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November 27, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-11-27

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Latest Deadline in the State



Iraq Asks U.S.
For Military Aid
Fears Pro-Soviet Controlled Syria;
Wants Jet Planes, Antiaircraft
WASHINGTON (P)-Iraq formally appealed yesterday for Am-
erican jet planes and antiaircraft "defensive weapons."
The request came amid reports that a group of pro-Soviet army
officers has seized virtual control of neighboring Syria.
Iraq's Ambassador Moussa Al-Shabandar asked for the arms
during a call at the State Department.
Government Has Aid Agreement
His government has a military aid agreement with the United

Turks Bitter
Over Syrian
War Action

UN Police Force Plans
Canal Base Expansion;


Set at Border;
Law Imposed

States, signed in 1954.
"We just don't have enough
Life Returns
To Normal'
In Hungary
BUDAPEST (R) - There wasa
+ general trend toward resumption
of work and a return to whatever
+ normal living is possible in Rus-
sian-occupied Hungary yesterday
The Budapest Workers' Counci
promoted the back-to-work move
ment even while insisting th
Communist government mus
meet popular demand for the re
turn of former Premier Ime Nagy
and the withdrawal of Russian
Workers Must Live


arms, taking into account the actual
-rsituation in the world," he told
a reporter afterward.
"We especially want to increase
our area of defenses and we hope
these weapons will be shipped as
quickly as possible."
State Department officials, who
had been seriously concerned over
reports of new Soviet weapons
reaching Syria, said they would
give prompt consideration to Iraq's
a Weapons Sent
1An undisclosed quantity of Am-
rerican weapons, including tanks,
- artillery and light arms have been
delivered to Iraq under the 1954
1 aid agreement.
These arms were sent in order to
a help Iraq, a member of the West-
t ern Baghdad Pact, strengthen its
defense against possible aggres-
The Iraq envoy, in discussing
the new arms request, sought to
play down reports of mounting
friction between his government
and Syria.
On Sunday, Syrian army officers
and a member of the Syrian gov-
ernment charged Iraq with plot-
ting against Syria's welfare.
Reports of Friction
"We don't know exactly what is
going on in Syria," Shabandar
said. "All those reports of friction
with us-those are family troubles
and we are going to solve them
Any additional United States
weapons for Iraq would have to be
shipped with the understanding
they were for strictly defensive
purposes, not to be used for any
attack against either Syria or

BEIRUT, Lebanon (RP) - Syria
came under bitter Turkish attack
yesterday for accepting Soviet
weapons, imposing martial law
and allegedly concentrating troops
along the border of Lebanon, a
sister state in the Arab sphere.
Radio Ankara brought into the
open charges-long circulated in
the coffee houses and market
places of the Middle East-that
Egypt is instigating large-scale
trouble sinother Arab nations with
Communist help.
Syrian Trouble
Much of that trouble has arisen
in Syria, whose 60,000-man army
fell under control of a group of
pro-Soviet officers headed by Col.
Abdul Hamid Saraj in a silent
coup the day fighting broke out in
Saraj is a Nationalist strong
man in the style of Egypt's Gamal
Abdel Nasser.
.The Turkish radio commentator
said investigation showed Egyp-
tian agents played a part in re-
cent disturbances in Lebanon, a
little half-Christian, half-Moslem
republic where some French and
British buildings have been the
targets of bombing attacks.
Arms Smuggled
He said arms and explosives had
been smuggled into Lebanon on
behalf of both Egypt and Syria.
In one case, he reported, bombs
were found in the car of an Egyp-
tian Embassy staff member and
an arms cache was uncovered in
the home of the car's chauffeur.
Lebanon is more Western-mind-
ed than some of the Arab nations
and has been the subject of Sy-
rian propaganda attacks almost
as vitriolic as those Syria has
leveled at Arab Iraq, a charter
member of the British-sponsored
Baghdad Pact.
A charge by a Syrian military
spokesman Friday that Iraq tried
to furnish heavy arms for a coup
aimed at overthrowing Syria's
ignoring Iraq's dismissal of the
charge as nonsense, said it was a
criminal affair.

IU.S., Iceland
On Air Force
WASHINGTON (M)-The United Sta
yesterday to have reached tentative ag
the big Icelandic air base United State
Iceland's Parliament demanded last
be withdrawn from the base at Keflavik
Reports Tentative A
The State Department, in reporting
specify whether it would provide for cor
Press officer Lincoln White said, "'
reviewed by the respective gov-0>--

-Daily-Dave Arnold
DRIFT-Man-made snow drift in front of the General Library
marks the passage of the snowplow through the Diag.
'Typical' Weather Returns;
Snow, Slush To Remain
Snow, slush and student mutterings about "typical Ann Arbor
weather" returned to the campus with the end of the Thanksgiving
Some students had struggled with icy roads, others had worried
through air schedules, and still others had found hours added to their
return times, so for many the beauty went unenjoyed.
Students Shuffle, Slide
To further spoil the winter, students shuffled yesterday over still-
icy walks, careful of their footing, while others forewent the use of
their bicycles. Some of the beauty was lost for them, too, especially

"The workers have to live," a
council spokesman said.
But many factories were still
r idle. This was due in some cases
to unrepaired machinery and in
others to passive worker resis-
Informed sources here put little
credence in reports- abroad about
Russian troop movements through
Hungary toward the Yugoslav bor-
These sources said they had
checked earlier rumors of a move-
ment of 20 Russian divisions into
Hungary and found nothing to
substantiate them.
Deportees Returned
A number of young deportees
were reported to have been re-
turned from Uzhgorod, capital of
the Carpatho-Ukraine.
These young people told the
Budapest Workers' Council there
are about 1,500 Hungarians at
The council is determined to de-
mand their return in its talks with
Premier Janos Kadar and with
the Soviet military command here.
Hungarians interpreted a speech
by Premier Kadar Sunday to the
members of the Budapest Work-
ers' Council as a return to the
policy of the big stick, dictated by
the Soviet military command.
Kadar Defied
But members of the council,
interviewed at their headquarters
here, defied Karad and insisted
on their original demands for the
return of Nagy now officially re-
ported "visiting in Romania," and
the withdrawal of Russian troops.
Their spokesman said the deci-
sion to resume work was unani-
Six. Indicted
By U.S. Jury
WASHINGTON (P) - A federal
grand jury yesterday indicted four
newspaper men, a television pro-
gram director and a woman h-
brarian for contempt of Congress.
All six refused to answer ques-
tions about Communist activity in
appearances before the Senate In-
ternal Security subcommittee,
Those indicted were Alden Whit-
man and Robert Shelton, copy-
readers on the New York Times;
Seymour Peck, desk man on the
Times Sunday Magazine; William
A. Price, former New York Daily
News reporter; Herman Liveright,
formerly of station WDSU-TV,
New Orleans, and Mrs. Mary
Knowles, librarian at Plymouth
Meeting, Pa.
All six based their refusals to
answer on the freedom of speech
and freedom of press guarantees
of the First Amendment to the
Cat o f r, 1yn

'U' Outlines Tentative
Fraternity Housingr Site

Jury Picked
For Inquest
A University professor has been
listed among the jurors for to-
morrow morning's inquest into the
death of James Lillard, 14-year-
old inmate of Washtenaw County
Juvenile Home who committeed
suicide Oct. 22.
Prof. William A. McLaughlin, of
the romance language department,
and five other local residents were
impaneled yesterday by County
Coronor Dr. Edwin C. Ganzhorn'
Last week, County Prosecuting
Attorney Edmond DeVine said 30
witnesses would be subpoenaed for
the inquest.
According to County Probate
Judge John W. Conlin, the 9 a.m.
hearing should end controversy on
the case.
Several views concerning the
manner in which Lillard commit-
ted suicide were advanced during
the past month.
Juvenile Home officials reported
they found Lillard hanging from
a sheethem suspended fromrthe
hinge of his security room door at
the home.
The state police report is closed
to the public.

when the annual snow flurries
swept into their faces.
For many, at least, it took a good
deal of esthetic fortitude to appre-
ciate the three inches of settled
snow on the ground last night.
For those curious enough to find
out the facts behind the snows, the
report at Willow Run Airport
sounded like any 11:45 p.m.
weather telecast: A storm area
moved sourth from Minnesota,
crept down into Illinois and In-
diana, then -headed east into New
York and New England,
Sun To Shine
But the weatherman, having
predicted snow flurries for last
night, held out the possibility of
a let-up today, including higher
ceilings and a few scattered rays
of sun.
More snow is expected tomorrow
or Thursday, he thinks, with "some
warming" around Saturday. Temp-
eratures were expected to remain
around three degrees below the
normal range of 40 to 29 degrees
until then.
lBredv old Cited
Prof. Louis I. Bredvold, of the
English department, has been
named recipient of the Henry Rus-
sel Lecturer Award for the current
school year.

ernments and until the review is
completed I can't discuss its na-
However, other officials said
they thought the agreement would
prove "satisfactory."
The New York Times reported
from Iceland that the agreement
provides for retention of United
States forces in control of the base
but under a two-country arrange-
ment that would bypass the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Meet Position
American officials said there
was no intention here to undercut
They did say the agreement
probably would have to be couched
in some special terms to meet the
Icelandic position.
About 4,000 men make up the
United States strength at the Air
Force Base. Iceland's Foreign
Minister Emil Johnson com-
mented on a visit here in October
that Icelanders ,want to keep the
base, but to maintain it them-
selves for use in case of emergency.
Positions Open
On Joint Judic
Petitioning is now open for five
one-year positions on Joint Judic-
iary Council, Chairman Mike Mc-
Nerney, '57L, announced yesterday,
Petitioning is open to all Uni-
versity students who have at least
60 hours of college credit. Peti-
tioning will close Dec. 6.
Joint Judiciary hears cases of
University regulations violations
of an all-campus nature, both in-
dividual and group, including driv-
ing and drinking -violations.
Petitions may be picked up from
Carolyn McKenzie at 1020 Admin-
istration Bldg. Students may sign
up. for interviews to be held the
weekend of Dec. 8.

a del

Tentative location for fraternit
Campus has been outlined by Un
brochure on housing in this area re
The 20- to 30-acre tract lies o
development in the area, along a ri
parts of North Campus and the pr
Engineer* Deter
Under the direction of John
Vice-President for Financial Affairs
engineers are determining total -
cost of improvements of roads,
sewers, and utilities for this tract.
This coupled with the original
price of the land will determine
the expense for those desiring to
The brochure, which contains
a summary of progress by the IFC
group on North Campus housing
will be sent to all fraternity and
sorority presidents, alumni cor-
porations (that own the houses),
professional fraternities and In-
ter-Cooperative Council.
Members of the IFC alumni
committee, headed by Ed Gage,
advisor to Zeta Beta Tau frater-
nity, are now attempting to gain
best possible financing for such a

y and sorority housing on North
iversity officials, according to a
leased by Interfraternity Council.
on the northwest side of present
dge overlooking the Huron River,
esent campus.
rmining Costs
McKevitt, special assistant to
s Wilbur K. Pierpont, University

Vessels Wait
Agree Egyptian OK
Bases To Get Out
tes and Iceland were reported
reement on the operation of Removal of Wrecks
es forces have manned since Opens End of Canal
t March that the Americans CAIRO, Egypt -Gen. E. L.
, near the capital city Reyk- M. Burns announced yesterday
plans for expanding the base for
greement his growing United Nations police
tentative agreement, did not force in the Suez Canal zone.
ntinued United States opera- At the same time dispatches
from Port Said reported the first
[his agreement is now being of 13 ships, trapped in the canal
since the beginning of hostilities,
had been freed by the removal of
)llock Left wrecks.
The British announced that the
north end of the canal had been
unplugged by the opening of a
u dis u bed 160-foot wide channel, 25 feet
deep, through an are of sunken
ships in Port Said harbor.
Ship Moves
Shortly after, the 10,500-ton,
By PETER ECKSTEIN British- owned Liberty- ship Har-
of. James K. Pollock, chair- pagon steamed through the open-
of the political science de- ing in the wake of the British
nent, yesterday laughed off minelayer Manxman.
ges of "hostile hoodlum ruf- The Port Said dispatches quoted
sin" in Ann Arbor. British officials as saying six and
e charge was made by V. L. possibly 10 more ships in the ca-
yavtsev, a member of the nal could now get out -If the
rial board of Izvestia and of Egyptians do not object,
egation of observers studying These include the Eugenia and
recent American election, the Mary, of Liberian registry, and
Pollock conducted the ob- the Briggitte and Dorado of Pan-
rs on their visit to the Uni- amanian registry.
ty Nov. 3. Two others, including the 22,-
Placards Greeted 610-ton Liberian-registered Cities
e Russians were greeted sev- Service tanker, Statue of Liberty,
times by placards reading-were too large, however, to ma-
e the Blood off Your Hands" neuver through the present open-
making other reference to ing.
t subjugation of Eastern Eu- Operations Opposed

Acquire Mortgages
Goal is to acquire mortgages
from insurance companies up to
80 per cent of value on a forty
year constant payment amortiza-
tion plan with interest at lowest
rate available.
Standard mortgages for frater-
nity houses and similar buildings
cover about 40 per cent.
The committee hopes that the
University will guarantee the
mortgages and by doing so en-j
courage insurance companies to
provide more satisfactory finan-
Vice-President Pierpont is now
waiting to see what results frater-
nities can get before the Univer-
sity's position is determined.

Michigan Win Ends OSU Title Reign
..: ,;;.; :::. .:.. ;:.:.;:'.::Dafy Sports Editor
.-Itustseemed to be "Michigan's
Day" last Saturday in Columbus.
< YzThe 1956 football season ended
on a positive note for the Wol-
verines, who added up an overall
season record of seven wins and
: two losses, a tie for second place
in the Big Ten Conference, and a
final ranking of seventh in the
nation by the AP poll.
At the same time, the walls of
Ohio State's gigantic horseshoe
v> stadium came tumbling down for
the Buckeyes and Coach Woody
Notable Victory
Saturday's impressive 19-0 de-
feat of Ohio State will long be
remembered by most of the chilled
82 223 fans in attendance.
For the enthusiastic Michigan
contingent of nearly 10,000 the
game brought a satisfying reversal
of last year's distasteful 17-0 de-
feat in Ann Arbor.
The game also left the impres-
sion that maybe this Michigan
= yteam was the best in the Confer-
ence. After all, Michigan State
and Ohio State had fallen, Minne-
;' < 'u x :". . n 'i- hn rA nA Y

ropean nations.
A number of the demonstrators
were refugees from Latvia, Lithu-
ania and the Ukraine.
As Kudryavtsev described it,
"Americans assured us that true
Americans had nothing whatever
to do with the hostile hoodlum
ruffianism we received at the
hands of reactionary scum from
among Displaced Persons in Den-
ver, Ann Arbor and Wichita."
Prof. Pollock, when he finished
chuckling, called the description
in Izvestia "typical Russian jour-
nalism" and said the observers
were "treated very politely."
Students 'Persistent'
The students who picketed were
"a little bit persistent, but I
wouldn't say they were impolite.
"I explained that this is a free
country and that unless what they
did was against the law they were
free to do it."
He said the Russian comments
"speak something for the selec-
tivity of their thinking" when the
demonstrations were described'and
sights such as the Rackham
Building, the law library, and the
stadium were ignored.
Prof. Pollock also suggested that
"an hour and a half seminar with
me and two other elections ex-
perts in the department" would
be something the Russians would
remember, if not report,
Single Mention
The only mention in the Izvestia
article of the elections - which
the observer team was- invited to
study-was Kudryavtsev's refer-
ence to balloting going on in a
Accounts of the Russian article
did not specify whether the bal-
loting was for President of the
United States or Miss Rheingold.
Tom Dorsey
Dies in Sleep
Bandleader Tommy Dorsey choked
to death accidentally on food par-
ticles while he slept early yester-
day morning.
Greenwich medical examiner C.
Stanley Knapp said he would file
- fir inr f+ Aaf+h f.from

The Egyptians have opposed the
canal-clearing operations before
British and French forces with-
draw from Egypt, and the Egyp-
tian-held southern stretch of the
waterway remains tightly plugged.
It will take months to open it.
Gen. Burns, Canadian com-
mander of the UN Emergency
'Force told a news conference he
hopes to establish his headquar-
ters near Qantara in the canal
zone "within a relatively short
time." Qantara is 35 miles south
of Port Said and close to the cease-
fire line at El Cap.
At the same time, he said, ar-
rangements had been made to
take over three camps between
Qantara and Ismailia as an as-
sembly area for the UN police
UN Votes
Suez Police
The United Nations Assembly
overrode Soviet objections yester-
day and approved a grant of 10
million dollars to pay the initial
costs of the emergency police
force in Egypt.
The vote was 52-9 with 13 coun-
tries abstaining: Only the Soviet
bloc countries voted against it.
The United States, Britain and
France voted for it.
Thosecountr i e s abstaining
were Cambodia, Costa Rica, Cuba,
Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Israel, Luxembourg, Mexico, Nic-
aragua, Paraguay, Turkey and
South Africa.
Repayment Postponed
The resolution authorized Sec-
retary General Dag Hammar-
skjold to draw on a working capi-
tal fund of the UN for the ex-
penses. It left to later Assembly
action just how this money is to
be repaid to the capital fund.
Before the balloting, Soviet Dep-
uty Foreign Minister V. V. Kuz-
netsov demanded that Britain,
France and Israel nay the full


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