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November 17, 1956 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1956-11-17

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SGC Admits
Daily Acted
Inside Rights
(Continued from Page 1)
if such an editorial is to be
printed again it should be made
public in advance of the election
so that, in fairness to all candi-
dates, dissenting opinion can be
Theredwas a roll-call vote on
the original motion. Those in fa-
vor were Miss Arnold, Joe Collins,
'58, Panhellenic President, Carol
de Bruin, '57, Chrysler, Engman,
Mal Cumming, '58BAd, Union
President Roy Lave, '57E, Janet
Neary, '58, Tom Sawyer, '58, War-
rick, Miss Scruggs, Jane Winkel-
haus, '57 and John Wrona, '57.
Those opposed were Maynard
Goldman, '59, Anne Woodard, '57
and Snyder.
The Council aso rescinded a
motion passed last week concern-
cocr-ing Moral Rearmament, "due to
the 'infeasability of such an un-
dertaking, as well as erroneous
impressions received."
Last week's motion recommend-
ed that the student body give
serious consideration to the pur-
pose and goals of MRA, and com-
missioned the Campus Affairs
Committee to facilitate the bring-
Ing of MRA plays to the Univer-
Don Kenny, '57L, Washtenaw
County Chairman of a drive to
raise funds for the people of Hun-
gary, appeared before the Council,
requesting SGC's endorsement of
the drive and the cooperation of
student organizations.
The Council passed an endors-
ing motion and urged "cooperation
of all students and student or-
Red Soldiers
WASHINGTON (P)-An escaped
leader of the Hungarian revolt tes-
tified yesterday many Russian
soldiers "refused to fight us" but
finally were "terrorized" into
turning their' guns against the
Some of the Russians even fired
on their comrades, the mysterious
young witness told the Senate
Internal Security subcommittee at
A public hearing.
But he said the Soviets sent in
new and tougher troops, including
two Mongolian divisions, who
"terrorized" the others-and the
iron heel of communism came
down ruthlessly.
Testifying through a translator
was a 21-year-old student-refugee,
his face concealed by a white gauze
surgical mask and using the as-
sumed name of "Istvan Laszlo"
lost he be recognized and the Rus-
sians wreak vengeance on his rela-
tives still in Hungary.

Japanese C
Brings Neii

The trend in Japanese living to-'
day leans toward democracy, ac-
cording to Prof. Nobushige Ukai of
Tokyo University.
"Under the constitution adopted
after the war, people are enjoying
freedom legally, politically and
socially," the professor of Japan-
ese constitutional law declared.
Inasmuch as the older politicians
would like to restrict freedom and
return, to the old systems in some
ways, little can be done by anyone
to control the free popular vote to
amend the constitution.
Prof. Ukai noted that the youn-
ger generation, though more
liberal in its outlook, reverts to
the old system of property inheri-
tance for practical purposes.
"Although the land should be
divided equally under the new law,
he said, the first son accepts the
property and gives compensations
to other family members.
n The basic difference between the
older and younger generations is
reflected in their ideas toward the
new democratic government. The
older people still'feel that the state
Neman Club, dunkers hour, after
game, Father Richard Center.
* * *
Congregational and Disciples Student
Guild, open house, 4:15-6 p.m., Guild
Hillel, Sabbath morning services, 91
a.m., Hillel.
Roger Williams Fellowship, cabinet
meeting, 6 p.m., Sunday,. Guild House.
Roger William Fellowship, Bible class,
9:45 a.m. Sunday, Guild House.
Unitarian Student Group, Tri-U
meeting, 3 p.m. Sunday, First Unitar-
an Church, speaker: Dr. Redman.
* * *
Michigan Christian Fellowship, meet-
ing, 4 p.m., Sunday, Lane Hall. Speak-
er: John Luchies, Th.D. "A Christian
View of Relative Morality".
A' * *
University of Michigan Folk Dancers,
organizational meeting, 8 p.m., Mon-I
day, Lane Hall.
Student Religious Association, folk
dancing, 7:30-10 p.m., Monday, Lane
* * *
Union, quarterback films, 8:30 p.n.,
Monday, Union Ballroom.
Senior Proofs
Senior picture proofs must be
returned to Colona Studio by Wed-
nesday, according to Stevan Sim-
ich, Publicity Manager of the
If not returned, the Ensian staff
reserves the right to choose the
vose to appear in the yearbook.
Cap and gown pictures are not to
be chosen.


u Freedom
should control all of their behavior.
The younger people see the state
as a type of society to serve the
benefit of the individual."
The Japanese people look to the
strength of the United Nations to
help them in case of war. "If the
UN fails, it may be necessary to
revise the article of ,the constitu-
tion renouncing war," Prof. Uka
added. The UN's action in Korea
and presently in Egypt is of great
concern to the Japanese people,
and according to Prof. Ukai, they
feel the antagonism between Rus-
sia and the free world is one of
the bigger problems the UN must
The visiting professor noted that
the Japanese people "though
struggling to solve the problems
that freedom brings, are thankful
to the American occupation forces
which taught them the importance
of these freedoms."
State Farmer
Output To Rise
Michigan farmers will steadily
increase their productivity in the
future through greater use of agri-
cultural equipment, a University
economist believes.
Professor Philip Wernette of the
Business Administration school
says this increased productivity
will be reflected in greater con-
sumption of fruits, vegetables and
other higher priced foods.
(Continued from Page 4)
Vacation Career Conference:
Woodward & Lothrop, Washington,
D.C., is again planning a Career Con-
ference for students interested in Re-
tailing, and who will be in the vicin-
ity of Washington, D.C. during Christ-
mas vacation. M~fen and women who are
interested in any phase of department
store operation are invited to spend
the day in the store on Dec. 28, If you
plan on being in that area at that
time and would like to attend the con-
ference, please leave your name at the
Bureau of Appointments before Nov. 21.
Personnel Requests:
Harvey Littlefield & Co., Chicago, Il.,
is looking for a man between 40-50 who
is a CPA to be Director of Personnel
nationally for a large CPA firm. Must
be experienced. There is also a need
for a man between 40-50, who is a
CPA with Management consulting ex-
perience to work as Regional Systems
Manager for a large CPA firm located
in the Southeast.
Forfurther Information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.

LYL Gains
Little Power
On Campus
(Continued from Page 1)
Because the LYL has never been
willing to reveal its members, it
has never sought recognition.
What the LYL wanted was a
change in the rules so that it
would be necessary only to list
two offices. It often asked Daily
writers to write editorials argu-
ing that change,
University officials were also
concerned with LYL activities
that caused disturbances or ig-
nored rules, such as the McPhaul
case reported in article three of
this series.
Hatcher Statement
After an LYL meeting in No-
vember, 1953, which featured
Thomas D. Dennis, Jr., a defend-
ant in the Smith Act trial at that
time, University President Harlan
Hatcher disclaimed any Univer-
sity responsibility for the meeting.
"As long as they are outside Uni-
versity confines, the University
cannot be responsible for meet-
ings which citizens might want
to hold," the president said.
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis has said, "I
have seen little evidence that in-
dividuals who are supposed to be
members of the Labor Youth
League have been very effective
in student affairs." Comparing
them with extremely reactionary
individuals who limit their effec-
tiveness in social action, Lewis
said, "Neither wants to be on any
team and both seem to 'want to
play the role of martyr."
The University has known of
the activities of the LYL since the
League began here in 1949. But it
could never take action against
the group, because LYL was never
State Police
The lack of University recog-
nition has not hampered the state
police, however. It has been re-
ported in The Daily, and the LYL
has known (despite the letter to
the editor this week which ex-
pressed surprise at this), that the
state police maintains a close
watch on LYL and other left-wing
activities. In fact, I was warned
of this by LYL members when I
first went to their meetings.
Yesterday, I visited the state
police headquarters in East Lan-
sing to learn their side of the
story. I learned that of more than
1,000 troopers and 69 detectives,
12 men are assigned to the Se-
curity Investigation Squad, which
investigates subversive activities
throughout the state of Michigan,
I learned that in 1955, the Squad
submitted 369 original complaints
and 4,258 supplementary reports.
It conducted 11,275 personal in-
checks for other investigating



3 Each football Saturday. over a
thousand performers present a
show that is never seen by Uni-
versity students.
Block 'M' a Wolverine Club
project, performs between the
halves of every home game. Made
up of 1,334 University students,
the flasheard section displays
various designs in coordination
with the Michigan Marching
Mike Jacobson. '58. Wolverine
Club president, said it is a shame
that students are not able to ob-
serve the card section. "Ticket
complications," he stated, "pre-
vent having Block 'M' on the east
side of the stadium, opposite the
Student section."


'M' Flashes Cards for Fans

Jacobson commented on this
year's section saying that the suc-
cess of Block 'M' depends on it's
participants. He mentioned that
cooperationhfrom the students in
the block this year has been ex-
Many hours of work by com-
mittee chairmen go toward pre-
senting each week's flashcard
This fall, Block 'M' chairmen
are, Dick Rusnak, '58 general
chairman, Mary Beth Godfroy,
'58BAd, membership, Therese
Mueller, '58M, production, Caro-
lyn Fisher, '58 A&D, design, Mike
Rubin, '59, facilities and Mike
Rolfe, '59, operations.

Story by
Pictures by

CARDS AND CAPES-Block 'M' members wear abbreviated maize
or blue capes which form a giant 'M' when the section is not
performing. Flashcards and instruction sheets are distributed to
the section before halftime in preparation for the program.

UP THE FIELD-Card section demonstrates a gridiron complete with goal post between the halves of
the Michigan-Minnesota game. Block 'M' frequently cordinates its designs with the formations of the
Marchinx Band. 'U' students receive only entertainment provided by the band while fans on the
south side of the field have a view of both activities.

PATTERN - flashed from field
to Block 'M' members,


READY-Block 'M' members hustle to prepare their cards as two UP-Field leaders receive their cue and raise the sign signaling
of their leaders on the field warn them of the next stunt. These their next stunt. In the week previous to each game Block 'M'
two sign holders watch the maching band for their cue to signal chairmen work with Dr. William D. Revelli, Director of University
the section's next design. Bands, in order to support the marching band with corresponding
flashcard designs.



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