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November 14, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-11-14

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Day of



Totals 3700


The first day of Student Government Council balloting totalled
an unofficial 3,700, according to Elections Director Tom Vanden
Bosch, '58E.
First day voting last fall also garnered 3,700 votes despite in-
termittent rainstorms. "I'm not disappointed, and I'm not overjoyed
it's going pretty well," Vanden Bosch said.
Since the weatherman is forecasting a cloudy day with possible


rain turning to snow in the afternoon, the total vote may be lower
than last fall's record 7,120.
Count Night will begin at 6:30 p.m. today in the Union Ballroom
and will extend until the seven open Council positions have been filled.
Count Directors will be President Bill Adams, '57BAd. Education
and Social Welfare Chairman Tom Sawyer, '58, Campus Affairs Chair-
man Lew Engman, '57 and National and International Affairs Chair-
man Anne Woodard, '57. All students are welcome to attend Count

Night, and watch the tabulations, Vander Bosch said.
Two local radio stations plan coverage of the count. WCBN,
the campus broadcasting network, will be in the Union Ballroom with
a remote control unit and a special events staff from 8 p.m. until
returns are in. They will have latest count results and interviews
with candidates.
WHRV, Ann Arbor radio station, will do a series of five minute
spot broadcasts in the latter part of the evening.

A DROP IN THE SLOT -Daily-Dick Gask=
The fourteen hopefuls vying for five full year and two half
year terms are Bob Creal, '58BAd, Scott Chrysler, '59E, Janet Neary,
'58, Maynard Goldman, '59, Ron Shorr, '58BAd, Al Lubowitz, '57,
Jerry DeMaagd, '58, Joe Brown, '58, James Wheeling, '57, Janet
Winkelhaus, '57, Joe Collins, '58, John Wrona, '58, Mal Cumming,
'58BAd and Pete Cartwright, '59'.
Sixteen polling booths located throughout the main campus area
will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today.


, I

See Page 4



D3a ii4


Latest Deadline in the State



Court Bans Bus
Segregation Laws

WASHINGTON (R) - The Supreme Court yesterday wiped out

state and local laws requiring segregation on buses.
It did so by affirming a decision of a special three-fudge United
states district court in Montgomery, Ala. That court ruled that en-
forced segregation of whites and Negroes on Montgomery buses vio-
lated the U.S. Constitution's guarantees of due process and equal
protection of law.
In a brief unanimous order, the Supreme Court cited its 1954 de-
cision against segregation in public schools. It also cited subsequent
decisions outlawing segregation in public parks and playgrounds and
on public golf links.
No Arguments Heard
As it has done in several segregation cases since its basic school


Will Be Held,
Annual University program for'
fraternity health and safety in-
spection will soon be underway,'
with houses given aweek's advance
notice of inspection tours, fra-
ternity presidents were told last'
Edi Zeerip, Interfraternity Coun-
cil fraternity relations chairman,
explained that house managers are'
notified a week ahead so that they
will be around to show inspectors
through the house with a minimum
of confusion.
Not City Custom
It is not a common city practice
to' notify local landlords before
such an inspection is made, ac-
cording to John Ryan, Ann Arbor'
building commissioner.'
Landlords are notified only
when they don't live in the build-
ing, so that inspection can take,
place easily, Ryan said. ,
He added that specific frater-;
nity houses were not told last year
when inspections were to take
place, although the whole system
was Informed they would before
a general inspection program be-
gan. -
IFC is entering competition for
Freedom Foundation Thomas Jef-
ferson award, Tim Leedy, IFC
president, told the Presidents. ;
Furthers Traditions
The $1,000 award is given an-
ually to the college group that
most furthcrs American traditions
and offers service to the com-
Leedy also warned the presidents,
that some person claiming to be a
Daily reporter has been calling
fraternities, asking if they have
bias clauses and closing with
"Well, then where's your integra-
He emphasized that this person.
is not a Daily reporter and should;
not be answered.
Rushing Chairman Stu Gordon
reported that a questionaire was
out to evaluate changes in theI
rushing system. This was done in
accordance with SGC recommen-'

decision, the high court acted
without listening to any argument.
Except for citing three segrega-
court said was:
"The motion to affirm is grantedI
tion-banning decisions, all the'
and the judgment is affirmed."
This affirmation left no doubt
that the Supreme Court was out-.
lawing segregation on all bus sys-
tems. Earlier this year some ques-
tion had arisen when the court
simply dismissed an appeal from
another decision overturning a
South Carolina segregation law.
That left the decision in effect but
led to confusion - ended yester-
day - as to the Supreme Court's
intent. '
Long Boycott
Negroes in Montgomery have
conducted a long boycott of city
buses as a protest against segre-
gation. One of the things they re-
sorted to was operation of a car
pool to carry those who used to
use the buses.
A state court at Montgomery is
now considering the city's attempt
to halt the car pool as illegal, The
court continued its hearing yester-
day after being informed of the
Supreme Court ruling.
A Negro spokesman said a de-
cision on whether to end the boy-
cott immediately will be made at
a Negro mass meeting tonight.
Gov. Coleman Dissents
In neighboring Mississippi, Gov.
J. P. Coleman said his state would
continue ot segregate Negroes and
whites on public conveyances, de-
spite the Supreme Court order.
"Ou'r attitude about the decision
will be the same as about the
school segregation cases,'' Cole-
man said. Mississippi's public
schools, like many others 'in the
South, are still segregated.
In other actions yesterday the
Refused to review the trial and
conviction of Dr. Samuel H. Shep-
pard, Cleveland osteopath, for the
bludgeon slaying of his wife. #
Denied Gov. J. Bracken Lee of
Utah permission to file suit at-
tacking constitutionality of the
U. S. foreign aid program. Lee re-
fused to pay part of his 1955 in-
come tax which he estimated,
would go to foreign aid. The gov-
ernment tapped his bank accountj
and got the money.
Agreed to rule on an appeal by
John Stewart Service contesting
his dismissal from the State De-,

.eke Adviser
Prof. Paul W. McCracken of the,
business administration school will
be appointed to the Council of
Economic Advisers, a group that
keeps President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower posted on the economic
state of the nation.
The vacancy was caused by the
resignation-effective Dec. 1-of
Arthur F. Burns, chairman of the,
council and former economics pro-
fessor at Columbia University.
The White House announced
yesterday that Raymond D. Saul-
nier, also formerly of Columbia
and one of the three members of
the council, will be appointed
} He is on leave of absence from
the University and at the time of
his appointment was doing work in
Washington with the economic ad-
visory group.
Prof. McCracken, 40 years old,
is a Republican and a native of
Richland, Iowa. In 1942-43, he was
a commerce department economist.
He then went to the Federal Re-
serve Bank at Minneapolis as fi-
nancial economist and later Direc-
tor of research. He has been at
the University since 1950.
Burns resigned for "personal'
factors," and his resignation was
accepted by the President with
"great reluctance."
The third member of the councils
is Josepti S. Davis, former profes-!
sor of economic research at Stan-
ford University.
SLSA Conference
The annual literary school con-
ference will be held tomorrow at
7:30 p.m. in the Vandenburg Room
of the League.

Iv Priest

... new Presidential adviser


Sound Dollar
Material assets are given mean-
ing only by proper emphasis on
intangible values, United States'
Treasurer Ivy Baker Priest said
last night.
Stressing principles and ideals
of the economic system under
which we operate, she told a Lec-
ture Series audience.that the sav-
ings and investments of the in-
dividual form the basis for our
successful industrial society.
"We as a nation must retain the
security of the dollar," she de-
clared. "Only through confidence
in the dollar will men and women
be free to "accept the challenge
of life."
Speaking of the present Admin-
istration and Federal Reserve Sys-
tem policies creating "tight
money," Mrs. Priest warned that
"all the elements which encourage
inflation are with us now."

Hungary Paralyzed
y NationlwideStrike

UN To Rush
Dag Hammarskjold yesterday de-
layed his Middle Eastern trip for
24 hours to concentrate on rush-
ing United Nations representatives
and relief supplies to revolt-torn
The UN secretary general made
a swift change of plans upon re-
ceiving official word from the
Hungarian government that it was
ready to talk about relief and
how representatives appointed by
him "may participate in organizing
the assistance on the spot,'

Coed Protests Secrecy
Of Woment's Judic Act
Daily City Editor
A University coed protested yesterday against secrecy surround-
ing dissolution of Stockwell Judiciary Council by Women's Judiciary
Council Nov. 6.
Betsy Grand, '57Ed, claimed also that Stockwell House Director
Margerie McCoy attempted to pressure her when she said she would
write a letter to The Daily explaining the dissolution..
Women's Judic dissolved Stockwell's Judic eight days ago be-
cause of dissension and inability of Stockwell Judic members to
work together, according to Betty Jean Kafka, '57 BAd, Women's
Judic chairman.
Miss Kafka confirmed Miss Grand's contention that Women's


Judic didn't want Stockwell coedsi
to know of the dissolution.

, i


Rejected Observers Better for Reputations
Hungary Monday night rejected j "We felt it would be better for
a UN Assembly move to send the reputations of the house judi-
observers into that country but left ciary councils and for Stockwell
the way open for relief supplies. in general," Miss Kafka com-
The Hungarian agreement to ac- mented.
cept UN relief respresentatives was Miss Grand said she was called
accompanied by a long list of food- down twice by Stockwell house
stuffs and medical supplies urgent- directors, the second time by Mrs.
ly needed. McCoy.
On the political front, the UN "Mrs. McCoy told me that there
Assembly's steering committee are a lot of girls who don't want
voted 11-2 to recommend a priority Stockwell's troubles aired in pub-
status for the Hungarian item in lic and if I wrote the letter they'd
the Assembly despite a blunt turn against me," Miss Grand re-
warning from the Soviet Union ported

LYL Closely Linked
To Communist Party

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the see-
end of six articles arising from a
year-long investigation of the Labor
Youth League at the University of
Michigan by writer Dygert when he
was Daily city editor in 1955-56.
This article attempts to answer the
question: What was the LYL?)
One day last May a Daily report-
er asked LYL member Paul Dor-
mont what LYL members did when
they grow up (become too old for
the 35-year-old age limit).

and Carl Winter, the last two of
whom appeared last year.
I When I was a member of the
study group established last spring
(discontinued after one week for'
lack of interest), the material I
was given included "The Commu-
nist Manifesto," "Dialectical and
Historical Materialism," and "On
the Theory of Marxism."
Confusion Over Stalin
At the second study group meet-'
ing, which was no more than an
informal discussion involving Bob

that debate here would only com-
plicate efforts to restore peace in
Egypt Abstained
The Soviet Union and Czecho-
slovakia opposed this move. Egypt
abstained. The committee can only
recommend consideration of anj
item and its decision must be rati-
fied by the full 79-nation Assembly.
The Soviet bloc repeated its op-
position in the Assembly but the
delegates overrode the objections'
and put the Hungarian item on the
Assembly agenda, 62-9. The dele-
gates then voted 51-0, with 19
abstentions, to take up the Hun-
garian issue directly in the Assem-
bly whenever necessary without
sending it to the Political Com-
U Petitio

She also said Mrs. McCoy
threatened to put on her perman-
ent record that she was uncoop-
erative and intimated that it
might be used to her disadvantage
if she needed recommendations for
Thought Letter Unwise
Mrs. McCoy denied both state-
ments. The Stockwell house di-
rector said she advised Miss Grand
against writing the letter because
she thought it unwise.
Miss Grand said the dissension
on the Council was the result of
two factions, one favoring strict
interpretation of the rules, the
other favoring a more lenient in-
The 11-member Stockwell Judic
was called before Women's Judic
Nov. 6 to discuss lack of cohesive-
ness after a Women's Judic mem-
ber had observed a meeting.

World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON--President =
Dwight D. Eisenhower agreed yes-,
terday to meet Prime Minister
Jawahrlal Nehru of India before
the end of the year to review Mid-
dle Eastern and other urgent world
* * **
WARSAW - Poland's Premier I
told Parliament yesterday that
Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky
has resigned as defense minister
and deputy premier.
The Soviet war hero came to
power as chief of Poland's armed
forces on Stalin's orders in 1949.
The Warsaw-born, Soviet-train-
ed marshal had long been regarded
as Mascow's chief representative
in the Polish leadership. He was
ousted from the Polish Communist
party Politburo on Oct. 21.
* * *
H O N G K O N G-Registration
centers for Chinese "volunteers to
serve in Egypt" opened yesterday
in the big Red China cities of
Shanghai and Canton, Peiping
radio said.
The Peiping government has
given no indication whether any
Chinese actually would be sent to
P O R T S A I D, Egypt-British-
French headquarters in this occu-
pied city said yesterday the top
ranking Russian diplomat in Port
Said was the man responsible for
Port Said's "undercurrent of in-
Slips of paper with the warning
"Teath to the fnreio-ner' whn ont

Last Pocket
Of Workers
Holding Out
BUDAPEST .)P)-This nationct
10 million persons turned to an
almost complete general strike at
a weapon against the Russians
The only active resistance in
Budapest against Soviet arms was
reported on Csepel Island in the
Danube. There thousands of work-
ers have turned two factories into
armed fortresses.
With their armed revolt almost
crushed, workers turned to a wea-
pon long barred in the Communist
state - the general strike.
Transportation Crippled
The transport system was crip-
pled. Industries were closed down.
Thousands of citizens wandered
aimlessly around Budapest streets.
Many poked about in the ruins
of homes for lost possessions.
At most industrial plants work-
ers guarded gates' to prevent
strikebreakers from entering. So-
viet tanks and guns, at all impor-
tant intersections, got little atten-
Other Soviet tanks and guns
guarded the Parliament building
where the Janos Kadar govern-
ment-installed by Soviet military
might - was housed.
Parliament Mastered
Parliament appeared to be the
only place where the Kadar re-
gime was master of the situation.
Its radioed appeals for workers to
return to jobs went unheeded.
In government offices national-
ist-minded officials expressed the
view that Imre Nagy, the former
Premier displaced by .Kadar, was
the only man who could solve the
present situation.
Nagy and a group of his sup-
porters apparently remained in
refuge in the Yugoslav Embassy.
Rumors persisted that Nikita
Krushchev, the Soviet Communist
party boss, was here with other
top leaders trying to help the Ka-
dar regime.
One Weapon
The Kadar government had one
weapon that could break. the
strike - a threat to withhold pay.
Budapest radio broadcast the
threat throughout the day.
The people were turning from
fiery defiance to a more sullen
The hatred of Russians re-
mained unchanged. But Budapest
residents, who a few . days ago
cheered every car with an Ameri-
can flag, were mostly indifferent
Svpeter av '

Answered Dormont : Somjoiii n Schor, State Chairman Bolza Bax- A petition requesting United
the Communist Party-some al- ter and me, Baxter and Schor dis- Nations to send aid to Hungarian Before Workshop
I ready belong to The Party-or cussed the confusion over the rebels has recently been circulated Miss Grand said she thought the
just discontinue their activity. then-recent denunciation of Stal- on the University campus. decision to disband the group had
I Yet, the LYL has denied, in in Moscow. The petition, which * contains been made before the workshop
throughout its existence, that it Evidently, the LYL had not yet more than 500 student and faculwas called.
is a front group for the Commu- been told the Party line on the my thn 500 student and a- was aldd
nist Party, quite contrary to the matter, because both Baxter and mintures, s, for d am- "Missafka toru we Jud
opinions of the United States GoV- Schor said they would stick with dmunition, volunteers, food andbdisadedbey discussion after
inent. tain until they knew for suremedical supplies to "provide m had had +a dico ar


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