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November 27, 1956 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1956-11-27

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27, 1956


crarrr lion Im



nal Win



in Second



* s ----- - ___________
This morning on
.. .by steve heilpern
Woo d's Wisdom

Michigan Ends Grid Season
With 7-2 Overall Record

A M' Letter Winners
All 1956 football M' winners are to report at Rentschler's

- , .

THE REPORTERS filed into the little room at the back of the
dressing, room. The pudgy little man sat down at his desk and
took off, his trade-marked cap. The reporters started to fire the cus-
tomary post-game questions. His answers came, in a low, weak voice.
At first, I wondered whether this was the Woody Hayes I had
heard and read about. He praised Michigan as a fine team. There
was "no bitterness, no tears, no derision. His commentary was ob-
jective, analytical, and apparently fair. Then someone asked a very
ordinary question, and Woody Hayes came into his own.
(That ramer's a fine end, isn't he." The comment was thrown
in by a scribe at the back of the room. Hayes turned his head down
and muttered, "He's all right." There was no smile. He didn't give
anyone theimpression that he was kidding.
A little while later he commented on the resemblance of last
year's score to Saturday's score.
"We beat Michigan last year, 17-0.
Today we lost to the same team,
19-0. The scores were similar, but
that's where the resemblance
ends. You'll notice that, in the
closing minutes of today's game,
my men played like gentlemen."
He was referring, of course, to
last year's fiasco, which almost
ended in a free-for-all. Michigan
had disobeyed Hayes' Rules of Or-
der then by tangling with the
Buckeyes during the final min-
WOODY HAYES utes of Ohio's 17-0 win. Hayes'
... iRules of Order' Rules of Order, however, have no
provisions included which make
it mandatory for the winning team to be polite. Both teams were ob-
viously at fault. Anyway, I don't see why Hayes brought the subject
up. It was in poor taste.
As was his remark about Kramer. The huge end, playing his
final footb ll game for Michigan, was at his greatest. He literally
flew through the air on several occasions to bring down Buckeye
ball .carriers. On offense or defense, he was more than superb. But
to Aayes, he was just "all right."
H yes - Not The Exception .
HAY.S, unfortunately, is not an exception in Columbus. Rather,
he is the rule. The Buckeye fans are after his neck. High Street,
the hub of alumni activity, is reportedly discontented with the ener-
geti coach.'Everybody hates everyone else down there - unless the
team wins..
Never have I seen a collection of so-called 'fans' like there were
at dolumbus. The mob reminded me of what I had read in history
books about the lions in ancient Rome. The Columbus contingent
makes no hones about one fact - they hate Michigan, but I don't
think they are pleased with themselves, either.
Ann Arbor, its snow notwithstanding, seemed nicer than ever
Sunday morning.

(Continued from Page 1)
or share, Ohio State, instead, was
dropped to a tie for fourth in the
standings. The grumblings of
alumni, press, and fans can still
be heard.
But more important, Saturday's
team victory had elements of per-
sonal satisfaction for Michigan's
senior-laden squad.
Probably the most recognition
should go to end Ron Kramer, who
played an outstanding game pri-
marily on defense to climax his
"All-American" college career.
Kramer was all over the field with
a vigor that characterized the
Wolverines' great desire to win.
For Terry Barr, Michigan's ver-
satile right half, it marked the
end of an impressive career slowed

-Daily-John Hirtzel
ROCK 'N ROLL-Michigan's Tom Maentz (85) throws a rocking
tackle into OSU's Jim Roseboro (43), knocking the ball from
Roseboro's hands. The fumble was recovered by Michigan and
paved the way to the Wolverine's second touchdown of the game.

Pros Select Kramer, Maentz, Barr
InFirst Three .Rounds of Grid Draft

- -

By The Associated Press

Michigan was the largest con-
tributor of gridders in yesterday's
pro football draft held in Phila-
The drafting which was only
carried into the first four rounds
found Wolverine ends Tom Maentz
and Ron Kramer, and halfback
Terry Barr selected by the pros
out of the first 49 choices.
Kramer, who was the third col-

lege performer drafted, was picked
by the Green Bay Packers. The
Packers also received the bonus
choice and they took Notre Dame
halfback Paul Hornung.
Maentz, captain of this year's
Wolverine squad was selected in
the second round by the Chicago
Michigan's final draftee, Barr,
was grabbed in the third round by
the Detroit Lions.

Seven 'M' Gridders Chosen
To Play in Post-Season Tilts

By The Asgociated Press
The football season has not end-
ed for seven University of Michi-
gan seniors.
Seven Wolverines have been sel-
ected to compete in various post-
season all-star games which will
be played during the Christmas
Halfback Terry Barr and Capt.
Tom Maentz, right end, will play


Ok lahoma,
4 The Associated Press
Okla1 oma's slick Sooners have
moved within sight of their sec-
ond straight national football
championship after receiving an-
other vote of confidence from writ-
ers and broadcasts.
With the final balloting only a
week away, Oklahoma held a 95-
point bulge over runnerup Tennes-
see in the latest tabulations.

Tennessee Lead AP Poll

The Sooners, tied with Washing-
ton for the all-time record of con-
secutive victories at 39, convinced
81 of the 159 participating sports
writers and announcers they de-
served first spot. Oklahoma beat
Nebraska Saturday, 54-6.
Both play another game before
the final poll-Oklahoma against

the Oklahoma Aggies and Tennes-
see against Vanderbilt.
Iowa, which has completed it
best season since 1922 with the
Big Ten title and a Rose Bowl
trip, held third place for a repeat
of last week's 12-2-3 finish.
Ga. Tech Gains
Georgia Tech, which swept past
fast - moving -and highly - rated
Florida 28-0, moved up from fifth
to fourth in a switch with unbeat-
en, once-tied Texas A&M.
The remainder of the top 10 in
order were Miami, Michigan, Syra-
cuse, Michigan State and Minne-
sota. By belting Ohio State 19-0,
Michigan advanced to seventh
from ninth.

for the East in the annual East-
West game which will be held in
San Francisco, Calif.
End Charlie Brooks and tackle
Al Sigman will perform with the
Blue team in the Blue-Gray game
at Montgomery, Ala.
Center Mike Rotunno, guard
Dick Hill and quarterback Jim
Maddock will play for thenNorth
in North-South garde in the
Orange Bowl at Miami, Fla.
End Ron Kramer, whose ap-
pearance is coveted by promoters
of all the games, will not be able
to appear in any of the post-sea-
son all-star games.
Captain of the Michigan basket-
ball team, Kramer will be playing
on the hardwood in the games
scheduled during the Christmas
.Big Ten
W L T Pct.
Iowa ............5 1 0 .833
MICHIGAN ....5 2 0 .714
Minnesota.......4 1 2 .714
Michigan State ..4 2 0 .667
Ohio State ......4 2 0 .667
Northwestern ...3 3 1 .500
Purdue..........1 4 2 .286
Illinois ..........1 4 2 .286
Wisconsin........0 4 3 .214
Indiana .........1 5 0 .167
(Ties count 1/2 game won and
12 game lost.)

The choices were: halfback Jon
Arnett of Southern California by
the Los Angeles Rams, quarter-
back John Brodie of Stanford by
the San Francisco Forty-Niners,
Kramer by Green Bay, quarter-
back Len Dawson of Purdue by the
Pittsburgh Steelers, halfback Jim
Brown of Syracuse by the Cleve-
land Browns, and halfback Clar-
ence Peaks of MSU by the Phila-
delphia Eagles.
The second half of the first
round saw the following players
chosen : guard Jim Parker of Ohio
State by the Baltimore Colts, full-
back Don Bosseler of Miami (Fla.)
by the Washington Redskins, cen-
ter Jerry Tubbs of Oklahoma to
the Chicago Cardinals, halfback
Del Shofner of Baylor to the Los
Angeles Rams in a choice traded
away by the New York Giants,
guard Bill Glass of Baylor by the
Detroit Lions, and tackle Earl Leg-
gett of Louisiana State by the Chi-
cago Bears.
Eastern Division
W L T Pct.
New York 6 2 1 .750
Chicago Cards 6 3 0 .667
Washington 5 3 0 .625
Philadelphia 3 5 1 .375
Pittsburgh 3 6 0 .333
Cleveland 3 6 0 .333
Western Division
Chicago Bears 7 1 1 .875
Detroit 7 2 0 .778
Baltimore 4 4 0 .500
Green Bay 3 6 .0 .333
San Francisco 2 6 1 .250
Los Angeles 2 7 0 .222
Last Week's Scores
Green Bay 24, Detroit 20
Chicago Bears 17, New York 17
Washington 20, Cleveland 17
San Francisco 10, Philadelphia 10
Baltimore 56, Los Angeles 21
Chicago Cardinals 38, Pittsburgh 21
Gm-- ....... Cn A P t E

f also
at Eastern Michigan College
Bowen Field House, Ypsilanti, Michigan
Friday, November 30-8:30
Tickets available at Moe's Sport Shop

only by injuries. Barr bowed out
with five touchdowns in his last
two games with the two against
Ohio State probably the most re-
For the whole team it meant a
victory after two straight losses
to Ohio State, 21-7 and 17-0. The
game also had a similarity to
Michigan's 20-0 beating of OSU
in 1953 in Ann Arbor.
Fired Up
Michigan had been fired up-all
week. "Before the game I thought
we could win," commented Coach
Bennie Oosterbaan in the dressing
room after the game. There was
a tired smile on his face.
The reasons for such an impres-
sive Michigan victory seem to be
pointed toward a combination of
Michigan was ready and wait-
ing. The forceful drive at the very
beginning got the winners off to
a good start. (There is still specu-
lation as to why Coach Hayes
chose the advantage of the wind
rather than receiving the opening
Ohio State also fumbled four
times and lost the ball four times.
Michigan fumbled three times and
There will be an M-Club
meeting at 7:30 p.m. tonight
forall lettermen interested in
working at the Hockey games.
Tom Maentz,
recovered each time. The Wolver-
ines had a versatile attack with
emphasis on passing and more
passing. The Buckeyes relied on
running and more running.
Michigan's defense was able to
diagnose a good many of the OSU
plays and hold when it had to.
Try us for:
The Daseola Barbers
Near the Michigan Theater

Studio at 12 noon today for the
Terry A. Barr, '57 LS&A
Thomas E. Berger, '58 B.Ad.
Alexander H. Bochnowski, '58 LS&A
David C. Bowers, '58 LS&A
Charles E. Brooks, '57 LS&A
James A. Byers, '59 Ed.
Clement L. Corona, '57 LS&A
James H. Davies, '57 Eng.
James A. Dickey, '58 Ed.
Lawrence J. Faul, '58 B.Ad.
John C. Greenwood, '57 Ed.
John E. Herrnstein, '59 Ed.
Richard B. Heynen, '58 Ed.
Walter N. Johnson, '59 LS&A
Richard F. Hill, '59 LS&A
Ronald J. Kramer, 57 LS&A
Jack R. Lousma, 58 Eng.
James A. Maddock, '57 LS&A

official team picture.
Thomas S. Maentz, '57 LS&A
Gerald P.' Marciniak, '59 LS&A
Marvin R. Nyren, '58 B.Ad.
James B. Orwig, 158ELS&A
James E. Pace, '58 Ed.
Gary K. Prahst, '59 Ed.
Robert J. Ptacek, '59 Ed.
David P. Rentschler, '57 LS&A
Michael J. Rotunno, '57 LS&A
Edward J. Shannon, Jr., '57 B.Ad.
Michael R. Shatusky, '58 Ed.
Albert L. Sigman, '57 Ed.
Eugene T. Sisinyak, '59 Eng.
Willie Smith, '59 Ed.
Eugene N. Snider, '58 Ed.
John WV. Spidel, '59 LS&A
James S. Van Pelt, Jr., '58 B.Ad.
Raymond L. Wine, 59 LS&A

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NEW STORE HOURS - Daily 9 to 5:30,
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Intrasquad Con
G yi*nasts for I
Co-C tain Nick Wiese of Mich-
igan gymnastic squad paced his
Blue team to a 79/-641/2 victory'
over-Co-Cartain Wayne Warren's,
Maize group in an intrasquad meet
last night at the I-M building.
Wiese took five first places, in
the high bar, flying rings, still
rind, tumIling and all-around,
plus seconds in the free exercise
and lay horse and a third in the
parellel bare.
Warr n was also outstanding,
placing first in the .side horse and

test Prepares
4idwest Open
parellel bars and a fifth in the
still rings. Other top competitors
were sophomore Jim Hayslett, the
Maize squad's top scorer, and
freshmen Al Stall, Wolfgang Doz-
aver, and Nino Marion.
Coach Newt Loken states that
the squad is in fair shape, but that
the big test will come this Satur-
day in the Midwest Open meet at
Chicago. All of the Big Ten schools
will be present, plus many other
midwestern gymnastics teams.



Georgia Tech
Texas A&M
Michigan State

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