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November 10, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-11-10

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Sixty-Seventh Year

With The Greatest Of Ease



"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Wil Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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i I

Contradiction, Confusion
In Expansion Policy

PRESIDENT HATCHER, in interpreting Uni-
versity plans for expansion and enrollment,
seems to be following a policy of telling every-
one what they want to hear. This may be good
public relations but it doesn't help clarify poli-
cies for people who are sincerely interested in
knowing where we're going in the next decade.
The latest playon words is trying to explain
how we're going to become increasingly "selec-
'tive" (speech to Faculty Senate) without rais-
ing our admissions standards (luncheon address
to high school principals and freshmen).
Even though the University is planning to
double in size, it will have to accept a decreasing
proportion of applicants. This can only be ac-
complished byPkraising admissions standards.
And the President's contention that all quali-
fied Michigan students will be free to come to
their University doesn't clear things up. What
does "qualified" mean? Isn't it dependent on
what the admissions standards are?
THIS POINT is not raised for argument's sake.
It is the clue to whether the University's
growth will, as the President has so often
claimed, be "controlled." If our standards
are going to remain the same, then the term
"controlled growth" is meaningless because
growth will be determined by factors beyond
the University's. control.
Another one of the President's statements
which puzzlesdus is that the University program
in the next decade will place the "emphasis on
undergraduates." In light of the increasing
percentage of graduate students we want to.

know how and in what ways the program will
emphasize the undergraduate schools.
A third area of concern is the lag Jetween
projected housing and projected enrollment.
Surveys made last year, when the President
estimated growth at the rate of 1200 a year,
indicated serious hortages. The latest estimate
is an increase of 1500 to 2000 a year. The
administration's answer to queries on housing
is always "the community can absorb the
overflow." Sure it can-with little rat holes,
unsanitary shacks and abortive rents.
University expansion looks suspiciously "un-
controlled" when it progresses in the face of
inadequate housing, Projected housing (new
Women's Dorm and the proposed Coed Dorm)
will not even hold the shortage steady. We
would have a lot more confidence in the
administration's predictions of growth without
chaos if we were paying reasonable rents.
PROBLEMS OF enrollment and expansion are
difficult ones. We realize that it is not
easy to set meaningful policies in the face of
constantly changing conditions. We are aware,
too, that most of the problems are enormously
complex and difficult to explain to laymen.
But this doesn't excuse direct contradiction,
meaningless phrases and interpretations appar-
ently aimed at appeasement rather than clarity.
We would earnestly suggest that the admin-
istration, particularly the President, come up
with some straight-forward explanations of
what policies they're planning to pursue.
City Editor





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FOR THOSE who like the kind
of improbable hero who hand-
grenades a machine-gun establish-
ment while chawing on a tooth-
pick. "Bandido" offers the mad-
dening dead-pan of Robert Mit-
chum, whose lack of talent fits
him nicely for his role.
Mitchum, a typical nonchalant,
invincible adventurer in a typical
movie with a typical plot, is for-
tunately in Mexico during one of
those revolutions and learns the
whereabouts and train schedule of
Zachary Scott, an American plan-
ning to sell arms to the govern-
Our hero hails a cabbie who
takes him to a nearby town where
said government is making war
on the rebels. Mitchum promptly
settles the issue and wins the reb-
els'" friendship by depositing a
couple of the hand-grenades he
carries in his' pockets for such
emergencies on government artil-
lery posts from a hotel veranda
overlooking the fireworks.
AFTER AGREEING to financial
terms, he and the rebel leader
(GilberthRoland) proceed tocap-
ture Scott's train. Scott promises
to lead them to the guns, leav-
ing his wife (Ursula Theiss) be-
hind as hostage. Mitchum, how-
ever, being the hero and all that,
is much too smart for that trick
and dispatches Miss Theiss for the
guns and retains Scott as the hos-
tage. (Scott evidently married to
acquire a ready hostage.)'
From there, the plot thickens,
and includes Mitchum saving Miss
Theiss from the rebels' anger when
the guns are not where Scott indi-
cated (she is obviously too pretty
to die and he sort of likes her any-
way), plus Mitchum's ending up in
a rebel jail as a result of that
Happily, Mitchum escapes with
IScott, learns the real hiding place
of the arms, and, after a series of
well-timed coincidences, leads the
rebels to them, knocking off a
government force on the side.
* * '*
THE WHOLE THING is so har-
rowing that Mitchum decides to
give up the adventurous life and
return to the States with, of all
people, Miss Theiss.
Despite .the . film's . profound
lack of originality, however, it is
no doubt entertaining to the un-
critical viewer and excellent for
drive-ins, else Hollywood would
not turn out so many like it.
One thing remains a mystery.
And that is who the bad guys are,
which is never clearly settled. One
assumes the government is in the
wrong, because Mitchum is on the
other side; but the government
troops conduct themselves with
impeccable . manners . throughout
the modeal, never so much as ma-
liciously swatting a fly.
Perhaps, though, it is also be-
coming typical not to point out
the villain, but to let us poor souls
figure it out. Or maybe Hollywood
is succumbing to relativism, or to
the naive belief that vagueness is
synonymous with value.
-James Dygert

The Election and the Crisis

Tito Shows Independence

YUGOSLAVIA'S APPEAL through the United
Nations that Russia withdraw her troops
from Hungary has indicated that she is still
quite independent of the Kremlin.
\In recent weeks conferences between Russian
leaders and Marshall Tito were evidently in-
tended to influence the latter's thinking,
particularly on such matters as Polish inde-
pendence. But it would appear that Russia
still is not master in Yugoslavia and Tito
remains independent.
If this is true it can help to explain why the
Soviet Union took such drastic steps in Hungary
and at the same time give some indication
that the Polish incident is not yet over. Hungary
did not propose to stop where Yugoslavia or
Poland did in relation to Russia, but to become
free and, in all probability, anti-Russian. This
Russia just could not swallow.
If the Soviet Union did put down the Hun-
garian rebellion because of fear of complete
breakup of their satellite block, there is some
reason to believe they will not allow Poland to
get away with an even lesser ,break than was
attempted 'in Hungary.
would support a UN resolution to get Russian

troops removed from Hungary. Hungary and
Poland have attempted what Marshall Tito
accomplished several years ago. Since then Tito
has become what might be called the "guiding
light" for this reformation. He might also
become its unofficial head.
A sizable block of neutral nations under the
guidance, if not complete leadership, of Mar-
shall Tito would indeed present a formidable
threat to Russia.
Yugoslavia's protest of Russia's action is
understandable since a free Hungary plus a free
Poland would tend to enhance Marshall Tito's
Communist world.
HOWEVER, Yugoslavia's representative in the
UN went on to say that all nations should
refrain from interfering in Hungary's internal
affairs since they are capable of handling them-
selves. We cannot agree that. a country which
has been subjected to ruthless action as Hun-
gary has been will be able to recover on her
The rest of the world has legitimate reasons
to be very much concerned with Hungary and
to do whatever they can, through the UN, to
help them regain thgeir freedom.

THIS TIME the professional ob-
servers, with no, very serious
dissenter among them, have long
been foreseeing the grand results
of the election. There has never
been any real doubt that if Presi-
dent, Eisenhower was physically
able to run again, he would be in-
vincible, what with the prosperity
of the country, his personal pres-
tige both in war and peace, and
his achievements as the healer of
the internal divisions of this coun-
While Eisenhower was a cer-
tainty from the beginning, it was
highly probable that the Demo-
cratic party would prove again
that it is stronger than the Re-
publican party. As this is written,
I do not have available' definitive
returns on the Congressional and
gubernatorial elections. But the
indications are that the corres-
pondents, the commentators, and
the pollsters have been essentially
right in distinguishing between
Eisenhower and his party. He has
had an enormous vote of confi-
dence. The Republican party has
not had one.
The campaign has been clean
and decent, but not enlightening
or interesting. It takes two to
bring on a debate, and the Presi-
dent refused to be provoked into

debating anything. Since there was
a great contented majority behind,
him, he did not have to admit
that there was any issue to de-
were issues which were debatable
might have been, to disturb his
ternational situation may have
reached, and perhaps passed, a
very dangerous crisis. The Anglo-
French intervention in Suez called
for quick and decisive results, for
an accomplished fact which creat-
ed a new situation. In fact the in-
tervention was so slow that in the
interval-before the landings and
while the Egyptian airfields were
being bombed-the Eden govern-
ment found itself in a whirpool of
opposing forces at home and
At this point the Soviet' govern-
ment saw an opportunity which it
promptly seized. It threatened to
intervene on the side of Egypt,
confident that in much of the
world it would find sympathy. By
this action the Soviet government
has re-established its position in
Egypt and among Egypt's allies.
That position would have been lost
'had the Anglo-French interven-
tion been a quick and complete

To this dangerous threat the
Eden government has responded
by breaking off the military op-
erations at a point where some
but not all of its objectives have
been achieved. We have responded,
as we were bound to do, by warn-
ing the Soviet government not to
* * *
THE BEST HOPE of the world
now lies in the plan which has
been voted by the United Nations,
for an international force to police
the occupied territory after the
British, French and Israeli armies
withdraw. The success of this un-
dertaking is almost certain to de-
pend on..whether the Soviet Union
really backs it or really opposes
it. We can only hope for the best.
For the task which is now as-
signed to the United Nations is far
and away the most difficult in all
its history, and yet the great
powers, whose unanimity is so
necessary to any United Nations
action, are as never before divided
among themselves.
Fortunately, the management of
the undertaking is in the hands
of Mr. Dag Hammarskjold, as
competent, as cool, as astute, and
as objective a diplomat as we have
seen for many a long day.
1956 New York Herald Tribune Inc.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no 'editorial1responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 mm. the day preced-
ing publication.
General Notices
Anyone who has rooms to rent for
weekends, contact the Union Student
A few more ushers are urgently needed
for the Combined Illinois-Michigan
Glee Club Concert tonight at Hil Audi-
torium. If you wish to usher at this
concert please report to Mr. Warner
at 7:30 p.m. this evening at the east
door of Hill Auditorium.
Correction: Late permission for all
women students attending, the Con-
cert at Hill Auditorium on Mon., Nov.
5, was 11:15.
Late permission - All women stu-
dents who attended the play at Lydia
Mendelssohn on Thurs., Nov. 8, had
late permission until 11:10.
Late permission: All women students
who attended the concert at Hill Audi-
torium on Thurs., Nov. 8, had late
permission until 11:10.
University Lecture in Journalism. Don
Shoemaker, executive director of South-
ern Education Reporting Service, pub-
lishers of Southern School News, will
speak on "Progress of Desegregation"
on Mon., Nov. 12, at 3 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Gilbert & Sullivan Society presents
Ruddigore" Nov. 9 and 10. There are
still a few tickets left.
Academic Notices
Law School Admission Test: Candi-
dates taking ,the Law School Admis-
sion Test on Nov. 10 are requested to
report to Room 100, Hutchins Hall at
s:45 a.m. Sat.
Two tutorial sections of Sociology I
will be offered during the second semes-
ter to provide an opportunity for a
more intensive and individualized in-
troduction to sociology for superior
students. Enrollment in each section is
limited to ten students. Freshmen and
sophomores with a grade point average
of 3.0 are eligible to apply for admis-
sion to these sections. Interested stu-
dents should see Prof. Ronald Freed.
man in Room 5626, Haven Hall on Mon.
from 10-11 a.m. and 4-5 pim, and Fri.,
from 4-5 p.m.
Students, College of Engineering: The
final day for dropping courses without
record will be Wed., Nov. 14. A course
may be dropped only with the permis-
sion of the classifier after conference
with the instructor.
Students, College of Engineering: The
final day for removal of incompletes
will be Wed., Nov. 14. Petitions for ex-
tension of time must be on file in the
Secretary's Office on or before Wed.
Nov. 14.
Faculty, College of Literature, Science
Sand the Arts: Midsemester grades of
"D" and "E" are due Wed.. Nov. 14. Send
freshman and sophomore reports to 1210
Angell Hall and junior and senior re-
ports to 1213 Angell Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Vern Har-
grave Vincent, Business Administra-
tion; thesis; "Accounting Problems of
the Tennessee Valley Authority", Sat.,
Nov. 10, 8th floor conference room,
School of Business Administration at
9:30 a.m. Chairman, W. A. Paton.
Doctoral Examination for Jack il-
bert Scruggs, Pharmaceutical Chemis-
try; thesis; "Derivatives of Homopiper-
azine", Mon., Nov. 12, 2525 Chemistry
'Building, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, F. F.
Placement Notices
Personnel Requests:
Clinton Machine Co., Clinton, Mich.,
has openings for Cost Accountants with
U.S. Army, Ordnance Ammunition
Command, Joliet, Illinois, needs men
with training and 2-4 years of experi-
ence in Statistics to work as Analyti-

cal Statisticians GS 9-12.
Institute of African-Amnerican Rela-
tions, Inc., Washington, D.C., an-
nounces a need for men and women in
Accounting, Agriculture, Architecture,
Economics--PhD, Engineering, Geogra-
phy-Geology, History, Latin, Mathema-
tics, Music-woman-MA, Physical Ed-
ucation,'Math., Physics, Biology, Chem-
istry, and General Science to teach and
lecture in Sou~th Africa, Southern Rho-
desia, the GoltdCoast, and Nigeria.
U.S. Department of Commerce, office
of Business Economics, Washington,
D.C., is interested in applicants for Ju-
nior Professional positions in the Econ-
omics field at GS-5 and GS-7 levels. Re-
quires a background in Economics and
Simmonds Aerocessories Inc., Tarry-
town, N.Y., is looking for Mechanical
Engineers with Internal Combustion
experience and preferably some experi-
ence in Fuel Injection systems. Would
like to find men with some background
in the automobile industry. This is a
research and development organization,
designers and manufacturers of spe-
cialized aeronautical and engineering
Wheelabrator Corp., Mishawaka, Ind.,
needs men between 25 and 35 years of
age with training in Engineering and
some Industrial Sales experience for
the Field Sales Force for Wheelabrator
Steel Shot and other metallic abra-
New York State Civil Service an-
nounces examinations for men and wo-
men in Engrg., Architecture, Mental
Health, Recreation, Law, Health and
Science, Education, Health Inspection,
Farming, Construction, Maintenance,
Social Work, Medicine and Dentistry,




War Illogical Now,

DAC's 'The Father' Stimulating Theater

Associated Press News Analyst
NEW RUSSIAN troop deployments, the Hun-
garian horror and the resort to force by two
of the so-called peace-loving nations have-
brought world tensions to a pitch which the
Egyptian cease-fire has done little to ease.
Friday's battle in the United Nations did
nothing to promote peace. Yet it is a time, if
there ever was one, for the repression of
Britain and France apparently have' recog-
nized their mistake in resorting to force in
Egypt, and are now urging quick organization
of the UN international force that will permit
them to withdraw.
Israel has reversed her original intention
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN.................Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN..............Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK,.........Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS.:...............Features Editor
DAVID GREY...............,.... ...... Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER............Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN..........Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON.............Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER ............. Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS............Women's Feature Editor
JOHN HIRTZEL .................. Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN.....Associate Business Manager

of keeping the Sinai Peninsula. There is hope
that world reaction and the clear danger of
'starting a world war will restrain ' her from
further adventures, such as an invasion of
THE UNITED NATIONS, alerting her air force
and deploying fleets both to have them in
position if needed and to avoid concentrations
which might permit another Pearl Harbor, is
being very careful to say what she is doing
so that Russia will not misunderstand and fear
a surprise.
There was nothing to support rumors of
general mobilization in the United States.
Indeed, the tensions had mounted just when
'it seemed they should be relaxing after two
hectic weeks.
It is true that there are dangers of war. They
come chiefly from two possibilities.
One, the one that causes chief concern among
American officials, is that somebody will make
a fatal slip,.unwittingly creating a situation in
which someone else will have to react.
The other is that Russia might decide the
North Atlantic Alliance has been sufficiently
weakened, both by Anglo-French-American
political differences and by the diversion of
Anglo-French military power to the south side
of the Mediterranean, to warrant a deliberate
attack on Europe.
THERE ARE good reasons for believing that
Russia will do no such thing.
Her officials have indicated they understand,
just as well as it is understood in the West, that
to chance war in these times is to chance
Thev umderstand that it will be years before

IN AUGUST Strindberg's "The
Father," the Dramatic Arts Cen-
ter has chosen what may be the
most difficult play of its career.
Under the direction of David Met-
calf, 'the players deliver an essen-
tially provacative performance,
one that is more than mere en-
tertainment and thus is, if un-
even, still very worthy.
"The Father" is a very curious
play. Like most of Strindberg's
work, it is inextricably wound up
with his own life and it is one of
a series of marital melodramas
that evolved from a life of per-
sonal strife and anguish. But it is
not a really top flight job; and
while one cannot brush it aside
like a piece of lint, one must ack-
nowledge that it is not a master-
ful whole, rather possessing some
individually effective scenes. The
central characters, the Captain
and his wife Laura, are drawn in
immense proportions and the
drama becomes superficially a
conflict between two wills: the
other characters - the Nurse,
the Pastor, Bertha - are sketches
which are used not as individuals
in themselves, but as contributors
to and revealers of the main con-
"THE FATHER'S" theme is an-
nounced initially by Nojd (James
E. Brodhead), a servant who has
gotten a local lass pregnant. The
Pastor (Ralph Drischell) asks him
why he will not marry the girl if
he is the father, whether he does
not think it is wrong to leave her

of children: "She sells her birth-
right by legal contract and sur-
renders all her rights. In return
the husband supports her and her
children." And then Laura begins
to taunt him: how can he be cer,
tain Bertha is his daughter?
- * * *
AS MANY playgoers are sur-
prised to learn, Strindberg works
out his characterization in essen-
tially Freudian terms, even though
he predates Freud's major work by
a good many years. Yet, this
should not be startling, for new
ideas are not really born in the
mind of a single man. And Strind-
berg is, in many respects, a pro-
phetic thinker and writer, one who
questions and answers individual
human motivation in twentieth-
century terms and one who is im-
mensely concerned with the social
implications the emancipation of
womanhood has brought.
In "The Father, Strindberg
makes his Captain a man ridden
with Oedipal problems, to whom
the Nurse points out, "The moth-
er was your friend, you see, but
the woman was your enemy." And
he makes of Laura a somewhat
non-intelligent woman who is
completely amoral and who is de-
sirous only of being a mother to
a man who has since become a
To make paternal insecurity the
theme of a tragedy is a difficult
business, and Strindberg does not
quite bring it off. For that matter,
neither does the DAC.. Despite
Strindberg's making the Captain

problem has been displaced, pa-
ternity emphasized as the diffi-
culty when the difficulty is really
the Captain's lack of perspective.
Moreover, Strindberg constantly
emphasizes Laura's inability to
fool anyone else, while she man-
ages to tie her husband's mind in
the knots of insanity. Laura is too
stupid and too silly to really be
"The Father" is more a work-
ing out of Strindberg's emotional
difficulties than a tragedy; and
when the Captain goes into his
monologue against women .who
have left his embryo unnourished,
given him disease and have tor-
tured him, he becomes neither
very noble or interesting, but an
adolescent man who has destroyed
himself through his own ridicu-
* * *
Captain with a one-toned raspi-
ness, as a man entirely wrapped up
in his own problems and unaware
of the people who exist about him.
Actor Gistirak is all too often so
loud in his lines that the unistrut
lighting quivers above. But in two
scenes, where he talks with his
wife about their early love and
when, clad in straightjacket, he
denounces the whole of woman-
kind, he achieves real effective-
ness. Yet his Captain is a self-cen-
tered man devoid of any hu-
mor, almost self-consciously seri-
Audrey Ward plays Laura with
probably all the inflections that

RALPH Drischell is a spineless
Pastor and Marie Gilson a self-
conscious mother type - in fact,
nearly everyone in "The Father,"
from playwright to players, is self-
But to Nell Burnside and direc-
tor David Metcalf go many honors
for making the role of Bertha be-
lievable. She is one of Strindberg''s
most impossbile characters, a sev-
enteen-year-old girl who acts like
an infant. Miss Burnside's playing
makes Bertha not only, possible,
but probable; it is a very good
DESPITE the inadequacy of
both Strindberg and the DAC in
"The Father," this is one of those
rare performances that oughthnot
to be missed. It is not that Ann
Arbor has suddenly received great
theater; more that "The Father"
manages to be really stimulating
For all too long Ann Arbor has
been given dull, listless things or
things which were fun for two-
and-a-half hours, but which have
been forgotten an hour after the
presentation. "The Father" is what
the DAC has long been trying to
do rather unsuccessfully - to
bring stimulation to a defunct at-
mosphere, to provoke thought in-
stead of relaxation, to inspire audi-
ence interest instead of audience
It has been too long a while for
plays which were "nice" and "fun"
and nothing more to dominate
local theater.
* * * -



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