s Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Now? Oh, But Now It's Stopped Raining" 5kel CA f . _ ow.. T . DETROIT OPERA: 'Susannah,'New Opera, Achieves High Stature AMID A WELTER of new automobile models, Detroit has been given another work of art, which we hope will not fade as quickly from public acclaim as the '57's. This was Carlisle Floyd's first opera, Susannah, produced Sunday at the Detroit Masonic Temple by the New York Opera Company. Susannah is a lyrice drama, adapted from the biblical story of Susannah and the Elders (Douay version, book of Daniel). Placed in a southern setting, it tells the story of a pretty maid found by the Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mist be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: DONNA HANSON SGC Needs Demonstration Of Student Interest IT'S TRITE, but it should be said. Vote. More than ever before, it is important that students demonstrate an interest in student government at the University. SGC's trial period ends in the spring. At that time, the Regents will decide whether or not to make the Council a permanent fixture on Campus. If the voting turnout is as poor as it has been in the past two elections, the Regents may decide that students simply don't care whether or not they have a voice. TWO MAJOR FALLACIES about SGC con- tribute to general apathy around election time. One is that the Council never tackles anything worthwhile, but spends its time in useless wrangles over petty problems. This is untrue. In the year and a half since its incep- tion. SGC has investigated the driving ban, deferred rushing, all University counseling facilities, Sigma Kappa, the Lecture Committee, and Residence Halls financing. The SGC Hu- man Relations Board investigates cases of dis- crimination involving students, either on cam- pus or in the city. The Cinema Guild Board provides two top flight, movies per week for the admission price of 50c. The Air Charter Plan allows students and faculty to fly to Europe, round trip, for $300. Without student govern- ment, it is doubtful that any of these things would have been accomplished. ANOTHER FALLACY is the old refrain, "Well, they can only recommend; they can't really do anything. The Administration doesn't care what students think anyhow." Also untrue. The Administration has proven itself most willing to listen to and abide by student opinion. And it has no Way of knowing what student opinion is unless students have some official voice. So it is important to vote, and vote inform- edly. If you went to the candidates' Open Houses, think back over what the candidates said. Read the supplement in last Sunday's Daily-you'll find out what each candidate thinks about issues now facing the Council. Then vote. There are ballot boxes all over campus, and they'll be there today and to- morrow. You'll probably pass at least one on your way to class, so you won't have to go a step out of your way to do something that is both your precious right and your academic duty. -TAMMY MORRISON A Longer School Year? LENTHING of the academic year in high minds of the nation's youth in scholarship school and upper elementary grades has and good citizenship. recently been proposed by a reputable educator. Granted the increased school year would Richard T. Arnold, director of basic physical cut down on the summer recess, but the educa- sciences at Alfred P. Sloan Foundation sug- tional benefits accrued by six extra weeks of gested a ten and a half month school year schooling would more than offset the cut in similar to those in Western European countries. .vacation. He pointed out that the present academic Arnold also pointed out the increased school year which resulted from an agricultural econ- year would remove teachers from the category omy isn't adequate for the present time andof seasonal workers and improve their social handicaps the United States in competition position in the community. with others. He.advocated a teacher salary increase one- Among the 'advantages resulting from the third above present scales. He said teachers lengthened school year would be reduction in should not be forced to throw themselves into Juvenile delinquency in large cities by keeping the labor market for three months every year the youngsters profitably occupied when ordi- in order to meet ordinary living evpenses. narily they would have much free time on their This corollary to his main proposal is also hands. one which is extremely worthwhile. In present He also said that many Western European times when teachers are needed desperately and students were far ahead of Americans of the many are unwilling to enter a career in which same age in knowledge of hard-core subjects. low pay and mandatory vacations are charac- He ascribed this advance to the six weeks' more teristic, his suggestion may well provide the schooling a year which would amount to two spark necessary to increased interest in the more years of schooling in the twelve year teaching career. period spent in elementary and high schools. It is hard to argue against the Arnold pro- posal. It is one which would be beneficial toj A RNOLD'S PROPOSAL is a worthwhile one children through increased opportunity for which should be considered seriously. The learning and to teachers who would gain aj additional month and a half schooling would fairly stable and higher source of income. provide greater opportunity for training the --CAROL PRINS Olympic Crisis TODAY AND TOMORROW: The Recent Soviet Threats church elders bathing in a stream a tive self-righteousness that this is toss her out of the church. Suffer- ing betrayal, humiliation, defama- tion and seduction, Susannah help- lessly sinks to a bewildered, lonely life. * . PHYLLIS CURTIN sings the role of Susannah with charming inno- cense, aided splendidly by Norman Treigle as the itinerant evangelist, who secumbs to her charms. The chorus, supporting cast, and orch- estra, ably led by Erich Leinsdorf, neatly balance her struggle with the forces of bigotry. Rather than criticize, we will only point out a few items of spe- cial interest, with the intention of whetting a few appetites for this most rewarding work. The music is in a modern idiom, liberally interspersed with folk- like songs, especially a long lament by Susannah in the second act. Its length at a dramatic point has been criticized, yet we have the feeling that here is a girl, victim of social outrage, who in a state of emotional shock sings to herself, for want of some cheer. As Susannah, Miss Curtin plays a straightforward, innocent girl in love with life. This is her "white dress" act, which becomes , the "purple dress" of sorrow during the second act. Miss Curtin's voice has a clear, simple quality, well suited to the characted of her Susannah. COMPOSER FLOYD used care- ful taste in his portrayal of Preacher Blitch. Where he could have made the preacher a lecher- ous, deceptive reprobate, after the manner of Caldwell, he molds a personality of basic goodness, with an eagerness for souls, yet in a moment of weakness falling to Susannah's tired, unguarded wom- anhood. His later remorse and at- tempt at retribution fail patheti- cally. Baritone Treigle has perhaps the heaviest role of the opera. Absent for most of the first act, he al- most single-handedly carries along two long scenes in the second act, highlighted by his dramatic call to repentance, sung over a hymn-like chorus, with throbbing orchestral background. * * * THE OPERA is in two acts of five scenes each. Since they are short, the dramatic continuity was achieved by a simple, symbolic, multi-purpose setting, and pro- jected back lighting. The sets were chanuged in dim light without cur- tain, delaying only a few seconds between scenes. Very effective. Hailed as another Menotti, Mr. Floyd has shown much promise (and achievement!) in his first major work. It is not perfect, but few operas are. A full view of all the high points of a memorable afternoon would require too much space. We can, however, guarantee that anyone who has the oppor- tunity to attend Susannah in a future production will find his time profitably spent. -Brendan Liddel DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN By WALTER LIPPMANN IT IS NOT yet clear whether the Soviet notes to Britain and France were in fact what they seem to be-a threat of Soviet in- tervention in the Middle East. They contained the sentence which, as broadcast by Moscow. says that "We are fully determined to crush the aggressors and restore peace in the East through the use of force." And this sounds as if "we"-namely the Soviet govern- ment-were fully determined etc., etc. If this were what the notes meant, they would in fact be an ultimatum, though without a time limit, threatening war against France, Britain and Israel. However, when the' notes were given out for publication, the offi- cial spokesman of the Soviet For- eign Office in Moscow said in an- swer to questions from the corre- spondents of the New York Herald Tribune and of The New York Times that the "we" referred to the United Nations. This would seem to mean that the Soviet gov- ernment will intervene with force in the Middle East if the United Nations authorize it. The United Nations has not authorized it.. The two interpretations are as far apart as night and day, and it looks very much as if the Soviet government had intended it to be* that way. It looks as if they had meant to give the appearance of an ultimatum for its popular ef- fect and yet not to make a commit- ment which could not fail to pre- cipitate a world war. For there can be no real doubt in anyone's mind in the Kremlin that if Russia tried to "crush" our allies, Russia would have to deal with us. * * * WE ARE NOT, however, enti- tled, I think, to conclude compla- cently from this that the big words of the Soviet threat can be discounted as sheer bluff. The ba- sic fact is that in both of the two crises of recent weeks-the East European and the Middle Eastern -there has been a deep challenge to the vital' interests of the Rus- sian empire. Had the Hungarian rebellion succeeded, and had it spread by the contagion of its ex- ample, the satellite orbit would al- most surely have been not Titoist and neutral but anti-Communist and anti-Russian. Had the British and the French succeeded in knocking out Nasser, they would have knocked out the center of Soviet influence in the Middle East. Eastern Europe has for more than two centuries been in Rus- sian eyes of vital interest to them. The Middle East has for at least a century been an object of Rus- sian imperial ambition. Under Sta- lin-thanks to the European civil war which Hitler started-the Russian imperial power became the master of all of Eastern Europe. Under Stalin's successors, Russia has for the first time in our his- tory succeeded in winning a place of power in the Middle East. In the past few weeks the whole post-war gains of Russia have been la nude. Feeling in their conserva- a sign of her inherent evil, they put in jeopardy, and for the past week Moscow has been reacting violently to this situation. * * * THERE ARE ominous signs, though they are no more than signs, that the men who are now top-dog in the Kremlin may not stop at the subjection of Hungary. There is less promise than there wag a few weeks ago of a stabili-j zation of Russian intentions about Poland. There are storm warnings which cannot safely be ignored. We should take great precautions. We should use strong measures against propaganda from our side of the Iron Curtain which could be treated by the Soviets as a provocation or as a pretext for in- tervention. And we should do all that we can to keep on reassuring Moscow that they have nothing to fear for their security in Gomul- ka's Poland. In the Middle East the Soviet government will, we may be sure, find ways to intervene, short of the kind of intervention which would precipitate- a worldswar. They will be using the crisis to expand their influence with Nasser and with his followers in the other Arab states. The notes addressed to Britain and France on Monday may not have been, were probably not, an ultimatum in the full meaning of the word. But they are. notice that the Soviet Union means to act in the Middle East, and that its aim is to be the dominant pow- er in the settlement. 1956, New York Herald Tribune Inc. L The Daily Official Bulletin is an of- ficial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. No- tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preced- ing publication. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 45 General Notices Choral Union Members whose atten- dance records are clear will be extended the special courtesy of passes to the concert by Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, by calling at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Tower, on theday of the concert, Nov. 14, be- tween 9:00 and 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. National Teacher Examinations: Ap- plication blanks for the Feb. 9, 195 administration of the National Teach- er Examinations are now available at 122 Rackham Building. Selective Service Examination: Stu- dents taking the Selective Service Col- lege Qualification Test on Nov. 15 are requested to report to Room 130 Business Administration, at 8:30 a.m. Thurs. Lectures Lecture, auspices of the Departments of Classical Studies and Fine Arts. "Princeton Excavations in Sicily", by Prof. Erik Soqvist, Princeton Unkver- sty, 4:15 p.m., Tues., Nov. 13, Rackham Amphitheater. Ivy Baker Priest tonight at 8:30. Treasurer of the United States, Mrs. Priest will be presented tonight in Hill Auditorium as the fourth number on the Lecture Course, speaking on "Our Monetary system." Tickets are on sale today 10 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. in the Audi- torium box office. University Lecture: 4:15 p.m. Wed., Nov. 14, Aud. A, Angell Hall, "Symbo- lism in the works of J.S. Bach," by Karl Geiringer, professor of Music and head of Graduate Studies in Music at Boston University. Open to the general public. Economics Club, Wed., Nov. 14, 8:00 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Dr. Nich- olas Kaldor, economist of Kings Col- lege will speak on, "Conditions of Economic Development." Staff mem- bers and graduate students In eco- nomics and business administration urged to attend. All others invited. Concerts Concert. Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Ger- man opera star and concert singer, will.give a program of songs and arias in the third concert of the Extra Series, Wed., Nov. 14, at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. A limited number of tickets are avail- able at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower; and will also be on sale after 7:00 on the night o the concert at the Hill Auditorium box office. Academic Notices Two Tutorial sections of Sociology I will be offered during the second semes- ter to provide an opportunity for a more intensive and indivdualized in- troduction to sociology for superior stu- dents. Enrollment in each section is limited to ten students. Freshmen and sophomores with a grade point average of 3.0 are eligible to apply for admis- sion to these sections. Interested stu- dents should see Prof. Ronald Freed- man in Room 5626 Haven Hall on Mang from 10-11 a.m. and 4-5 p.m. and Fri., from 4-5 p.m. Mathematics Club. Tues., Nov. 13, at 8 p.m.. in the West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Prof. J. L. Ullman wil speak on 'Problem in Harmonic Mappings." The Extension Service announces the following class to be held in Ann Ar- bor beginning Tues., Nov. 20: Efficient Reading 11, 7:00 p.m. 524 University Ele- mentary School. Enrollment limited to eighteen. Eight weeks. $11.00. John E. Valusek, Instructor. Registration for this class may be made in Room 4501 of the Administration Building on South State Street during University of- fice hours. Romance Languages Journal Club Wed., Nov. 14 at 4:15 p.m., in the East Conference Room of the Rackhamn Building. Prof. Mikel Dufrenne, Uni- versity of Poiters, will speak on "L'or- ganisation et l'esprit de 1'enseignement en France." Staff members and gradu- ate students of the Department are urged to attend. Operations Research Seminar: The Wed., Nov. 14 session of the seminar will be held at 4:00 p.m. at Willow Run, Building 153. No coffee hour. Botanical Seminar: Prof. A. C. Leo- pold, Purdue University, will speak on "The Function of Plant Growth Hor- mones." Wed., Nov. 14, 4:15 p.m., 1139 Natural Science. Refreshments at 4:00. Doctoral Examination for William Franklin Jewell, III, Geography; thesis; "The Influence of Shore Processes on f 4I SPORTS EDITORS across the world may some day be forced to schedule and print headlines reading: "Olympic Games End." If participat- ing nations continue to withdraw from the Games at the current rate, that date may not be too far in the future. Friday, Switzerland became the sixth nation to withdraw from the 1956 winter Olympics. Previously, Spain, the Netherlands, Iraq, Egypt, and Communist China told the International Olympic Committee they would not participate in the Games. Rafael Hernandez Coronado, secretary of the Spanish sports delegation, said his country intends to boycott the Games be- cause of Russian participation. Switzerland said she would not allow her gymnasts to compete against Russia. Representatives of other nations have ex- pressed concern over current strife in Hungary and claim they will not decide their status in the 1956 Olympics until the last possible moment. Reports received by the International Olympic Committee in Chicago last week list Denmark, Luxembourg and Norway among un- decided nations. Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER Editor RICHARD HALLORAN LEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor GAIL GOLDSTEIN.................Personnel Director ERNEST THEODOSSIN............... Magazine Editor JANET REARICK..........Associate Editorial Director MARY ANN THOMAS................ Features Editor DAVID GREY,. .... ..................... Sports Editor RICHARD CRAER.......... AssociateSports Editor STEPHEN HEILPERN.......-..Associate Sports Editor VIRGINIA ROBERTSON.............Women's Editor JANE FOWLER.............Associate Women's Editor ARLINE LEWIS..............Women's Feature Editor JOHN HIRTZEL...................Chief Photographer Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN....Associate Business Manager WILLIAM PUSCH.....:............ Adertising Manager SPEAKING IN Lausanne last week, Otto Mayer, chancellor of the committee, said "It is a disgrace that Switzerland, a neutral nation and the very country where the Interna- tional Olympic Committee has its headquarters, should set such a shameful example of political interference in the Olympic Ideal." We think Mayer is correct, as is Avery Brun- dage, the committee's chief, who said "The Olympic Games are contests between individuals and not between nations. We hope that those who have withdrawn from the Melbourne Games will reconsider." In this world of confused politics and mixed loyalties, the annual Olympic Games provide just about the only chance for Cold War antag- onists and opponets to compete on a friendly basis. To take away the Olympic Games when the world relations are as strained as they are today would be almost as disastrous as elimina- tion of the United Nations. Yet, this is what we are approaching. Melbourne, Australia, will be the scene of this year's Olympics. American Olympians will be seeking to maintain world dominance in track and field events in the spacious, ti'iple- decked 110,000-seat Melbourne Cricket Ground. And, Melbourne, according to press correspon- dent's reports, is ready to play host to the world, doing it up in fine style. But, Melbourne's preparation is overshadowed by the serious fate of the Olympics. THE SIX NATIONS that withdrew, the three contemplating such withdrawal, and any other with dubious Olympic status might do well to reconsider the situation and retain mem- bership in the 1956 Olympic Games. "Olympic Games End" would make a poor headline. -RENE GNAM N ew Bo iks at the Library Anderson, Courtney-To the Golden Shore; Boston, Little Brown, 1956. Chang, Diana-The Frontiers of Love; N.Y., Random House, 1956. Durrell, Gerald-The Drunken Forest; NY., > -t LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: International, Nlational, and Local 'Crises' National Good Will.. . To The Editor: THE ALLEGATION contained in Messrs Desai and Shah's letter to the Michigan Daily of Novem- ber 3, 1956, that the name of the International Students Associa- tion or my position as the presi- dent of ISA were used to enhance the interest of the national club which sponsored the oriental mo- vie "Vagabound", is as false as it is baseless. At no place at any time was the name of the ISA used either for publicity purposes or for seek- ing cooperation from any individ- ual. All members of the ISA cabi- net, the Faculty Adviser of the ISA, the Office of Student Affairs, the Student Government Council, the Cinema Guild Board, and all those who were in a position to know or wished to know were aware that the movie was being sponsored by a certain national club. The Michigan Daily was prompt in correcting its mistake of identi- fying the movie with ISA. Further- more, nobody cooperated with the national club because of pressure from the ISA or its president. In fact, the ISA has no power but goodwill. It may be pointed out, however, that if in the future the ISA does help any national club in its worthwhile program of activities, it will be totally in accord with British Sentiment . To the Editor: THIS letter is written by request of many British students and to give an American's impression of the reaction in Oxford to the recent "police action" taken by. British Government. Oxford has been of late a Con- servative stronghold and it is to be expected that voicesraised in defense of Sir Anthony Eden's policy would be clearly heard here. However, there is apparently a de- cided lack of those favoring or at- tempting to justify said policy. The reader's attention is, call- ed to the policy concerning "Letters to the Editor." Because of space limitations it is neces- sary that letters not exceed 300 words; hence, letters longer than this limit must either be cut, or filed indefinitely. It is in the reader's interest to keep letters short and to the point. The University has reacted strong- ly against the Government. It is a well known fact that Ox- ford is decidedly apathetic to po- litical crises and it is sufficiently surprising that any action has been taken, evoking comments from the English press. Particular reference was made to the protest petition signed by the Senior mem- h-,rc onf +Iha UTirI,,ci,jI wnrhn ,'oroln This reaction is prevalent also among those in Oxford not at- tached to the University. One ex- ample can be seen in the experi- ence of a House Counselor at St. Anne's College, who was shopping yesterday and noted a rise in food prices. She asked the shop- keeper if any prices had gone down. His reply was that English prestige in the world was the only thing which had been lowered. The general opinion that I have observed is that the British people are deeply shamed at the action of their government. A serious blow has been struck at the strength of the United Nations, the unity of the Commonwealth, An- glo-American relations, and the principles of moral justice in for- eign policy. Mr. Bertrand Russell termed the action "lunacy", and newspapers, among them some Conservative ones, have been ve- hement in their denunciation of Sir Anthony Eden. It is hoped by my English friends that Americans will not judge the British people by the disgraceful action of their government. An ex- cerpt from an editorial in The Observer summarizes their feeling. "Nations are said to have the gov- ernments they deserve. -Let us show that we deserve better." -Ann M. Burton M.A., '55 sion. Strange! but the "new de- velopments in the life of Moham- med" have received greater pub- licity, not to mention the Ann Ar- bor Civic Symphony.' Another such episode of pro- motion-apathy, and we'll be having these concerts in Auditorium A. -Brendan Liddell, Grad, Serious Consideration To the Editor; I WAS AMAZED and irritated to read in The Daily that SGC, while voting to permit the Moral Re-Armament movement to bring two plays to campus, also passed a motion in which "SGC recommends to the student body that each member give serious consideration to the goals and principles of Moral Re-Armament." I have no objection whatever to SGC's granting the opportunity to Moral Re-Armament, or to any other group, to present its point of view. But the motion accompany- ing SGC's action seems not only irrelevant but also improper. The job of SGC, in my opinion, is to advance the welfare and in- terests of students by the respons- ible and imaginative exercise of governmental functions. In a dem- ocratic society, the functions of governments should not include the official recommendation to their constitutents of religious, social or political beliefs, no mat- 4i