MENEM SGC ON EDITORIAL FREEDOM See Page 4 Zil r - Lw uj Ciau Daitilhv Latest Deadline in the State PARTLY CLOUDY, WARMER VOL. LXVII, No. 53 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1956 EIGHT PAGES Ike Asks Study of Russian p en Skies Proposal Kadar Enforces Rigid Food Cuts Premier Drops Power to Budapest In Effort to End Hungarian Strike VIENNA P)-Premier Janos Kadar's Russian-sponsored Hun- garian government imposed harsh food and electricity controls yester- day with the apparent aim of forcing that nation's workers to end their paralyzing general strike.c Budapest radio announced that until further notice no meat orl farm produce would be delivered to the capital from the countryside. It also said Hungary's electricity would be cut off or limited last1 night.i Immediately after the announcement communications with Buda-1 pest were cut off.- There was no definite word concerning the success of the Kadar regime in smashing the general strike which followed the bloody revolt against Russian domina- * * * * * * Sigma Kappa' } Stand Still Unelariofi'ed By TAMMY MORRISON Sigma Kappa sorority's National Council has made no move to clarify its position as yet. The only notification received at the University came in the form of a brief note, dated Nov. r5, to StudentrGovernment Coun- cil. The note, in answer to SGC's request "to present all pertinent information" was addressed to Council President Bill Adams, '57- BAd. It read: "Thank you very much for your letter of Oct. 15, 1956 which has been referred to and is being con- sidered by our National Council." It was signed by Sigma Kappa National Secretary-Treasurer Mar- garet A. Taggart. Panhel Has No Word Panhellenic Association here has' had no word from the National, according to Panhel President Carol de Bruin, '57, and neither has the local chapter. "At least, I assume they haven't, because I x haven't heard anything about it," Miss de Bruin commented. Barbara Busch, '57Ed, local Sigma Kappa president, could not be reached for confirmation. League President Sue Arnold, '57Ed, said, "Panhel is no doubt discussing what to do, but they don't have anything more to go on than they did four weeks ago." Ac- cording to Miss Arnold, Panhel as yet has taken no definite stand. IFC Will Do Nothing Inter-Fraternity Council Presi- dent Tim Leedy, '57, yesterday said IFC "as a group plans to do absolutely nothing" about the local's position. "It's an SGC func- tion and I'm sure they can handle it adequately," he said. Dec. 5, SGC will make a decision regarding possible violation of rec- ognition requirements for a Uni- versity organization on the basis of information available. The Council has requested "all inter- ested parties to present all per- tinent information which they de- sire" before that time. University regulations will not, permit an organization which pro- hibits membership on the basis of race, religion or color to be rec- ognized officially. To keep rec- ognition, the organization must maintain these standards. Sigma Kappa's status on cam- pus is in question because of their National's action over the summer. At that time, the National Coun- cil suspended chapters at Tufts and Cornell universities, after both chapters pledged Negro girls. Talks Continue Over 'Suez Crisis- CAIRO W)--United Nations Sec- retary General Dag Hammar- skjold plunged into another round of talks with President Gainal Abdel Nasser last night on the role of UN police in the tense Mid- dle East. There was no hint Egypt was retreating from its stand that the police must keep hands off the tion. But members of a Red Cross convoy that drove through indus- trial Hungary yesterday morning said they saw no signs of a return to work. , Reports from Budapest Friday said Kadar apparently had suc- ceeded in getting some labor lead- ers to end the strike yesterday. Now this deadline appears to have been extended to tomorrow. Budapest radio claimed earlier yesterday that the government's drive to end the strike had achieved "considerable success," but that "terrorist groups" were keeping workers from their jobs in some places. The radio gave no indication of the number of workers returning to their benches. It said only that a "large part" of the workers had "submitted." It then appealed to those who did not report yesterday to return to the factories tomor- row. LYL Down, But Not Out~ On Campus (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last of six articles arising from a year- long investigation of the Labor Youth League at the University of Michigan begun by writer Dygert when he was Daily city editor in 1955-56. This article summarizes the significance of the LYL at the University and looks to the future.) By JAMES DYGERT To say that the Labor Youth League at the University of Mich igan is dead is not necessarily to say that all Communist influence on the campus has disappeared. Although as a group, the LYL is no more in Ann Arbor, there are still six LYL members en- rolled in the University and about ten more who might be called fellow-travelers. At least one of them is a member of an important student organization. Although I know the names of these people, as well as most of the names of all those who at- tended LYL meetings last year, I am not mentioning them in this series, nor will I ever mention them to anyone. This series was not intended as an expose of individuals, but as a report and appraisal of the LYL as a group. The three names I have used, Bob Schor, Mike Sharp and Paul Dormont, have identified them- selves as LYL members in letters to the editor. Furthermore, LYL members and other extreme left-wingers are not confined to the student body. One LYL member is a teaching fellow at the University. It is quite possible that another group will replace the LYL as the campus' martyr. It is equally pos- sible that the Communist Party will establish another group to spearhead its youth movement on a national scale. However, rumors are now cir- culating (reliability undetermined) that the Communist Party of the United States is about to fold. One of the possible reasons is that even the Party in America is experiencing difficulty in con- tinuing to stomach the Party line, I Dch0i!.lll'sincet1Phe Timnxianr Seeks Basis For Talks In Proposal USSR Would Limit Plane-Checked Areas By The Associated Press President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday ordered a careful study of Russia's new disarmament pro- posals. The aim is to determine whe- ther they offer any fresh openings for negotiations which could end the East-West arms race and bring the threat of a hydrogen war under the control of a global disarmament program. The proposal called for a sum- mit conference including the Big Four, plus India, but not Com- munist China, at which it agreed to discuss limited application of President Eisenhower's "open skies" inspection proposal. Restricted Flights The Russian proposal specified, however, that planes would be re- stricted to survey flights only 500 miles from the borders of partici- pating countries. The Soviet Un- ion extends half way around the world, nearly 8,000 miles in length and at its widest part about 2,500 miles. The Russians, in a government statement, also called for destruc- tion of all H-bomb and A-bomb stockpiles in the next two years and an immediate ban on nuclear tests. As if to emphasize the point, a Tass dispatch broadcast by Moscow radio last night announc- ed the Russians had carried out a new test of a nuclear weapon "at a great altitude." Bohlen Sends Text The State Department received from Ambassador Charles E. Boh- len in Moscow the text of the declaration disclosed there early yesterday. It was understood to have been accompanied by a mes- sage from Premier Nicolal Bul- gani to President Eisenhower ask- ing for its consideration in Wash- ington. " Moscow reported that similar messages were sent to the prime ministers of Britain, France, In- dia and Communist China. If the Western borders of Po- land, Czechoslovakia and Hun- gary are considered, the frontier' of the Western aerial inspection would barely penerate the bor- ders of the Soviet Union iteself. Subject To Approval This limited inspection, the Russians said, could- only be car- ried out "subject to the approval of the individual nations." Under the plan proposed by President Eisenhower at the Ge- neva, summit meeting in July 1955 all military installations of the United States and Russia would be thrown open to aerial inspection. The Soviet statement of more than 4,000 words-much of it de- voted to charges against the West I-was forwarded by Premier Bul- ganin to President Eisenhower along with a letter from Prime Minister Bulganin, Moscow radio said. IMI ' Rips Sason's ome BOY'S DEATH; Sterling's Charges Renewed By RENE GNAM D e x t e r Township Supervisor John G. Sterling yesterday em-I phatically renewed his charges! about the Oct. 22 suicide of James Lillard and hinted advisability of a Federal Bureau of Investigation inquiry. ."If the FBI, or other reliable sources would only examine this thing, they would find that the boy did not commit suicide by using the hem of a sheet and at- taching it to the door hinge," of Washtenaw County Juvenile Home, Sterling said.j "The public," he said, "has been subjected to that misrepresenta-, tion of facts." Contacted by telephone, Ster- ling revealed additional facts which he claimed would make it impossible for 14-year-old Lillard to have hanged himself in the manner described by Juveline Home officials. . Sheet Ripped "That door hinge was only one- sixteenth of an inch long," he said, "and the boy couldn't have folded the sheet over it." Last week, the Dexter super- visor tested the strength of a sheet hem, "as near as possible to the other one," and found it ripped under 100 pounds of weight. Sterling said Lillard weighed 116 pounds. He said "There's not supposed to be a sheet in a security room anyhow. What was it doing there?" New Question Raised He also brought up the question of whether Lillard's suicide was intentional. "It's possible," Sterling said, "that the boy hanged himself un- intentionally." Sterling said "I won't accept" details given by Juvenile Home officials "until they are proven correct." Conlin-No Comment W a s h t e n a w County Probate I Judge John W. Conlin refused to comment until the State Police investigation is concluded and a report made known. Juvenile Home Director Harold A. Nielsen is expected back from a deer hunting vacation early this week. Conlin denied rumors that Niel- sen had left town due to uproad concerning the Juvenile Home sit- uation. "He planned that vacation in I August," Conlin said. -Daily-Charles Curtiss MICHIGAN MARCHING BANDSMEN "STEP, FORWARD, ROCK, BACK" TO STRAINS OF "ST. LOUIS BLUES," DURING YESTERDAY'S HALF-TIME SHOW C l hrills At Last 'U Home Game r - Indiana, 49-26; Fin ale Clear skies and a chill-chasing sun covered Michigan Stadium early yesterday afternoon, as thousands of fans filed through ticket gates to watch the Maize and Blue take on Indiana's Red and White in Michigan's final home game of the 1956 Western Conference season. A grey cloud and toe-numbing chill settled over Michigan Stad-1 ium late yesterday afternoon, as thousands of fans trudged up and! down Ann Arbor streets, listening to portable radios, then turning on television sets immediately up- 'Relief Day' Proclaimed Ann Arbor Mayor Pro Tem Rus- sell Burns has proclaimed Tues- day "Relief for Hungary Day." The action cam6 in cooperation! with the Washtenaw County Young Republicans Club drive to aid the Hungarian people in their revolt against Communism. Drive co-chairman Don Ken- ney, '57L, yesterday asked the co- operation of all student groups. "We don't have the organization to begin a door-to-door canvass," he said, "and we have to turn to student organizations in the hope that they'll use their own mach- inery to ask for contributions from individual members." Kenney said he met yesterday with Hungarian students, who gave their full support to the action. They must remain anony- mous because they have relatives in Budapest. Saying that response has been "fine" on a city level, Kenney asked that all contributions, either individual or group, be brought to the Ann Arbor Bank or the State Savings Bank. on entering their residences, only to discover the fate of the Big 'M'. Iowa had. toppled Ohio State. The Big 'M' and the Rose Bowl are still separate. Through the excitement of Michigan's triumph over the Hoo- siers two coeds argued concerning the "most beautiful" play of the game. One said: "Ron just put out his hands and there was the ball," and, of course, a 39-yard Michi- gan gain. "But Pace is an exotic jumper," the other insisted, pointing out Sir Jim's 5-yard hurdle in the first period. Stamping feet and clapping hands greeted the half-time per- formance of the Michigan March- ing Band. High-stepping bandsmen were heartily applauded for their con- tribution to football ' Saturdays and Michigan spirit. And, there was sufficient time to include tributes to cheerleaders and senior members of the foot- ball tean. . J* . RVIS Trial egins Former University mathematics instructor H. Chandler Davis will be tried tomorrow in Federal Court in Grand Rapids, on con- tempt of Congress charges. Trial will be held without jury before Federal Judge W. Wallace Kent, according to United States Attorney Wendell A. Miles. Davis, while at the University in May, 1954, refused to answer questions pertaining to his politi- cal activities while testifying be- fore the House Subcommittee on Un-American Activities. Shortly thereafter he was sus- pended from the faculty and sub- sequently discharged for refusing to cooperate with the committee. Most recent development in Davis' case came in September when Judge Kent denied a motion to dismiss the government's 26- count indictment, clearing the way for tomorrow's trial. !Davis, wbo invoked the First Amendment at the hearings in 1954, has maintained the main issue is whether or not a com- mittee of Congress that sets out to expose and publicize political ideas is violating the First Am- endment and therefore loses its validity as a committee of Con- gress. D navis ha said he will aorge thisi Comment of the day was over- heard in stands after Kramer's interception and successful lateral1 to Shannon in the second quar- ter: "What. . .no penalties!" Next to Michigan's being elimi- nated from Rose Bowl competi- tion, biggest disappointment reg-1 istered by returning fans was lacki of sufficient coffee at roadside stands and, as a junior in the literary college remarked, "Why do they always have to run out of mustard?" JUS Given, Fresh Start After W ar (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of three articles tracing the past decades history of inter- national student relations and the roles played by American student leaders toward a unified world stu- dent community. Author Kano, a junior at Japan's Kyoto University, is past president of the Student In- formation Federation in that coun- try. SIV is the only organization de- voted exclusively to the dissemi- nation ofastudent news in and out- side of Japan. Kano played an im- portant role in last spring's Afro- Asian Students' Conference in Ban- dung, Indonesia, where he was the only Japanese representative on the international preparatory committee. He is currently studying at the Uni- versity, under auspices of a United States NationalSudest Association scholarship.) By TSUTOMU KANO On Nov. 17, 1939, Nazi German troops stormed into a student meeting in Prague, shot nine Czech student leaders and closed Charles University, one of the great schools of Central Europe. Since that time, Nov. .17 has come to be regarded as a day of commemoration in thousands of "antimilitaristischer" and "anti- faschistischer" minds. In 1947, the International Union of Students decided to celebrate this day annually as International Student Day. Iowa Victory Gains Ticket To Pasadena Barr Leads Attack With Three Scores; Kramer, Ptacek Star By STEVE HEILPERN Associate Sports Editor Michigan put its offense in high gear yesterday, ripping Indiana, 49-26, to end its 1956 home foot- ball season. It was a disappointing day for the Wolverine fans,- however, as Iowa blanked Ohio State, 6-0, to nail down the Rose Bowl bid. The Michigan Stadium crowd of 58,515 set a new season's atten- dance record of 566,093, breaking the old mark, set in the '49 season, by almost three thousand, Four TD's The Wolverines broke up the contest in the second quarter when they added four touchdowns to a lone first period score. Both teams threw defense to the winds in a wild-scoring second half. Terry Barr led the onslaught against the Hoosiers with three touchdowns. Ed Shannon scored twice and John Herrnstein and Mike Shatusky each crossed pay- dirt once. Ron Kramer, one of the twelve Wolverines playing their last game in the Stadium, made one of his patented "miracle" catches, booted three extra points, and constantly throttled the Hoosiers with bril- liant blocking and tackling. Michigan, capitalizing on every Tndiana mistake and hitting with lightning-like precision, tallied its ;four second-quarter touchdowns in less than seven and one-half minutes. Barr Scores Barr capped a 73-yard march by bucking over from the one at 3:42 of the period. The drive was high- lighted by Kramer's breathtaking reception of a Barr pass for 39 yards. Soon after, Kramer intercepted a Hoosier pass on the Indiana 35, scooted to the 25 and laterelled to Shannon, who brought the ball to the six. Shannon, in two plays, ran the remaining six yards. Kramer kicked off and Indiana end Norm Craft fumbled on his 18. Gary Prahst recovered, and Shannon crossed paydirt three plays later. Hoosier quarterback Steve Fili- powski, trying to generate a threat, threw one complete pass as In- diana started its next series of downs, but Prahst again halted the visitors when he intercepted a pass on the Michigan 40 and scamper- ed 29 yards. Ptacek Spectacular Michigan continued its relentless attack, and Bob Ptacek found Shatusky clear in the end zone minutes later. Ptacek, incidentally, was nothing short of spectacular yesterday as he completed three of six passes for 47 yards and gained 104 yards in nine rushes for an 11.5 yards-per-carry average. See DEFENSE, Page 6 RETIRING GOP CHAIRMAN: Feikens Sees Challenge ini Elections By PETER ECKSTEIN =........ Cobo was a weak candidate, be- John Feikens, retiring Republi- cause Mayor Cobo also drew a can state chairman, sees last week's election as a "challenge" Sees Steady Growth for his party. Nationally, Feikens sees steady While he considers President - Republican growth since the war, Dwight D. Eisenhower's re-election a ;.= ."largely in the cities of the coun- in part "a tremendous personal try." In Michigan, too, the Re- vote of confidence," he also feels publican party has been moving that "at the national level, people ahead, but "very slowly here." prefer the Republican party." He considers the Congressionall The challenge, as Feikens sees ;" seat and the three seats in the it, is at the "local level," and Re- legislature the Republicans gained publican losses of Congressional -. in Michigan as a part of that seats in several states prove the "moving ahead." But the "effec- need for making the party more tive combination" of the United attractive through stronger candi- Auto Workers. and the Democratic r,*-c "ncinnf ~iv is- artyvtv n-mke his job more difficult. Birth of IUS The international student move- ment originally started in 1923 when Unione Internationale de E t u d i a n t was established in Prague. Originated on the initia- sie of British and French stiu- dents, it was inspired by organi- zation of the peague of Nations. Though its membership was limited mainly to European. stu- dents, UIE aimed at mutual fellow- ship and practical cooperation among all students with common hardships in the postwar period. IThe 1939 Nazi invasion, how- Farmers Rebel In Viet Nam SAIGON, South Viet Nam {Mh- Communist North Viet Na-m was putting down a farmers' revolt this week at the same timie Soviet tanks were blastingyfreedom-minded rebels in Hungary. Communist sources, giving de- tails guardedly yesterday, said the revolting areas were peopled large- ly by Roman Catholic farmers.