dad Pact are at stake in the clash.
The basic philosophy of the United States
seems to have been to support nationalism in
a limited way, but has not succeeded in guid-
ing this great emotional phenomena into
healthy, constructive channels. On the Suez
issue the U.S. has gained immense prestige in
Asia by its readiness to condemn aggression
by friends as well as enemy. It has also bene-
fited by its decision to increase UN power and
its willingness to separate itself, when neces-
sary, from other Western countries.
This basic philosophy, though still far from
whole-hearted, is received with favor by the
Arabs. Yet the Arabs are inclined, because of
years of domination by Britain and France to
distrust America, an ally of the Western Euro-
pean powers.
To further our interests in the Middle East
the United States must take steps to win the
trust and friendship of Middle Eastern na-
tions. The United States must assure both
Arabs and Israelis of the continuing interest
in search of a peace and rules or order in the
Middle East. Finally, the U.S. must continue
its steadfast plan of support of United Nations
in the Middle East.

WHEN ONE fails to overcome
his isolationism and prejudice
in the sphere of human relations,
especially in international rela-
tions, he is bound to be narrow-
minded in his viewpoints. His
narrow-mindedness would be an
incurable obstacle to a far broad-
er perspective of what is happen- .
ing in other parts of the world:
political, social, philosophical and
economic. His ignorance and his
personal concern would limit free-
dom for himself and for his future
In spite of an international
character of the University and
the possibly widest coverage of
the courses given, yet one of the
prevailing characteristics of the
University and people is the Mid-
dlewest conservatism and isola-
tionism. Most people are apa-
thetic to the rest of the world,
unless otherwise there happens
a critical issue as now in the
Middle East and Eastern Europe.
Ignorance and apathy arecabout
what does not primarily concern
them, are somewhat surprising to
a foreigner.
People are preoccupied with an
emotional hatred against any
radicalism, without drawing a
sharp line between them. Certain-
ly Communism is a threat to the
Free World. The United States
and her people assume a heavy
responsibility on their shoulders
as a leader of the Free World.
* * *
IT IS WELL said, however, that
great indignation like great en-
thusiasm seldom leads to any-
thing but great error. What more
we need is this historical crusade
for freedom is an intellectual atti-
tude to gain a better understand-
ing of problems confronting people
in different areas. Superiority of
'American democracy' is not
necessarily almighty for poor
What significance is implied in
anti-colonialism, nationalism and

neutralism of Asian and African
countries? What courses can these
newly-independent nations take
for their economic development?
How to eliminate one-another's
misunderstandings and prejudices
so as to unify these uncommitted
countries in the Free World,
against the totalitarian Commun-
ist bloc?
Without understanding these
fundamental problems on the part
of an individual American intel-
lectuals, it is hard to interpret
Asia to Asian and African. On
the other hand, of course, Asian
intelligentia are responsible to cast
off their over-proudness of 'moral'
and 'spiritual' superiority, thus
"standing bigger than bitterness
and pitifulness."
, * * *
golden opportunity for mutual
understanding of West and East
on an intellectual basis. Thus far
various types of campus foreign
student programming have been
actively implemented by many
organizations concerned. How-
ever, it is felt that integration of
foreign students into a whole uni-
versity community cannot be fully
achieved only by means of an 'in-
ternational coffee hour' or 'dance
In order to push this forward, I
feel it necessary to organize a new
type of scheme in which both
American and foreign students be
able to cooperate not merely on
social activities but primarily on
academic, educational interests in
Needless to say, education in
democratic institution is not only
for inventive, productive purposes,
but students' faculties of creative
thinking and theoretical analysis
must be intensively and fully de-
veloped. At the time of extensive
'compartmentalization, one of the
ways to integrate given knowledge
is for the student to have a chance
to pursue his academic interests
outside classes.

LET ME CITE a Canadian uni-
versity as an example. At the
University of British Columbia,
not long after the founding of the
United Nations, a small group of
students started a UBC Associa-
tion for the United Nations. Last
year they celebrated the tenth
anniversary of the UN at the
university, when the Association
grew into one of the biggest cam-
pus organizations. Many inter-
ested students of different fields
have taken part in group studies,
discussions, debates, lectures and
many other academic social func-
This type of activity will fasten
in some way or another the fac-
ulty-students cooperation as well
as integration of foreign students.
Annual events such as the UN
Week be sponsored by this organi-
zation. This will be responsible
for organizing the Michigan dele-
gation to the annual Mock UN
We would be able to solicit some
help from several organizations on
the national and international
level such as Colleigate Council
for the United Nations and the
International Student Movement
for United Nations.
With a remarkably increasing
interest in international affairs, it
is time now to start with strong
Stock Market
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-A sharp burst of
selling hammered down stock
market prices in mid-session
Thursday but a recovery drive be-
gan immediately, leaving prices
only slightly lower at the close.
Key stocks took losses running
to about $3 or so at the worst of
the selloff but ended the day with
declines running little more than
$1 for the most part.

LAST night's recital of chamber
music in Angell Hall was one of
the most exciting I have ever
heard. Top honors must unques-
tionably go to theperformers, all
students in our School of Music.
It is obviously unfair to call the
program a student performance,
however; it assumed profession-
al standards at every turn.
In the Beethoven Piano Quin-
tet op. 16 there were moments of
superb ensemble, graceful phras-
ing, and a tender clarity. Whoever
expected the Ravel of "Bolero"
write such subtle utterings as the
"Chansons Madecasses"? I do not
think they were performed with
too extravagant mannerisms; the
superb sound was the redeeming
end result.
Samule Barber's youthful "Do-
ver Beach" was done with confi-
dence and polish, carried with an
exquisite string quartet. Did I hear
that chamber music was dull and
too intellectual? The Piano Quar-
tet op. 25 of Brahms demanded
demonic virtuosity, but gave in re-
turn soaring lines, seductive cross-
rhythms, and tunes to captivtae
anybody to beat time to them.
IN THE MIDST of our striving
for musical grandiloquence - the
hundred-piece orchestras, mass
choirs a quarter of a thousand
voices strong, huge auditoriums by
necessity forever half empty, and
symphonic monsters the architec-
ture of which compares favorably
with the complexity of Penta-
gon - we welcome an occasional
revisiting of a lean athleticism
and a musical intimacy.
Stripped of the tonecolor pal-
ette of "Scheherezade" and the
endless breath-support of "Tris-
tan and Isolde", music turns to
the individual listener, now in
quiet contemplation, now with a
lively swing. The well-tickinghu-
man machine and its curiosity
items are lacking. Instead we have
an art acoustically transparent,
embarrassing in its technical
purity, offering us the silvery glit-
ter of the crown of music.
-Avo Somer
Twin Beds
Prevent Sinl
CAN YOU imagine a reporter so
intent on getting a good scoop
that he kicks cute June Allyson
out of bed?
Well, Jack Lemmon, as a re-
porter desperately trying to con-
vince his boss he can still snag a
good story, does exactly that in
"You Can't Run Away From It,"
a re-make of the Hollywood film
classic "It Happened One Night"
with song and dance added.
As the film opens, an unbeliev-
ably violent June Allyson has lock-
ed herself in a room aboard her
father's yacht. Her father, Texas
multi-millionaire Charles Bick-
ford, has snatched her out of the
arms of a racing-car Romeo only
moments after their wedding, in-
sisting that the cad was only in-
terested in her money, which he
JUNE JUMPS OFF ship in San
Diego and begins the long bus
trip back to Houston where her
new money -hungry hu sb a n d
awaits her.
Her trip is made more interest-
ing by her- Greyhound seatmate,
Jack Lemmon. Even more amuse-
ment is offered when a road is
washed out and the two are thrown
together into a conveniently two-
bedded motel room.
Gallant Lemmon takes a bed-
spread and rope and places a
make-shift curtain between him-

self and June. He claims that his
primary interest is in her news
value, since June's wealthy father
has hired practically all of the
Pinkertons west of the Mississippi
to intercept her before she reaches
her husband in Houston.
* * *
IN ANOTHER motel later in the
film, June crawls across the cur-
tain into Jack's bed. But virtuous
Jack casts her out, insisting again
that he only wants to get a good
news scoop.
The film is really quite a hum-
orous one and the audience is given
a special treat when Jim Backus
-the voice behind Mr. Magoo-
appears on the screen as a half-
wit farmer. And for a moment, it
appears as if the sound track from
the accompanying Magoo cartoon
has been mistakenly inserted into
the feature film.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of,
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Professional Qualification Test: Na-
tional Security Agency. Students tak-
ing the Professional Qualification Test
on Dec. 1 are requested to report to
Room 100, Hutchins Hall at 8:45 a.m.
Spring semester housing applications
for graduate and undergraduate wo-
men students now registered on cam-
pus will open at noon, Mon., Dec. 3,
In the Office of the Dean of Woen,
Room 1514, Administration Building.
Only those with no housing commit-
ment may apply. Applications will be
accepted for both Residence Halls and
League House accommodations.
All veterans who expect education
and training allowance under Public
Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) must turn
instructors' signature form in to Dean'e
office by 5:00 p.m. Mon., Dec. 3.
Student Government Council, Sum-
mary of action taken at meeting of
Nov. 28, 1956.
Minutes of previous meeting approved.
Informed by letter from vice-Presi-
dent Lewis of plans for a student
parking area on North Campus to
accommodate 250 ars.
Approved appointments as follows:
Public Relations Committee, Janet
Winkehaus, Chairman.
National and International Commit-
tee, Anne Woodard, Chairman.
Campus Affairs, Maynard Goldman,
Chairman; John Wrona, Assistant
Educfition and Social Welfare, Tom
Sawyer, Chairman, Scott Chrysler,
Assistant Chairman.
Student Representation, Mal Cum-
ming, Chairman; John Wrona, As-
sistant Chairman.
Coordinating and counseling, Janet
Neary Chairman.
Finance Committee, Tim Leedy, Mal
Cumming, Anne Woodard, Joe Col-
lins, Lew Engman.
Wing Coordinator, Nelson Sherborne.
Personnel Chairman, Charlotte Bopp.
Orientation, Ron Shorr.
Denied request of Galens Society for
approval of campus drive December
/ 7, 8
Approved:Nov. 29: Engineering Coun-
ci, lecture, E.N. Cole, Rackham, 7:30
Dec. 4: Deutscher verein, perform-
ance of Faust, °AAHS Ad., 7:30 p.m.
Dec. 8: Turkish Club, dance, Rack.
ham, 9-12.
Dec. 11, 12, 13: World University Trea.
sure van and ISA Bazaar.
Dec. 13: SGC, National and Interna-
tional Committee, to present speakers
Istvan Laszlo and Al Lowenstein,
subject "Hungary and the United
Nations" Rackham, 4 p.m.
Jan. 9: J-Hop Central Committee,
Fashion Show, League, 7:30 p.m,
Feb. 4, 5: Approved change of date for
J-Hop from February 8, 9 with J-
Hop on Feb. 4 from 9 p.m.-2 a.m.,
IM Building, breakfasts following.
Late permission for women students
4 a.m. on February 4, and 2:30 a.m.
February 5 as approved by the Office
of the Dean of Women.
Feb. 22: Lambda Kappa Sigma, Phi
Delta Chi, American Pharmaceutical
Association, Apothecary Ball, League,
Feb. 22: Interhouse Council and As-
sembly, show, Hill Auditorium, 8:30
p.m., change of date from February
Mar. 16: School of Dentistry, Junior
Class, Odonto Ball, Union, 9-1 a.m.
Dec. 21, Jan. 2: Wolverine Club to
sponsor "Wi1owhopper" bus service
to Willow Run.
Calendaring: Chancellors' Ball on
March 9.
Approved: Constitution of Metallurgi-
cal Society.
Forum: Heard plans to change Forum
from Nov. 29 to Dec. 4, subject to be
Sigma Kappa. Defeatedarmotion to
cancel the proposed forum.
Adopted motion providing that SG(
give all possible support to the Facul-

ty Senate's efforts and actions to pro-
vide financial aid for Hungarian stu-
dents coming to the gUniversity of
Michigan, encouraging all students
and groups of students to aid in
this project.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Fine Arts, by Dr. Xavier
de Salas, director of the Spanish In-
stitute, London, on "Picasso at Bar-
celona," in the Rackham Amphithea-
ter, Fri., Nov. 30 at 4:15 p.m.
Astronomy Department Visitors!
Night. Fri., Nov. 30, 8 p.m., Rm. 2003,
Angell Hall. Lowell Doherty will speak
on "Unusual Stars." After the lecture
the Student Observatory on the fifth
floor of Angell Hall will be open for
inspection and for telescopic obser-
vations of Mars and a double star,
Children welcomed, but must be ac-
companied by adults.





'Tea &Sympathy' Good Combination

Galens and the Review Board

IN SPITE of an obvious play on the emotions
of Student Government Council, Galens Med-
ical Society lost its initial skirmish to conduct
a campus bucket drive in the face of next
spring's all-campus charity drive..
At least Galens thought it was only the first
step. For yesterday, through Dean of Men Rea,
they requested a special meeting of SGC's Re-
view Board to reconsider the Council decision.
While we admire Galens' competitive spirit
in never considering themselves beaten, we
suggest that it is again time for a clarification
of the philosophy of student government and
the reasoning behind having s Review Board
at all.
Student government, and particularly SGC,
operates under the belief that students can
responsibly discuss and decide matters in which
they as students are concerned. Moreover, in
areas in which other interests are concerned,
it is presumed that student government can
consider these interests unemotionally.
IN PLEADING his case before the Council
Wednesday night. Galens President Kretz-

suit with faculty and alumni members of the
Society before making any agreements with
the newly-organized Campus Chest Board. This
was taken into consideration in SGC's decision.
In denying Galens' permission to hold their
annual drive on campus, the Council acted re-
sponsibly, albeit. slovenly in procedure, but
certainly not impulsively. (Council members
sat for an hour-and-a-half while it was im-
plied they had no charity in their hearts as
evidenced, in a grand climax, when pictures
of University Hospital scenes failed to bring
tears to several Council members' eyes.)
Following the vote. Kretzschmar himself
said he thought the Council had given ade-
quate consideration to Galens' request.
In spite of this, he sought a Review Board
meeting. Just what the Review Board will con-
sider is unclear.
U NDER the SGC proposal, the Review Board
may judge action in questions of the Coun-
cil's jurisdiction or actions requiring further
consideration in view of Regential policy or
administrative practice.

TSHE POLICY of the Ann Arbor
Civic Theatre, it would appear,
is to bring popular and successful
Broadway-type plays to its aud-
This is somewhat of a difficult
task for a quasi-amateur group,
since memories of the original cast
performance always hang over
subsequent performances. In the
case of T & S, a film version has
only recently been shown in Ann
Arbor, making the task of theat-
rical presentation somewhat more
difficult, perhaps.
Certainly both the stage and
film versions were dominated by
Miss Deborah Kerr, whohwas the
central figure, and perhaps at-
tracted considerable a t t e n t i o n
away from the other characters;
so that the play became more a
study of Laura Reynolds. and her
struggle with intolerant, unsym-
pathetic and generally malfunc-
tioning minds, and less a study

ing the role with any of the other
Civic Theatre people.
Al Douglass, as Bill Reynolds,
the schoolmaster, is reasonably
comfortable in his part, although
at the crucial moments, he seems
to rely heavily on simply shouting,
when he should be showing some
other signs of agitation and inner
Herb Kline, who plays Tom Lee,
is well directed and provides a
fairly consistantly good perfor-
mance. He, Paul Day, Erik Arne-
sen, James Lafferty, and Daniel
Docks, the other schoolboys, have
an idiomatic and casual manner
which is not always easy to ac-
complish. Day, who plays Al, Lee's
roommate, is especially good, here.
Betty Ann Gould, a fat & sassy
master's wife, is raucuous and
fine; while Ralph Bristol, as Lee's
father, simply does not look the
part, although he plays it as
though he did, and I am almost
* * *

Professional-quality lighting by
Howard and Margaret Fox is ef-
fective and, more important, un-
obtrusive. Credit must also be
given to the Civic Theatre people
for an amusing program with cute
write-ups for the cast; they even
list the organization's baby sitters,
but not, unfortunately, the various
acts and scenes.
And I almost forgot Ray Babor,
another schoolmaster, who makes
the most of a small part. and
should go far, and director Ted
Heusel who keeps the action mov-
ing smoothly.
'* * *
THERE HAS BEEN a running
aigument, among certain circles,
whether Theatre for the sake of
Theatre is a "good thing." I have
encountered a certain antipathy
toward local theatre in general and
more particularly Civic theatre, as
an example of this phenomenon.
Certainly, the presentation of
popular plays by theatre groups
has some merits. since, to my





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