PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY nUDAY, NQVErvmFR IG, me PAG TO ~l MCHIANDALYFRDA, NVEBE _..9~ ...... FOR THE SEASON See you next Spring ARF? St-ray Dog Draws Letter i DAlLYUCASSIFIF __- S U DIAL NO2-3136 Ending Today From thei best- The "dog on the football field" got outstate attention as a result of the Michigan-Illinois game broadcast last Saturday. In the first half of the game a frolicsome canine interrupted play and the broadcaster, an- Gothic Film Society Marx Brothers DUCK SOUP and SONG OF CEYLON (Produced by Grierson, 1934) RACKHAM AMPHITHEATRE, 8 P.M. Monday nounced the dog as being a Ger- man Shepherd. This announcement prompted a letter to the Daily from T. Slykhouse in Champaign, Ill. The letter read in part, "This may sound like a long shot, but thir- teen days before the game, our German Shepherd, who had just been brought down to us from Midland, Michigan, turned up missing and we suspect that he was on his way back to Michigan. We would like to know if the dog that wandered onto the field last Saturday might havehbeen him." The "long shot" turned out to be too long. Jack Seastrom, '58E, a football manager who carried the dog in question off the field, reported that it could not possibly have been a German Shepherd. The Daily would be interested to know, however, if any reader has seen a German Shepherd who can't be missed "because his ears don't stand up straight as they should." Union Presents The Little Club will be held again from 9 p.m. to midnight Friday, Nov. 16 in the Michigan Union cafeteria. A four piece combo, red and white checkered tablecloths, and candlelight will be featured. Noy i admission will be charged. STARTING SATURDAY Anita ECKBEaRG IN "BACK FROM ETERNITY" DIAL NO2-2513 STARTING TODAY 20th CENTURY-FOX presents, Admission is by membership subscription. Only 76 subscrip- tions for the 9 remaining films of the 1956-7 series are still available, at $4.50 each. For further information, call NO 3- 1353 or NO 3-1430. I i FV TON IG HT SAT. SUN. 8:15 STRINDBERG MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .75 1.87 2.78 3 .90 2.25 3.33 4 1 .04 2.60 3.85 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily. 11:00 A.M. Saturday Phone NO 2-3241 FOR SALE GIRL'S ENGLISH BIKE-in good con- dition. Phone NO 3-6532. )B121 TRAILER HOUSE, '55 Model, 35 feet long, one bedroom. Excellent condi- tion. Call NO 3-3764 after 4. )B122 CHOICE TICKETS, Choral Union. Any concert reduced price. NO 2-3844. )B123 PRINTING PRESS, Elec. 8x12, type, papercutter, for letterheads, envel. etc. Start a business. Tele. NO 3- 1982. )B124 BALDWIN PIANOS Acrosonic Spinets Maddy Music 508 E. William NO 3-3223 )B75 ARKAY KITS, Dyna Kits, Precision Kits available at Hi-Fl Studio. 1317 S. Univ. NO 2-9595. )Bll1 NEW AND USED TV Sets. Last Year's models going at bargain prices. $89.95- $295. Hi Fi Studio, 1317 S. Univ. NO 2-9595. )B112 Special Offer at Purchase Camera KEYSTONE 10-Piece 8-mm Movie Outfit Includes Capri K-25 movie camera, K-75 movie projec- tor, movie screen, 3-piece film, movie sdene record light bar set,Kodak color book, leather carrying case, and utility case. $14. Down $2.50 per week. Purchase from PURCHASE Camera Shop 1116 S. University FOR SALE TELEVISION SET, cheap. Can be seen at Allenel Hotel, room 2, 126 E. Huron. Can see Fri. evening between 5:30 and 7:00. )B120 TAILOR-MADE Tuxedo Suit never worn-size 38. Mrs. T. G. Bartelme, Tel. NO 2-1364. )B117 TROPICAL FISH, new plants, hams- ters, hamster and mouse cages, canar- ies, and tarantulas. UNIVERSITY AQUARIUM 328 E. Liberty NO 3-0224 Now open Sunday Afternoon )B118 CHRISTMAS TREES Full and bushy Douglas Fir and Spruce from 5 to 25 foot. Call D. A. Drew, HU 2-8700, Ext. 310. )B113 AQUA LONG $95.00, Aqua Lung Com- pressor $55.00, Rapid Sequence Cam- era with w.a. and tele. (good for un- derwater) $90.00, Plaubel Makina with accessories $75.00, 4x5 Bush Pressman with accessories $125. 4x5 Super xx Film Peck $1.00 each. Call NO 5-5369, 344 S. Ashley. )B115 BOY COAT - English Crown, camels hair, size 14, almost brand new. Call NO 8-9894. )B110 DIAMOND RINGS-45% to 55% off - Special offer to students. Buy direct from graduate student who is factory representative in this area. One carat solitaire engragement ring $299.95, and many other fine values. 10-day trial period with money com- pletely refunded if not satisfied. Call Harry at NO 2-2684. )B101 ARMY-NAVY type oxfords-$7.25; sox, 39c; shorts, 69c; military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 East Washington. )B12 MISCELLANEOUS FOX MOTEL (Formerly Boyd's) 2805 E. Michigan HU 2-2204 )S4 ROOMS FOR RENT TWO ROOM SUITE, available now to, share with Grad. student, $7 per week. Call between 1 and 4 P.M. NO 3-1511, Ext. 2539. )D27 FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS-A large double room with private bath, spa- cious closets. 1617 Cambridge. )D26 ONE BLOCK from campus, newly fur- nished room for two men. 523 Pack- ard. Call NO 2-1443. . )D17 FURNISHED 2 room suite to share with male student. Near campus. 804 S. State, NO 8-7047. )D25 USED CARS '46 FORD, 2 doar. Good condition. Call NO 3-5096 after 7:30 P.M. )N48 '56 PLYMOUTH Savoy, Powerflight, Ra- dio, Heater, fully equipped. Will take terms or trade or both. Call NO 5- 5077. )N49 1947 PLYMOUTH, 4 door with radio and heater, excellent condition. $200. Call No 3-0521, Ext. 838. )N46 '54 FORD Mainline 6. 2 door. Best offer. Call NO 2-8427, 5-6 evenings. )N39 1956 FORD, V-8, Ford-O-Matic, fully equipped. $1850. Call NO 2-2783 af- ter 6 p.m. )N32 Read the Classifieds WANTED TO BUY TWO TICKETS together for the Chor- al Union Concert Nov. 20. Don Ra- leigh, 4917 Taylor Hse. South Quad. Ext. 276. )K3 TRANSPORTATION WANTED -- Ride to Rochester, N.Y. Leaving next Wed. night and return- ing Sunday. NO 2-6106. )G5 WANT A RIDE to Boston for Thanks- giving. NO 5-3174. )G6 BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING DONE - accurately and promptly. NO 2-5370. )J32 MENDING SERVICE Personal and household mending. Call NO 2-7736 )J31 FACTORY CLEARANCE on 500 Rolls TREMENDOUS SAVINGS 27" x 54" THROW RUGS Regular $12.95 Value at $3.95 27" x 18" THROW RUGS Regular $4.00 & $5.00 Value NOW ONLY $1.00 SMITH'S FLOOR COVERING 207 E. Washington NO 2-9418 Open Monday evenings until 8:30 )J33 TYPEWRITER REPAIR & service pick- up and delivery. Moseley Typewriter Service. 204 N. 4th Ave. NO 3-5888.)J22 WASHINGS - Also ironing separately. Specialize in cotton blouses and washed skirts. Free pick up and deli- very. Phone NO. 2-9020. )J23 PERSONAL DAN BELIN-What's the Strauss Staff up to anyway? )F62 3 DUCKS-we'll cook your goose. Sig-ned Bill B. NO 3-6346. )F63 IVY LEAGUE CLOTHES-Student sell- ing his sport coats and ties--cheap. 3 button herringbones and tweeds. 38-40. NO 2-4165. )F61 HEDDA: Brigadoon is MY story. Hands off. Louella. )F55 NOW is the time for all SATEVEPOST readers to come to the aid of their pocketbooks. For free advice, phone Student Periodical, NO 2-3061. )F52 FUR JACKETS & coats sold at fraction of original price. Style samples, repo- sessed, restyled. Sale starts Oct. 15. Margaret Shop, 519 E. Williams. )F20 CONVERT your double-breasted suit to a new single-breasted model. $15. Double-breasted tuxedos converted to single breasted, $18, or new silk shawl collar, $25. Overcoats $18. Write to Michaels Tailoring Co., 1425, Broad- way, Detroit, Michigan, for free de- tails or phone WOodward 3-5776. )F1 HELP WANTED SECRETARY - Familiar with Public School work. Typing and shorthand required. Excellent salary. Apply Supt. of Schools, Hartland, Michigan. )H56 2 PROF. LIBRARIANS B.A. and B.S. required. Sal. $4,277-$4,- 901 BKM LN, in CHG. BKM service, (inside city limits). Driver staff of three. A thriving service. CH LN, in CHG. ch. Services. Main LIB and 2 branches. Opportunity to organize. Attractive fringe benefits. Five day week. New main Lib. soon. Help plan your own offices. A growing lib. sys- tem in a progressive city near Detroit. Write Box 21-A, The Michigan Daily. )H55 WAITERS, WAITRESSES part-time, evenings and/or weekends. Experi- ence preferred but not essential. Call in person. The Virginian Restaurant, 313 S. State. )H48 WANTED-Cab drivers, full or part- time. Apply 113 S. Ashley. Ann Arbor Yellow and Checker Cab Company. Phone NO 8-9382. ) H2UJ "high point of theatrical achievement"-"Immensely successful" -. - -An Arbor News "vigorously alive"-"not-to-be-missed perfor once" .. . ichigan Daily Ann Arbor's PROFESSIONAL Arena Theater " o a-a- " " . USED CARS USED CARS 1953 NASH STATION WAGON EXPERIENCED Operators in Beauty work of all kinds. Ritz Beauty Salon, 805 E. William, NO 8-7066. )J3 WHITE'S AUTO PAINT SHOP 2007 South State NO 2-3350 Bumping and Painting I )J81 Low mileage, in perfect condition. 1954 PLYMOUTH $995 $795 Rentschler Studio FINE PHOTOGRAPHY since 1890 319 E. Huron Ann Arbor's only Master Pnotographer )J10 2 door, two-tone blue paint, 22,000 miles, one owner. Masonic Temple 327 S. 4th Ave. Call NO 2-5915 I i 1956' CHEVROLET $2495 Today thru Sunday Orpheum Showing from 6:30 Today-75c 4 door sedan, V$, power glide, radio, white wall tires, new car guarantee. BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES :VOGEL'S BICYCLE & SPORT STORE 113 W. Washington )J7 YOU'LL MEET PEOPLE FROM ALL WALKS OF 'LOVE'! 1951 CHEVROLET 4 door, new tires, mechanically perfect. 1953 DODGE 4 door, radio & heater, ,exceptional buy. $345 $595 $995 1954 CHEVROLET 4 door, radio & heater, power glide, perfect throughout. 1949 CHEVROLET $145 Phone NO 8-6972 )B118 Everything works, excellent transportation. 1956 CHEVROLET Station Wagon Read and Use Daily Classifieds WUERTH Cecil B. DeMille's Mightiestj Spectacle! " o A PARAMOUNT REREL.EASE Y A LE T COOPR DODnDARD 0Cil B.DeMill 's TECHNIOOS . ,,,, y 9 passenger, V-8, white wall tires, 1 new. power glide, power packed, 600 miles. We sold the car $2495 BUSINESS SERVICES Here are some ideal Christmas Gift Suggestions Motorola "Golden Voice" CLOCK-RADIO with today's new fashion colors. priced as low as $24.95 Small Radios with big Radio Tones as low as $14.95. Or America's Smartest PORTABLE, $29.95 SEE and HEAR at CASEY'S Cor. E. Huron & Fourth Ave. NO 2-4489 )B125 Id JIM WHITE, INC. YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER Open 'til 9 P.M. Daily- Saturday 'til l P.M. 2 Big Lots - COR. WASHINGTON and FIRST STS. and COR. ASHLEY and LIBERTY STS. Phones NO 2-5000, NO 3-6495, NO 3-3321 REAL ESTATE THE BUTTS & SWISHER CO. REALTORS FOR ANN ARBOR WOODS (Washtenaw at Stadium) Models Open Daily10-8 Office 214 E. Washington NO 3-0300 FOR RENT 21 ROOM Modern completely equipped Apt. Furnished. Would like a gradu- ate woman student for roommate. NO 2-5731 after 6. )C33 SPACIOUS APT. to share with student for rest of semester. Private bedroom. Campus location. Call NO 3-1511, ext. 452. Tues.-Thurs. )C30 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Gold Lady Elgin watch, weekend of Nov. 9. Call 6402 Couzens Hall, NO 2-2521. )A55 NEW CARS 1956 PONTIAC Demonstrators 8 TO CHOOSE FROM NEW-CAR GUARANTEE KLI NGLER PONTIAC, Inc. i ) N47 i -- , I .1 music SHOPS -CAMPUS-- 211 S. State NO 8-9013 EUROPE 20,Countries, 70 Days, $1305 Summer '57-shorter trip optional EUROPE FOR COLLEGIANS 255 Sequoia-Pasadena-Calif. N I -DOWNTOWN- 205 E. Liberty NO 2-0675 for the Finest in Recorded Music V .®- Cineta uil Tonight 7:00 & 9:00 "High Noon" I I