,. I "You And Your Pal Tito!" "You And Your Pal Stalinl" Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 .- - "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: DONNA HANSON 4 4Y .* crt*p {r' . I Anglo-American Split, Causes Justified Concern AUSTRAILIA'S CONCERN over the appar- ently widening split between the United States and Britain is justified. But British Foreign Minister Selwin Lloyd is wise in urging that the dissension brought about by divergent Middle East policies not be taken "too tragically." It is unfortunate that relations between Washington and London have appeared to the world as somewhat "testy" lately. The West needs, more than ever, to present a solid front against destructive intervention by the USSR into the Middle East. The Arab bloc will surely not comprise, and with the addition of Russia to its ranks, now speaks with'an ever strengthened voice. The Western allies, on the other hand, con- tinue to stand divided. Britain's Lloyd has made plans for his return to London "without clarification of United States' policy." According to the ,New York Times, British sources say the U.S. attitude toward clarifica- tion of the mission of the UN Emergency Force before withdrawal is a simple "get out." Australia is worried enough about the rift to appeal to both powers to "think of first things first, and get together for the good of the whole democratic world." To The Editor HOW SERIOUS the division is, and what effect the temporary loss of an unshaken alliance will have, are questions which can only be answered later. The position of the United States, however, is one which should not be compromised just fo' greater unity at this point. Our insistence on the withdrawal of British and French troops before salvage operations in the canal begin is a well-founded one. Russia's Kuznetsov cannot be denied when he asserts "invading foreign troops still remain on Egyptian territory." Lebanon's Rizk cannot be ignored when he again calls attention to the General Assembly's sixth resolution on the Suez problem-calling upon the United King- dom and France to immediately "withdraw all their forces from Egyptian territory . .." Our present stand should be clear to the rest of the world. We do not condone Anglo- French Intervention in the Middle East and require the removal of their troops before turning to other problems.. The present split between the United States and Britain is very real, but very necessary in order that we maintain the continued respect of other nations. -ALLAN STILLWAGON v"'1 Wf7 n - K " M*!"S '' _ : , ._ ' F 47'1:1 k 40 1V #I96.AEIJ Mi L- .O sT.. Band Misses Opportunity TODAY AND TOMORROW: Playing Second Fiddle WHILE MICHIGAN'S football team was soundly defeating Ohio State Saturday, the Michigan Marching Band was losing its com- petition with the Buckeyes by default. Ohio State won the battle of the bands simply because the Michigan Band didn't choose to go to the game. The Columbus newspapers were quick to seize upon this lone bright spot in an otherwise dismal day for Ohio. At least their band satis- fied the Buckeye partisans. There is no doubt in the minds of Michigan fans that the Wolverines would have even more completely dominated the day's proceed- ings if the Band had gone to Columbus. No one can remember when, if ever, the Michigan Band was out-performed by a rival on the gridiron. Why, then, didn't the Band make the trip to Ohio State? Prof. William D. Revelli, Director of the Band, explained "The Band voted not to go since it was the Thanksgiving vacation period." THE BAND is a voluntary organization and members have the right to decide what to do with their time, especially over vacations. If it had not been Thanksgiving, Revelli said, the Band would definitely have gone. Although the holiday is the official reason for the Band not making the trip, other con- siderations certainly contributed to the deci- sion. Two years ago, after an Ohio State victory, the Band had a rough time with some of the post-game Columbus crowd. The prospect of this happening again was not a pleasant one. Also, the Band has an engagement in Chicago this coming weekend and two journeys on successive weeks would be a lot to ask of the musicians. Finally, there was little inducement to see a game that had no title importance for the Wolverines. STILL, THE DECISION seems unfortunate. We have all taken as much pride in our Band as in our team. In fact, we always could boast of our Band even when the team faltered. There was a great chance for Michigan to be both football and a Band champion last Saturday. The gridders did their part with their finest game of the season. The Band missed its opportunity. -RICHARD CRAMER Associate Sports Editor SGC Note Passing: Fun But Undignified EVERYBODY who's anybody gets notes dur- ing SGC meetings. Manual dexterity is as much needed on the present Council as intelligence (and sometimes more obvious.) The practice of passing notes around the Council table is getting out of hand. Members sit at meetings and sample each other's views- on motions, on the weather, on dates. It isn't a very serious thing-and it's a lot of fun-but it doesn't add much to the dignity of the group. And most of what's in the notes is just gossip anyway. -LLRM Davis' Stand . . MANY of your readers will re- member the courageous stand taken by Dr. H. Chandler Davis, formerly of the University of Mi- chigan faculty, in refusing to an- swer questions of the Clardy Com- mittee by invoking the First Amendment. Since the long de- ferred trial of Dr. Davis for con- tempt of Congress is now under way in Grand Rapids, the follow- ing letter may be of interest. It was written March 24, 1955 to Mr. Al Allen at Alumni Memorial Hall, Ann Arbor, Michigan. DEAR Mr. Allen: This letter is to acknowl- edge a recent request for a con- tribution to the Alumni Fund and explain why it is omitted. Some time ago a "crusading" politician roared through Mi- chigan with the resultant loss to the University of a fine young man in the Mathematics Department, Dr. H. Chandler Davis. When congressmen make a shambles of the Constitution through flagrant misuse of their offices, it would appear the proper duty of good citi- zens to register their genuine contempt for such behavious. Dr. Davis had courage enough to challenge the congressional committee on the basis of rights guaranteed by the First Amendment. His thanks from the University of Michigan, which is permitted to pose as an institution of learning, was the loss of his teaching posi- tion. Subtle indeed are Ameri- ca's methods of enforcing con- formity. My disgust with this shabby situation has prompted me to send my alumni contribution to Dr. Davis to assist his defense. Such rn are rare indeed and they both merit and need help more than institutions or or- ganizations whose guiding gen- iuses appear unable to distin- guish sheep from goats. --R. F. Burlingame, 133D 'Elegance' Present . . To the Editor: THE latest product of your re- viewing staff is so insufferable that I feel a protest must be regis- tered. You may owe nothing to the musical life of Ann Arbor, but you do owe the courtesy of re- views by individuals who know something of music. The Vienna Philharmonic owes its reputation as one of the two or three greatest orchestras in the world to precisely the qualities thatyour reviewer missed. I refer to balance, intonation, tone, and a somewhat more diffuse quality -elegance. All were in evidence (luring the recent concert. If you must review concerts, please find staff members who know something about orchestral music and orchestral playing. Benkard not onlysdisplayed ig- norance of the difference between ' brilliant" tone and virtuosity of the Mantovani and Kostelanetz type orchestras such as the Phila- delphia and Boston symphonies, and the superior balance, intona- tion and musicality of orchestras like the Vienna, the Philharmo- nia, the Chicago and the Royal Philharmonic orchestras, but he also indulged in sophmoric snob- bism when he dismissed the su- perb playing of the Strauss en- core as mere dance music. It is in- deed dance music, and much of Bach, and Beethoven, seventh symphony is dance music. -John Buettner-Janusch, Grad Asst. in Research By WALTER LIPPMANN TOWARDS the end of last week the prospect had darkened considerably of a successful United Nations mediation in the Middle East. Mr. Hammarskjold came back from his negotiations in Cairo with what certainly looks like a shrunken understanding of the role of the UN police force. In the original conception, this force was by its presence at the canal and on the Egyptian-Israeli frontier to be the visible sign of the right and the authority of UN to mediate. The fundamental idea was that there are great and dangerous is- sues in the Middle East, which had caused an explosion, and that the paramount function of the UN was to bring about a settle- ment. In the past few days, the UN has been pushed into a posi- tion where its main function seems to be that of restoring con- ditions as they were before the explosion. Only when the restora- tion has been completed is there to be any serious attention given to promoting a settlement. This pushing went to the point where an overwhelming majority of the General Assembly, includ- ing the United States, was insist- ing that the idea of a settlement must be laid aside until the status quo ante has been restored. As no settlement was possible before in the situation as it was, is it not fair to say that the prospects of a settlement are not good if our primary insistence is that the sit- uation should be restored to what it was before? * * * MR. HAMMARSKJOLD'S mea- ger success in Cairo reflects the basic alignment of power in the world, as brought about by the American action in the UN. We have been right to act through the UN. But from the very beginning there have been two different courses of action which the United States could take. One was to treat the British, French and Israeli intervention as a pure and simple act of aggression, to treat Nasser's Egypt as the innocent victim, and to throw our weight and influence against the intervening powers and in favor of the restoration of Nasser's position. This is in fact what, though with a bit of vascillation at one stage, we have been doing in New York. The other course was to put our whole weight and influ- ence in favor of a UN mediation of the underlying issues, insist- ing upon a withdrawal but also that the UN show a simultaneous determination to deal with the real issues. The decision taken in Washing- ton to let the effort to settle wait upon the withdrawal has in prac- tice meant that our weight has been added to, not distinguished from, that of the countries of the Soviet orbit and of the Afro-Asian bloc in their unqualified support of Egypt. The reason President Nasser was so stiff and unyielding with Mr. Hammarskjold is that he had behind him not only the Soviet Union and the Afro-Asians but also the United States, and therefore in some considerable measure also the Latin Americans, * * * NOW THE FACT of the matter is that the Soviet Union and Pres- ident Nasser do not want a settle- ment, as we understand the word, either at the canal or in Pales- tine. By our failure to take a firm position in favor of a settlement, making it our paramount objec- tive, we have let ourselves be ma- neuvered into a position which will mean the defeat of our true interests and of our real aims. If anyone imagines that in sup- porting the Egyptian-Soviet line we are gaining influence and pres- tige which can be used for a set- tlement, he should have been in New York at the General Assem- bly at the end of last week. He would have seen there that the initiative and the power are not in our hands, and that we found ourselves doing what we did not want to do, and explaining that it was not so bad to do it and that we could not help ourselves. The root of the trouble is in Washington where the fundamen- tal decision has been fumbled -- whether to treat the intervention as a case of unprovoked aggres- sion to be repelled or as an ex- plosion of conflicting forces that need to be pacified and reconciled. The President has said things which suggest that he was grop- ing for the second and truly statesmanlike course. But for some reason, be it that he has lacked lucid and resourceful ad- visers, he has allowed us to drift into the other course. That course is proving in practice to be noth- ing more than to play second fiddle to the Soviet-Egyptian axis. 1956 New York Herald Tribune Inc. Stock Market MADISON, Ind. P) - Golden burley tobacco brought record high prices averaging 60 cents a pound Tuesday as auctions started on Madison's loose leaf market. Top grades were selling 2 to 4 cents over government support prices, and lower grades were bringing 10 to 20 cents more than the supports, set at 90 per cent of parity. Previous record prices of 58.97 cents were set last year. Almost; Not Quite .. . To the Editor: I HAVE just read the almost ex- cellent editorial for November 18, 1956, concerning the parking problem at the University of Mich- igan. Almost excellent, for I fail to see the humor in the opening paragraph. Undoubtedly, we, the popula- tion of Ann Arbor, assume the position of a "lonely 'call in the desert" so far as the solving of international problems is con- cerned. Also, it is nearly axiomat- ic that a well operating home front has never impaired the effi- cacy of intentions and actions elsewhere. But a comparison of human lives to dents in fenders is only indicative of a grossly over-worked editor or of a com- plete lack of regard to accepted moral values. -Juhan Anilane, Grad. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin in an of- ficial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. No- tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preced- ing publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 54 General Notices University. Senate. An adjourned meeting of the University Senate will be held Thurs., Nov. 29 at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall for furth- er consideration of matters not con- cluded at the special meeting of No. 26, 1956. Recreational Swimming - Women's Pool. Women Students: M-Th. 5:10-6:10 p.m. F. 4:10-6:10 p.m., T. & Th., 7:15-9:15 p.m. Co-Rec Swimming: Sat. 7:15-9:15 p.m.; Sun. 3:00-5:00 p.m. Faculty Night: Fri. 6:30-8:00 p.m. (Fam- ilies with children under 8 years) 8:00 9:30 p.m. (For other faculty families) Michigan Night: Sun. 7:15-9:15 p.m. ,Agenda, Student Government Coun. cil, meeting of Nov. 28, 1956, 7:30 p.m., Union. Minutes of the previous meeting. Officers' reports: President. Vice-President: Appointments, Elec- tion committee announcement. Treasurer. Activities:Interim approvals. Nov. 29 Engineering Council, lec. ture, E. N. Cole, Rackham, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 4 Deutscher Verein, Faust (play) AAHS Aud., 7:30 p.m. For consideration: Dec. 7, 9 Galens requests permission to conduct a Campus Drive. Dec. 8: Turkish Club, dance, Rack- ham Ballroom, 9-12 p.m. Dec. 11, 12, 13: World University Ser- vice, Treasure van and ISA Bazaar. Dec. 12: Nat'l and International, speakers. Jan. 9: J-Hop Central Committee, fashion show, League, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 4: J-Hop, IM Building, 9:30- 2 a.m. Feb. 22: Lambda Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta Chi, Amer. Phar. Assoc., Apo.. thecary Ball, League Ballroom, 9-12 m. Mar. 16: Jr. Class, Dental School, Odonto Ball, Union, 9-1 a.m. Driving Regultaions, Student Parking. Evaluation Comittee-appointments. Coordinating and Counseling: Calen- daring - Chancellor's Ball, March 9. Committee Reports. Old Business: Calendar motion. New Business. Members and Constituents time. Adjournment. NEXT MEETING DEC. 5, 1956, UNION. Lectures Operations Research Seminar: James C. Mouzon, Operations Research Office, Washington, will lecture on "The Scope of Operations Research" on Wed., Nov. 28. Coffee hour at 3:30 p.m. in Room 243, West Engineering Building and seminar in Room 229, West Engineering at 4:00 p.m. All faculty members wel- come. University Lecture, 4:15 p.m., Wed., Nov. 28, Room 2054, N.S., sponsored by the Department of Fisheries, Museum of Zoology, and Department of Zool- ogy: "The Present Status of Systematic zoology, As Illustrated By Work With Fishes." Dr. George S. Myers, Prof. of Biology, Stanford University. Informal University Seminar on Plan- ning 4-6 p.m., Room 69, Business Ad- ministration. Speaker: Walter Isard, program of regional science, Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. Leland Stowe, foreign correspondent and professor of journalism, will again open his class, Journalism 230 Current World Events, to the campus public. He will discuss "Moscow's Cold-War Crisis: An Assessment of Recent Soviet Gains, Reverses and New Problems." Thurs., Nov. 29, 11:00 a.m. in Aud. D. Research Seminar of the Mental Health Research Institute. Dr. Bert Hoselltz, professor of social science, UniversityofeChicago, will speak on "Some Relations of History and Be- havioral Science" Nov. 29, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., Conference Room, Children's Psy- chiatric Hospital. University Lecture, auspices of the Department of Fine Arts, by Dr. Xavier de Salas, director of the Spanish In- stitute, London, on "Picasso at Bar- celona," in the3Rackhma Amphithea- ter, Fri., Nov. 30 at 4:15 p.m. Concerts Integrated Education T HE PRESENT Lit School system requires little thinking on the part of the student and courses are as a rule unstimulating. Students attend lectures, copy down an out- line of facts exactly as the instructor has presented them, memorize for an exam, re- gurgitate on the appointed day, receive grades and promptly forget what was set forth in the first place. Why does he forget? Because the facts have not been made meaningful. He has not been taught to relate them, use them, or think seriously about their meaning, A student must be presented with the basic facts, and these facts must be memorized, as they serve as the building blocks or raw ma- terials for astute analyazation . But the many instructors never get around to helping the Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER. Editor RICHARD HALLORAN NLEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor GAIL GOLDSTEIN................Personnel Director ERNEST THEODOSSIN.............. Magazine Editor JANET REARICK..... Associate Editorial Director MARY ANN THOMAS.................Features Editor DAVID GREY .. ........Sports Editor RICHARD CRAMER...........Associate Sports Editor STEPHEN HEILPERN..........Associate Sports Editor VIRGINIA ROBERTSON.............Women's Editor JANE FOWLER.............Associate Women's Editor ARLINE LEWIS..............Women's Feature Editor JOHN HIRTZEL................. Chief Photographer Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN.....Associate Business Manager WILLIAM PUSCH..................Adertising Manager CHARLES WILSON ... ...........Finance Manager student assimilate the maze of facts and consequently make a clear thinker out of a memorizing robut. IT IS AN INSTRUCTOR'S function to guide his students toward intellectual development. To do this it is not necessary to "crawl inside the student's mind and lead him carefully step by step," but he should set up guide posts which will set the student in the right direction and stimulate his thinking processes. From this point it is up to the student to go the way alone. Recitation class would be the most likely place to set the wheels in motion. For the most part, however, the instructor merely reiterates the lecture or presents a further assemblage of unrelated facts. What should exist is an intelligent oral discussion, which would reveal the significance of the facts and how they relate to other subjects. THIS FALL the University has made a step in the right direction by integrating Great Books and English for those freshmen inter- ested. The student benefits by this as he is able to augment the reading with oral and written analyizations of the events in the books. He is able not only to comprehend what was written on page 324 but might be able to relate this to page 436 of the last book read. More of this sort of integrated curriculum would produce a more intelligent, deeper think- ing college graduate. -SUSAN KARTUS New Books at the Library Atkinson, Orianna-The South and the West of It; NY, Random House, 1956. Berryman, John-Homage to Mistress Brad- A BACKWARD LOOK AT AN EXISTING PROBLEM: Calendaring Committee, Conference, and Confusion By DAVID KESSEL IN November, 1954, Professor Paul Dwyer of the mathematics department presented a new plan to re-organize the University cal- endar and eliminate the short period of classes between Christ- mas and the mid-termvacations. This marked the beginning of a vast project which eventually in- volved several thousand students, the athletic department, the Cal- endaring Committee, the Deans Conference, and the Regents. On April 20, 1954, Professor Dwyer proposed his plan to stu- dent members of the University Calendaring Committee. Briefly, Dwyer's plan proposed ending first semester classes be- fore Christmas vacation with fi- nal exams following a short study period after New Year's Day. Classes would end by Memorial Day, with comencement the first week of June. ** * h ANOTHER plan to end the con- would end at Christmas vacation, spring vacation, and the second week in June, with an optional fourth quarter for the summer session. This system would necessitate drastic revision in all courses, which would have to be fitted into ten week quarters, and new credit ratings would be needed. Still another plan called for "dead weeks" before the final exam period to allow busy Juniors and Seniors time to catch up on back assignments. * * * ON MAY 5 AND 6, students voted on these various calendar proposals. It was claimed that the results of the vote would be used when the Deans' Conference met to discuss a future calendar for the University. Principle objection to the Dwyer plan came from the Athletic de- partment which claimed that Uni- versity participation in spring athletics, such as golf, would be hampered. for finals cramming. Classes would run from September 14 to June 21. * * * '- BY MAY 7 the results were known. The Crary plan received 2,582 votes, in second place was the proposal to retain the existing calendar, 1,237 votes. Total vote was 4,873. Professor Dwyer's plan, which had started all this calen- dar reappraising, had some 322 votes, but obviously the Crary plan is but a slight modification of his idea. Prof. Crary said that arranging Christmas vacation to coincide with the end of first term finals would: "make Christmas vacation more meaningful both in health and financial terms." Results of the referendum were to be taken into consideration by the Calendaring Comittee, headed by assistant to the President Eric A. Walter, and composed of stu- dents and faculty members. * * * MANY IMPORTANT events were taking place during May opponents, the athletic depart- ment, which noted that Big Ten baseball, track, tennis, and golf scheduling would be upset if stu- dents were let out before the last weekend in May. Also, a long.mid-winter vaca- tion would force teams to go on extended road trips or face empty stands. So the Dwyer plan was recom- mended. , THERE WERE a few students who protested this change in plans, especially since the sched- uling of final exams after Christ- mas vacation would, as one Daily letter writer said: "Have Christmas dinner eaten with a stack of open notebooks on the festive board." In due time, the Regents ap- proved a new calendar for 1956-57 with classes beginning the Thurs- day after registration, a short- ened Christmas vacation, but oth- erwise the gross calendar anatomy 4'