x THMSDAY", NOVEMBER, 29, 1956 THEE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGEW IPM 1HR D Y O E B R 29 9 8T E M C I A N D I YPfi 1 aA"XNKJ rata Y Camp Group , WWIl Gather For Session BOSS NOT 'ABSENT MINDED': Instructors' Secretaries Like Jobs By ELAINE HUGHES tion. But she called this a "na- minded group of people. Mrs. Jobs of the departmental secre- tural phenomenon." Pierce said that the "dynamic and taries are challenging and varied; Betty Bartsch of the history de- hectic research of professors gets they include everything from partment termed her biggest prob- mlem as the perennial student who wearing at times." mothering the students to proc- asks. "I have to see my grand- toring exams to fixing the radia'- mother every Friday afternoon- Skit Night tors. can I have my section changed?" Mrs. Mary Lou Pierce of the or "When are office hours?" as he There will be a mass meet- psychology department summar- gazes at the list on the door. ing of representatives of all ized secretaries attitudes by say- Although the secretaries are groups interested in partici- ing' that the atmosphere is "re- happy with their jobs, they do see pacing in the Skit Night por- YOU ALL COME-The central committee of JGP will hold a mass meeting at 7 p.m. tonight in the League Ballroom for all Junior coeds interested in working on the coming production. Junior Coeds To Hold Mass Meeting for Play Attending Members Will Divide into Units To Work on Problems By MARY BETH GODFROY Don't look now but its camping season again, that is, for members of the Michigan Camping Asso--; ciation. Members of this group will bej holding their first sectional meet- ing of the'year from 9:30 a.m. toj 3 p.m. Saturday at the Union. This will be the first time that this group has met on the Michi- gan campus. After registration and a get- acquainted period a role-playing and staff-training session will be held. This session was designed by Dr. Gale Jensen, associate profes- sor of Education. To Form Units All members attending will par- ticipate in this role-playing unit. They will be divided into groups of seven each, with three such groups constituting a typical camp. A typical camp situation and problems will be presented to theI group as a whole. Then each small group of seven will act out the problem trying to reach a decision that will be appropriate and yet' acceptable to every member. Then the groups will join to- gether in "threes" to form a "camp" and to compare and dis- cuss the solutions that each group had formulated. To Highlight Program Sam Skolnick, MCA program chairman, and Marie Hartwig, acting president of MCA, guaran- tee that this role-playing and staff training session will be a high- light of the program. At 11:30 a.m. four discussion groups will be held. Topics to be considered include: standards, staff training, salaries, and good staff relations. Members will pick the group which interests them most and which will get their points-of- view aired. Following the luncheon which will be held at 12:30 p.m. the election of MCA officers will take place. Will Summarize -Daily-Harding Williams FINAL PREPARATION--Don Rosenberg, who plays the role of Harry Beaton, male lead of 'Brigadoon,' practices a sword dance routine. MUSKET will present 'Brigadoon' which opens 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Michigan Theatre, I ACROSS CAMPUS CAREER CONFERENCE - A tion and answer periods will fol- career conference for women will low the talks. be sponsored from 2 to 5 p.m. * Saturday at the Women's League. BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT The conference is sponsored by -Alpha Epsilon Phi plays against the three senior women's honor- 1 Alpha Gamma Delta and Sigma ary societies, Senior Society, Mor- Kappa competes against Phi Mu tar Board and Scroll, at 5:10 p.m. tonight. Alpha Delta Speakers will talk on a wide Pi will play Zeta Tau Alpha and variety of careers and special- Couzens II will compete against ized professions. Informal ques- I Jordan I at 7:10 p.m. tonight. No Absent Mindedness Here The myth about absent-minded poorly-adjusted professors is no true according to their secretaries Mrs. Pierce called her boss "ver well adjusted and pleasant t work for." Mrs. Anne Naymik, collegiate-looking woman of th psychology department, feels tha professors are easy going and no "production-oriented." Effect Is Different And what about the students Mrs. Willodean Stalker of the so cial psychology department state+ that she is "interested and ex cited" about students' success. Mr. Stalker added that students are, bit troublesome during Registra laxed and undemanding" Many of the secretaries havea college education and are puttin husbands through school. They are interested in the aca demic world and attend man University lectures. Strains of "Juniors, come join the JGP," will echo through the League Ballroom at 7 p.m. tonight as coeds gather for the first Junior Girls Play mass meeting of the year. Molly Dwan, general chairman, hopes that all members of the Junior class will be on hand to sign up for their favorite commit- tees to work on the forthcoming play. Members of the central com- mittee will present a short skit in the form of an old-time movie to demonstrate the functions and activities of their various com- mittees. The central committee is oper- ating on the theory that everyone has some talent for backstage work. Will be Behind-the-scenes One of the jobs open to coeds consists of working on thestage crew. Members will get a behind- the-scenes view of the play, and old clothes are the only require- ment. Members of the stunts commit- tee will present their skits on the diagonal and in the various hous- ing units. Meanwhile, members of the posters committee will back this publicity by painting and dis- playing posters at important places throughout the campus. Designing, sewing and ironing will be required of the costumes crew as they prepare the outfits for the production. Applying grease paint will occupy the time of the make-up committee. Musical Talent Needed Coeds who are interested in mu- sic and can play a musical instru- ment may sign up for the all-girl 'U' Faculty Panel Set for Friday Four University professors will meet at 8 p.m. Friday in Aud. A of Angell Hall to discuss "the merits and liabilities of using vio- lence as a path to peace." Participating in the faculty panel discussion will be Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding of the econ- omics department, Prof. Morris Janowitz of the sociology depart- ment, Prof. Anatol Rapoport of the Mental Health Institute and Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department. Acting as moderator will be Prof. Robert C. Angell of the so- ciology department. The discussion, which is being co-sponsored by the Internationals Students Association and Student Government Council will deal with the ethical and practical as- pects of the use of violence in world relations. SYOU NAME IT e I SHOP IT @ 1 SHIP IT e FROM BOP TO BEETHOVEN ')flthO/OFF 20-30%0OLST All Brands LP Records All Guaranteed Factory Fresh t(Mail orders exclusively) EVERY MAJOR LABEL Classical * Pops /} London *"Decco * Mercury Show Tunes " Jazz Durium Italian Records, etc R.C.A.-Victor * Columbia orchestra which will play at each performance. Junior women may also sign up as ushers for the various performances. Chalking blackboards an the classrooms is one of the jobs of members on the campus publicity committee. While members of the general publicity committee will coordinate the different types of publicity. The property and scenery com- mittees will provide the backdrops and necessary equipment for the play. The sale of tickets on cam- pus will be handled by members of the tickets committee. The programs committee will solicit advertisements, plan the format and write the copy for the programs. Plane Shares For Europe Now On Sale A plane trip to Europe, being jointly sponsored by the Union and the Student Government Council, will take off from the New York airport Monday, June 24 and will make stops at London and Amsterdam. Chartered service is open to all interested students and faculty members of the University and their immediate relatives. Pro-rated shares are available to those interested in the trip at $300. This sum can be paid in three installments, union officials said. a few disadvantages. Mrs. Naymik tion of Spring Weekend at 7 a complained that she had to do all p.m. tonight in Rm. 3S of the g the office fix-up jobs because pro- Union. fessors are not a , mechanically- so e it A We know nothing could please her more than a eece and s beribboned petticoat Sfrom $5.95 A lacy trim medium 'li from $3.95 A.cuddly, flannel gown or P.J.'s from $3.95 Shop for Gifts for "Her" at Main Shop CAMPUS ON FOREST off 1111South U. South U. I PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT LAW CLASS 1519 Vote for CA R L DARNELL * EXPERIENCED * AGGRESSIVE CAPABLE ! Pledge To Work for: * U-M Managed Book Stores 0 Law School Exam Honor System 0 Housing Adequate & Convenient # For Non-Quad Residents I I CHARM BRACELETS in Sterling or Gold Pennants in College Colors any college - HARD ENAMELED ON SILVER OR GOLD ORDER NOW FOR XMAS Sterling Gold Bracelet......$2.75 $29.00 College Pennant .. 2.00 8.00 including tax and postage CHARM HOUSE 3019 Fayette Road Kensington, Maryland At 1:30 p.m. representatives of the four discussion groups will re- port back to the whole group with a summary of what has taken{ place in their respective discus- sions. Bess Hyde, social director at Eastern Michigan College, will conduct a theory and practice session in camp songleading at 2 p.m. Miss Hyde teaches courses on this topic during the summer, at the National Music Camp. Miss Hartwig said that many people believe good songleading is becoming a lost art. However, she remarked that Miss Hyde will show why this statement need not be true. i t 4 I 25.00O 't' ".~ pledge lornia...a.d ...hi4m3 -+' ;.' i~i - -t II This is Pat Giving herself a satisfied appraisal in her black crepe sheath. The shirred wide midriff and the narrow front panel rmold the figure to sophisticated perfection. MAIN AT LIBERTY ANN ARBOR Only the finest quality at prices that are fair If she has everything . . . including beautiful legs, give her beautiful Sapphire stockings to put them in . . Colors are no problem . . . because all Sapphire colors are fashion-perfect. Exquisitely gift boxed .,.. 3 pairs to a box: 4.05 to 5.85 *Open Monday and Friday nights until 8:30 r l.iv .. < {;;; N ," +fr:+ E I l I i i N I i I :s zes 4 2 - FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST . * the softest I- f-warmers ever to caress a pretty foot are our flannel-lined kidskin slippers, nail- head-studded and collared with bunny fur. A gift she'll appreciate. Tur- quoise, light blue, partiei yjout tte love4 jit and e att from. cat Bjoar gown' 11 ' v 1