Y L Latest Deadline in the State :IaitY CLOUDY, SNOW FLURRIES Nkomo* VOL. LXVH, No. 57 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1956 1 EIGHT PAGES 1 1 I I Stay on Job, Union Asks Hungarians Workers, Kadar Still Far from Agreeing BUDAPEST, Hungary ()-Bud- apest's, Council of Workers asked its members yesterday to stay on the job "in the interest of the people." But a spokesman for the or- ganization said there was little likehood of any quick agreement with the government of Janos Ka- dar, the Soviet-supported Premier. Kadar's speech Monday night "did not serve the interests of the Hungarian people and it hinders a peaceful solution," a resolution passed by the council declared. * The council represents the capi- tal's workers. Unpardonable Crime Kadar declared that former Pre- mier Imre Nagy and his govern- ment "committed an unpardon- able crime against the Hungarian nation" by failing to take action "against the counterrevolution." Kadar contended that Fascists and reactionaries gained control of the Hungarian revolution short- ly before Russian military might moved in on Nov. 4. The workers have been demand- ing that Nagy be returned to pow- er in place of Kadar and that the Russians withdraw from Hungary. The workers said they felt Ka- dar's definition of a "counterrevo- lutionary" could "also include us." Life Returning to Normal Life is returning painfully to normal in Budapest. Many plants are still hampered by the power shortage, but in- creasing numbers of workers are reporting where it is possible, Radio Budapest said. All bakeries in the city, except one in a damaged area, are now in operation. More milk, dairy products, fruit and poultry were appearing in the markets. Radio Budapest said that work- ers had been working in the urani- um mines of Koevagoszolloes in the Mecsek Mountains for a week although not much actual mining had been done yet. Installations in the mines were not damaged, the broadcast said. One coal mine in the Pecs area was reported flood- ed. World News Roundup By The Associated Press CARACAS, Venezuela-Tragedy struck a Venezuelan airliner in a rainstorm less than two miles from the end of a flightfrom New York to Caracas yesterday. The four-engine Constellation crashed on a cloud-shrouded mountain and burned. All 25 per- sons aboard, including 10 Ameri- cans were killed. Yesterday's plane, due at 7:30 a.m. was running a little late. It was 8:05 a.m. when the French pilot, Capt. Marcel Combalbert, 34, radioed it was coming in for a landing at Maiquetia, Caracas' seaside airport. * * R CAIRO-Egypt's commander in chief insisted yesterday that Egypt will not tolerate the continued presence of British, French and Israeli troops on Egyptian soil. "The battle Is not over yet," Maj. Gen. Abdel Hakim Amer told troops of artillery battalions that withdrew during the Israeli fight- ing in the Sinai Peninsula. His recorded talk was broadcast by the state radio soon after he conferred with President Gamal Abdel Nasser and as war minister joined a two-hour Cabinet session discussing policy. It was the second time Amer has spoken in this vein since the cease- fire. He said "The battle is not over yet because we can never accept this present situation or tolerate the presence of British, French and Israeli forces on Egyptian ter- ritory. It is therefore our duty to prepare ourselves for battle." PARIS-France yesterday order- ed gasoline rationing that will let most motorists have four gallons each a month. Such bad news is common in Western Europe and the United States is being widely blamed, The average French car, much Tension Mounts in Syria; Revolt Feared Shortly Anti-Russians Believed To Be Appealing To Iraq for Help Against Army Officers BEIRUT, Lebanon (A)-Syria appeared yesterday on the brink of dramatic events. Tension rose rapidly between Syria and Iraq. The feeling grew in informed circles that some sort of coup is imminent in Syria. The nation already is controlled in Damascus by pro-Russian army officers led by Col. Aboul Hamid Saraj. There is the likelihood that those on the losing end are appealing Hospitalization Plan Proposal Looms Near At University-Be ekett. -Daily-Norm Jacobs CONTRIBUTIONS WANTED-Fraternity and sorority pledges visit homes in the Ann Arbor Area soliciting funds for Michigan Association for Retarded Children. The door to door campaign Is, sponsored by JIFC. Pledges 'To Participate In Fund Collection Drive By RICHARD TAUB Approximately 750 sorority and fraternity pladges will stream into the residential districts of Ann Arbor, East Ann Arbor, and Pittsfield village to collect money for the Michigan Association for Retarded Children today. The MARC drive is sponsored by Junior Interfraternity Council, Junior Panhellenic Association and Ann Arbor Junior Chamber of Commerce. Pledges, three men and three women to a car, will be driven to their destinations by sixty drivers Eisenhower Seeks Unity On Suez Rift AUGUSTA, Ga. (P)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower moved yes- terday to heal a split with Britain and France over the Suez crisis. He also arranged to review the tense international situation at a Sunday conference in Augusta with Secretary of State John Fos- ter Dulles. A White Housp statement ap- proved by the President at his vacation headquarters said "Dif- ferences which have arisen be- tween the United States and her traditional friends and allies are those arising from a particular international incident" -- British and French military action in Egypt, and this country's refusal' to back that action. But the statement said further: "These differences in no way should be construed as a weaken- ing or disruption of the great bonds that have so long joined our nation with the United Kingdom and the Republic 'of France and our other allies in assuring that peace, justice and 'freedom shall prevail." Press Secretary James C. Hag- erty announced that President Eisenhower and Dulles will meet Sunday at the Augusta National Golf Club to review the interna- tional situation and discuss the Cabinet member's participation in a Paris meeting of the NATO Ministerial Council starting Dec. 11. Dulles will stop en route to Washington from Key West, Fla., where he has been recuperating from a Nov. 3 operation for intes- tinal cancer. The secretary plans to return to his State Department desk' in Washington Monday morning. He is scheduled to leave for Paris Dec. 8. Generation Nozw on Sale' Generation, student inter-arts magazine, will be on sale today. Generation's fall issue will in- clude short stories by Allan Duane, Roberta Hard, David Newman and Thomas Parker. Among the poets in the issue are Sylvia Camu, Doyle Fosso, Michael Millgate, Marge Piercy, Earl Prahl, Curt Shellman, and Nancy Willard. The magazine will feature an from the retarded children's group O and 35 drivers from the JC's. All funds collected will go to the Washtenaw County chapter of MARC. According to Chuck Dever of the JC's, no goal has been set for the drive. "We just want to help the group meet its budget as much as possible." A large portion of this budget goes toward the maintenance of a special school. Children who are not educable are trained to maxi- mum of their abilities at this in- stitution. Pledges will meet at four places: back of the League, front of Busi- ness Administration, front of Rackham and the back of Ad- ministration building. After the drive, pledges will meet for a mixer at American Legion Hall. Music will be supplied by a local disc Jockey whose program will originate from the hall. Messiah Set For Dec. 1, 2 Handel's Christmas oratio, the "Messiah," will be presented Dec. 1 and 2 at Hill Auditorium. The annual Christmas perform- ances of the work are scheduled for 8:30 p.m. Saturday and 2:30 p.m. Sunday. In addition to Adele Addison, Eunice Alberts, Howard Jarratt, and Kenneth Smith, featured soloists, the Musical Society Or- chestra and the Choral Union will perfohm. The orchestra i-assembled from townspeople, students, and musi- cians from the Ann Arbor area. It is conducted by Lester McCoy. to neighboring anti-Communist Ir Conference. To Choose Plan for Aid The Western Conference will convene Dec. 5 in Chicago to de- cide between the present drift in Conference policy toward aid to athletes and a proposed "equali- zation" plan, University Director of Physical Education and Ath- letics, Herbert O. Crisler disclosed yesterday. "Equalization," Crisler explain- ed, is a device "where the justifi- cation of unearned aid to athletes would be on the basis of need." If "equalization" is adopted by the Conference, athletes would then be subsidized the difference be- tween their individual financial means and the cost of their par- ticular education., College Scholarship Service at Princeton University would as- sess each athlete's needs and de- termine the amount of aid re- ceived, Crisler noted. The Service now makes such de- cisions for many schools regard- ing aid to non-athlete individuals, he mentioned. If "equalization" is approved by the representatives to the Chicago meeting, there will be a 60-day lapse for official ratification by the Conference schools. "If one or more members vote against the proposal then," Cris- ley clarified, "we postpone final action until our March meeting where a majority vote will make it effective." Monday, Crisler told a raculty Senate meeting he would vote for "equalization" at the Conference meeting and explained why. Prof. John C. Kohl of the en- gineer school and chairman of the Faculty Senate, reported that a motion was tabled commending Crisler and Prof. Marcus L. Plant of the Law School and the Uni- versity's other representative to the Conference for their work in the athletie scholarship area. University President H a r 1 a n Hatcher told the Senate he would make every effort to schedule an- other meeting of the group before the Dec. 5, Conference get-to- gether, Kohl said. Crisler said he had "no idea" of what further action the Senate may~take before Dec. 5, and added, "The Board in Control of Inter- collegiate Athletics at all times will consider any recommenda- tions of the Faculty Sen'atd." Panel Discussion A panel of four will discuss "Dis- crimination in Ann Arbor" during a meeting of the Young Demo- crats at 8 p.m. today in the League. aq for help against the pro-Soviet sweep in Damascus. Some sort of break is expected within a few days, either in Dam- ascus or the Iraqi capital, Bagh- dad. Coupled with the grim Syrian situation was Jordan's decision to sever its ties with Britain and to consider closer relations with Rus- sia. Premier Suleiman Nabulsi of Jordan announced he waspro- ceeding to cut his nation free from its long alliance with Britain and to liquidate British military bases. The announcement to the new Jordan Parliament raised Western fears that the little kingdom was opening the doors still wider to Soviet penetration in the Middle East. Jordan lies south of Syria. With indications that Syria is rapidly becoming the first Soviet satellite in the Middle East, Jordanian de- velopments could extend the Kremlin influence from Turkey southward to the Red Sea on the Gulf of Aqaba. Iraq accuses Syria of waging a subversive campaign against the Iraqi government of Premier Nuri Said. The Premier is a foe of Soviet encroachment in the Mid- dle East. SGC To' See Parking Plan A plan for student parking facilities will be presented to Stu- dent Government Council today. President Bill Adams, '57BAd, will give a. parking report, pre- pared by Vice-President for Stu- dent Affairs James A. Lewis. Appointments to chairmanships of the seven standing council committees will be announced by Vice-President Joe Collins, '58. The committees are Campus Af- fairs, Finance, 'Education and Social Welfare, National and International Affairs, Student Re- presentation, Coordinating and Counseling and Public Relations. Also on the agenda is a motion to study the University academic calendar. The calendar has met with student and faculty disap- proval because of shortened vaca- tion periods. Last spring, the Council requested Assistant to the President Erich A. Walter to set up a committee to study the cal- endar. At its first meeting early this month, the committee was dissolved until the calendar had been in effect for at least three semesters. Appointments to the SGC Eval- uation Committee will be up for Council approval. The Evaluation Committee, composed of students, administration and faculty mem- bers will present recommendations to the Regents in the spring, when SGC's two-year trial period is at an end.' Hope To Shed Light He was quick to add, however, that ". ..part of the truth about the case may have been withheld and I hope to shed some light on it at the inquest." Inquest into the Oct. 22 Lillard death will be held at 9 a.m. today in courtrooms of the County Build- ing. Dr. Edwin C. Ganzhorn, county coroner, said 40 witnesses, "every- body who had anything to do with the case or 'knows anything about it," have been subpoenaed and will appear at the inquest. Sterling, among those subpoena- ed, stuck to his claim that "there was a clothesline in there even at the time this alleged suicide hap- pened and I can prove it." He said he would call on a wit- ness today to back up his claim. 'No Truth To It' Mrs. Clair Smith, acting matron of the home, said last week "There isn't a word of truth to it," and Conlin indicated he "never saw a clothesline there." Sterling said "... .that rope was in a room diagonally across the hallway from Lillard's room." Last week Sterling said he found rope burns on Lillard's body. Last night Ganzhorn said "I did not find any rope burns and neither did the undertaker." Sterling also denied rumors saying he would not appear at the inquest. "I've made some statements which may be proven false," he said, "and I hope they give me a chance to get up on my hind legs and orate a bit." Among those attending today's inquest will be youths who were inmates at the home the night of the suicide, Ganzhorn said. He also indicated former super- intendent and matron Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rubinstein will attend. Pelvis Reaction According to a local theatre manager, attendance has been only "slightly above normal" for Elvis Presley's first movie, with the pa- trons coming as much out of curi- osity as anything else. Only strong reaction comes when Presley is shot, he said. "Every- body cheers." INQUEST TODAY: Sterling Alters Charge, Says Suicide Possible ByRENE GNAM Dexter Township Supervisor John G. Sterling yesterday retracted his charges of the past two weeks and said it could have been possible for James Lillard to have committed suicide in the manner described by Washtenaw County Juvenile Home officials. Sterling said "the state police demonstrated pretty much to my satisfaction that it would have been possible for ,a boy of his dimen- sions to have hanged himself" by a sheet hem suspended from his security room door hinge. After an investigation last week, Sterling had claimed such a hanging impossible.4 State Probe* Starts Today John Ferguson, an official of the Saginaw office of the State Social Welfare Department is studying conditions at Washtenaw County Juvenile Home this week. Asked by County Probate Judge John W. Conlin to study opera- tions at the juvenile home and make a recommendation as to how the home should be run, Fergu- son will start his probe today. Everett Smith, supervisor of the state's child welfare field services, said a state investigator from out- side Washtenaw County was sent in order to obtain "a more objec- tive investigation." County Juvenile Home is plagued by an employe shortage. Home's supervisor and matron, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rubenstein resigned late this summer, and Mrs. Risha Sayles, case worker at the Home, resigned this month. Conlin said he favors a 'round the clock staff. He indicated a resident super- visor and matron, preferably a married couple, in addition to a director, would be desirable. He has also asked for a probe by the National Association of Pa- role and Probation. . Conlin said no date was set for the NAPP investigation. Doubt Arises Concerning SGC Forum By TAMMY MORRISON Confusion has arisen over whether Student Government Council will hold a forum to dis- cuss Sigma Kappa. According to SGC President Bill Adams, '57BAd, the forum was intended to be an informative pro- gram in conjunction with a ques- tion period. Panel members Adams, Vice-President Joe Collins, '58, Panhellenic President Carol de Bruin, '57, and Daily Editor Dick Snyder, 57, were to present facts relevant to the case. Miss de Bruin said last night she felt the subject was ill-timed and the four panel members should not be expected to give personal opinions or judgements since they are not yet in posses- sion of all the facts. "I feel that discussion at this point, without all information, would be very un- wise. Discussion of this sort will get into all sorts of emotional controversy and surmise," she said. Collins and Ron Shorr, '57E, will meet with Dean of Women Debor- ah Bacon today to discuss the forum plan. Dean Bacon has re- portedly been opposed to a Sigma Kappa forum because she feels it would go from fact presentation to an -emotional opinion session and also that it would be con- strued as pre-judgement on the Council's part. Originally, the forum, SOC's first, was to have been. given to- i- mnrrn, nn "Ts ther 9a.AM fnr Blue Cross, Agency Talk Insurance Question of Payment Not Answered Yet; Plan Saves Money By JAMES ELSMAN A blanket hospitalization insur- ance plan for students is being investigated before its final draft- ing by University officials, Dr. Morley B. Beckett, director of Health Service, revealed yester- day. Defining the plan as "insurance, for all students covering hospital- ization for accidents and illness", Beckett explained that progress is now in the "nvestigative" stage Blue Cross and the Detroit In- surance Agency have been con- sulted, he remarked. The Agency is an insurance brokerage firm and is soliciting premium-rate bids from several insurance or ganizations for the University. At Other Colleges Hospitalization arrangements at other colleges are "growing like wildfire" according to Beckett, and several of these plans have been investigated. "Per-studet premiums at these schools", Beckett noted, "have varied from seven to 15 dollars a year depending on the coverage extended." He said no considera- tion has been given yet as to how the cost would be borne if a plan were adopted here. Beckett noted "25-30 dollars" a year Is now alloted to Health Ser- vice per student. Part of this mon- ey is presently used to subsidize students who incur hospitaliza- tion expenses at University Hospi- tal, for "emergency" treatment. Hospitalization would supple- ment present Health Service "out- patient" work, Beckett explained. Present Arrangements The Health Service head ob- served, "Under present arrange- ments many students put opera- tions and treatment off until their condition reaches emergency pro- portions and only then can the University help them financially and still many students can't bear their share of the financial load." Aren't most students already covered by adequate hospitaliza- tion insurance plans, either of their own or their parents? "Pos- sibly", Beckett said, but added, "Of course, students who suffer from present arrangements aren't in the majority." Beckett emphasized, "We are now thinking in terms of a blan- ket coverage for the student body, not an optional one." He explained the University may offer optional coverage for the children of stu- dent parents and for the student's activities away from campus - during Christmas, Spring and Summer vacations. Coverage would be terminated upon a student's graduation. Coeds Protest 11am Dinmer In Alice Lloyd As a protest against the serving of pork without substitutes, ap- proximately 20 women walked out of a "sit-down" dinner at Klein- stueck house, Alice Lloyd Hall yesterday. The Orthodox Jewish religion prohibits the eating of pork. The women claimed they had repeatedly asked for, substitutes for such meals without results. One person explained, "If they can serve some students fish onT Friday, there's no reason why they shouldn't offer us substitutes when they serve pork." Connie Fotiou, chairman of the services committee for Alice Lloyd ON SALE TODAY:-g Technic Gets Top Honors as Engineer Magazine Recently named the country's "Best All-around College Engineer- ing Magazine," the Michigan Technic begins sale of its November issue today. The Technic received the 1955-56 rating from the Engineering College Magazines Association at its annual convention held this month at the University of Arkansas. Described as the "only slick paper professional type format magazine on campus" by Editor-in-Chief Sheldon Levin, '57E, the Technic is celebrating its 75th year of publication. Proudly nodding towards the gold plaque and the past awards adorning the walls of the office in East Engineering Building, Levin said the magazine's major efforts last year were in improving layout and story content. Color Gets Eye Appeal "We utilize color on the inside pages, which makes a great- deal of difference in eye appeal," the editor said. He also cited the presentation of special issues last year, about automobiles, the Inter- national Geophysical Year, and automation, as features that made the magazine unique. "Also, we've tried to present articles of timely and close interest to engineers on camnus. such as descriptions last year of the wind ............. ::::.