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November 18, 1956 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1956-11-18

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Guild Members Pursue Avocation

way. "Competivness is at a low
ebb. Every trick we know is passed
on to whoever it may help.
It is almost as much fun to
see someone else get a nice pot
out of the kiln as it is to do
so one's self."
The guild runs three evening
classes of twelve students each
and the courses run for eight
weeks. Two nationally known pot-
ters instruct the classes.

Dues Cover All
Yearly dues cover everything,
giving the members the use of six
kick wheels, a good sized kiln,
clay, glazing material and any
other avaliable material.
Most of the members started as
beginners. This is their avocation,
not vocation, consequently no or-
ganized attempt is made to ex-
hibit or sell.
From its inception, however,
work of both instructors and stu-
dents has been accepted in some
of the biggest ceramic shows in
the country.
When the guild was born, seven
years ago, it faced the grave pos-
sibility of infant mortality due
to financial difficulties.
"But, vigorous economy, inge-
nuity and, at our lowest point, a
few loans from members, kept us
solvent," recalled one enthusiastic
The Potters Guild is an example
of an organization which pro-
vides an outlet for creative ability
plus the rewarding by-product of
loyalty and friendship which
grows out of shared work and

-Daily-David Arnold
THE KICK WHEEL-A young student is engrossed in one of the
first steps of pottery making, giving the clay a form. She rotates
the wheel with her foot as her hands skillfully mold a bowl.

Here's one organization that has
literally gone to pot.
Hidden in an alley off of East
William, in a vine-covered garage,
creative Ann Arborites gather to
pursue their common avocation,
pottery making.
Inside a young elementary
school teacher is busy working a
kick wheel, as her hands carefully
mold the elastic brown clay. How
did she become interested in cera-
Looking up for a moment, she
explains that one day she was
walking by and saw sign "Potters
Guild" over the garage in the
alley and came in to inquire. "I
have been coming regularly ever
since," she concludes.
Makes Bowl
The young man in the corner,
president of the organization and
a French instructor at the Uni-
versity, is skillfully making a de-
sign on a large oblong bowl.
He explains that the Potters
Guild was founded in 1949 by a
group of eight amateur and t/o
professional potters.
Their purpose was a non-profit,
cooperative group, where mem-
bers of the community could do
serious work in ceramics.
"We are not here to make mo-
ney," he explains, "but to give
those interested an opportunity to
learn about clay."
Roger Williams Fellowship, Bible
Glass, 9:45 a.m., Guild House.
Roger Williams Fellowship, Cabinet
Meeting, 6 p.m., Guild House.
* * *
Michigan Christain Fellowship, Lec-
ture 4 p.m. Lane Hall, Speaker: Dr.
John Luchies, "A Christian View of
Relative Morality."
k*. " "
Unitarian Student Group, Tri-U
Meeting, 3 p.m., First Unitarian Church.
Graduate Outing Club,. Hike and
Supper, 2 p.m., Rackham Building.
Congregational and Disciples Stu-
dent Guild, "Jamboree Supper" fol-
lowed by Worship, 5:30 p.m., Congre-
gational Church.
Hillel, Sunday Supper Club, 6 p.m.,
Lutheran Student Association Sup-
per, 6 p.m., Lutheran Student Center.
- - -
Wesleyan Guild, Fellowship Supper,
UCF program, 5:30 p.m.
s " a
Gamma Delta, Supper, Meeting, En-
sian Picture, 6 p.m., Lutheran Student
Center, 1511 Washtenaw.
1' * *
Student Religious Association, Folk
Dancing, 7:30-10 p.m. Monday, Lane
University of Michigan Folk Dances,
Organizational Meeting, 8 p.m., Mon-
day, Lane Hall.
* * *
Union, Quarterback Films, 8:30 p.m.,
Monday, Union Ballroom
" *
Chess Club, Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Tues-
day, Union.
Undergraduate Math Club Metig,
7:30 p.m., Tuesday, 3201, Angell Hall,
Speaker: Prof. Lesenring.
Med School Prof.
Dr. T. Edward Reed was pro-
moted at the recent Regets'
meeting from - instructor to as-
sistant professor in the Univer-
sity Medical School.

The guild has evolved a demo-
cratic system whereby each mem-
ber has a key and is an owner.
The work for maintaing the guild
is on a volunteer basis.
Such tasks as stacking the kiln,
bookkeeping and ordering supplies
are shared by all members.
One guild member puts it this


Youth Plans
(continued from Page 1)
tional student meeting in Lon-
don. There 150 students from 38
countries, including the United
States and the Soviet Union, dis-
cussed the creation of a new inter-
national federation and decided
on a constitutional convention for
the summer of 1946.
On the heels of the London
meeting, the Prague Congress met
on Nov. 17 in an attempt to es-
tablish an international instru-
mentality for student cooperation,
but also to shift the initiative east-
ward for political reasons.
Communist students, constitut-
ing the majority of the partici-
pants, tried in vain to commit the
projected federation to member-
ship in the World Federation of
Democratic Youth (WFDY), then
a newly-born Communist-domi-
nated youth organization.
While the minority, mostly par-
ticipants in the London meeting,
held out against partisan political
involvements, they devotedly be-
lieved that a representative inter-
national student organization could
be created despite different politi-
cal faiths.
The London and Prague meet-
ings, marking the rebirth of the
international student movement,
set up a joint International Pre-
paratory Committee (IPC) for a
constitutional convention in the
summer of 1946, known as the first
World Student Congress. IPC con-
sisted of representatives from 12
countries, including Great Brit-
ain, France, Russia, Czechoslovak-
ia and India. (The United States
was not represented in IPC, since
no national student organization
was in existence at that time.)
The Committee, controlled by
a left -wing -oriented majority,
chose Prague as the site of its
headquarters and the constitu-
tional convention. The postwar
history of the student movement
might have unfolded quite dif-
ferently had Geneva or Stockholm
been selected, but the die was cast
for Prague.
First World Student Congress
The First World Student Con-
gress gave birth to the Interna-
tional Union of Students (IUS).
The United States delegation to
the Prague Congress was formed
with considerable effort by those
interested, consisting of 24 stu-
dents from several youth and stu-
dent organizations of political, re-
ligious and professional character,
including the National Inter-col-
legiate Christian Council, and Am-
erican Youth for Democracy (for-
merly the Young Communist
The United States still did not
have any representative national
union of students' which could
speak on behalf of all American
students at such international
The American delegation rep-
resented various political view-
points, one of' the characteristics
of a student movement in any
western country in the pre-Cold
War period.
Amidst the post-war chaos in
Europe, well-disciplined Commu-
nist students directed their na-
tional student movements towards
leftist orientation, employing a
common slogan, "Struggle against
Communists Dominate Group
All the delegations except the
United States and a few others
were Communist-dominated.
Important events during the
Congress, which destined IUS to

commit itself to a partisan politi-
cal front, were the constitutional
debate, based on the draft, pre-
pared by IPC, affiliation with the
Communist-controlled WFDY and
the withdrawal of the Dutch dele-
gation from IUS on the ground
that the Congress voted down the
United States motion designed to
protect the rights of minority
member organizations.
There were heated discussions
conducted by Americans and Rus-
sians concerning the definition of
democracy and fascism. The Am-
erican interpretation of democrary
finally prevailed, but no mention
was made of this in the IUS of-
fical bulletin.
One of the Communist tactics
was to label all minority opinions
as fascist, and to employ emotion-
al demonstrations on how fascism
was dreadful.,

Inter-Cooperative Council has
purchased a new house.
According to Randy Longeore,
'57, vice-president, this was the
biggest project ICC has ever un-
Initial cost of the house was
about $22,000 and $29,000 has
been spent on improvements.
Money, according to Stu Hunter,
president, came from a wide var-
iety of sources. Some land was
mortgaged, bank loans executed,
loans from alumni were negoti-
ated as well as from current mem-
bers and there was even one gift
of $100.
The group is quite excited about
the whole thing.
Hired Architect
"This time we hired an archi-
tect," Hunter said, "And he's
saved us a great many headaches.
He knows what details have to
go where-where to put a door and
how big to make it-and he makes
sure things are done right."
"It certainly has saved us a
great deal of time and expense,"
Gelia Brown, '58, personnel chair-
man added.
This is the first -time ICC has
done extensive alteration on a
house. "We have always moved in
and then taken care of what has
to be done afterward," Hunter
In this case, an addition was
constructed providing for four
rooms, the kitchen and dining
room; and the attic was done over
to add several more rooms.
Not Completed
Although "Mark VIII," as the
house is now called, is not com-
pleted it still houses several peo-
ple. However, ICC is looking for
more roomers to fill the house
upon its completion.
"We named the house Mark

VIII, "Longcore explained, "be-'
cause we thought it would be a
sufficiently ugly name to be
changed." So far the name has
Joan Bross, Grad., house director,
John Bross, Grad. house director,
A. tour of the house, invariably
begins at the kitchen-an especi-
ally important room because co-op
members do their own cooking.
The kitchen, a wide and airy
room, will be the largest co-op
kitchen and the first one to have
an automatic dishwasher, Celia
Brown offered.
Largest Dining Room
The dining room is also the
largest one in the system, she
"Notice all the window space,"
said Longcore. "This architect is
particularly noted for his exten-
sive use of glass."
An informal atmosphere pre-
vades the house as in all the
co-ops. However, it is heightened
here by the unfinished character
of the building.
Co-op members are particularly
eager to show a visitor the large,
airy rooms in the new addition, as
well as the new tiled bathrooms.
Each member seemed to take a
special personal interest in the
This comes about for two rea-
sons: ICC members do all of their
own work from cooking, to clean-
ing, to maintenance; second, the
purchase of .the new house and
all subsequent arrangements are

NEW HOUSE-Addition to Mark VIII, latest ICC house, is well on the way to completion. Architect
favors "use of a great deal of glass."

ICC Buys New Women's Residence

made by the students themselves.
There is no faculty or adult con-
Owns Houses
"It's kind of a circular thing,"
Hunter explained. "ICC owns all
the houses, but ICC is made up
of student representatives from
these houses."
The impetus for the purchase
of the house came about when a
group of girls in Alice Lloyd de-
cided they wanted to live in the
Room was found for them in a
graduate women's house, but it
was clear that to accomodate them
fully expansion would have to
take place.
Hence, Mark VIII was acquired.
Large Saving
Because co-op members do all
their own work, each working
about five hours a week, room and
board come at a substantial sav-
ing. Costs average out through the
whole system to about $226 dol-
lars a semester.
Right now, ICC is accepting ap-
plications for roomers and board-
ers as well.
"Mark VIII," now a house for
graduate women will be com-.
pleted in December and there are
a great many spaces open.
There are now eight houses in
ICC. Brandeis for married stu-
dents; Michigan, Nakamura, Ow-
en for men; and Lester, Oster-
weil, Stevens, and Mark VIII for
Applicants are taken on a first
come first served basis.

'Tea House'
To Be Given
"Tea House of the August Moon"
will be presented by the Ann
Arbor Players Reading Group at
8:00 p.m. Tues., in the Dramatic
Arts Center, according to Carolyn
Miss Little is directing the cast
which includes Mickey Blaustein
as Lotus Blossum, Sidney Simon
as Capt. Fisby, Allen Shields as
Col. Wainright Purdy III, and
John Foster as Capt. McLean in
the title roles.
Admission is free, and the pub-
lic is cordially invited to the one-
night presentation which is being
fully stkged and costumed.
The Reading Group composed
of students, faculty and towns-
people, welcomes new members.
(Continued from Page 4)
elval Price. Program will be heard best
at the south of Burton Tower.
Academic Notices
The Extension Service announces the
following class to be held in Ann Ar-
bor beginning Tues., Nov. 20: Efficient
Reading II, 7:00 p.m. 524 University Ele-
mentarn School.Enrollment limited to
eighteen. Eight weeks, $11.00. John E.
valusek, instructor. Registration for
this class may be made in Room 4501
of the Administration Building on
South State Street during University
office hours.
Operations Research Seminar: Abram
Charnes, Purdue University, will lec-
ture on "Linear Programming in In-
dustry." Due to the Thanksgiving holi-
day the meeting time of the seminar
has been changed to Tues. Nov. 20, at
3:00 p.m. in Room 229 West Engineer-
#ng Building. All faculty members
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues. Nov.
20 at 4:10 p.m. in Room 3011, Angell
Hall. Dr. Paul Dedecker will speak on
"Some Remarks on Exterior Differ-
ential Systems."
Coming Events
Conference on Higher Education in
Michigan, Nov. 20-21.' Theme of the
Conference: "The Role of the College
in the Effective Development of Su-
perior Talent." Tues., Nov. 20, Rackham
Amphitheatre. 1:30 p.m.: Address by
Frank H. Bowles, Director College En-
trance Examination Board: "The De-
scription of the Superior Student."
Tues., 7:00 p.m., Michigan League Ball-
room: Address by Russell Lynes, Edi-
tor, Harpers Magazine: "The Import-
ance to Our Society of High Level
Talent." Wed., .Nov. 21, Rackham Am-
phitheater, 9:30 a.m.: Address by Clar-
ence Faust President, The Fund for
the Advancement of Education: "The
Accommodation of the Superior Stu-

--Daily-David Arnold
HEADLESS POTTER-This gentleman has lost his head over his
work. At present he is making an intricate design on this vase
that was but a glob of uninteresting clay a few hours ago.
College Roundup

Complete re-scheduling of class
hours to begin the school day at
7:30 and shorten between-class
breaks from 15 minutes to 10 or
12 minutes is being considered by
the University of Wisconsin.
Reason for the Wisconsirwprob-
lemn is the need to make more ef-
ficient use of present classroom
facilities to handle pressure of in-
creasing enrollment.
According to a report in Wiscon-
sin's Daily Cardinal, alternative
plans call for late-afternoon, night
and Saturday classes.
Dean Speaks
On Resources
Conservation education should
be made a part of school cur-
ricula, Dean Stanley G. Fontanna,
of the School of Natural Re-
sources said recently.
Since today's school children
are the public of tomorrow, he
continued, they should become
properly'-informed in the use and
development of our natural re-
"How our natural resources are
managed depends in great mea-
sure upon the decisions of our
legislatures. . .and decisions of
our governmental administrative
bodies," the Dean said. "These
decisions, in turn, are influenced
greatly by public opinion."
A better educated public will
provide superior results in this
area, he added
He pointed out that the Uni-
versity has made special provi-
sions for teacher training in con-

University students using the
A.rb for purposes other than their
regular studies will be interested
in finding out what happened to
University of 'Illinois students who
parked on a "lonely road" near
the U of I.
Seems that three couples have
been interrupted from their moon-
shining by robbers.
The local sheriff's office at
Champaign, Ill.;is operating under
the theory that the crimes were
committed by an organized gang.
U of I officials passed a new
ruling which reads: "No vehicle
displaying the University*of Illi-
nois parking permit may be parked
or stored in a University parking
lot between 2 and 6 a.m. except
vehicles belonging to staff mem-
bers on duty during such hours and
vehicles stored in lots."
Peason .for the ruling was that
students and staff members in-
sisted on parking their cars in U
of I lots straight through the night,
thus avoiding local parking meters.
Homes Requested
For Hungarians
Alexander Dano, elder of the
Hungarian Church of Ann Arbor,
has appealed to local church and
social organizations to see what
they can do to find homes for
refugees from Hungary.
Dano further stated that, as
some of these refugees are stu-
dents, arrangements might be
made for enrolling them here at
the University.
Camp Kilmer, New Jersey, has
already been' opened for the tem-
porary stay of some of these refu-


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