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November 15, 1956 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1956-11-15

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Sixty-Seventh Year


"AhA You've Come Back To Me"

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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Soprano Displays
Fine Musicianship
JN THE ART of singing as practiced by Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, there
has been a progressive refinement which has followed a consistent,
devoted and high minded route. The result as it was demonstrated last
night, is tightly disciplined to the point of equilibrium. It is a highly
civilized art: and as an inevitable result, there has been a narrowing
down of the emotional palette.
The songs sung last night to the best advantage (and one would
suspect that Miss Schwarzkopf found these most to her taste) were
numbers which were introspective and aloof in outline; intellectual
even in their emotive content; quiet and usually slow in tempo. Nobility
and devotion were their content, and they were sung with these quali-
Such were the numbers like Bach's "Bist du bei mir;'" Handel's
"Care selve;" Schubert's "An die Musik" and the Romanze from Rosa-


An Open Letter to SGC's
Newly Elected Members




THE election is over.
After two weeks of campaigning, putting
up posters, attending meetings and speaking all
over campus, University students have elected
you their representatives. Now you're a campus
leader, and maybe it's not the first time.
To all of you, whether you've been there be-
fore, or it's your first time round, congratu-
Your responsibility to the University's 22,000
students has never been greater. You're en-
trusted with a grave task-that of preserving
and extending the student voice.
The next few months will be the most crucial
in Student Government Council's short ex-
istence. What SGC accomplishes from now on

will determine the Regents' decision next
THE ISSUES you face are important ones,
SGC does not concern itself only with the
bicycle problem. It has shown maturity Icy
tackling problems which have plagued the Ad-
ministration and faculty for years. It has dealt
with the touchy, emotion-filled questions of
teferred rush and Sigma Kappa.
There is a possibility that SGC can become
something very rare in student governments
-an effective, deliberate, mature, unafraid
Whether it does or not is up to you.

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Steering Committee Conference


A FACULTY MEMBER commented the other
day that it is "getting impossible to get
an education around here any more."
Whether or not we agree with the comment,
one of the high marks of the University of
Michigan is that if it is true, something can be
done about it. Tonight's Literary College Steer-
ing Committee Conference will pool student and
faculty resources in a discussion of one aspect
of the whole problem of higher education.
Topic for discussion will be, "Can We Liber-
alize the Literary College Curriculum?" Though
we would suggest that there are more basic
questions to be asked and answered before this
particular one, the area of curriculum does
need debate and these more basic questions will
necessarily come out in tonight's discussion.
We wonder, first of all, what the educational
policy of an institution should be in admission
of students. Should we confine a lot of educa-
tion to a few students, or spread a little to a
lot? If students of differing abilities are ad-
mitted, should the average intelligence of the
group hold down the student who is more ad-
ONCE the student is here, what should the
liberal arts school attempt to do? Should
it train the student comprehensively in an area
of natural science, of social science, a humanity
depending on what specific vocation he plans
to enter? Or should it develop in the student
a broad ability to think, to interpret, to analyze
wit. little attention paid to any one of the
present departmental fields? ,
Having decided the objectives of, a liberal
arts education, are the present requirements of
the Literary College and its departments real-
istic? Should there be an even greater com-
partmentalization than at present among the
students and faculty members of the indi-
vidual departments? Or should the disciplines
overlap, with more provision made for inter-
departmental courses?

These are questions which tonight's discus-
sion will pose. And if the possibilities of getting
a real education at the University have dim-
inished, the answers and follow-through from
the discussion will be a step forward in making
the possibilities greater.
And an Epitaph
ON THE campus scene:
An old institution meets its demise with
the, opening of tonight's sophomore show. The
idea of student-written, student-directed pro-
grams has long been existent in the form of the
farce-comedy Union Opera, which is also being
converted to a "professional" musical comedy.
Perhaps it is merely a disposal of time-hon-
ored Michigan traditions (for instance, is there
a woman left on campus who feels conscience
pangs when she enters the Union front door?)
Or perhaps, because of the use of a co-ed show,
the excuse that there was Insufficient time to
prepare a student script is valid.
We wish both groups luck in their undertak-
ing, but we mourn the passing of their prede-
* * *
One thing that remains to be explained: How
can the United States of America elect its
president in one day, while the student body
of the University takes two to choose seven
Student Government Council members?
* * *
The 140 foot crane lying daintily across the
Diag yesterday somewhat impeded progress
to and from classes. Suggestion to the Plant
Department: it would help academic pursuits
if constriuction work were to be carried on
between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and eight in
the morning.
-J. R.

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The A tlantic A iliance Hard Core

THE Atlantic Alliance has been
passing through a serious ~est
which has made clearer than ever
before its lasting strength and its
present limitations. They might
be summed up by saying that
where the issue is national survi-
val, the alliance is certain; where
the issues are concerned only with
nlational interests, there is not
necessarily a common policy.
Thus in the Middle East the
British and French national in-
terest is very much more impor--
tant than the American. The allies
were so little able to agree on a
common policy that for a time
they could not even consult. Yet,
when the Soviet Union -threatened
Britain and France, this country
stood up for them instantly and
without hesitation. The allies
could differ up to the point where
the survival of any of them was
* * -*
IT IS A HELP in trying to un-
derstand the alliance to look first
to its hard core. This is a defensive
union of the North Atlantic na-
tions - primarily, of Britain,
France and the Low Countries in
Europe, of Canada and the United
States in North America. This
inner core is, as regards defense
against external attack, intimately
connected with the whole Atlantic

community of nations. This com-
munity includes all the Americas
and all of Europe which, when it
is free to do so, is turned westwards
towards the Atlantic Ocean.
The inner core, that is to say
the military alliance within the
Atlantic community, is bound to-
gether for a common defense by
ties that are stronger than the
terms of a treaty or the formula
of a policy. It is bound together,
one may say, by the nature of
things as we have learned to know
it over two centuries of historic
experience. In great wars, the na-
tions on the two sides of the North
Atlantic ocean have always been,
and may expect always to be, in-
volved. For the Atlantic Ocean,
contrary to what was once the
popular belief, is not a sea which
divides America from Europe but
one which binds them together.
* * *
THE MEMBERS of the defensive
union have important interests,
which in varying degrees they re-
gard as vital, that extend beyond
the Atlantic community, into the
Pacific, into Asia and into Africa.
Here there are differences as to
what is vital, as to what should be
done, as to how it should be done.
they hung on to our coattails when
Our European allies have differed
with us about the Far East where
we wanted to move forward. We

have differed with them about the
Middle East, and we have been
hanging on to their coattails.
The unending task of diplomacy
on both sides of the Atlantic is to
§ee to it that when the allies
diverge, they to do not separate,
that they settle their differences
before they imperil the defensive
unity within the Atlantic com-
* * * -
IN THE long run the cardinal
task of the Atlantic alliance is to
work out a new relationship be-
tween the Atlantic community and
the nations which are emerging
from colonial status. During. the
dispute over the Franco-British
intervention in Egypt, an influen-
tial official was saying in Wash-
ington that we could not ride two
horses much longer -- what with
our ties to Western Europe and our
sympathies with the revolt against
colonialism. He was, I believe, pro-
foundly mistaken. To ride those
two horses is just what we have
to do. It is our interest, it is our
duty, and if one may use grandoise
words, it is our mission to be at
once ally of the West and its
principal mediator, seeking the ac-
commodations by which the libera-
tion of the subject peoples can be
accomplished without precipitating
a world war.
1956 New York Herald Tribune Inc.

The first was stunningly sung
with control and nobility. The aria
by Handel, for example, was given
a very elegant reading; with a
,show of complete breath and dy-
namic control.
All the singing showed fine line-
al articulations and clear diction.
There were light and fast numbers,
but all it showed an interior qual-
ity. They seemed to verge on solil-
oquies and all of them, one can
honestly say, had everything to do
with fine feelings, polite society
and culture. And somehow, they
seemed not to be dramatic.
The two arias from Mozart were
delivered well, in like manner. One
greatly admired, however, the way
in which by vocal color alone, she
differentiated the characters of
Zerlina and Cherubino.
4* * *
is a warm, clear and supple in-
strument, seamless from the top
of the range to the bottom, and
managed effortlessly, both as to
dynamics and pitch. The tones
were usually ear-ravishing. She is
a phenomenal technician and a
musician of great taste--and she
never faltered last night in dis-
playing her musicianship. ,
She sang with less restraint (or
reticence) after the intermission.
The ,psychological world inherent
in each of the lied were etched
with care and awareness: and even
if one felt that she was still con-
templating her interior landscape
in the lieder by Brahms, Schu-
mann and Wolf, she gave lie to
those who would claim that she
is merely a miniaturist in the
songs by Hugo Wolf. "Kennst du
das Land," for example, was de-
livered with dynamic force and
brilliance that begged for orches-
tral accompaniment.
Her, rendition of the aria from
La Boheme "Donde lieta usci"
seemed less successful, not for any
vocal deficiency, but her approach
seemed too serious and heavy.
The accompanist, George Reeves,
left much to be desired. He was
too retiring, and was frequently
wooden and listless.
-A. Tsugawa
to the
Return to, Shelter?
To the Editors:
T HAS occurred to me to wonder
how this university community
will react to the recent events in
the Middle East and Hungary. Will
we return to our shelters, to the
library stacks and to the football
stadium, perhaps with a sigh of
relief that "it's all over"? Is this
university a sanctuary from the
painful moral decisions which arise
from these events, or is it the
testing ground for the answers to
take form in our own generation's
contribution to the world?
We are all half a dozen or more
years older than some of the Hun-
garians who have died for their
nation these past weeks. And yet
we are not half the age of those
heads of state who will meet to
try to pick up the pieces.
This letter is no appeal for firm
and resolute minds. If there be
any such, who can honestly say
they have struggled with the com-
plexity of the issues, more power
to them. I cannot lay claim to such
a state of mind. I do not know if
we, as a nation, should meet the
oppression of any aggressor with
violence. Nor do I know if we
should stand by and watch the
fondest dreams of Voice of America
come true for a brief moment, only

to be crushed by Russian steel
and fire.
The best I can do is to couple
my own tentative, unsatisfactory
thoughts with the intense desire
to hear the ideas of my fellow stu-
dents and the faculty. I would
propose action on two levels: 1)
that one or more faculty panel dis-
cussions be held, wherein those
who feel they can countenance
counter-aggression on moral and-
or practical grounds would con-
front those who do not; 2) that
small groups of interested students
and faculty be formed to attempt
a sincere evaluation of the prob-
lems involved.
-Richard D. Mann, Grad. j

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication.
General Notices
Automobile Regulations will be lifted
for Thanksgiving vacation from 5 p.m.
Wed., Nov. 21 to 8 a.m. Mon., Nov. 26,
National Teacher Examinations: Ap-
plication. blanks for the Feb. 9, 1957
administration of the National Teach-
er Examinations are now available at
122 Rackham Building.
Selective Service Examination: Stu-
dents taking the Selective Service Col-
lege eQualification Test on Nov. 15
are requested to report to Room 130-
Business Administration, at 8:30 a.m.
An Intensive 12-hour course on "Pro-
gramming for the Type 650 Computer"
will be given starting Dec. 3 from 4-
Mon., Wed., Fri., Dec. 3, 5 and 7, Mon.,
Wed., and Fri., Dec. 10, 12 and 14,
Please call Mrs. Brando Ext. 2768 for
further informaiton.
Mary L Hinsdale Scholarship,
amounting to $138.19 (interest on the
endowment fund) is available to un-
dergraduate women who are wholly
or partially self-supporting and who
do not live in University residence halls
or sorority houses. Girls with better
than average scholarship and need will
be considered. Application blanks, ob-
tainable at the Alumnae Council Of-
fice, Michigan League, should be filed
by Dec. 1, 1956.
All new women on campus are invited
to a tea given in their honor by the
residents of Marth, Cook, on Thurs.,
Nov. 15, from 3:30-5:00 p.m. Former
Michigan women are also welcome.
Agenda Student Government Council
Nov. 16, 1956: Michigan Union 4 p.m.
Minutes of the previous meeting
Officers' reports: President Football
scheduling, 10th Annual Conference
on Higher Education, Nov. 21.
Vice President
-Election results
Student Representation: Final Report.
Campus Affairs: Moral Rearmament.
Education and Social Welfare: Student
Leadership Training Conference.
Coordinating and Counseling: American
Rocket Society, constitution; Metal-
lurgical Society, requests recognition.
Activities: Nov. 19 Assembly Assoc,
Fortnite, Lydia Mendelsohn; 23-25
;NSA Regional International Student
Relations Seminar, Union. 30, Women's
Physical Education Club, Barn Hop,
Barbour; Dec. 1, Mortarboard, Senior
Society, Scroll, Career Conference,
League, 2-5 p.m.
Old Business
New Business
Members and constituents time
The following student sponsored ev-
ents are approved for the coming week-
end. Social chairmen are reminded that
requests for approval for social events
are due in the Office of Student Af-
fairs not later than 12 o'clock noon on
the Tuesday prior to the event,
Nov. 16, 1956 Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha
Gamma Delta, Lawyer's Club, Luther-
an Student Association, Phi, Delta Phi,
Theta Xi;
Nov. 17, 1956: Adams House, Alpha
Delta Phi, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Sig-
ma Phi, Delta Chi, Delta Delta Delta,
Delta Gamma, Delta Kappa Epsilon,
Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Del-
ta Theta Phi, Delta Upsilon, East Quad-
rangle, Gomberg, Greene, Hayden, Kap-
pa Sigma-Phi Mu, Kelsey, Lambda Chi
Alpha, Nelson International House, Nu
Sigma Nu, Phi Alpha Kappa,Phi Delta
Phi, Phi Delta Theta,' Phi Epsilon P,
Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi
Mu, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma Delta,
Psi Omega, Reeves, Sigma Alpha Epsi-
lon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Nu, Sigma
Phi Epsilon, Strauss, Theta Delta Chi,
Triangle, Trigon; Van Tyne, Winchell,
Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta Psi.
Nov. 18, 1956: Delta Theta Phi, IHC-

-Assembly, Nelson International House,
Phi Delta Phi, Phi Kappa Psi, Stock-
well, Zeta Tau Alpha.
Third Campus Public Lecture by Le-
land Stowe. Mr. Stowe will again open
his Journalism 230, Current World
Events, lecture to the campus public.
Thurs., Nov. 15, 11:00 a.m., Aud. 0D, An-
gell Hall. Title: "World-Wide Reper-
cussions of the Allies' Disaster in Egypt:
Major Immediate Problems and their
Long-Term Implications."
Research Seminar , of the Mental
Health Research Institute. Dr. Fred
Fiedler, Department of Psychology, Uni-
versity of Illinois, will speak on "Small
Group Dynamics," Nov. 15, 1:30-3:30
p.m., Conference Room, Children's Psy-
chiatric Hospital.


Balrnce in Responsibilities

FREEDOM of the student in thought and ac-
tion its a problem which has been coming
to a head for some time in colleges and univer-
sities throughout the nation. This has been
especially true in the question of the right of
students to invite and listen to controversial
In one area, a university has a responsibility
to the student to encourage and promote criti-
cal inquiry. It is the bounden duty of educa-
tors to help the student arrive at a satisfac-
tory approach to maturity by discouraging un-
questioning acceptance of statement and stim-
ulating a desire for careful evaluation and per-
sonal decision.
This cannot be fully realized by limiting the
directions which the student may use in ap-
proaching a question. The young mind must
be able to view all aspects of a problem in
reaching his conclusions.
AT THE SAME time, however, the university
bears a very real and strong responsibility
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN..................Personnel Director
EERNEST THEODOSSIN...............Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK.........Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS................Features Editor
DAVID GREY-...... . ....................Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER..........Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILVERN..........Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON.............Women's Editor
JANE, FOWLER ............. Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS..............somen's Feature Editor
JOHN HIRTZEL.............. .. Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN.....Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH................Adertising Manager
CHARLES WILSON................Finance Manager

to the society which it serves. A great many
public factions support the educational insti-
tution in one manner or another. Their atti-
tudes and desires demand serious respect, de-
spite the fact that they are often much less
liberal than those of the university proper.
Should they seek maintenance of the status
quo, educators have a responsibility to empha-
size the favorable qualities of the national
structure and the desirability of preserving this
The proper balance which university admin-
istrators must reach is delicate.
It lies most heavily on the side of the stu-
dent. In the search for maturity, the student
has an inalienable right to listen to whom he
would, to consider whom he would within the
limits of the law. University facilities should
be made available to all speakers, without re-
gard to their point of view.
But this freedom should rightfully be modi-
fied by educators in compliance with the
wishes of the public. Speakers who have shown
evidence of profound corruptive influence
should not be permitted to appear before a
student body with university sanction.
HISCONSEQUENCE involves the failure of
the university to fully satisfy its primary
responsibility to the student. But the necessity
for partial fulfillment of obligations to the pub-
lic justifies reaching this equilibrium.
New Books at the Library
Rowse, A. L. - The Early Churchils and Eng-
iish Family; NY, Harper, 1956.
Yerby, Frank - Capttain Rebel; NY, Dial
Press, 1956.
Moore, Pamela - Chocolates for Breakfast;
Viking, 1956.
Hulme, Kathryn - The Nun's Story; Bos-
ton, Atlantic-Little Brown, 1956.
Dunn, Waldo H. - -R D. Blackmore, a Biog-
raphy; NY, Long., Green, 1956.
Bremner, Robert H. - From the Depths: The

Another Opening; Another Show

THE Forty-Seventh Annual Ex-
hibition for Michigan Artists
opened Tuesday night at the De-
troit Institute of Arts.
It will be held over until Dec-
ember 23, so that all interested
art lovers will have ample oppor-
tunity to see what Michigan artists
have been up to during the past
The opening itself was moder-
ately successful, with a large
crowd of assorted people wander-
ing around in varied costumes.
Art show openings are notori-
ously curious affairs, even in De-
trit, where a certain element may
usually be depended upon to pro-
vide visual competition for the
paintings, prints, drawings, sculp-
tures, and photographs.
Tuesday night was not an ex-
ception: one lady with gold leaf
eyebrows and long blond hair had
quite as large a crowd gathered
about. her as fif the Founders'
Society Prize painting.
Several motorcycle riders in
leather jackets and rslick haircuts
arrived at one point and searched
unsuccessfully for ice cream.
The paintings chosen b the jury
for inclusion in the show this year
formed somewhat unimaginative
set, although there were a few out-
standing paintings, many of which
are listed here.
* * *
City," a fantastic study of, pre-

Schiwetz Jr., was amusing; a mas-
sive hippopotamus, in g r e e n
,bronze, with another, smaller
hippo on its back; atop the sec-
ond hippo,a stork-like bird.
In another portion of one of the
exhibition rooms was an assort-
ment of artifacts destined for
Eastland, a new Detroit shopping
center. Curious readers are advised
to seek out Eastland, which will
open in 1957. '
University of Michigan artists
were well represented, with paint-

ings by Dale Eldred, Gerome Kam-
rowski, Robert Maitland, David
Rohn, Jamie Ross, and Richard
Wilt, prints by Richard Sears and
Jim Tuckerhand sculpture by
Thomas McClure.,
Interested students and towns-
people who may have unfortunate-
ly missed the opening are advised
that the annual Artist-Craftsman
exhibition will be shown at the
Detroit Institute of Arts next
--David Kessel


by Dick Bibler

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