I PAGE SIX vs - ' r,-'XILV XD AY, NOVEMBER 11, 1956 0S . r 41i' Uv Give t',S 4-1. Peter Joe Brown' Michigan Marching Band; Stu- dent Players; Union Opera; MUS- KET; German Club; Speech De- partment Productions; Managing Editor, Michigan House news- paper; Michigan House Glee Club. 1) As outlined within the SGC Plan of 1954, (section 3, Func- tions), approved by the student body and by the Board of Regents, the functions of SGC are clearly defined as to jurisdiction and re- ponsibility. 2) The "burden of proof" rests with neither SGC nor the Nation- al Council of Sigma Kappa, be- cause this is entirely irrelevant as to the case in question. Under the SGC Plan of 1954, SGC has the power to disaffiliate the local chapter as laid down in section 3, Functions, part b. However, I do not think they have the right to do so. 3) Yes, I am. Michigan, as a state university and being gov- erned by the popularly elected Re- gents, owes to the people of the state and to the students of the University the protection and the enlightenment so granted without dogmatic tactics. 4) Yes, I do. SGC, as a body rep- resenting the entire student popu- lation, should make recommenda- tions when a matter such as this arises which concerns and affects the students as a whole or any part thereof. 5) Defined within the SGC Plan section 3, Functions, part a, 3) SGC in accordance with regental and administrative policies is re- sponsible for eligibility rules for participation in extra-curricular activities excepting athletics. Fur- thermore, certain areas, such as study hall facility enlargement and improvement of academic counseling, should be included as possible recommendations, be- cause of their significance. Cartwright Gilbert and Sullivan Society; Student Government Council Pub, Relations Committee; Phi Eta Sig- ma. 1) Student Government Coun- cil should have definite jurisdic- tion and responsibility only in those affairs that affect the stu- dent body as a whole. This raises the question of what affects the parts and what bearing this has on the whole. I do believe that SGC should be more a sounding board for student ideas than a group of students trying to im- pose their granted (and easily re- moved) power on various groups on campus. In very simple words, let's not get carried away with power granted us by University of- ficials and let's also -not meddle' in everyone's business just for the, chance to acquire newsprint for SGC and its members. 2) My answer to the Sigma' Kappa question is that both sor- orities and faternities should not be subject to the rule of the gen- eral student body. If any organiza- tion on campus must take juris- diction, let it be the Panhellen- ic Association. I believe that the matter of segregation in this chap- ter of Sigma Kappa must be prov- en without a doubt by the SGC since evidently SGC is self-impos- ing itself. Prejudices have been contended with for many years and it all boils down to one thing -people are going to live with and associate with only those peo- ple that they wish. No organiza- tion, even the SGC or Supreme' Court, can make one person asso- ciate with another. The f ollcawing questions were asked of all candidates for Student G:o rernment Council. Candidates' answers are printed on these tV o pages. 1) In K hat areas of campus life do you think SGC has definite juri: diction and responsibility? Please be as specific a possible. 2) In t1'i e current Sigma Kappa situation, do you think the "burden of jproof" rests with SGC or the National Council? If the National' Council has not extended requested cooperation by Dec. 5, do ye -i think SGC has the power and the right to ask the local chapter to disaffiliate on the basis of available information? 3) Are y ou in favor of the Lecture Committee and Regent By-Laws cov 'ring outside speakers? 4) Do ye x think SGC has the authority to make recommen- dations cone rning financing of residence halls? Why? 5) What is SGC's responsibility in purely academic affairs? Joe Collins Treasurer, Student Government Council; President, Scott House; Member, Lecture Committee. 1) SGC was established to carry on the duties of the now defunct - Student Activities Committee and Student Legislature. It is charged with the enforcement of University rules and regulations covering student organizations and activi- ties. This encompasses broad juris- diction and responsibilities. Fol- lowing I will list just a few of the more important areas of responsi- bility. selves, so that no group will be a. The area of student activi- restricted from being able to hear ties-SGC by virtue of its all- any view that will add to its edu- campus nature is in a position to cational experience. Believing that coordinate many activities and there is a reason, and a very good 3) Any person that is legally al- lowed to speak in the United States should, upon demand, be allowed to speak at the Univer- sity. We are supposedly here to learn all sides of questions-not, >.> * ob Crecil Sct t G hryster Student Gove cnment Council: just one. Secretary, Studer at Representation 4) I don't really think any of Committee; Cluirman, Free Uni-, the SGC members are capable of versity of Berlin' Committee; Ori- making financial recommenda- entation Director-' tions. Let us not assume that more Sigma Chi; Cirpus Relations than one or two members per Committee. elected council have had many ex- periences in finance other than 1) SGC has responsibility to cashing a check at the Union. the students, thi'e University, and 5) Frankly, I do not understand the community. The primary res- the question. If it means that SGC ponsibility is rerxesenting and ex can decide on longer vacations pressing student opinion and de- and less work, I don't think it sires. The actions! of SGC should should have jurisdiction. If new always be toward .furthering the methods of education are to be ideals and educa tional standards brought in by SGC, it shouldn't of the Universiti, and at the same. have jurisdiction either. Academ- time, in respect to the community 3) I am in favor of the present. is affairs should be handled by of which we are a i cart. In general, Regent By-laws and Lecture Com- trained educators and adminis- SGC should act in all areas where egttt Bylasind Ltre Coin- trators who are being paid for the need of studen+U opinion is an . such work, not by young men and essential factor i. r solving a prob- Because the University of Michi- women still actually trained in lem. This is the r eason for the ex- gan is a state-supported school, 1 nothing. istence of SGC. "3ince we are all I believe we have a definite obli- -- here for academie reasons, SGC gation and responsibility to the should not hesitate to take initia- people responsible for our exis- tive in academic an~as. Social and tence. Believing wholeheartedly moral developmen s are another in academic freedom, I think this important segmen t o f education, University should represent the and SGC should seel: policies to state and its peoples' ideas. The best further these standards also. Committee on University Lectures "rd, int dMto rve the educa. s . Goldman Student Government Council Coordinating and Counseling Com- mittee; Chairman, Sub-committee on Constitutions; Inter - House Council; West Quad Council; Chairman, Inter-House Council Judiciary; Vice-President, Lloyd House; President,. Lloyd House; Vice-President, West Quad Coun- cil. 1) I believe that SGC has juris- diction and responsibility in any and all areas that affect, in one way or another, any segment ofj 2) In my opini on, the burden of proof rests wit].i neither SGC or the National Cc :uncil of Sigma Kappa. It must I)e remembered that the chapters at Cornell and Tufts were suspen led by the na- tional officers aftE T the national convention. There N xas no mention of the future susp-nsions during the convention. Sii ice then, the officers have submi.tte d no per- tinent information to axiyone. SGC has applied some xr esure when they asked for a s' atenent from the National Council and indi- cated there might be a possbile violation of regula tior s on the Michigan campus. If, on Dec. 5, SGC makes a decision oii the basis of all available in fairniation, as was moved, and Sigxmi BPappa Na- tional Council or any t ier source has issued no perti: Lent informa- tion, then the decis on would be limited, because the :f acts are lim- ited. If, however, th e whole Sig- ma Kappa National sorority sub- mits a frank statemt ut, or a court decision has been sul enitted, then the student body. The council has ganization straighten out anyG jurisdiction over other campus or- problems it may have in its rela-! ganizations insotar as these or- tions with the, campus as a whole ganizations affect the well-being or with any segment of the stu- of the Michigan community. I do not feel that the 'council has any dent body. right to interfere in the internal 2) I cannot think of SOC as the, affairs of any organization but "prosecuting attorney" in the cur- rather should try to help the or- rent Sigma Kappa situation. Al- 1S -es gnle sU6lv uccua tional interests of the academic community" and this is justifiable since the purpose of the University is an academic institution. If the University were to allow "ques- tionable" speakers in a purely rion- academic sense it would, in re- ality, be a representation of the state. 4) I believe one of the great- est areas of concern for SGC is housing. I am definitely in favor of any study and rational recom- mendation that might help the Administration improve housing. Since housing is a primary inter- est of all students, student opin- ion should be voiced through SGC. SGC, working cooperatively with C the Administration as they have in the past, can add invaluable student ideas and desires toward the solution of the problem. Hous- ing is the long-range type of prob- lem in which students and student government should interest them- selves. I am sure any rational and representative recommendation from SGC would be gratefully re- ceived by the Administration. 5) SGC has'a primary respon- sibility in purely academic af- fairs. Education is the reason why we are all here. Academics play the greatest role of our educa- tion and, therefore, are the inter- est of all students. Any problem, criticism, desire, or evaluation of an academic area by students be- comes an interest of the Univer- sity. SGC has been formed to convey these opinions to the ad- ministration and faculty. Further- more, it is necessary that SGC be constantly alert and encourage student opinion in academic areas. Mal Cumming Alpha Tau Omega; Chairman, Office Committee, Inter-Fratern- ty Council; Treasurer,- IFC, Sphinx. 1) The areas of campus life 1 in which, SGC has definite juris- diction and responsibility, are fairly well defined in the SGC Plan. The areas which I feel are the most important to the student' body are as follows: a. To coordinate and to dele- gate student activities to be car- ried on by recognized campus organizations. b. To originate student pro- jects. c. To express student opinion. d. In accordance with regental, administrative, and Joint-Judici- and stringent rules which would ary policies, to withdraw recogni- prohibit most speakers from the tio'n and reactviate campus campus. The regulations are ad- groups. ministered by the Committee on In its responsibility to express University Regualtions "With theI student opinion, SGC has respon- sibility in all aspects of student understanding that they are de- life. signed to serve the educational 2) The so-called "burden-of- interests of the academic com- proof" in the Sigma Kappa issue munity rather than the political rests clearly with the Studentinterests of any party or candi- Government Council. As quoted from the University publication, date." Until the Lecture Com- "University Regulations Concern- mittee misuses its authority in ing Student Affairs, Conduct, and approving speakers, we have little Discipline" on the matter of with- cause for complaint. drawal of recognition " . . im- 4) SOC has the authority to mediate responsibility for investi- make recommendations concern- gation will be taken by the Coun- ing financing of residence halls as cil." SGC has the power to ask this financing has direct results the local chapter to disaffiliate. at present on the cost to Univer- But, this power must be used with sity students. SGC not only has a great deal of consideration. In the authority but it has the re-! the absence of any statement from sponsibility to express student the National Council of Sigma opinion on the matter of residence Kappa, it will indeed be very hard hall financing. to act decisively, on Dec. 5. Any- 5) SGC's responsibility in aca- one who has followed this situa- demic affairs is again shown in tion is forced to ask the question, its responsibility to express stu-I "What evience is there that dent opinion. There was cause to Sigma Kappa has violated any believe that the University's ap- University regulation?" The offi- proach to academic counseling cers of the local chapter inform was not up to student needs. us that they are not restricted in Suggestions in this area should their choice of membership by prove very useful to both theE students and faculty. Here SGC though SGC is not a judicial body I feel that in this case it should act as a judge. SGC has the power to withdraw recognition from any campus organization if the or- ganization breaks a University regulation. I believe that if it can- not be proved that Sigma Kappa has broken a University regula- tion then I cannot see how SGC can do anything but drop the en- make them more meaningful and purposeful to the campus com- munity. Examples in this area are1 the Activities Booklet, Campus+ Chest, and Religion in Life Pro- gram. It is here that SGC must 1 proceed with care and not become a "projects" organization. I whole- heartedly support the originate and delegate concept of Council activity. There are many organi- zations better equipped and more justified in handling the adminis- tration of many activities SGC has originated. These activities should be delegated to the appropriate; group. An example of this was the delegation of the responsibility of the Air Charter Flight for next+ year. I believe if this policy is followed that there will always be+ a clear and effective relationship between SGC and other campus organizations. b. A constant interest in self- discipline-SOC's responsibility is to see that any rules which the college wishes to promote keep the growth and maturity of the stu- dent in the foremost of its con- sideration. Main topics of Council interest in this area, I believe, should be the drinking regulations, women's hours, and the driving' restrictions. c. Campus communication - It is the Council's responsibility to communicate its actions and ac- tivities to the student body. This is one area in which the Council may have been delinquent in its first year of existence. I believe' that this semester communications have greatly been strengthened, and that this year a well-rounded program through the means of the Student Newsletter, Speakers Bu- read, Daily column, and the pro- posed Speakers Bureau, will be presented to the campus commun-.. ity. d. Leadership- training - Through means of workshops, con- ferences, and organized classes with informed personnel, SGC could well employ its efforts to contribute to the success of many campus organizations. e. Educational affairs - SGC has proved that cooperation with1 'faculty and administration has been of mutual benefit to all fac- tors of the campus communities. We are now working in the areas of counseling, University calendar and orientation programs. I pro- pose that new areas for active stu- dent consideration are admission policies in light of rising enroll- ment, intercollegiate athletic poli- cies, and the University's academic policy in such areas as student "cuts," SGC, as the representative of the student body, has the re- sponsibility to consider areas that affect the student and lead to a broadening of his intellectual out- look. 2) SGC has the power to ask the local chapter to disaffiliate from the national; this is not de- batable. This power was given SGC by the Regents when they adopted the SGC Plan. Whether SGC should have the power is debatable; I believe it should. If, when the decision on the Sigma Kappa issue is made, the pertinent evidence of information (circum- stantial or conclusive) supports the charge that Sigma Kappa National has violated a rule or regulation of the University, SGC not only has the right, but the responsibility; to ask the local chapter to dis- affiliate from the National sorority The responsibiilty for rendering a satisfactory explanation lies with the national, not only in answer to SGC's request, but also because it has an obligation to its local chapter to alleviate the pressure which has been placed upon it1 since this question arose. I be- lieve the stand taken by the local chapter at the time the decision! is to be made will influence the one, behind the present By-law be- fore a change can be considered, it must be substantiated by. a clearly shown need for change - actual examples and not just changes. For the record shows that in the twenty-odd years of Fraternity house officer; Young Republicans Club. 1) SGC has jurisdiction over all areas of campus life. The present type of government under which SGC was established coupled with the past activities of SAC and SL , give it this jurisdiction. It is, how- ever, the responsibility of the Council to have discretion in its student government as more than a campus service activity. SGCt has the opportunity to change these attitudes, to say, "judge us by our actions and accomplish-t ments, not by preconceptions," toi take its place as a partner in the educational community. SGC is now considering the areas of the Uni- versity calendar and all phases; of counseling. And it might welll move into the whole area of cur- ricula. SGC has not only a re-; sponsibility to -the students, but; also to the 'faculty, to register; student opinion concerning aca-; demic affairs. The Council alsol has the duty to make the student1 body fully aware of the current; problems in the academic area. j tion must be found by which dorms can be constructed without r/aising the room rate of the resi- dences. Recommendations by SGC could be of great value in determ- ining the best way to finance fu- ture construction of badly-needed residence halls. 5) SGC has a responsibility in the academic affairs of the cam- pus if for no other reason than because we are all here to obtain an education. The scholastic achievement of the student body should be of great importance to SGC. Means should be investigated by which greater knowledge can be attainied by the students. It is a very long-range problem for both faculty and students to consider. 4 the Committee's existence only five use of this jurisdiction. SGC people were refused a place to should use its jurisdiction to help speak, and in the last four no one rather than hurt the various seg- has been refused. If need for ments of the student population. .a.i Much.good can be done by a body change can be shown then it IS of the ability and experience of SGC's responsibility to uphold the Student Government Council. students' right-academic freedom. 2) I feel the burden of proof 4) SGC has recently adopted lies with SGC as to whether the a motion in this specific area. j local chapter of Sigma Kappa has .tviolated a University regulation. As the maker of this motion II do not think the Council should sincerely felt that the members suspend recognition of the Michi- cf SOC should become completely gan chapter unless definite, con- aware of the financial structure crete proof is established that it made a violation. Circumstantial of residence halls. This area will evidence - and hearsay are not be considered in light of the pres- enough for a conviction. ent self-liquidating structure, its 3) I am not in favor of the By- progress and effectiveness in giv- laws covering outside speakers in ing low-cost housing and meeting that a certain amount of academ- the problem of ever-rising enroll- ic freedom is being withheld from students. Admittedly the Univer- ments. Our system in comparison sity is a state-supported institu- to other systems and other possi- tion and must bow to public opin- ble means of financing will also ion to a degree. However, not much b --choice is left to the student to ei- be considered. ther accept or reject a speaker on If at the time this matter is his speech rather than his back- considered (Jan. 5) SGC should ground. Mature students don't wish to make recommendations as have to believe everything they a result of its study, I feel it is hear. If a speaker does not meet well within its jurisdiction, and the standards expected of him, he It has a responsibility to make will not gain audience approval. the appropriate recommendations. 4) I certainly think SGC has the 5) Too few educators look to authority to recommend a way to students as partners in the aca- finance residence halls even demic undertaking, or think of though it can do no more. A solu- it is the respons enforce Universi there has been a the issue if there lation. I am not making any ju tion of whether1 violation or not. er for SGC to6 ibilit ' of SGC to ty re; relations if violat on, or close has b een no vio- in fawor of SGC dicial ,etermina- there ' oas been a I feel it is rath- declare violations tire .matter. In my mind Sigma' Kappa is innocent until they are proven guilty. ' SGC must have! proof before it can act. s 3) The Lecture Committee and Regents By-law covering outside speakers is something that should be thoroughly discussed in the Council this coming year. I would' be in favor of having a test case where a speaker who might be controversial would be invited to the University to speak. If the Lee-{ ture Committee sees fit to ban this person then perhaps some recom- mendations can be made. I do be- lieve that the University should not be guided in any manner by public opinion, but should take the lead in allowing controversial speakers to talk in public places. This is not to say that all "rabble- rousing" Communists should be encouraged to come here and speak, but I feel that the By-law could be, perhaps, more flexible. 4) The most acute problem that is now facing everyone here at the University iscthe one concerning housing. I certainly think that SGC should take great interest in this area and should make some recommendations. The University has obviously failed to provide adequate housing and at the pace they are now working, no improve- ment is in sight. A committee is being set up to study methods of financing at other schools. I think that SGC should take the lead in this problem which promises to become very grave 5) In academic affairs SGC has many areas in which it may woik. The whole problem of counseling !is one that is now being studied, than judiciously detern ir.e them. If it is evident that the - ssue must be solved, I would rathie.r wait for a statement from tne Iational Convention when it noxt ccnvenes, or if a court decision is handed down earlier, to a(cep t these sources of proof and then enforce University regulations acc- rdingly. i4 I ! i t v otill cy 4 Member, Student Government Council; Associate Chairman, man, Public Relations Committee; Campus Affairs Committee; Chair- Member, Student Legislature; Campus Action Committee, SL; Cinema Guild Board; Publicity Chairman, Homecoming Dance; Operations Chairman, Block 'M'; Campus Conference Committee on Religion; Alernate Delegate to Na- tional Student Association Con- gress. 1) SGC must, in order to do a good job, concern itself with every phase of student life. While it certainly is not SGC's place to make rulings in every facet of Universitypolicy-we have well- trained faculty and administra- tion to do this-it is important that SGC investigate and make policy where it can, if benefit will come to the campus as aI whole. It is their responsibility to do as much as possible to pro- duce a "better" student, and this' includes suggestion-making in such areas as curriculum, calen- daring and counseling. 2) Legally the burden of proofE always lies with the plaintiff, which in this case is SGC. The relevant factor in this matter is what is proof? SGC has done and is doing all possible to secure in- 'formation so that circumstantialI evidence does not build up a case against Sigma Kappa here. It must be remembered that SGC did grant Sigma Kappa recognition I and is somewhat responsible for the continued good standing of the L-'nimn Ti hnil h iner- is not only within SGC's power but it is its responsibility to act on this matter. There is no doubt, however, that SGC must have substantial proof in order to take concrete action. 3) The Lecture Committee and its By-laws serve a purpose of unity. The whole crux of the situation lies in the interpreta- tion of the By-laws. Since there has never been a test case in this matter, there is no point in ex- pressing approval or disapproval. The Lecture Committee is impor- tant to the University, in that the type of speakers that speak here reflect on the University it- self and a certain amount of dis- cretion has to be used by the University. I am against any strict restrictions and would hope that few speakers would be refused recognition to speak here on cam- action taken by SGC. In the area, of the local chapter, SGC will have a great deal of responsibility (shonl it's nision case disaffili- 1 _>