Str tgan
Latest Deadline in the State
.do---dw- - I
VOL. LXVII, No. 55
'U' Ranked Low
In Negro Hiring
Self Survey Calls Race 'Substantial'
Factor In Ann Arbor Employment
Race is a "substantial" factor in Negro employment opportuni-
ties in Ann Arbor, according to findings of the Ann Arbor Self Sur-
vey announced yesterday by Donald Pelz, Administrative Director.
Other findings listed the academic branches of the University
low in Negro employment, especially in percentages of manual work-
ers employed who are Negroes.
64 Cents an hour
Pelz, a study director at the Survey Research Center who serves
the self-survey on a volunteer basis, said that Negro and white pay
. _ _ _ _ __ _
Judge Defers Verdict
In U.S. Contempt Trial
Special to The Daily
GRAND RAPIDS - The trial of H. Chandler Davis, former
University mathematics instructor charged with contempt of Con-
gress, ended yesterday pending a decision by Federal Judge W. Wal-
lace Kent.
Davis, now a Columbia University instructor, was released with-
out bond until the court is prepared to present a written verdict.
"Might Be Weeks"
Adams Again Elected
T do
differentials in Ann Arbor went
Editor Hits
Our present increased concer
for the superior student is less fo
talent than it is "for our skins
Russell Lynes, managing editor
Harper's said here yesterday.
Addressing the 10th annual Con
ference on Higher Educatioa
whose theme is the developme
of superior talent, he emphasize
that we are frightened becau
we hear of Russia's "tremendo
emphasis on developmento
scientists and engineers," and th
rich rewards the successful on
Sense of Comfort
He noted that in spite of mone
spent to entice the young mt
such careers, we seem unable t
get sufficient numbers "to give u
any sense of national comfort an
"It's too bad, he added, th
we should be "motivated by fea
for what we may lose rather tha
conviction for what we migh
Frank H. Bowles, director o
College Entrance Examinatio
Board, criticized many college
for taking a passive role in t
development of the superior st
Enriched Program
He suggested to the conferenc
that colleges and high school
work together to provide an en
iiched program for superior stu
dents at the secondary scho
"As our colleges continue t
develop and expand," he explain
ed, they will have to turn to th
secondary schools for help in iden
tification of the superior studen
and in training for this talent.
He defined the superior studen
as one who has an I.Q of 130 o
better and that his achievemen
measurements will place him it
the upper five per cent of th
student group.
Generally, he continued, "h
possesses such character traits a
a willingness to spend time beyon
the ordinary schedule in a give
task and a willingness to with
stand discomfort" and failure.
Lynes derided the recognitio
given to the administrator i
terms of financial rewards. "Th
talented man in the big busines
pyramid is servant, not master,
he said.
Below the Vice-President
"Wherever you look for th
talented man in our society yoi
are likely to find him somewher
below the vice-president in charg
of sales."
He cited "three uncomfortabl
ways" to encourage talent:
1) We must pay the same re
spect to creative ability as we d
to administrative.
2) We must create a climat
in which security is not the ulti
mate goal of human endeavor.
3) We must be willing to a
cept the unpopular fact that ulti-
mate good as the many see it i
rarely identical with the ultimat
good as the talented man sees it
Inquest Requested
In Lillard Suicide
Washtenaw County Prosecuting
Attorney Edmond F. DeVine yes-
terday asked for a coroner's in-
quest of the death of James Lil-
lard, who committed suicide Oct
59 +sal:ammit~'c.TrTillnna THom.
as high as 60 cents an hour for some
-(~categories of jobs and of educa-
tional backgrounds.
He told the morning session of
the Institute in Human Relations,
sponsored by the Ann Arbor
Roundtable of the National Con-
ference of Christians and Jews,
that differences in education and
occupation could not fully explain
an average Negro-white male
wage differential of approximate-
ly 50 cents an hour.
Charts based on self-survey fig-
rures also showed much higher
r percentages of whites employed as
~ white collar workers for each edu-
, cational level, with many more
Negroes being employed in jobs
aclassed as manual labor.
n, 45 Sponsors
Exactfigures will be made pub-
d lic, Pelz announced, as soon as the
se self-survey report is approved by
sthe group's policy committee,
of which includes representatives of
e each of the survey's 45 sponsoring
es organizations.
In comparisons of nine types
of Ann Arbor employers accord-
ing to percentages of Negroes
y hired, the self-survey found hos-
o pitals -- including the Univer-
s sity's-ranking highest, with util-
d ities and University academic
d buanches employing the lowest
at percentage of Negroes. The Uni-
versity's academic branches also
n ranked second from the bottom
it n employment of Negroes as man-
ual workers.
f "About in the Middle"
)n University non-academic bran-
n ches - excluding the Hospital-
e ranked "about in the middle", ac-
- cording to Pelz.
"The wide variation in employ-
ment patterns," he concluded,
"suggests that some types of em-
e ployers may not be as open-
Ls minded as others in considering
- colored applicants."
- The areas of new residents and
al youth were also covered by the
Pelz concluded, from survey
e data that there is a greater de-
e sire for jobs by young people than
- there are openings for them, and
it that a need is felt for mare voca-
t tional guidance.
Long Period of Time
r Pelz said that new residents
t often plan on making Ann Arbor
n their home for a long period of
e time, but that few of them report
e a " strong sense of belonging to
s the community."
Many desire greater participa-
d tion in community organizations,
n he noted, but "the leaders of such
organizations in general are not
disturbed by their lack of parti-
n cipation."
e . Survey results were discussed
s in afternoon sessions of the Insti-
, tute.
Officials of the court would i
of re-convening, saying only that'
Violence Hits
Capital City
DAMASCUS, Syria (A')- Wide-
spread violence has broken out
on, and the Lebanese army was
in Beirut, capital of Arab Leban-
called on yesterday to restore or-
Tanks were seen patrolling the
Beirut streets after unidentified
persons bombed the French-own-
ed Bank of Syria and Lebanon.
Two gendarmes were wounded
in the bombing and serious dam-
age was done to the building, re-
ports from Beirut said. Strict cen-
sorship prevails in Lebanon.
Earlier Syrian newspapers re-
ported two unsuccessful attempts
to blow up the Lebanese presiden-
tial palace and the Foreign Min-
istry building in Beirut.
The papers said Lebanese secur-
ity authorities recently discovered
a time bomb under the reception
hall of the presidential palace. An-
other was found near the Foreign
Ministry building. Both bombs
were removed in time to prevent
Unidentified persons also re-
cently bombed the British Bank of
the Middle East and the British
St. George Club in Beirut.
The government of Lebanon has
been in the throes of a crisis over
the British-French invasion of
not speculate onthe possible date
"it might be weeks" before Judge
4Kent would declare his opinion.
New York Defense Attorney
Philip A. Wittenberg opened Tues-
day's two-hour session by resum-
Ing the argument of his previous
motion to dismiss the indictment,
which includes 26 counts, and dis-
charge the defendant on grounds
that the government had failed to
prove its charges.
Wittenberg charged the Inves-
tigations of the,,subcommittee be-
fore which Davis appeared in Lan-
sing, May 10, 1954 had "gone
far beyond their powers."
"Exposing to the People"
He also questioned the right of
the committee to act under its
avowed intention of "exposing to
the people of Michigan the fields
of Communist activity and the
identity of persons engaged in
(that activity). "
United States attorney Wendell
A. Miles upheld the right of the
subcommittee, then headed by
former Representative Kit Clardy
of Lansing, to question witnesses
in the manner it deemed neces-
He maintained the govern-
ment's case was based on evidence
procured at earlier committee
meetings which suggested dan-
gerous infiltration into education-
al institutions by former Commu-
nists and party members.
The postponement of verdict,
came as a surprise to the defend-
Last Issue
The Daily ceases publication
with this issue for Thanksgiv-
ing vacation.
Publication will resume Tues-
day, Nov. 27.
Collins Also
Get Positions
Ballots Needed
Elect New Veep
-Daily-Charles Curtiss
SGC OFFICERS - Those elected last night are Lew Engman, '57, Treasurer, Joe Collins, '58,
Vice-President, and Bill Adams, '57 BAd, President. By acclamation, Adams takes his second sem-
ester as head of SGC.
t Asks Inuir of Alleged Atrocities
CAIRO (P)-Egypt asked thev
United Nations yesterday to in-
vestigate its charges that invading
British, French and Israeli forces
committed atrocities on civilians.
An official statement forwarded
to UN Secretary General Dag
Hammarskjold said the Egyptian
government wants the UN to set
up a committee "for the purpose
of investigating into the barbarous
While Egypt pressed its charges
a company of Norwegian UN
police troops prepared to move
into Po t Said today to try to ease
tension etween the Egyptians and
occupying British-French forces.
The Egyptians have raised the
charges of atrocities before and
they have been denied by the Brit-
ish, French and Israeli govern-
Now, the official statement said,
Egypt proposes that the UN in-
vestigate the charges in coopera-
tion with the International Red
"The Egyptian government de-
mands the aggressors should be
punished.-so that the world may
live in peace. If they are left un-
punished for their crimes, aggres-
sion wvill be repeated in a more
violent manner," the statement
The government charged British
and French forces in Port Said
"violated mansions, fired without
discrimination on peaceful women
and children in their homes, rob-
bed civilians and compelled them
to work by force of arms."
The statement then invited the
UN to investigate British, French
and Israeli charges that Israel's
army had seized 50 million dollars
worth of Soviet-made military
equipment in Sinai. It said Egypt
lost only 30 medium tanks and
50 armored cars.
More UN police forces were fly-
ing into Egypt. The UN office
in Cairo said 696 officers and men
were now here.
World News
By The Associated Press
LONDON-The prospect of a
cheerless . and chilly Christmas
was brought home by Britons yes-
terday with the imposition of oil
Orders went out to cut motor-
ists down to a basic 200 miles of
driving a month-less than seven
miles a day.
Apartment houses and other
ninindustrial buildings with cen-
tral heating will have their gas-
diesel oil supplies cut by a third,
their fuel oil by a fourth.
DAMASCUS, Syria - Syria an-
nounced yesterday the cancella-
tion of all contracts with British
and French companies and barred
piping of oil for Western Europe.
Diplomatic relations vith Bri-
tain and France were broken two
weeks ago in the Suez conflict.
The move on the contracts ap-
parently was the first step in
breaking off economic relations.
BUDAPEST-Some Soviet tank
units seem to have pulled out of
Budapest, whose major industrial
areas remain paralyzed by a sit-
down strike.
There was no sign of Russian
infantry here yesterday.
* * *
AMMAN, Jordan - Parliament
urged yesterday without a dis-
senting vote that King Hussein
break the old military subsidy
alliance with Britain and set up
relations with Russia and Red
Bill Adams, '57BAd, was re-
elected by acclamation to the
Student Government Council
Presidency last night.
Former Treasurer Joe Collins,
'58, defeated former- Vice-Presi-
dent Janet Neary, '58, for the
office of Vice-President by a vote
of 10 to eight.
Former Campus Affairs Chair-
man Lew Engman, '57, was elected
The Vice-Presidential race went
to six secret ballots. Besides Col-
lins and Miss Neary, Education
and Social Welfare Chairman
Tom Sawyer, '58, was nominated
for the position. He was dropped
on the first ballot.
In the run-off, Miss Neary and
Collins tied four times, despite
a five-minuterecess between the
third and fourth ballots. On the
fifth ballot, Collins switched his
vote to Miss Neary, while another
Council member switched to Col-
lins. On the last ballot, Collins
switched his vote back to to him-,
self, bringing the 9-9 deadlock to
to 10 to eight.
Sawyer was also nominated for
Treasurer, but declined, leaving
Engman unopposed for that of-
fice. A motion to elect him by
acclamation did not get the unan-
imous consent of the body, but
since there was no contest, he
was declared elected.
Harlan Givelber, '57, appeared
before the Council to report on
the activities of the Academic
Calendaring Committee. Accord-
ing to Givelber, the Committee,
composed of the deans of the
various schools and colleges and
two students, himself and Georgia
Strain, '57, decided at its first
meeting to temporarily disband
until the new academic calendar
has been in effect for a while.
SGC last spring requested As-
sistant to the President Erich A.
Walter to set up a committee to
study the new calendar, which
met with some student disap-
proval because of shortened vaca-
tion periods.
Givelber said the non-student
members of the committee in gen-
eral felt that the new calendar
should be -given some time to work
out before revisions were dis-
cussed. It decided not to meet for
at least three semesters.
The Council unanimously ap-
proved a motion by Inter-House
Council President Bob Warrick,
'57E, to set up a four-member
committee to study the situation
and gather opinion and report
back to SGC as soon as possible.
SGC Activities
Cover Broad
Problem Area
Activities of SGC range all the
way from studying the academic
counselling system to the investi-
gation of illegal ticket sales and
The bulk of SGC's work is hand-
led through several permanent
committees. Following is a sum-
mary of the current work of six
of these committees.
Public Relations Committee
Under the chairmanship of Ron
Shorr, '58BAd, the Public Rela-
tions Committee serves as the
principle publicity organ of SGC.
It publishes the SGC "Review," a
newsheet summarizing SGC activ-
ities and giving information about
other campus organizations. Al-
though published only once this
semester, Shorr plans to print the
"Review" monthly.
The committee- plans to offer
other general information srvice
Dorm Study
Group Asked
To Hurry Plan
The student committee plan-
ning the new coed residence
hall on North Campus was in-
structed yesterday to complete
their work and prepare a written
report by Dec. 18.
Vice-president for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis told the
Board of Governors of the Resi-
dence Halls that projected growth
estimates for the next five years
at the University have made rapid
action on the dormitory necessary.
He said that the student com-
mittee should complete their re-
port by the December 18 meeting
of the Board when planning will
be turned over to an architect's
In other action the Board re-
scinded a policy set last year re-
quiring Ann Arbor residents en-
tering the TTniversitv'whn ihad
-Daly-Charles Curtiss
AWAY HE GOES-Like the thousands of others taking part in
the mass Thanksgiving exodus from Ann Arbor today, this student
waits anxiously for the quickest means of transportation home.
DOWN THEY GO - Near the end of last year's wild Ohio State
football game in Michigan Stadium, the excited mob succeeded
in tearing down the goal posts. The Wolverines will' encounter
their long-time Buckeye rivals once again this Saturday at
Trips Home, OSU Game to Leave Few on Campus
The only sound left will be the
wind whistling through the bare
Gone will be the helter-skelter
groups of bikes parked in front
of the main library. Stilled will be
the cries of salesmen selling tick-
ets on the Diag to the coming
weekend's functions. Clear will be
the smoke-filled corridors of An-
gell Hall.
The campus will be deserted.
Of 21,000 students attending
the University, only 710 will be
staying for Thanksgiving dinner
-barely enough to fill Couzens
and West Quad dining rooms.
ficials, however, do not expect
more than the usual holiday rush.
The New York Central 7:17
Wolverine special to New York
and points east is completely sold
out. However, there is an unre-
served train leaving at 4:15 p.m.
today, which will carry extra cars
or second sections if needed.
Foreign Students
Through the efforts of the In-
ternational Center and Lane Hall,
250 to 300 foreign students are
spending the day or weekend in
American homes.
Several weeks ago, cards were
sent to all foreign students on
campus inviting them to spend
+h. rinv it n Amirnani familyi-
Associate Sports Editor
It's not vacation-time yet for the
Michigan football team.
Still to be taken care of is one
game of no small importance this
Saturday against Ohio State at
Columbus. Into it the Wolverines
carry a two-year grudge plus
hopes of finishing the present sea-
son on a high note with their
fourth straight victory.
It will mark the 53rd meeting
of the two squads with Michigan
holding a decided 33-15-4 edge up
to now. But two of the Buckeye
triumphs have come in the past
two seasons, 21-7 in 1954 and 17-0
1-. _ _ 11 l
For the Buckeyes, victory is a
necessity in order to retain at least
a share of the Big Ten Champion-
ship for the third straight year.
Ohio State's present 4-1 Confer-
ence record places it a half-game,
behind Bowl-bound Iowa, which
finishes its season this week out
of the Conference against Notre
Victory for Michigan would not
only compensate for shattering
losses to the Buckeyes in 1954 and
1955, but it would also move the
Wolverines ahead of Ohio State,
possibly even into second place in
the Big Ten, if favored Minnesota
should lose Saturday.
Resisance t M' Offens