V~ I Thanksgiving 1956 Hi M4dgan DatI Sixty-Seventh Year -4 . "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. s ANN ARBOR, MICH. 0 Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: PETER ECKSTEIN AT HILL AUDITORIUM: Vienna Philharmonic Quite Unspectac ular T HE Westminister Recording Company has recently advertised that their technique for overcoming the disadvantages of the inherent lack of dynamic range in home recordings is to train the recording orchestra to restrict its range during performance. This unbelievable distortion goes under the name of "Natural Balance." Such arbitrary self-controls were bad enough confined to micro-groove dimensions; it is even more unfortunate when it obtrudes into the concert hall. Perhaps it is all a gruesome plot by Westminister et al. to inure the public to what they can get on records. Lack of dynamic range was perhaps the most obvious fault of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra last night. Fortunately at least one of the programmed compositions profited under such treatment. The & Sigma Kappa Controversy Manifestation of Deeper Issue COULD IT BE that Student Government Council has overlooked the pervading issue in their handling of the Sigma Kappa contro- versy-fraternity and sorority discrimination? Thus far, the Council has taken a very one- fold approach to the issue, preoccupied with the power they can wield. Let there be no doubt, SGC can boot the sorority off campus if it wants to. The Council can cite these excepts from "University Regulations" - "Recognition will not be granted any organi- zation which prohibits membership in the organization because of race, religion or color" and further, "Action directed toward with- drawal of official recognition may be instituted directly by ... the Student Government Coun- cil." Evidence available at this time indicates further that had the local Sigma Kappa pledged a Negro, the national would have suspended them. Thus SGC has a bylaw, Sigma Kappa appears to have tangentially violated it, and the question is will SGC use its muscle? BUT IS THIS the fundamental issue? Isn't the real issue larger than our local Sigma Kappa, larger than this campus, something that is part and parcel of the fabric of our society-discrimination? Are not 40 or 50 women who are no more bigoted than Betty Coed in the independent dormitories, who came to the University to learn like the other 22,000 of us and merely chose a different place to live, who now face losing a heavily mortgaged house which they want to call home, who happened to be recog- nized by SGC after the 1948 bylaw, and who find themeselves inextricably caught and em- barrassed by a situation which they don't Icntrol-aren't they as concerned with the rock bottom truths and issues of the situation? These concerns certainly do not SGC's taking action on December 5, add understanding to the problem. preclude but they Could SGC be so great as to stop staring at Sigma Kappa and air a larger issue-affiliate discrimination? Can Council members be so blind as to overlook the discrimination that prevails in houses which were recognized before the bylaw? Why pick on the victim of chronological circumstance? T THIS CAMPUS bandy about the issue of affiliate discrimination. There are some fundamental moral questions to be resolved. We would like to hear a fraternity athlete answer this cquestion-"Don't you think it hypocritical to be a team-mate with a Negro five nights a week for practice and for Satur- day's game and know that his race has dis- qualified him from living in your house?" In the deep South discrimination can't be discussed rationally. On this campus discus- sion has a proper environment-a rational community of minds. We have to assume that. We must also hope that reason and morality are twin brothers. SUGGESTION: SGC should hold a forum before December 5 where the Sigma Kappa controversy and the larger issue of Greek dis- crimination would be discussed. On the panel would be the Council's cabinet, Miss deBruin of Panhellenic Council and Mr. Leedy of Inter- fraternity Council. The panel would answer all audience questions. SGC will find that it can show its muscle best on this campus, not by gassing and en- forcing laws but by stimulating students to think. --JAMES ELSMAN, Jr. symphonies of Haydn are almost chamber works in character, and were not, originally intended for performance by the mammoth or- chestras of today. The 96th in D major, which opened the program, was the high spot of the concert. As often happens with Haydn, for me at least, the first movement eclipsed the remainder of the work. The development was scintillating and humorous, with a delightful Grande Pause at the beginning of the recapitulation which almost had the audience chuckling. After this the slow movement was slow; the minute, minute; and the finale, barely droll. FROM HERE ON things degen- erated badly. The next work was by someone named Berger, a con- temporary Austrian composer. It should have stayed home. No one but Ravel has succeeded in play- ing one rhythm ;ontinously for ten or more minutes without driv- ing his audience to distraction; and he wanted to, one is told. A last minute program change brought us Roussel's Bacchus et Ariane, an amusing but trivial piece. Primarily the work last night was a show, piece for the orchestra's complete lack of color. I have heard the Boston Symphony play it with far more glitter. T h e greatest disappointment came after intermission. Some may be old enough to have forgotten, and surely some are too young to 4 have known, but during the last major world conflict the letter, V, allegedly standing for the ul- timate triumph of the Allied Forces, and intimately connected in its inception with W. Churchill, statesman, of Britain, achieved a certain psychological prominence. It was Beethoven's misfortune that one F. Morse, in devising a simple code for telecommunication used a series of three beeps and a bloop for V. Beethoven had used this rhythmic pattern, to great effect, in his fifth symphony. Also V is Latin for 5. The record companies went to town. Beethoven's Fifth was THE VICTORY SYMPHONY. The poor thing was played to death. The eventual reaction was to look down on it as though it were a "popular" composition, and for a few years one rarely heard it. Now that the furor has mo- mentarily subsided, one can ap- proach the music unprejudiced; and it is good. It is exuberantly exciting, and among its historical contemporaries, startling. The life- less, flat performance last night was a great let-down to an other- wise mediocre concert. An audience surprisingly en- thusiastic in the circumstances applauded until the orchestra played, as an encore, a piece of dance music by another local com- poser; at least it was on their level. -3. P. Benkard r a WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Long-Range Peace Discussion ., .) Thanksgiving TgOMORROW is Thanksgiving. It is the traditional American holiday celebrated with feasts of turkey and cranberry sauce, squash and pumpkin pie. And celebrated with a simple pre-meal prayer saying, "Thank you." Though this prayer says little, it can mean much. It says thank you for the turkey we are eating--and thank you for all the freedoms Americans enjoy. But while we lick off the last crumbs of pumpkin pie from our forks, and weakly push ourselves from the table, troubles outside the realm of our placid Thanksgiving holiday exist. streets and dissenters are trundled off to Siberia while Russia's grip on the satellite becomes even tighter. An international dispute over the Suez waterway has resulted in Egyptians having their country ravaged by bombs, leaving fami- lies homeless and starving. Russians live in constant fear of the secret police. In many parts of Asia people live on the margin of starvation. BECAUSE these crises seem so far removed from our Thanksgiving table of turkey bones and olive pits, it is all too easy to sit back, groan a bit from indigestion and give a feeble, complacent "Thank you." -DONNA HANSON REGARDLESS of the concealed g im micksand propaganda twists in the Bulganin disarma- ment note, it comes at a time when two significant situations are at hand. They are: Foreign Minister Shepilov has hinted at the idea of a Russian- American agreement to keep the peace of the world. President Eisenhower has set himself the goal of fulfilling the pledge's he made during the elec- tion campaign-the achievement of peace. He believes he can ne- gotiate an agreement with the Russians which would bring the world at least ten years of peace. He could then go down in history as a peace president. Some advisers, especially those in the Pentagon, are vigorously opposed to these views, believe their Commander-in-Chief may be too trusting of the Russians. The State Department, among others, is skeptical. United Nations Am- bassador Henry Cabot Lodge was so suspicious when Shepilov sug- gested, at the end of an informal chat, that the United States and Russia between them could keep the peace, he was inclined to brush it aside. * * * THE CHAT took place in New York. Shepilov suggested that Britain and France were no longer y DREW PEARSON first-class powers. He congratu- lated the United States for con- demning their attack on Egypt and suggested that Russia and the U.S.A. work together in the future. The reasoning of the President, according to close friends, goes something like this: The Kremlin knows that World War III would destroy Russia as well as the United States. This, incidentally, was Eisenhower's in- terpretation of the Russian state- of-mind even before Bulganin put it in exactly those words in last week's disarmament proposal. The Kremlin also knows that in time of war it could not possibly control the satellite peoples. Con- trol over them depends on trans- portation and communication; and in time of war transportation and communication would be cut off. The satellites would revolt. The g r e a t unassimilated population masses of the U.S.S.R. would be in turmoil. * * * THEREFORE, Eisenhower reas- ons, the Kremlin needs peace and knows that it needs peace. Accordingly, a marriage of con- venience might be worked out whereby Russia agreed to keep out of the Near East and the U.S.A. agreed to keep hands off the sate- llite countries. Russia would police all of Eastern Europe. The United States, in turn, would be left to work out the future of the Near East and Africa. This cuts squarely across elec- tion promises made by both Eisen- hower and Dulles to free the sate- llite nations, but it's reasoned that world peace would be worth this sacrifice. The broad outline of the Presi- dent's thinking goes, back to the same principle President Roosevelt was working on with Stalin and Churchill, and which Eisenhower, then commander in Europe, ,was cognizant of. It was in conformity with this over-all plan that he pulled U.S. troops out of Czecho- slovakia after General Patten .c- cupied that country; also pulled U.S. troops out of Potsdam and down to south of the River Elbe. * * * CHURCHILL, Stalin, and Roos- evelt had gone so far as to dis- cuss a division of the Balkans whereby Yugoslavia and Greece were to remain under British in- fluence, with Bulgaria and Ro- mania under Russian influence. To this end, Stalin even gave Churchil advice that the man to work with in Yugoslavia was a Croat leader named Tito, then an upstart underground leader in the Balkans. (Copyright 1956 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) SOUTHERN SCHOOLS: Separate, But Equal? By SOL PLAFKIN Can segregated schools really be "separate and equal?" It was with the above question in mind that this writer recently visited a new Negro segregated school in the suburb of a large Florida City. The school has only been open a year. It is a magnificent edifice, constructed basically of white brick in a U-shape, and incorporating a modest outdoor flower garden, a distinct contrast to the adjacent neighborhood composed of shanties where Negro laborers and migrant workers live. The architects, utilising the continual Southern sun- shine, laid out the school's major hallways along the outdoor court of the building. In this manner, the children could feel that they were not "inside" the confines of the building all day long. In building structures like this, Southern leaders are attempting to prove that they can provide "separate and equal" facilities for Negro / Nations abroad Hungary, people1 for independence. are divided and torn. In have been fighting vainly Rebels are shot in the Agreementon Bendix Laboratory ENDIX AVIATION Corporation's establish- ment of a weapons systems division adia- cent to'North Campus is in the final stages of ratification, with all concerned parties reportedly well-satisfied with the outcome. Bendix Aviation, University and Ann Arbor City officials are awaiting only formal signing of the proposal which will officially confirm the building of a second large research-de- velopment industry. A dispute which conceivably could have arisen in the situation involving the City and Bendix Aviation directly and the University indirectly was circumvented by negotiations between offiicals of the three concerns. THE ONLY financial interest the University now has in the location of Bendix Aviation at North Campus consists of payment for sanitary sewage and water faciulties which will run through University property to the Bendix Aviation buildings. Because the University will also benefit from the extension of the City's facilities they have agreed to pay the pro rata costs. Payment of the pro rata expenses for the facilities will be the University's only direct connection with an otherwise strictly City- Bendix-private realtor transaction. THREE MONTHS AGO Bendix expressed interest in a plot of land on North Campus. Had that company decided to purchase land from the University, instead of the privately- owned 56 acres off of, but bordering North Campus, a City-University dispute may have been created. But City, and University officials as well, felt the best interest of all three concerns would be best served by Bendix locating on the land adjoining North Campus; and this deci- sion, when approved by Bendix, completely eliminated any possibility of University-City disagreement. In achieving a peaceful and satisfying result on an important and tenuous issue, University and City officials made a long stride toward developing the North Campus area and cre- ating amiable relations between Ann Arbor and Campus officials. -WILLIAM HANEY LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Congratulations, Welcome, Tsk-Tsk Residence Halls Guidance IT WOULD appear that educators and ad- ministrators are finally becoming fully cog- nizant of the importance of housing to the future of the University. We can assume that the problem of where to put the student has for some time been in the minds of those con- nected with the University and certain of the public. That this is now coming fully into the open was indicated by action of the Board of Gover- nors of the Residence Halls yesterday when they instructed the student committee making preliminary plans for the residence hall on North Campus to submit a written report by the next Board meeting so that work on this new dormitory can proceed as rapidly as pos- By their action the Board told the committee to shake the lead that has consistently slowed it since establishment last year. This is an or- der that should not have been necessary as it reflects poorly on student committees. THE CONTINUAL housing crisis is a topic we hope the Board will discuss at every op- portunity. Such discussion is clearly needed if any sort of solution is to be found. Unfortunately, with the Board's crowded agenda the discussion of future building plans barely got off the ground at yesterday's meet- ing. This is somewhat understandable since the body meets regularly only once a month. With a11 dnunresnect for the full schedule Congratulations- and Thank You ,. . ED. NOTE: The following letter was received from the Democratic nominee for President, Adlai Ste- venson, in response to an editorial (Oct. 30) by Daily reporter, Peter Eckstein. Dear Mr. Eckstein, I SHOULD have written you long before this to thank you for your letter and for that superb editorial. I am not exagerating when I say it was the finest pre- sentation of the Democratic posi- tion that I saw anywhere in the campaign. I am, of course, profoundly grateful to you for all your help and encouragement and only re- gret that I didn't do better by you on Tuesday. With warmest good wishes and my thanks to you and your associ- ation at the Michigan Daily for the honor you did me, I am Cordially, -Adlai E. Stevenson Cordial Invitation .. . To the Editor: ONCE again the Buckeyes and Michigan will tangle this week- What Meaning? ro the Editor: JAMES ELSMAN'S editorial of Nov. 11 seems to be typical of the banal sloganeering that has been plaguing the editorial col- umns of the Daily recently. The principal inanity is as follows: "We will fight and die that our survivors may live and be free." It is quite clear that Mr. Elsman has failed completely to consider the consequences of an atomic war, or any kind of large-scale, modern war, for that-matter. Let us assume Mr. Elsman's war has taken place, and let us assume the best possible set of circumstances for the survivors. Radiation poisoning would kill many of the 10 million survivors. Disease, lack of food, sanitary and medical supplies would kill many more. What would these "free and live" survivors faced Total dis- organizations with which no amount of "Civil Defense" could cope, anarchy, contaminated and inadequate food, the end of our technological civilization, hun- ger, disease, and threat of easy, violent, and premature death. Consider, Mr. Elsman, what you would be free to do under these Press Responsibility... To the Editor: REGARDING SGC's censure of The Daily's front-page, elec- tion-day editorial endorsing cer- tain SGC candidates, you say in your answering editorial that "a governmental organization (SGC) ... is attempting to make a stab a freedom of the press." Freedom of the press is an im- portant part of democracy. But have you ever heard of "responsi- bility" of the press? You say that "no democratic government is on good grounds when it questions editorial free- dom outside the limitations of libel, slander, and good taste." Your "good taste" in the matter is exactly what is being questioned. Had the editorial been printed one or more days before the elec- tions, probably nothing would have been said about it. But to have appeared as it did on the morning of election day, worded as it was, it seemed to be a man- date to students to vote for the candidates "approved" by The Daily. It is this last-minute appear- ance which is objectionable, not the editorial stand or the editorial school children. What better ar- gument could the South offer to the Supreme Court edict against segregation? THE NEGRO principal of the school, a comely woman in her mid-thirties with an M.A. from Columbia University, did not feel that buildings alone could provide a solution to the racial problem in the South. "I don't want equality only in school buildings," she insisted, "but in respect and dignity as a human being!" "Certainly the county has given us the best in facilities and ade- quate classroom space for the children. But that isn't enough. We'll always be considered infer- ior as long as we are segregated." She pointed angrily across the road from the school to a high wire fence, beyond which lay a group of new brick homes. "What are they afraid of, those whites?" she asked. "Do they have to put up a fence to protect them- selves from us? Aren't we also human beings?" * * . SHE THEN SPOKE of the diffi- culties encountered by her faculty in working with the children. "So many of our children," she explained, "have had little life ex- perience before they came to school. Many come from migrant families - crop followers -. who can't read and don't even own a radio. One of my teachers took her sixth grade downtown last week and found that many of the pupils had never even seen an elevator before.' When asked how a person with her anti-segregation attitude ever obtained a position as principal of a segregated school, she smiled. "I don't know exactly," she re- plied. "I have been pretty out- spoken at the meetings of the county school board. I imagine that my educational background just qualified me for the job." "HOWEVER," she insisted, "I am unhappy with the present sit- uation and the people on the school board know it. They've told us to ,,i+ ti--ht and wait." young sixth-grade male teacher who had excellent rapport with his pupils. * * * ALTHOUGH MANY of the child- ren were retarded, he did not treat them in a condescending manner. He spoke to them and instructed them as if they were potentially intelligent human beings-capable of mature thinking and study. After the tour the principal con- cluded by stating that she was not particularly interested in main- taining her high position in this segregated structure. "It is more important that I help my own people develop a greater feeling of self-respect than they now have. And they cannot do this in segregated schools which brand them as being 'different,' no mat- ter how beautiful and well-fur- nished those buildings may be!" DIAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an of- ficial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. No- tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preced- ing publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1956 VOL., LXVII, NO. 52 General Notices Thanksgiving Holiday. All offices and service departments of the University will be closed on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 22, end will resume operations on Fri., Nov. 23. Heating Plant and emer- gency maintenance operations will op- erate on the regular holiday basis. Regents Meeting: Fri., Dec. 14. Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than Dec. 5. Women's Swimming Pool -- Thanks- giving Week-end Recreational Swim- mina Hours: .a l II I