Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Parting The Sea 0 To The Editor When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Y, NOVEMBER 14, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: PETER ECKSTEIN Meeting at Summit Not Desirable Now THE UNITED STATES, it seems, has declined to consider a "meeting at the summit" concerning the present crises in Hungary and Egypt. The suggestion of such a meeting of the Big.Three at this time indicates a lack of real understanding of what such a meeting has meant in the past. Only the overly optimistic peoples have ex- pected any major international problems to be settled at any of these meetings; they amount to starting points and glorified bull sessions- the values resting wholly in public relations . Summit meetings, for these reasons, have been successful in the past, but no recent meetings have accomplished anything else in terms of major problem areas. TfO HOLD such a meeting at, this time, in order to discuss Hungary and the Middle East, would be to stretch the value of such a meeting and to wish for the near-impossible. Certainly anything in these major crisis areas that has to be discussed can be done equally as well through the United Nations, which has been set up to handle problems of this nature, and is constant touch with actual happenings and problems under consideration. Such a summit meeting, moreover, would be a declaration of lack of faith in the United Nations. This body, for the most part, is ,trying hard to come to some ~greement, or conclusion, or truce. This does not suggest, however, that if in- vited to join in on a summit conference, the United States should decline. Although there may be better ways to accomplish satisfactory results, we have nothing to lose. But a meeting at the summit at this time would be a false start in the wrong direction. -VERNON NAHRGANG Voting Responsibility Of Thinking Citizen THE VOTE for Student Government Council yesterday was neither encouraging nor dis- couraging. Approximately 3700 people turned out, about the same number as the first day of balloting last fall. This turnout is not encouraging as it repre- sents only one-seventh of the enfranchised electorate-in this case, every student now en- rolled in this University. It isn't as discouraging as it might be-the polls will be open and oper- ating until 5 o'clock this afternoon. Americans have been noted the world, over for their disinterest in community affairs. In recent years, a fortunate trend has been noticed, that of increased participation in the activities of the communities. Of particular significance is the increase in thie vote in the national elec- tion. One of the primary reasons for attending this or any university is to learn something of one's responsibility as a thinking citizen. Cert- ainly, student government is an essential ele- ment in this process. And the participation of each individual is in turn essential to the work- ing of this process. Today another opportunity presents itself for the exercise of one's rights and the fulfillment of one's responsibilities. It might be worthwhile remembering, too, that people in many lands would and have given their lives for the priv- ilege of voting that we have here. -RICHARD HALLORAN Editorial Director b, / 1 f t"'-'4 at - 2 -' WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND:- By DREW PEARSON Implication: Informers To the Editor: ACCORDING to Jim Dygert's article on the LYL, the Michi- gan State Police Detective Division claims to know who in Ann Arbor belongs to the LYL, who sympa- thizes with its point of view, etc. We should feel shocked and alarmed at such a revelation. It implies the existence of political dossiers in the files of the State Police; a system of informers, i.e. police spies, feeding those files: private citizens under surveillance -the very things we rightly con- demn in other nations. (Are your thoughts clean and pure? Big Brother is watching.) That we tend to take such things for granted nowadays is a sad commentary on the deterioration of our concepts of democracy un- der the pressure of Attorney Gen- erals' lists, Un-American Com- mittees, and Smith Act trials. The same might be said of the fact that a Daily editor can pre- tend friendship with members of the LYL, pretend to have an honest curiosity about their ideas, only for the purpose of gathering in- formation on a not-so-sensational "expose" article-yet see nothing immoral in such behavior. What does Mr. Dygert have against Mr. Dormont and Mr. Schor, that he would jeopardize their personal AT THE MICHIGAN: Van Assists Naive Cops BLIND playwright Van Johnson plays h u in a n bloodhound, causes a murder, and outguesses an incredibly naive London police inspector in "23 Paces to Baker Street," in Cinemascope. It seems that policemen on either side of the Atlantic Ocean would be left helpless without amateur Hollywood sleuths like Van John- son poking their noses into the law enforcement business. Johnson is , a, successful, but bored, blind playwright who over- hears a bar conversation in which a kidnapping is being planned. He performs his civic duty and im- mediately informs the local gen- darmes who, fools that they are, do not take him seriously. SO, with the help of secretary- valet Cecil Parker and girlfriend Vera Miles, Van proceeds to crack the case openasans 'bobbies.' Being blind, he relies primarily on his acute senses of sound and smell and uses the vaguest of clues, including the odor of an expensive perfume, to discover the kidnapper. In his enthusiasm he even insti- gates the slaying of a cute nurse- maid who might have lived without his meddling. * * * VAN'S brilliance slips momen- tarily when he allows himself to be gullibly led by the murderer to to top floor of a semi-demolished building. Blind Van barely escapes a fatal plunge to the sidewalk as- the floor begins to collapse beneath him. After a slow start, the film moves excitingly from one sus- pense-laden sequence to another. Those with a propensity towards good detective stories with a unique twist should enjoy "23 Paces to Baker Street." * * * JOHNSON'S performance as playwright-detective show little dramatic flexibility and suggests that might do better in tearful roles with Elizabeth Taylor. Cecil Parker does an effective job as his bumbling Man Friday. And Vera Miles tries hard, but does a medi- ocre job as Van's persistent girl- friend. -Sol Plafkin Emotion, Not Answers IVY BAKER PRIEST is an accomplished poli- tician. This was evident to anyone attend- ing her lecture at Hill Auditorium last night. For one hour Mrs. Priest spoke and said very little. The topic of Mrs. Priest's talk was "Our Monetary System." Rather than describe it she merely extolled it. After a few introductory remarks in which she stated that the post of Treasurer of The United States did not make her an economic expert, she gave forth a speech fully befitting this political year. Her address was constantly punctuated with incensequential anecdotes that were indicative of the tone of the whole speech. She constantly appealed to the emotions of her audience through the use of such politically hackneyed. phrases as "cherished ideal," "the scientific miracles of our century," "challenge to life," and "founding days of our republic." A T THE CONCLUSION of the lecture, when confronted by actual questions concerning our economic policy, Mrs. Priest refused to give any specific answers, in the true political tra- dition, to questions posed her. She merely stated that she felt that our economy could continue expanding, infinitely, and that credit was def- initely necessary. She also refused to discuss her personal views on economic issues. Actually, the speech in Hill Auditorium last night was but another indication of the widely spread belief that emotion is replacing fact as the means to answering the questions of today. Given the facts we can make progress, but when emotion is substituted for them we will only stagnate intellectually. -WILLIAM LEWIS CONGRESSIONAL leaders who sat down with the President last week learned that the world was in a much more precarious po- sition than appeared in the news- papers. It was stated publicly afterward that the briefing was reassuring. Privately Congressional leaders said just the opposite. Next week will tell whether the world will be plunged into war, President Eisenhower was repre- sented as saying. The United States is powerless to control de- velopments. We are willing and able to fight, the congressmen were told, if it has to come to that. What Russia does in the next few days will tell the story. * * * EISENHOWER himself made the essential points at the White House session. He was eloquent and assured. In past conferences involving domestic matters the President has sometimes seemed opaque and bored. But in the cur- rent crisis he was well prepared. His analysis was sharper than that of his subordinates. The President opened and closed the conference. Herbert Hoover, Jr., acting Secretary of State in the absence of John Foster Dulles, read a prepared statement, and read it as his father used to read statements in press conferences - not effectively. He did not seem too well prepared. Allen Dulles, younger brother of the Secretary of State and head of central intelligence, also gave a long schoolroom lecture which did not impress congressional leaders. Admiral Arthur Radford, dy- namic chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, spoke of the logistic troubles the Russians would have in moving troops into the Suez area. He estimated it would take several weeks because of the dis- tance, and because of the fact that Egypt is completely sur- rounded by non-communist na- tions. He suggested Russia might be able to make a secret concen- tration inside Jordan along the Israeli border, then invade from that direction. * * * .IT WAS brought out that Rus- sia already has technical equip- ment on hand in the Near East to fight a war. That was why the British lost a plane over Syria fly- ing at 45,000 r feet. It could only have been brought down at that altitude with radar interceptor equipment, obviously supplied by Russia. Heart of the White House brief- ing was summarized by the Presi- dent as follows: We do not intend to give up the Middle East. What happens there is .now up to Russia. There are three chief moves Rus- sia could make: 1. Move in the Red Army-which would mean war. 2. Move in volunteers - which would not mean war. It would be serious but war could be avoided. 3. Let the United Nations police force settle the dispute. * * * THE OPINION was expressed that the UN and the West had moved so fast to send a police force that they had caught Russia off base. It was believed that Moscow definitely intended to move troops but the UN got there first. If Rus- sia does not move byathis week, peace will be preserved. No matter what happens, how- ever, the congressmen were told Russia will end up with a new satellite - Syria. Already that Country is communist infiltrated. Opening the Suez Canal will be much more difficult than the ,public realizes. Not only has it been blocked at both ends, but Congressmen were told the ship sunk in -the middle was a con- verted LST loaded with quick- setting cement. * *>* CONGRESSIONAL leaders who listened to this gloomy report in- cluded men from both political parties, all walks of life, all parts of the country: Clarence Cannon from the Mark Twain; country of Missouri, who has battled against Ike's aid for private utilities; Carl Albert from the cattle country of Oklahoma; ex-speaker Joe Mar- tin from the jewelrylmaking area of Massachusetts; Charlie Hal- leck of Indiana; 87-year old Sen- ator Theodore Francis Green, the Rhode Island millionaire; Senator Knowland, of the California news- paper publishing family; John McCormack, the kindly congress- man from Boston; Senator Harry Byrd, millionaire apple-grower from Virginia, and so on. Some of them wondered, as Ike talked, why he as a Peace Presi- dent didn't make some of his dan- ger-of-war statements before elec- tion. And there was some intima- tion that Moscow by splitting the Western alliance had accomplished the most coveted objective of its entire foreign policy. Congressional le a d e r s were franker in expressing the opinion that the United States should have done something to show anti-com- munist Hungarians we were be- hind them. One suggested we should have given the Russians twelve hours' notice to withdraw Soviet troops, then recognized the rebel government of Hungary. WHEN administration leaders were asked whether we would rec- ognize the rebel government, the answer was absolutely, no. Ike was sympathetic toward the problem of keeping the spark of liberty alive in Hungary, but did not see just what we could do without risking war. As the conference closed, Sena- tor Lyndon Johnson, the Texas leader, gave assurances of bipar- tisan approach on foreign affairs. (Copyright 1956 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) careers by the public allegation that they are. or were, members of the LYL? That the way to journalistic success lies in destroying one's neighbors is indeed an indictment of our times. -David R. Luce Impartial Appeal . . To The Editor, IN VIEW of the already super- heated feelings on the part of most foreign students on campus, Dr. Ilvis of the International Center, who should be the most impartial University official, should not have made his appeal to the American students in behalf of the Near-East students on cam- pus. If taken seriously, his appeal could result in the formation of a group of students for Arabs in one hand and a group of stu- dents for the French, British and Israeli students in the other. I fail to see in which way this could tighten the bonds of the so called University Family. Dr. Davis' appeal should have been on behalf of all people in- volved, not only those from the Near East. Dr. Davis' appeal should have been for more international understanding and perhaps for a prayer that all the important men of the world set aside their per- sonal ambition, stop playing Hit- lers, and realize that the destiny of the whole humanarace might depend on their next actions. Such an appeal would have been more fitting of the director of a truely International Center, and not of a Near Eastern Center like the one which seems to exist on Campus. -Harold Grisoni Where Mar nes, To the Editor: T THE football game on Satur- day, Nov. 10th, I was pleased to see a fine tribute paid to the Army, Navy, and Air Force; a tribute which certainly was well deserved. I was, however, shocked at the inexcusable lack of recognizance of what is undoubtedly the finest military organization in the world, the United States Marine Corps. A tribute should have been paid it not only because it was the day before Veterans Day, but also, and primarily because on Saturday, November 10, it was the birthday of the organization which, since its founding, has been unexcelled In military performance. From the hot hells of the Orient to the icy regions of the North, Marines gave their lives to help make this coun- try what it is. In 1741, even before the birth of our nation, Col. Wm. Gooch of Vir- ginia formed a Marine Regiment. On November 10, 1775 Congress re- solved that a group of Marines be organized and this now stands as its official birthday. Not only is the Marine Corps the oldest fight- ing force in the United States (one day older than the Navy), but it also has the distinction of having taken part in every action, large and small, in which the United States has been forced to defend itself. -Martin Lederman, '59 Constructive Criticism To the Editor: "CRITICISM" is a misnomer of Richardi Laing's Plowboy re- view, since only one third of his article is devoted to a constructive examination. The remainder of the commentary is an attempt at so-called "Gargoyle" style, which Mr. Laing is supposedly against. Actually, we don't particularly care whether he went to the Blue Front or not, and it certainly isn't im- portant whether an "Econ prof," or a dinosaur stood beside him. Critic Laing tries to convince the reader that he is free from the sin of reading such lurid literature as Playboy and Esquire. Such at- tempts at ill humor can be moti- vated by an extreme jealously of Gargoyle writers. From now on, Mr. Laing, try to criticize subjects about which you are not already biased. -Irwin Gage, '60 -Harvey Katz, '60 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Lecture, auspices of the Department of Philosophy. "Esthetic Values." (in English). Mikel Dufrenne, professor of philosophy, University of Poitiers, France. 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 15, Aud. C, Angell Hall. University Lecture. "Fluid Motions on Rotating Bodies" by Dr. Dave Fultz, director, Hydrodynamics Laboratory, Department of Meteorology, University of Chicago. Architecture Auditorium, Thurs., Nov. 15, at 4,15 p.m. Auspices of the Department of Civil Engineer- x ,. :. . I 1' INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Russian Mis take? By J. M. ROBERTS, Associated Press News Analyst ONE OF THE most serious dangers in connec- tion with the Middle East crisis has been that Soviet Russia would mistake the disagree- ment between the United States and her two chief "Western allies as the end of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther, outgoing NATO chief, whether on his own initiative or by Allied diplomatic choice, has spoken out on that score. In a clear reply to Premier Bulganin's sug- gestion that Russia might use rockets on France and Britain unless they withdrew from Egypt, Gruenther promised instant retaliation and the destruction of Russia. It is true that NATO has been seriously dis- turbed by the Anglo-French action in Egypt in direct defiance of clearly expressed American wishes. Editorial' Staff RICHARD SNYDER. Editor RICHARD HALLORAN NLEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor GAIL GOLDSTEIN................Personnel Director ERNEST .THEODOSSIN................Magazine Editor JANET REARICK..........Associate Editorial Director MARY ANN THOMAS...........:. Features Editor DAVID GREY...................Sports Editor RICHARD CRAM*.iR........... Associate Sports Editor STEPHEN HEILPERN......Associate Sports Editor VIRGINIA ROBERTSON..........Women's Editor JANE FOWLER .............Associate Women's Editor ARLINE LEWIS................Women's Feature Editor JOHN HIRTEL .................. Chief Photographer Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN.....Associate Business Manager WILLIAM PUSCM..................Adertising Manager CHARLES WILSON....-...............Finnaner . IT NOW APPEARS that the two powers step- ped into something they will be unable to finish, because of the pressure of world opinion against them, and that a new start will have to be made on the Suez problem. This would be seriously complicated by con- tinued Russian military moves in the Middle East, and the crisis indefinitely extended. If Russia can be convinced of the dangers she is running, there may now be a chance for a settlement such as that originally demanded by the United States, in which the sovereignty of Egypt ca_ be made compatible with a canal system under which it could not be used in Nasser's political maneuvering. One factor supporting this possibility is that the Anglo-French-Israeli military action has knocked out a large part of the Russian arms supply which gave Nasser his pre-eminence among Arab leaders of the Middle East. The international police force, if and when it goes to work, presumably would eliminate the danger that Nasser, at some stage of the nego- tiations, would knock out the canal rather than yield. Indeed, it appears that due to the invasion, the canal will be inoperative for some time anyway, and that Nasser has therefore lost much of his deterrent power. T HE FAILURE of the other Arab states to undertake direct action against Israel also suggests that Nasser is not as strong in that quarter as he may have supposed. Russian talk of "volunteers" in case of further trouble in Egypt is also vague. If the cease-fire is made to stick; if negoti- ations over the eventual control of the canal are resumed, presumably through the United Nations, one of the big questions before Nas- ser-if his government survives long enough to be a principal-is how much he can rely upon Russia. All Nasser has left from his attempt to play Russia against the West is a big debt to Russia. Will Russia run the necessary risks of continued '+ ARCHITECTURE, ACOUSTICS AND ARIAS: Ford Auditorium and the Detroit Symphony' By ALBERT TSUGAWA Daily Music Reviewer DETROIT'S new Henry and Ed-' sel Ford Auditorium down near the river front was opened last month. It is to be Detroit's cultural and musical center: home of the Symphony and if possible, opera and ballet, The building is very modern in appearance: "functional" on vari- ous counts. For one thing, when approaching it, the feeling one gets is that of being swallowed up into a speaker cabinet-electro- static, with the honey-comb fac- ade. What should 'epitomize a music hall now-a-days more than a hi-fi component? For another thing, the exterior lines of the building are all immac- ulate and clean cut; the surface textures flat and polished, devoid of any play of imagination. you suddenly realize that the whole scene looks most like a bus station in a small town. You must rush away to another destination- the lobby is only a passageway. The best that can be said for the color schemes in the lobby is that it is pallid. It has,the virtue of being nearly unobtrusive. But hu- man fancy has not contributed to any sense of elegance. * * * IN THE HALL itself, the color scheme is livelier. The seats are aquamarine. The drapery on the stage is a dull gold, in elaborate foldings reminiscent of a night club. The stage is pastel peach. The ceiling is a metallic gray, the walls pale lemon. Ultimately, the wide auditorium is like a cinematic dream of an expensive High School Auditorium. At intermission time, the audi- Pne gnP ionth aCAm _ f ,,_ the hall is like when a full orches- tra is playing in it, along with a soloist (in this case Jerome Hines, the bass-baritone.) I am sorry to report that the acoustics in general is variable, unreliable and disap- pointing. The program of the evening con- sisted of Schumann's Symphony No. 3; three numbers from Mous- sorgsky's Boris Gudonov and Pro- kofieff's Romeo and Juliet Suite No. 2. The orchestra was arranged on the stage in conventional fashion, except that the brass section, mak- ing up the last two rows, is raised on a podium above the strings and the woodwinds. In quality, the orchestra is average. They are efficient. * * * GRANTED the orchestral tex- tures created by Schumann and QrlnfnfenatnOIr.if _+ -n transparancy in it, could not be destroyed by his exaggeration of sentiment-like the swells in the chords, and over-emphasis of the melodic contour. The Schumann symphony sound- ed poor in the hall. Schumann's orchestration is far from ideal- but Paray did not show ability to sift out the strands and to display the musical fabric both in form and in sound. Except in the softest passages, none of the instrumental sections were identifiable (in row E, right of center of the balcony.) Any- thing above a forte was amuddied blast; and except in the loudest fortissimos, the sounds seemed to be forward, muffled and dry, as if transmitted through a megaphone located on the stage. Hines ,sang as effectively as he did last spring in the same. role ., - .±...... . f, - ..... ,- IIXTI,;I I