TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20,1956 T TBE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE rM'E Greek Week Committees Announced Members of the Greek Week Central Committee have been an- pounced by general co-chairmen Nancy Murphy, and Bill Johnson. Ann Sterling, Alpha Delta Pi, Jean Willoughby, Chi Omega, Tony Weiler, Phi Delta Theta, and Tom Calcaterra, Alpha Tau Omega, are the special events chairmen, while Mary Beth Myss, Sigma Kappa and Dick Palma, Chi Psi, will di- vide duties as exchange dinners1 co-chairmen. Marilyn Jackson, Chi Omega and Jim Hogan, Beta Theta Pi are directing the secretarial committee, while Sally Glass, Sigma Kappa and Sheldon Baum, Sigma Alpha Mu will handle publicity. President's Conference The president's conference -o- chairmen are Joan Pfeiffer, Kappa Alpha Theta and Cal Strom. Tak- ing charge of the Panhellenic tea is Gretchen Webster of Kappa Alpha Theta. Four students will direct the booklet committees. They are Fred Zinger, Triangle, Hank Kerr, Theta Delta Chi, Lysbett Hoffman, Alpha Xi Delta, and Cynthia Cross, Delta Gamma. ELVIS PRESLEY-Dean Deborah Bacon, impersonating Elvis Presley, participated in one of the more riotous of the evening's skits. SECOND PLACE-Betsy Barbour capti wed second place with her presentation of "Harlan Hatcher at U. W4 H." at the annual Fort- nite program yesterday. *t * our quilted dream duster of caress-soft nylon tricot is lightweight warmth With charming femininity ,.., a nylon-lined lace-frothed gown-topper by Evelyn Pearson that combines a look of sweet fragility with carefreew' durability. Beautiful now ... and for someone special at Christmas. Pink or blue with matching lace. 14.95 ', .. BARBOUR, COUZENS TAKE AWARDS: Newberry Places First I n Fortnite Contest 4 , By BEATA JORGENSON Helen Newberry took top hon- ors at a rigorous Fortnite rivalry last night with their presentation of "Peanuts Cbmes To Michigan." Originality was apparent in the Newberry skit, which burlesqued the popular "Peanuts" comic strip complete with Charlie Brown, Lucy and Snoopy, sporting an "I Go Pogo" sign. Second place standing was awarded to Betsy Barbour and their skit, "Harlan Hatcher at the U. of H." Angels at the Universe of Heaven were paid a visit by Bar- bour's President Hatcher who en- tered heaven sadly, but became anxious to return to the Univer- sity because of the angel's promp- tings. Couzens' Skit Couzens' production of "It Is" earned third place honors for the nurses. "Only Heaven Knows Where Germs Come From" was sung by seven germs to three sleeping University coeds. True to custom, the hero's of Couzens' skit were two nurses who came to the coeds' rescue, by kill- ing the germs of peculiar dis- eases common to University stu- dents. By far the most riotous skit of the evening was that presented by the deans of women and the house directors. Dean Deborah Bacon, impersonating the con- SeHattendorf,Kpp Aph troversial Elvis Presley, achieved pr es'idents of the independent wo- Theta will have sole charge of the great success complete with side m en,'s residences on campus. Panhellenic workshop. burns and guitar, as she sank D ean Elizabeth Davenprot pre- Monday Event "Hound Dog" and "Don't Be sffl.ed the scholarship cups to the Cruel." 1htoses with the best acadenic The Monday night event co- Before "Elvis's" appearance, the a ve rages. chairmen are Sandra Beer, Sigma house directors entertained with a lrvlartha Cook took top honors Delta Tau and George Grove, Lam- country hoedown. for having the highest all around bda Chi Alpha. Jennie Morgan of 'Only Heaven Knows' a ru demic average among women's Alpha Xi Delta, who is handling "Only Heaven Knows" was the d DI:ms with a 3.07. the Interfraternity Council Sing, theme chosen for the 23rd annual completes the list of Greek Week Fortnite contest. Osterweil took first place in the chairmen. Spnsor e never year t - rup which contains under 100 The week of activities being Sponsored every year by the As- men. An ICCco-op, which en- planned by the University's sorori- sembly Association, the produc- tea ed the competition for the first ties and fraternities will com- chance to let down their hair and tir ne this year, their grade-point memorate the 110th year anniver- display their originality and in- av erage was 3.01. sary of Greek societies on campus. genuity in writing and producing. In the class of dormitories hous- Last year's Greek Week had as Awelcoming song and dancei. iig 101-200 students, Betsy Bar- its theme the Olympics. One of routine featuring the Assembly bt iur placed first with an average the featured events was a mara- Board opened this year's Fortnite df 2.98. thon in which each fraternity en- program. For the dormitories with over tered a team. The IFC Sing, and a Following the presentation of 201 residents,Couzens placed first lunch at Ferry Field Were other the residence hall skits, Joyce ,ith an average of 2.67. features of the week. Reubens announced the newly tapped members of Senior So - ' -' S tD c m e the-hnor r-'tr peN areer Conference Set for December ciety, the honorary for independ- J.AJ e o ent women who have made out-f-- standing contributions in leader- Women's honoraries, Senior So- ship and service. 4 ciety, Mortar Board and Scroll, in work, and airline hostesses. After House Presidents f co-operation with the Bureau of the speeches, there will be infor- Next 'on the program was the, Appointments, are sponsoring a mal question and answer periods. presentation by ,Assembly presi-- career conference on Saturday, All women, especially juniors dent, Jean Scruggs, of pins to th & Dec. 1, from 2 to 5 p.m. at the and seniors who have not already nlnaneu 1n; eir ajr, areivuca LO Traditional Festivities Liven Coeds' Senior Night Agenda 0' By SUE RAUNHEIM One evening a year, senior wom- en gather for the traditional fes- tivities of the Senior Night dinner and program. This event dates back to 1933 when a senior supper was held in Betsy Barbour dormitory. After dinner, coeds clothed in caps and gowns, paraded to Waterman gym- nasium to see the new show pre- sented for them by junior women. When the union was completed, senior suppers were held in the new building. The ensuing show was at that time held in the old Whitney Theatre on Main Street. Traditional Dinners Held Starting in 1936, and continuing to the present time, traditional dinners have been held in the League. During the war years, the Senior Supper was discontinued, although seniors were still invited to attend the first production of Junior Girl's Play. Senior Supper became Senior Night in 1949 with the traditional march from the library to the League starting at 5:30 p.m. Fol- lowing the parade, a banquet is served in the League Ballroom. Romantic Status At the dinner, each senior wom- an bears a sign of her romantic status. A married coed carries a candle, and those who are engaged suck lemons. A pin cushion especially made by Miss Ethel McCormick, Social Director of the League, holds safe- ty pins which a pinned coed must wear instead of the traditional fraternity pin. Every senior night, the general chairman inscribes her name on the cushion at the end of the ceremony. Unattached coeds carry pennies to toss in a wishing well, one for each year of their age. After the dinner, the seniors see a preview of the JGP production, presented in their honor by the junior women in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. In 1938, the custom of throwing pennies was tabooed. In previous years the seniors wore caps and gowns but due to the increase of the garments in price the custom was dropped in 1952. | Skating Club The co-recreational Figure Skating Club will hold its re- organizational meeting at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the Women's I Athletic Building. ,. Women's League. The program will include speech- es from prominent leaders in the fields of advertising, counseling, civil service, banking, biological research, journalism, librarian work, insurance, personnel, physi- cal therapy, psychology, publish- ing, radio and TV, retailing, social closed their major, are vited to attend. 1 DO YOU WEAR GLASSES? See the New Type, Tiny, Plastic, Invisible, Fluidless CONTACT LENSES Safe and practical for work and play. Write or phone for a free booklet about contact lenses or drop in for a free demonstration. BETTER VISION CENTER 706 Wolverine Bldg.-4th and Washington Sts. Ann Arbor Phone NO 8-6019 Main Store ON FOREST off South U. CAMPUS TOGS 1111 South U. t' I if's F Pu, Smart guys and gals going places:.. o j } 00 basically beaut 4' gul.. wonderfully w g arable Sacoe Iy wool-and- acron I flannel .suit $3501.Y Going home . . . to the games . . . weekend visits. The going's easier in Scenicruiser Luxury 1/ CHICAGO sC OY I q I -, 7~ m 7 u A 17