See Page 4
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Latest Deadline in the State
UN Troops
Begin Move
Into Egypt
Plan To Police Area
Agreed To By Nasser
LONDON WP)-The United Na-
tion police force flies into Egypt
- today from Italy on a momentous
mission as peace keeper for the
ever troubled Middle East.
The airlift begins at noon CST
from the Capodichino staging base
near Naples for the 1,300-mile hop
over the Mediterranean to Cairo.
The Swissair liners chartered for
the lift will' put the first contin-
gents down at the International
Airport near suburban Heliopolis
-n idafternoon.
UN Secretary General Dag Ham-
marskjold and the Egyptian radio
announced Egypt had agreed on
all points for the entry of this first
international police force.
Nasser Agrees
Agreement came after President
Gamel Abdel Nasser and Foreign
Minister Mahmoud Fawzi met yes-
terday in Cairo with Maj. Gen.
E. L. M. Burns, the Canadian who
will command the force.
The initial group entering Egypt
is composed of fewer than 200
young Colombians, Danes and Nor-
Behind them will come Ham-
marskjold, who disclosed in New
York that he is going to oversee
the operation. He is due in Cairo
Ultimately 10,000 soldiers may
enter Egypt to police the peace.
The United States Air Force is
flying them to Italy and Swissair1
is taking them the rest of the
The Egyptian Middle East News
Agency said five points of agree-
ment had been reached with Ham-
Designed to make certain the UN
police force does not infringe on
Egypt's sovereignty, the points are
expected to cause some last-min-
ute trouble.
Five-Point Agreement
The points listed are;
1. The international force will
have no duties in Port Said and
the canal zone after the with-
drawal of British and French
forces, who must comply with a
UN cease-fire resolution and quit
Egypt at once.
2. The work of the force will be
confined to the demarcation line
between Israel and Egypt as estab-
lished in 1949 after the Palestine
war. The force remains only so
long as Egypt approves.
3. Egypt must consent to the
participation of each country in
the international force.
° 4. Egypt must consent to the
places where the force will be sta-
5. If the Egyptian government
withdraws its agreement, the in-
ternational police force must quit
Egyptian soil immediately.
Trouble may come over points
one and two. That probably is a
major reason for Hammarskjold's
flying visit to Cairo.
As for the first point, Britain
and France have announced they
reserved the right to say when
their forces will withdraw in favor
of the UN police.
Cairo sources noted the first'
point also means Egypt will regain
sole control of the canal once the
British and French leave and the
UN force moves out to the 1949
armistice demarcation line d
Britain and France undoubtedly
Awill object to this.
The British and French an-
nounced last week that their at-
tack in the canal zone had achiev-
ed their prime objective-return
of the 103-mile waterway to inter-
national control.
Cairo quarters also expected
trouble from the second point be-
cause it indicates Egypt expects,
Israel to quit not only Sinai Penin-
sula but the Gaza Strip.
Deserve SGC Election
Of the fourteen candidates for election to Student Gov-
erment Council today and tomorrow, webelieve that five
definitely deserve election.
Based on their experience, stands on key issues, and dem-
onstrated leadership capacities, Maynard Goldman, and in-
cumbents Joe Collins, Ron Shorr, Janet Neary, and Janet
Winkelhaus are well qualified to represent the student body
of this University.
All of these candidates have shown perceptive thought
on SGC's functions and responsibilities. They have given care-
ful consideration to some of the basic issues and problems fac.
ing the University today.
Mr.-Goldman would bring to the Council sorely needed
administrative experience. Mr. Collins displays a comprehen-
sive grasp of the purpose and goals of SGC. Mr. Shorr has
shown an energetic and thoughtful approach to the workings
of SGC.
Miss Neary, presently Vice-President of SGC, would con-
tribute from her breadth of experience in the area of inter.
national, national, and University student affairs. Miss Win-
kelhaus, a relative newcomer to SGC, is widely experienced
in the Administrative Wing of SGC.
We ask student voters to give serious consideration to
these candidates who, in our estimation, are excellently
equipped to serve on Student Government Council.
Finally, we ask that student voters give serious consider-
ation to the records and stands of all the candidates so as to
cast an informed and meaningful ballot.
Red Troops End
Bid For Freedom
Russia Uses 200,000 Man Army-
Communications With Hungary Out
VIENNA (m)-Russian troops yesterday methodically stamped out
remaining sparks of the freedom rebellion which flamed so brightly
in Hungary for nearly three weeks.
The Russian troops, estimated at 200,000 carried out their grim
task in almost total silence. The little satellite, which almost threw
off the Soviet yoke, was still cut off from normal communication with
the rest of the world.
Radio Budapest broadcast the news as usual yesterday, but there
was little information about the hunt for rebel leaders or the armed
Ike fBl
Big Three*
States was reported yesterday to
have advised Britain and Frahce it
opposes any quick Big Three sum-
mit conference to deal with the
Middle East and Hungarian crises.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
and his top aiaes, informants said,
believe any such meeting should
be delayed until the United Nations
Assembly has had further oppor-
tunity to tackle these two urgent
Murray Snyder, assistant White
House press secretary, said there
are "no plans at the moment" for
any Big Three conference. Snyder
was commenting on London re-
ports that President Eisenhower
had agreed in principle with
British Prime Minister Anthony
Eden and French Premier Guy,
Mollet to such a meeting.
Administration leaders were also
reported to have told the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee yes-
terday that any movement of Rus-
sian "volunteers" into Egypt should
be handled through the United
A Democratic member of the
committee who declined to be
quoted by name said Acting Secre-
tary of State Herber Hoover Jr.
was asked whether this country
contemplated sending in troops if
Russia attempted to move "-0,000
or 20,000 volunteers" into Egypt.
The senator said Hoover replied,
"That would be a matter for the
UN." In a statement a week ago.
President Eisenhower indicated
this would be the American posi-
tion in such a case.
The President met for 50 min-
utes with Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles who is recovering inI
Walter Reed Army Hospital from
an intestinal cancer operation.
President Eisenhower and Dulles
were understood to have reviewed
a wide range of foreign policy prob-
lems including the White House
attitude toward Big Three and Big
Four meetings.
A few hours earlier, this attitude
was reported to have been con-
veyed in a message delivered in.
Paris to French Premier Mollet,
who is regarded as strongly in
favor of an immediate Big Three
President Eisenhower was re-
ported even more opposed to the
idea of a Big Four summit con-
ference in the near future-despite
Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin's
announced readiness to attend
such a session.
ISSUES AND CANDIDATES-Four members of the electorate study the statement of SGC c
before casting their ballots. Polls remain open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow. The
man predicts a cloudy and cold reception for the first of the two days of balloting.
Ivy Priest
Will 'Speak
At Hill And
Ivy Baker Priest, treasurer of
the United' States, will speak to-
day at 8:30 p.m. in Hill auditor-
One of the most colorful mem-
bers of the administration, Mrs.
Priest has combined careers which
resistance which apparently con-
tinued in some places.
Still Control Roads
The station did acknowledge that
armed groups still controlled some
of the roads around Tatabnaya, i
small mining town west of Buda-
pest. It was silent about the rebel
strongholds in the industrial cen-I
ter of Csepel Island, Dunapentele
and in Budapest itself.
There was no report of develop-
ments from the meeting Sunday
of the Russian-imposed premier
Janos Kadar, with his predeces-
sor, Imre Nagy, the strange Com-
munist who at the height of the
rebellion called for independence,
free elections, neutrality, and the
complete withdrawal of Russian
troops from Hungary.
This could only be taken to
mean that Kadarhad been unable
to win Nagy's support for his pro-
gram of the oldtime rigged elec-
tions, subservience to Moscow and
one-party rule.
Program Draws Support
Nagy's program, while it did not
meet the most extreme demands
in the nation, had drawn enough
support by the time the Russians
struck Nov. 4 to make his a prime
political asset in any Communist
government in the present situa-
Batches of Salk Vaccine
May Differ in Potency
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ()-Some batches of Salk vaccine may be
stronger than others in creating protection against polio, Chicago
scientists said yesterday.
They said this makes it all the more important that children
take their third or booster shots. The third shot of what might be a
weaker vaccine apparently creates good protection in most children.
A small-scale study indicating possible variations in potency of
vaccine from four different manufacturers was reported to the Am-
erican Public Health Assn., by Howard J. Shaughnessy, Ph.D.; Rich-
ard A. Morrissey, Ruth E. Church, M. D., and John L. Neal of the
Illinois State Department of Pub-i
lic Health, Chicago.j
The potency of single lots of
vaccine from each manufacturer
was studied on small groups of
children in four different areas of
Blood tests were made before
and after a series of two shots to
measure how well the shots cre-
ated protective antibodies against
polio virus.
Except for children getting one
particular lot of vaccine, the anti-
bodies were below the level gen-
erally expected, the health team
said in a formal report at the
opening of the APHA's 84th annu-
al meeting.
Some children might have pro-
duced more antibodies because'
they had already been exposed
naturally to the virus, and thus
had some antibodies to begin with.
But this probably didn't account
for all the observed differences in
the effectiveness of the vaccines
studied, the scientists said.
A third dose gave a good boost-
er effect in most youngsters who
hadn't responded well to two prior
shots of the very same vaccine,
they added.
in tDemand
WASHINGTON (P) - Football
and fraternities popped up yester-
day as surprise factors in the na-
tion's shortage of technicians.
Technicians are those labora-
tory assistants, draftsmen, elec-
tronic equipment men and the
like who are vitally needed to do
the spade work for engineers and
You might think that one good
way to get more technicians would
be to give them the prestige of
training on the university campus,
in close connection with the col-
lege of engineering.
Some universities have tried
that, but college officials attend-
ing the convention of the Ameri-
can Assn. of Land-Grant colleges
and State Universities report it
hasn't worked out.
Why? Because student techni-
cians tend to be rated as second
class campus citizens;
World N
By The Associated
petuous Hungarians ha
the Communist Hungar
the entrance of Olym
yesterday, cut out thet
emblem with a pocket
raised a homemade7
banner with ringing
"Down with Communis
"Long live free Hungar
This action set off an
pestuous day in this O
climaxed when a che
quet-tossing crowd of
2,000 gathered at Ess
port to greet a plane
athletes and team off:
pleting the Hungarian
* * *
Lewis B. Hershey, dire
selective service system
terday that "it may ve
that America's nextN
necessitate drafting me
sified as 4F.
Hershey said civil def
ers "almost certainly"
drafted if America wer
ternational Red Cross
delegate in Budapest
yesterday the firstI
convoy that crossed th
Hungarian border Sun
ing has arrived safely i
garian capital.
His telephone conver
the first between headq
Budapest since Nov. 4.I
Hungarian Communis
ment agreed to distribu
and medical supplies1
Cross supervision.
Dwight D. Eisenhowe
Thanksgiving proclam
terday counseling Am
"be grateful that the f
of freedom in our n2
stronger with each pa
giving hope to fettered1
In setting aside Thu
22 as a day of national
ing, the President call
zens to pray this year'
the spirit of Thanksgiv
as supplicants for God
to the end that we may
course of righteousness
Cabinet Men~
Operated on
United States Postm
eral Arthur Summerf:
went minor surgery att
sity Hospital yesterday
of an esophagcal obstr
Doctors .report that 1;
SBallot Boxes
To Be Open
Ndine Hours
Fourteen Will Try
For Council Places
In Two Day Vote
University students will go to
the polls today and tomorrow to
n select seven Student Government
Council members.
The weatherman is predicting
cold, cloudy skies but no rain. Six-
teen ballot boxes located through-
out the main campus area will be
open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today
and tomorrow.
Out of 19 students who origin-
ally took out petitions, 14 SGC
hopefuls will vie for five full-year
terms and two half-year terms in
e Roumeli the two day balloting.
andidates Candidates are Bob Creal, '58
weather- BAd, Scott Chrysler, '59E, Janet
Neary, '58, Maynard Goldman, '59,
Ron Shorr, '58BAd, Al Lubowitz,
'57, Jerry DeMaagd, '58, Joe
Brown, '58, James Wheeling, '57,
Janet Winkelhaus, '57, Joe Collins,
e w '58, John Wrona, '57, Mal Cum-
ming, '58BAd and Peter Cart-
wright, '59.
Record Turnout Hoped
Elections Director Tom Vanden
Press Bosch, '58E, is hoping for a record
rou of im- turnout, but added, "Il be really
auled down happy if we can hit about 7,000."
rian flag at A record was set last fall, when
pic Village 7,120 votes were cast, despite pour-
Communist ing rain.
Cokuniand About 1,000 students will man.
ntiend the booths during the two-day
Nationalist voting period. Arrangements are
cries of being made to take ballots to
t flag" and students in Health Service.
iother tem- Climax of Campaigning
l cit Elections will climax two weeks
eypgicibouy of campaigning for the candidates.
more than uring those two weeks, they have
endon Air- attended open houses at almost
load of 91 every housing unit on campus,
icials com- giving their platforms and views
delegation on issues SGC faces at the present.
Posters, leaflets and matches were
among their campaign gimmicks.
c-Lt. Gen. Two pages in Sunday's Daily were
,ctor of the devoted to candidates' discussion
, said yes- of SGC's functions, the Sigma
ry well be" Kappa issue, the Lecture Commit-
war would tee, Residence Harls financing
n now clas- and how far the Council should
delve into Academic problems at
fense work- the University.
would be Brown is a member of the
e attacked. Marching Band and has been
active in the Union Opera and
Bovey, In- MUSKET. Cartwright is on SGC's
committee Public Relations Committee. Gold-
, reported man is a member of SGC's Co-
Red Cross ordinating and Counseling Com-
e Austrian- mittee and has been active in
day morn- Lloyd House and West Quad gov-
n the Hun- ernment and in Inter-House Coun-
rsation was Chrysler is SGC orientation dir-
uarters and ector and chairman of the Free
He said the University of Berlin Committee.
t govern- C u m m i n g Is Inter-Fraternity
tion of food Council treasurer. Collins is SGC
under Red treasurer and former president of
Scott House. Creal is a fraternity
house officer and a member of the
President Young Republicans Club. Shorr is
r issued a associate chairman of SGC's Pub-
aation yes- lic Relations Committee and a
nericans to member of the Campus Affairs
foundations Committee.
cation grow Candidate Backgrounds
ssing year, Miss Neary, SGC vice-president,
peoples.. ." was also chairman of the National
rsday, Nov. and International Affairs Com-
thanksgiv- mittee and is at present Michigan
led on citi- Region Chairman of the National
not only in Student Association and a member
ing but also of NSA's National Executive Com-
's guidance, mittee. Lubowitz, a transfer from
y follow the Flint Community College, was as-
s. sistant editor of the newspaper and
a member of the Racial Relations
Board there. Wheeling is in var-
n oer sity track and cross-country.
H Wrona, former SGC Public Re-
G ere lations chairma nand treasurer of
Sigma Chi, resigned from the
naster-Gen- Council recently. Miss Winkel-
ield under- haus, an SGC incumbent, is also
the Univer- Administrative Wing coordinator.
for removal DeMaagd is a Daily Day Editor
uction. and Tau Kappa Epsilon house of-
the obstruc- ficer.
1i. and ithre p Votes will be contedf0 at A+ An
Nagy and other members of his NAA CP Meeting
shortlived government were re-'
ported in refuge at the Yugoslav The National Association for the
Embassy in Budapest yesterday, Advancement for Colored People
Western reporters who tried to will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m.
interview Nagy there were kept today in Rm. 3B of the Union,
away by Russian guards. according to Gurney Pearsall, '57.
IVY BAKER PRIEST speak tonight
encompass the nation's bankbooks,
a prize-winning iris garden, and
the raising of three children.
Her present position, which
causes her name to be placed on all
United States currency, was grant-
ed by President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower shortly after his election in
Mrs. Priest had served as head
of women's activities while serv-
ing on the Republican national,
Committee. Previous to her com-
Labor Youth League Disappears Here
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
of six articies arising from a year-
iong investigation of the Labor Youth
League at the University. The inves-
tigation was begun when writer Dy-
gert was city editor of The Daily
in 1955-56)
Israel has announced it intends mittee experience, the guardian of
to stay in the 23-mile-long Gaza the Great Seal held every office
Strip that fell quickly to IsraeliN in the Utah Republican party
forces two weeks ago, which was open to a woman.
Politics came as a logical calling,
since Clara Baker, the treasurer's
Nine Tpe moth imrsseal of te ven
i 1 apued mteipesdalothsvnaker children to baby-sitting and
running errands in order that local
F' omen could participate in Re-t
For InWr V publican activities,
Later, the assumption of re-
Singing "In and out the halls sponsibility became a part.of her:
we wander . . ." Senior Society, everyday life when her father died
independent women's honorary, and left the Utah State University
yesterday tapped nine new mem- freshman as the sole support *of
U-W student newspaper, an-
nounced that the LYL there had
"completely and permanently dis-
solved," having failed to register
as a student organization by the
Oct. 1 deadline.
The U-W LYL was the only stu-
dent LYL chapter in the country
This is an obituary. recognized as a bona fide student
For all practical purposes, the group.
Labor Youth League at the Uni- The downfall of the Ann Arbor
versity is dead. LYL has not been nearly as no-
Long a target of subversive ac- ticeable, because it was never rec-
tivities' investigators and a center ognized by and never sought rec-
of controversy on this campus, the ognition from the University.
local LYL is no longer active and Yet, it may have seemed dead
is dying throughout the United to University students because
States. there has been little surface acti-
It is currently reported that the vity in the last couple of years.
Communist Party of America is Also, LYL has been without an of-
I io rn., i Arin c..nrtf.t5,- finial ' , r c....... -- - - ,w_
varying in size from 12 ot 30 at
the apartment of a graduate stu-
dent who seemed to be the local
leader, and a few die-hard LYL
members were active in other stu-
dent organizations which are com-
pletely above-board.
Despite the activity, it was ap-
parent that the group was disin-
tegrating. Last spring, it at-
tempted to organize a Marxist
study group, bringing for the pur-
pose of instruction such notables
as the departed Mike Sharpe and
LYL State Chairman Bolza Bax-
ter, both of whom were then op-
erating from Detroit.
Attendance at the study group's
meeting might be described as dis-
couraging. At the first one, mod-
received the promised study out-
The reasons given by the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin LYL for its
dissolution were "the nature of
the LYL in the context of present
conditions," its "semi-legal sta-
tus" because of being on the at-
torney-general's list of subversive
organizations (a status which
"created a situation where issues
were-and still are-more easily
won through the established recog-
nized organizations than through
independent left-wing action"),
and the membership's decision
that there was no real necessity or
urgency to continue.
At the University, the reasons
are in part dissimilar because Ann
bers for their leadership and ser-
the remaining six children. #