Elymlodiigan Bil Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Ughtho"oe G&S SOCIETY: 'Ruddigore' Well Done In Every Respect THOUGH it smacked more of bloodless satire than of "ruddy gore", the Gilbert and Sullivan production at Lydia Mendelsohn auditor- lum last night was a delight. Well staged and well acted, for the most part, "Ruddigore" may be definitely counted a success. The satiric melodrama, or melodramatic satire - take your pick- spoofs anything and everything British, proper, and Victorian. Com- "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: CAROL PRINS Stevenson Retains Obligations To New Democratic Party ALTHOUGH Adlai Stevenson suffered a stag- gering defeat at the hand of President Eis- enhower, his capacity for service to the nation is far from over. This election was not a choice between the lesser of two evils, for both candidates were men of integrity, capable of raising the stan- dards of American politics. It would be fair to conclude that our government would be in safe hands no matter who won. Adlai Stevenson is too great a man to be allowed to fade into political oblivion. In his present position, as titular head of the Demo- cratic party he has a real obligation. IT TOOK Governor Stevenson four years to rid the Democratic Party of the machine- laden Truman, De Sapio leadership, and put the reigns into the hands of the up and coming, young; element. This new blood is the hope of the Demo- cratic Party. Mr. Stevenson, as its leader, has an obligation to keep party leadership out of hands of the corrupt "I told you so-ers". If he fails, it will spell political doom for the Democrats. Realizing that his unprofessional tactics in the 1952 campaign led to defeat, this campaign was conducted under the influence of the big party politicians. This approach also failed. Therefore, he must take this opportunity to once again assert his independence, and re- vert back ot the intellectual high-road approach he stood for before the campaign. THE ELECTION results are a great tribute to an individual, not to his party. This is evidenced by the fact that for the first time since the- initiation of our modern two party system a president lost both houses of Con- gress. A large segment, perhaps the majortity, of the voters continue to have Democratic leanings. Now is the time that forceful lead- ership from the new, progressive, dynamic, element in the Democratic party is most needed. In his concession speech Governor Stevenson stated his supreme confidence that "our cause will ultimately prevail, for America can only go forward.' It is up to. him to see that the Democratic party goes forward and does not lose the vision of his "new America." -SUSAN KARTUS State GOP Outlook Bleak IE results of Tuesday's election finds Mich- igan Republicans with practically riothing to cheer about and staring into a bleak future. The smashing victory of Gov. G. Mennen Williams over Detroit Mayor Albert E. Cobo left state Republicans stunned. They had counted on Cobo's administrative achievements and President Dwight D. Eisenhower's popularity to thwart Williams' bid for an unprecedented fifth consecutive term. Instead, the handsome, bow tied governor not only won by more than 280,000 votes but also carried all five state ticket running mates back into office over one of the best Republi- can tickets ever presented to Michigan voters. Had Williams not been running, the Cobo tick- et would have probably won. For the first time in several years, the Re- publicans had an excellent campaign organiza- tion. They turned out record Republican votes in both Wayne County and outstate. However, Williams' popularity, combined with the strong influence of UAW leader Walter Reuther in Wayne County, turned out even more Demo- cratic votes. REPUBLICANS are now shouting for state chairman John Feikens' head. Feikens led the Republicans to defeat in the spring elec- tion, one they generally won. He was counting on this state election to win re-election next year. Postmaster General Arthur Summerfield warned Feikens at the Republican National Convention that his future would hinge on the election results. The only bright spot for the Republicans came in extending their hold of the state legis- lature that cost the Democrats two seats in the House and one in the Senate. The victory assured the Republicans of a 61-49 hold on the House and a 23-11 lead in the Senate. The results point to another two years of strife be- tween Williams and the Republican-dominated legislature. During the last two years Republicans were hard-pressed to block much of Williams' legis- lation in the House, where a small bloc of "Young Turk" Republicans occasionally sided with Democrats. T HE WILLIAMS performance could not help but stir speculation on his political future which is widely credited to include plans to take on Republican Sen. Charles E. Potter in 1958 and thereby give the Democrats control of Michigan's two senatorial positions. All evidence shows that no matter who heads the Republican party in Michigan the Demo- crats will have priority, over the state execu- tive offices for several years as long as Wil- liams is still on the political scene. -DIANE LaBAKAS SGC IN REVIEW - Forums, Freedom, Football plete with an etiquette book and a play with everything from ham to hisses. Full of nonsense and unintelligible songs, it moves from the peaceful country village of old Rederring to the echoing halls of Ruddigore, with typically Gil- bertian rapidity and ease. Sweet Rose Maybud, darling of the village is played sparklingly well by Lynn Tannel, a veteran of the Society's productions. Al- though she, as well as many of the other characters in the first act, is engaged in an almost constant struggle with the orchestra, her voice is sweet enough and her face innocent enough for any ingenue. THE TWO male leads of the play, John Klein and Herbert Start, were not, however, quite so effective. Klein, as Sir Ruthven Murgatroyd, begins the play dis- guised as Robin Oakapple, a young farmer who is languishing in his shy passion for dear Rose. Beg- ging Start, his foster-brother Dick Dauntless, to woo her in his place, he loses his love and, at the end of the act is forced to reveal his true identity, as an accursed but soft hearted villain to the shocked inhabitants of the town. Mr. Klein can act and his enun- ciatory powers are remarkable, but unfortunately his voice doesn't seem to carry. Mr. Start, on the other hand, is blessed with a voice but little acting talent. Together, however, they make a good pair and the resultant combination is pleasing enough to make the view- er forget any individual inade- quacies. The comic characters in the play are happily endowed with both singing and acting abilities. Miss Marian Mercer, a lead in the forthcoming MUSKET production of BRIGADOON, gives Mad Mar- garet, a sort of poor man's Ophe- lia, an interpretation that is both perceptive and hilarious. She dis- tributes flowers gaily over the stage with a completely unin- hibited abandon and provides an extraordinary foil for Sir Despard Murgatroyd, who is also hilarious- ly played by Dave Newman. These two steal the show, as well as any scene in which either one of them happens to appear. * * * THE SCENERY and staging are colorful and appealing. A chorus of over-eager "professional brides- maids," the unmarried girls of old Rederring, are almost constantly on the stage and ready to produce at any moment, a number of stan- zas on the pleasures of nuptial bliss. Their best contribution to the action is a sort of frantically con- rolled sailor's hornpipe in the first act, but both they and the men's choruses are very well directed and co-ordinated throughout the play. Their pronunciation of the nonsensical lyrics In the show is understandable as well as spir- ited. The overall effect of the show is one of color and of gaiety. In the words of one of the choruses, however," . .. my opinion doesn't really matter." See it for yourself. It's a treat. -Jean Willoughby By TAMMY MORRISON Daily Staff Writer STUDENT Forums are an actu- ality at last. Specified in the original Stu- dent Government Council Plan, but up to now ignored, Forums are tentatively planned for once a month. SGC members will dis- cuss issues of concern to the Coun- cil pro and con, and then debate will be thrown open to the floor, allowing students to express their views. The first one, on "Is There a Need for Student Government?" will be held at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 29 in the Natural Science Auditorium. Much as we're in favor of the forum plan, the topic picked for the first one is not a particularly good one. There are few people who will argue against the need for student government, though many might debate its functions and jurisdiction. To hold true to the original forum plan, the topic should have been one more in line with an issue SGC is facing at present. On Dec. 5, the Council will con- sider Sigma Kappa. Wouldn't it have been a better idea to debate this question, which has so much significance here at the moment? * , * AT WEDNESDAY'S meeting, National and International Af- fairs Chairman Anne Woodard read a letter from the Student Council at the university in Graz, Austria. These students, so close to the Russian rape of Hungary, have set up a group to aid Hungarian stu- dents and refugees in their fight for liberty. They collected money, food, medical supplies and clothes, which they gave to the Hungarian Red Cross. At the border, which they could not cross, they impro- vised hospitals and temporary homes for refugees. They need money, and are asking American University students for it. In general discussion, Council members offered two suggestions: 1) that SGC express its feeling concerning the Hungarian Stu- dents to our United Nations dele- gation and 2) that the Council not act until they receive more in- formation on what is specifically needed. Last year's National Student Association Vice-President for In- ternational Affairs Clive Gray is going to the revolution-torn area to gather information. Hungarian students and their European friends have nowhere else to turn for help but students in the United States. Though we, like students the world over, are poor, we are probably a good deal better off than most European stu- dents. 'Hungary has lost this round of its fight for freedom, but the fight is universal and will go on. And students are the ones who should be most concerned about the outcome of the battle. * * * AFTER DECIDING not to two weeks ago, SGC this week passed a resolution against football games over Thanksgiving vacation. In agreeing with a resolution passed by the Big Ten student body presidents ("In the interest of the students of the member schools of the Big Ten, the presi- dents of the student governments of these schools vigorously protest to the appropriate athletic boards the future scheduling of football games on the Saturday following Thanksgiving Day."), SGC also requestednthat the Board in Con- trol of Intercollegiate Athletics reconsider this scheduling and that they make an effort to ini- tiate a more satisfactory schedule for future games. Since football schedules are al- ready worked out, at least tenta- tively, as far in' advance as 1959 or '60, it seems likely that Thanks- giving football games will be with us for a few years. Also, the Ath- letic Board, while not vitally con- cerned with student opinion, has probably given consideration to such games, mainly because of the profit loss they produce. Now that football is Big Busi- ness, Mammon reigns supreme. And if he couldn't persuade the Athletic Board to reschedule 'its games, it seems doubtful that Stu- dent Government Council can. Union Jack, the characters fill the 'U' SYMPHONY: Msic for Lovers LAST night's concert by the University of Michigan Sym- phony Orchestra in Hill Auditor- ium presented music for the un- inhibited music lover. It was not enough to grasp the architecture, unravel the philosophy, or re- call the genealogy of the composi- tions. In all these aspects the 5th Symphony of Tchaikovsky and the tone poem "Don Juan" of Richard Strauss could be called rather unrewarding. One has to possess an almost in- toxicated enthusiasm towards the barest muscial event in order to comprehend these masterpieces of the Romantic century. A pluck- ing of the strings, a somber pro- gression for the brass choir, or a turn for the clarinet - these mi- nute details of the web of sound, if thought to be utterly worth- while in isolation, will render the work as a whole then so much more meaningful. * * * THERE IS ANOTHER musical element, however, the apprecia- tion of which is fundamental in the hearing of music such as "the aforementioned. This is the simple matter of melody. Singable tunes, song-like themes are not to be relegated to musical comedy and the hit parade only. They are not necessarily unsophis- ticated, crude and out of place in symphonic music. Let us not be schizophrenics when listening to the art of John Jacob Niles and Harry Bellafonte on one and to the works of Beethoven on the other hand. There must be a uni- fying continuity in our approaches to these arts. The Tchaikovsky work is full of various kinds of tunes, stringed one after the other, some medi- ocre, some exquisite. * * , FROM THE timid opening of the Symphony No. 102 of Haydn, the orchestra slowly found its way into good ensemble, mellow tone, and spirited interpretation. "Don Juan" was well done, but "Don Juan' was well done, but the Tchaikovsky wasprobably bet- ter. One would be tempted to point out a few especially memor- able spots or praise certain solo players, but that would run coun- ter to the goals we are trying to achieve. The University Symphony Or- chestra is a respectable ensemble with a skilled conductor. Will it be unfair to expect from it active membership in the contemporary musical scene by taking upon it- self to offer its contribution to the propagation of the new music of our own America of today? -Avo Somer DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an of- ficial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. No- tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preced. ing publication. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 42 General Notices Anyone who has rooms to rent for weekends, contact the Union Student Offices, Student Government Council. Summary of action taken at meeting of Nov. 7, 1956. Approved: Minutes of previous meet- ing. Plans for Nov. 9 Pep Rally. Lec- ' ture series, Dec. 10-14, sponsored by Michigan Christian Fellowship. Glee Club spring tour, April 5-14; Seattle, Portland, Palo Alto, Los Angeles, San Diego, Albuquerque, Chicago. ' Mechanical Engineering Club granted recognition. American Rocket Soci- ety, Student Chapter, granted recog- nition, subject to approval of con- stitution in one week's time. Announced: Student Forum, Nov. 29 "Is there a need for Student Gov- ernment?" Adopted: Motion - Student Govern- ment Council recommends to the student body that each member give serious consideration to goals and principles of Moral Rearmament and encourages the presentation of its plays on the University campus; and that the Campus Affairs Committee bearesponsible for the practical im- plementation of this motion includ- ing selection and'approval of physi- 4 4 4 Demonstrations vs. Forums { THROUGH the suppressed and censored news of riots, revolt, and conquest in Hungary comes a report, showing feelings of Hungarian college students and what they think fellow American students should do regarding the cur- rent conflict. The report quotes a letter from members of a national Hungarian revolution- ary student council of The Technical Univer- sity of Sopron. It read: "Dear Friends: "We thank you with full hearts for the sympathy and support you have shown for our fight for freedom against Soviet ag- gression and communist despotism. For you sons of the free world, it is almost impos- sible to imagine the diabolical world of in- quisition and torture or oppression, or murder, or the lies to which we have been subjected. "Help us with your words, your demon- strations, your petitions, your resolutions." The letter was signed "J. Hegedues," for students of the Technical University of Sopron. Monday, two days after the letter was written, Sopron was over-run by Soviet tanks and oc- cupied by Russian troops. ONE wonders how American University stu- dents will respond to such a message. Help- Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER. Editor RICHARD HALLORAN NLEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor GAIL GOLDSTEIN.................Personnel Director ERNEST THEODOSSIN..............Magazine Editor JANET REARICK.......... Associate Editorial Director MARY ANN THOMAS................Features Editor DAVID GREY..........................Sports Editor RICHARD CRAMER............Associate Sports Editor STEPHEN HEILPERN..........Associate Sports Editor VIRGINIA ROBERTSON............. Women's Editor JANE FOW"ER............. Associate Women's Editor ARLINE L'WIS...............Women's Feature Editor JOHN HIRTZEL ....................Chief Photographer Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN.....Associate Business Manager WILLIAM PUSCH..................Adertising Manager ing Hungarian students by "words . . . peti- tions . . . resolutions" is all well and good, even though such action may not stir up feel- ings and incite United States government to interfere in Hungary and aid the cause of the revolution. Forum-type meetings which thor- oughly discuss the stiuation and generally edu- cate participants and spectators to the actual state fo affairs would be better and have a definite place in the University community. The point to be seriously considered is that of demonstrations. Can demonstrations con- cerning the Hungarian situation serve a useful purpose? Zechariah Chafee, Jr., author of "Free Speech in the United States," claims "Outdoor public assemblies have a special function in the field of expression that is fulfilled by no other medium . . . the informal character of the outdoor meeting is often of advantage in developing questions and answers - one of the best ways of forming public opinion.' Outdoor assemblies are democratic and do create a useful purpose in giving rise to the free flow of diverse opinions concerning some pre-determined subject. FREQUENTLY, however, what starts out as a rational public meeting or demonstration soon develops into an emotional harangue, a harangue which can get out of control, thus benefiting no one. Such riotous meetings serve little purpose except to cause damage and hard feelings; they have no place in American uni- versity communities. Rational meetings, discussing issues with use of reason, are to be encouraged. Let's have more of them. -RENE GNAM New Books at the Library Bellonci, Maria - O Prince of Mantua; The Life and Times of Vincenzo Gonzaga. Trans- lated by Stuart Hood; NY, Harcourt Brace, 1956. Blesh, Rudi - Modern Art U.S.A., Men, Rebel- lion, Conquest 1900-1956; NY, Knopf, 1956. Botein, Bernard - The Prosecutor; NY, Si- monSchuster, 1956. Chase - Guides to Straight Thinking; NY, Harper, 1956. Tnil T-rrv Caph y n-. Phil a LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Manners, Complacency, Imperialism Deplored -4 Good Manners? To the Editor: T IS ALWAYS a rather precar- ious thing, in matters which generate some heat, to speak of good manners, tact and' tasteful- ness. Yet I must voice my rather sharp protest against the behavi- or of nearly all concerned in the recent matter of the treatment accorded recent visits from Russia. So far as I can gather, these were official guests of the United States and of the University (or at least of the Political Science dept.) It is quite beyond my comprehen- sion of civility, therefore, that they were accorded such ill-treat- ment by the hosts. Nothing, of course, can be said against those people who demonstrated against them; it is their right and privi- lege. But certainly, the University could have prevented the demon- stration on the campus and in the Union. Surely, one does not invite guests, and the nsit by idly while they're being insulted in one's own housc. There is also the matter of the editorial written by one of your editors. In general, your policy of permitting any one of your edi- tors to write whatever he pleases, is a good policy. I'm afraid, how- ever, in this instance, that a seri- ous blunder was made. The edi- r to speak for anyone but himself; yet, the tone of his edtiorial was such that he clearly gave the im- pression he spoke for many. ho are these many? I am quite sure he did not speak for me. I do not agree we should have greeted the Russians with "cool- ness and reservation". I do not have to agree with someone in order to be polite and tactful; par- ticularly if it is someone whom. I hope to teach by my own example. It is only because Mr. Halloran believes the Russians to be incor- rigible in every sense of the word that he behaves as he does. His proof of this consists only in the regurgitation of all our cold war shibboleths. The fact is, however, that things have changed - in Russia as well as here. The change is, of course, still not what we should like; but then, there is no reason why we have to like the Russians, or they us - all we need is to keep our- selves from acting upon a zeal to destroy them and us. And this -. we may still believe - can be best accomplished by talk. But how can we talk if we insist only upon shouting and insulting? -Philip W. London (Ed. Note: With reference to Read- er London's charge of speaking for others, it is pointed out that Daily editorials express the opinions of the writer only. No editorial writer pre- of its corollaries, is no doubt re- peated a thousand times a day in the kept press of North America, and in my seven years of Daily reading I have certainly seen it many dozens of times. To me it is irresponsible, and I suggest that a writer who uses it, in this case Halloran, be prepared to demonstrate just how we have more "freedom and dignity" than, specifically, the people of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Britain, Bel- gium, France, Switzerland, Aus- tralia, New Zealand, Mexico, Uru- guay or Israel. What justifies this smugness? The Smith Act, the McCarran Act? Denial of basic freedoms and insults to dignity by congressional inquisitors? The firing of teach- ers? The reign of Jim Crow? Can we hold our heads high for the 30 million citizens living in families making less than $2000 a year? For the right-to-scab laws? For the domination of our economic life by huge, mergerized corporations? What dignity is served by mono- lithic advertising and public re- lations firms which blanket the land with vulgar billboards and the mind with puerile inanities? Is it in the interests of freedom to spend tens of billions of dollars cency, no doubt in many cases without knowing what they do. -Jack Danielson Unashamed Record .. . To the Editor: IN HIS letter to the editor, Tom Boulton was trying to denounce his fellow citizens for attacking the United Kingdom on its bar- barian action against Egypt. This denunciation does not concern me at all. But as an Egyptian, I was extremely shocked by his saying, "We British need not be ashamed of our record in the Middle East in the past, nor need we be ashamed of our present action.'' As regards their record in the past, I need not show that the present explosive situation in the Middle East is the outcome of their so-called unashamed record, a record which reflects the at- tempts to stop an old "Empire" from fading, a record which clear- ly shows the thinking of a sick- minded Government that is still trying to live in the Victorian era. So, I would like to awaken this fading "Empire" from its sleep before it is too late. As regards their present action in Egypt, I would like to remind the United Kingdom and the so- called "big power" France that their influence in the Middle East is conmnletlv finished. The Evn- -4 4