Adlai Retains Obligations
To New Democratic Party
See Page 4
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Latest Deadline in the State
Hatcher Views
. Asks
Entrance Applications To Be Cut
Because of Limited Physical Plant
Discussing enrollment growth at a Union luncheon yesterday,
University President Harlan Hatcher promised, "there will be no new
arbitrary standards of admission" at the University.
Not long ago, President Hatcher had told a faculty gathering,
"The University must necessarily become more selective in its en-
Asked to coordinate these two superfically contradictory policy
statements last night, President Hatcher admitted the University,
because of limited physical facilities, would take "a smaller percentage
Aof those that apply."
Russia to Leave
Arbitrary Admissions
Doesn't this necessarily mean the University
will be more arbi-
Dems Retain
Thin Margin
In Senate
publican victory in Kentucky yes-
terday brought the Senate division
for the 85th Congress next year
to just where it was in the 84th:
49 Democrats and 47 Republicans.
By ordinary standards that
would assure continued Democrat-
ic control of the Senate. Some
complicating factors, however gave
Republicans an outside chance at
Late Returns
Late returns from Kentucky in-
dicated Republican Thurston B.
Morton had come through finally
in his seesaw race with Senator
Earle Clements, the assistant Dem-
ocratic floor leader.
This was one more feather in
the cap of the Republicans, al-
ready happy with President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's nine-mil-
lion-vote majority for re-election.
The day's developments also
brought a measure of relief for
Democrats who had been some-
what concerned over whether Sen-
ator-elect Frank Lausche of Ohio,
an independent-minded Democrat,
would go along' with them in the
vote to organize the Senate.
Finish Term
Lausche said at Columbus he
would finish his term at governor,
which ends Jan. 14. That would
seem to mean he did not plan to
be in Washington for the vote at
the opening of Congress on Sen-
ate organization, leaving it up to
the other Democrats to set it up
to their satisfaction..
With Lausche absent, and as-
suming a full representation other-
wise, the vote would be 48 Demo-
crats and 47 Republicans. If Laus-
che did come in and vote with the
Republicans, there would be a 48-
48 tie and Vice President Richard
M. Nixon could break it in favor
of the GOP.
The vote decides which party
gets the committee chairmanships
and the majority strength on each
The virtual end of the Morton-
Clements Senate race just about
wrapped up Tuesday's election,
except for a few undecided House
races and a recount for governor
in Rhode Island. .
House Margin
Held Steady
By Democrats
ocrats have captured at least 231
of the 435 seats in the new House
-13 more than needed for con-'
trol--and may add most of the
five remaining undecided seats to
their majority.
The Republicans have won 199;
seats and are leading, by a bare
two votes, in only one of the un-
decided races.
The present House division is'
232 Democrats, 203 Republicans.,
The GOP lost the Missouri sev-;
enth Dist. when late returns yes-;
terday showed that Charles H.
Brown, Democrat, had unseated
the veteran Representative Dewey
Short, senior Republican on the
House Armed Services Committee,.
In a close contest in New Jer-7
sey, Republican Norman Roth was
figured to have won the 13th Dist.
4trary in their admissions policy?
"In effect," conceded President
In another luncheon policy state-
ment he revealed, "The University
must be prepared to grow at an
approximate rate of about 1,500 to
2,000 students each year through
the next decade."
This means the University could
enroll 40,000 by 1965. Previously,
the administration announced it
would reach the 40,000 figure in
1970, through "controlled growth."
Enrollment Increased
Have University enrollment ex-
pectations increased? President
Hatcher said last night he didn't
know the answer "at this time"
and the 1500-2000 figure is "just
a guide."
He further said yesterday the'
University program for the next
decade will include an "emphasis
on undergraduates." This was said
in answer to speculation the Uni-
versity would increasingly function
as a graduate school.
However, last night President
Hatcher admitted the percentage
of graduate students has been ris-
ing in the last decade. Would this
percentage nose upward in the
future and, in. effect, emphasize
the graduate level? "Perhaps a
little," he remarked.
Junior Colleges
He didn't think the influx of
junior and community colleges in
the state would decrease the Uni-
versity's relative undergraduate
However, President Hatcher said
"It would not be economical for
these communities to duplicate our
graduate facilities in law, medi-
cine, and engineering."
Will inadequate student housing
facilities force the University to
trim its enrollment expansion? No,
according to President Hatcher
who remarked, "University con-
cern and emphasis will not be on
roofs over the heads of our stu-
dents, but on educational facilities.
He noted the University was
making every effort to increase
housing capacity, however,
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Russia was
reported yesterday to be sending
military equipment, including MIG
jet fghteris as well as "advisors"
Into Syria, one of four Arab
nations neighboring Israel.k
Defense Department sources
which received these reports de-
clined to estimate how many of
the late-type MIG fighters may
have 'arrived in Syria so far.
BERLIN - The East German
news service ADN said yesterday
night Soviet Premier Nikolai Bul-
ganin has told President Dwight
D. Eisenhower that withdrawing,
Soviet forces from Hungary is
"completely and entirely" the bus-
iness of the Hungarian and Soviet
The official Communist news
service said Bulganin replied to
President Eisenhower's request
-Daily-Stephanie Roumell
UNION ADDITION-Formal dedication of the new $2,900,000
wing of the Michigan Union takes place 11 a.m. today with Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher officially opening the addition
with a traditional ribbon-cutting ceremony.
Union Cerem-onleS
Slated For Today
Formal dedication ceremonies for the recently completed $2,900,-
000 Michigan Union addition will take place at 11 a.m. today with
University President Harlan Hatcher officially opening the new wing
of the building.
Dedication ceremonies will be followed by a special luncheon at
12:15 p.m. where President Hatcher and other University and Union
officials will speak.
Completed -in time for the beginning of the present semester,
the new Union addition expanded and added to facilities provided by
the Union for campus use.
President Hatcher will head t
Judie Council
Fines Wronag
Student Government Council
candidate John Wrona, '57, was
fined $15 for scalping football
tickets by Joint Judiciary Council.
The Council's action was approv-
ed by the University Sub-Com-
mittee on Discipline.
Wrona was apprehended in the
Union while attempting to scalp
tickets before the Michigan-Mich-
igan State football game. He was
fined $21.25 in Municipal Court
the following Monday.
oday's dedication ceremony with a
fbrief talk at the Union's north side
and the cutting of the ribbon to
open the new wing.
Present at the luncheon will be
eight past presidents of the Union:
Howard L. Barkdull, Harry. G.
Gault, Thomas J. Lynch, Lester
F. Johnson, Albert F. Donohue,
John W. Lederle, Donald H. Tread-
well, and Douglas P. Gould .
Speakers, in addition to Presi-
dent Hatcher, - will be Marvin L.
Niehuss, vice-president and dean-
of faculties, Erich Walter, assistant
to the president, Joseph C. Hooper,
alumni president, former Union
General Manager Homer L. Heath,
Union President Roy Lave, '57, and
Donald May, a member of a local
architectural firm,
State Defies
Assails Installation
Of Puppet Regime.
Yugoslavia, the first Communist
bloc member to defy Moscow, yes-
terday teamed with non-Com-
munist nations in a strong de-
mand for the Soviet Union to pull
its troops out of Hungary,
But Yugoslavia failed to sup-
port the non-Communist demands
for a UN investigation of the Hun-
garian situation. Instead, Joza
Brillej of Yugoslavia, told the 76-
nation General Assembly in emer-
gency . session that all outsiders
should keep out of Hungarian af-
Soviet Union
He spoke as a number of dele-
gates assailed the Soviet Union
for its role in putting down the
Hungarian rebellion and install-
ing the puppet regime of Premier
Janos Kadar.
"We have always opposed the
mixing of foreign armed forces
into a country," Brillej said. "It
is hoped that, in view of the Oct.
30 declaration of the Soviet gov-
ernment promising to withdraw
that Soviet troops will be with-
"All we wish," Brillej added.
"is that the people of Aiungary
should enjoy freedom and inde-
pendence to which they are enti-
tled. We hope conditions will soon
be established for this.
The less interference from what-
ever source the better it is for the
Hungarian people and the world.
The Hungarian people are
capable of solving their own prob-
Still Resisting
V I E N N A MP)-Fandine, severe
shortages of clothing and wide-
spread looting threaten battle-
torn Hungary, the Soviet-imposed
government said yesterday.
Pockets of resistance still held
out doggedly, but at least one fell
in a "human shield" incident.
''The Russians got us out with
a typically Communist dirty trick,"
said the leader of 45 rebels who
abandoned trenches at the Hegy-
sehaloin border station and crossed
into Austria to' surrender their
"Two Russian tanks came down
the road toward the border sta-
'Panty Raids or Rallies
To End,' Says .dean Rea
University officials and student leaders are taking all possible
precautions to avert a panty raid following this evening's Michigan-
Illini pep rally.
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea said "Despite warnings and plead-
ings, the raids on women's residences following the rallies have not
been eliminated." He continued, "the decision is now up to the stu-
dent body.
"Either the rallies or the, raids iust go, this is not a combination
package deal," he said.
Identify Instigators
It was also pointed out that all efforts are being made to identify
Before UN
Police Force
Replace Troops
Britain, France
-Daily--John Hirtzel
PEP RALLY--Jack Chudnoff, '58BAd, Bobbi Tunic, 60, and
Marc Goldberg, '58, stir up enthusiasm on the Diag for the
Wolverine Club, Union sponsored pep rally and dance this evening.
Bonfire, Senior Tribute
Set for Tonight's Rally
A gigantic Illini-Michigan pep meeting and after-ally dance are
scheduled for this evening by the Union and the Wolverine Club.c
The University Marching Band will lead students from the Union
at 7:20 p.m. to Ferry Field where the rally will be held.
The demonstration will feature a tribute to seniors in which
graduating football players will be honored. Following the thirty second
tribute in which the names and numbers of the athletes will be read,
cheerleader captain Nick Wise, '58, will carry a torch to light the
victory bonfire.
Seniors Honored
Featured speaker at the rally will be Bob Holloway, '58 A&D.
Graduating seniors Ed Shannon, '57 BAd, Jim Maddock, '57, Ron
Kramer, '57, and Tom Maentz, '57,"
will be introduced during the fes-
The-Marching Band will per- P siL U Local
form a series of numbers includ-
ing "Rock Around the Clock,"Des
"Five Foot Two," "The Victors,"
"Don't Be Cruel" and "Yellow and
Bob Wood, '57 BAd, and Mike
Jackson, '58, will act as masters Tim Leedy '57, a member of Psi
of ceremonies for the rally. Stu- Upsilon fraternity and president of
dents attending the rally are re- Inter Fraternity Council on this
quested to sit in the stands at campus, explained the recent de-
Ferry Field. cmuepandtercn e
Servis Band pledging of a Chinese student from
Included in the rally also will the Psi U chapter at Northwestern
be a series of yells by the cheer- University, as "a purely local
leading squad and a performance action." f
of "When the Saints Go Marching "Psi U national," he continued,
In" by the Jim Servis band. "has nine oriental members." It
The Servis band will play for also contains a great many Jewish
the after rally dance which isaosaenJ
scheduled for the Michigan Union boys, he added,
Ballroom immediately following Sherman Wu, son of former For-
the pep meeting, mosa Governor K. C. Wu was
It was emphasized by Joe Sher- forced recently to depledge the
man, '58, dance chairman that the Northwestern University chapter
dance is free. Campus men and because of his nationality.
coeds are encouraged to come stag Degrade House
immediately following the rally. Wu said he quit Psi U because
Wolverine Club "they told me I would degrade
Jane Thompson, '59, publicity their house because I am Chinese."
chairman of the Wolverine Club Jack H. Lageschulte, chapter
pointed out that local movie president, explained that the
theaters will not begin the second action was taken "because we felt
showing of the current movie un- he would be a detriment."
til after the rally, .He said seven freshmen refused
A color movie of the raly is be- to pledge as long as Wu was as-
ing made by University television sociated with the fraternity.
as part of a movie short called
"Football Weekend." Regardless of Race
Israel informed'UN Secretary Gen.
eral Dag Hammarskjold yesterday
that Israel will withdraw its armed
forces from Egypt and turn the
occupied area over to the projected
international police force.
This appeared to have removed
the major obstacle which threat-
ened to hold up UN plans to take
over the battle area and get all
the invading forces out of Egypt.
Pull Forces
Britain and France already had
agreed to pull their fo'ces out as
soon as the UN could establish
an international force to take over.
This force now is well'on its way
to completion and may start as-
sembling in Egypt within a, few
Hammiarskj old met yesterday
afternoon with military represen-
tatives of six of the 16 countries,
which have offered to contribute
troops to the force, and discussed
plans for flying the units to Egypt
as soon as arrangementscan be
Hammarskjold read the Israeli
letter to a hastily-called news con-
ference and said "we have arrived
at the point where a new phase
should begin."
Golda Meir
Israeli Foreign Minister Golda
Meir told the secretary general
that "the Israeli government will
immediately withdraw its forces
from Egypt upon completion of
arrangements" with the UN force.
The switch in policy was hailed
in Washington as a major step to-
ward relieving Middle East ten-
sions. These tensions 'had been
heightened by Soviet tough talk
about using force to throw British
French and Israeli troops out of
The new Israeli stand was dis-
closed in a letter from Prime Min-
ister David Ben-Gurion to Presi-
dent Eisenhower, made public by
the White House. A similar mes-
sage was being sent by Ben-Guio
to United Nations Secretary Gen-
eral Dag Hammarskjold,
Ben-Gurion only Wednesday had
defied a UN resolution to get his
soldiers out of Egypt's Sinai Pen-
insula and cooperate with a UN
international police force being or-
Yesterday he pledged to Presi-
dent Eisenhower:
"We will, upon conclusion of sat-
isfactory arrangements with the
United Nations in connection with
this international force entering
the Suez Canal area, willingly
withdraw our forces."
Annex Desert
And he further said: "We have
never planned to annex the Sinai
The sudden break in the touchy
situation came just two days after
President Eisenhower's overwhelm-
ing re-election. And it followed
hard on an official British call
on the Israelis to roll their forces
back from Egyptian territory.
Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd
told Israeli officials at London to-
day British policy is "to insure
speedy withdrawal of Israel troops
from Egyptian areas they occupied
since their attack began Oct. 29.
Ivy Baker Priest
To Speak Tuesday
Treasurer of the United States,
Ivy Baker Priest will speak in Hill
'Auditorium Tuesday, Nov. 13.
instigators of the raids. Rea said-,
that staff men from University
residence halls, 'M' club members
and student leaders will take all
precautions possible to avert a
Names of instigators will be
noted, Rea said. Photographers
will be stationed in the crowd also.
He said students identified as
raid leaders will be liable to prompt
and serious discipline.
Assembly Council
Deborah Bacon, Dean of Women
said "Assembly Executive Council
has already put into' action a plan
for constructive control from with-
Nov. 4 to the Soviet leader to with- . She continued "although the
draw Soviet troops from Hungary girls do not instigate a panty raid,
and give that country the right nevertheless, they are a contribut-
to choose its own government. ing factor."
* * * Lou Susman, '59, pep rally chair-
London - Prime Minister man, pointed out that members of
Anthony Eden yesterday won a the central pep rally committee are
parliamentary vote of confidence of the basic opinion that the Uni-
for sending British troops into versity is the type of school where
Egypt. this danger can be averted.
He thus overcame a threatening ; Central Committee
revolt in his own Conservative In a statement released to cam-
Altitude Mark
By Balloonists
BROWNLEE, Neb., (P) - Two
Navy balloonists soared to a rec-
ord altitude of more than 14 miles
yesterday then plummeted unex-
"We accepted him regardless of
race," Lageschulte said, "but the
campus, especially the freshmen
would not accept him as a person.
They accepted him as a Chinese
Wu, in a letter to the Northwest-
ern school paper called the inci-
dent "one of those cases -that are
based on a few people's ignorance
and prejudice."
Dick Rearick, '57, president of,
the Psi U house at the University,
was certain that such an event
.. .... ..........