Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "I'l Be Glad To Restore Peace To The Middle East, Too" "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" y; a!" ;" . : . >,, - ,,.: , t.', y t r . d ',4. . SAME OLD GARG: 'Plowboy' Sports Superficial Trappings THE RECENT crop of "sophisticated" girly magazines is ripe for reaping and Gargoyle has volunteered to do the cutting down. The procedure in producing a magazine parody is quite simple choose your target, examine the contents, note those features easiest to poke fun at, poke fun. The pattern of organization and physical layout can follow, point by point, the pattern of the original. There can be the same departments, features, format and tone - all slightly Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: VERNON NAHRGANG Free World in Quandry Over Hungarian Situation THE SOVIET MOVE to crush the Hungarian struggle for freedom is without a doubt one of the most heinous crimes of the century-one of the most merciless and inhuman massacres in recent history. This return of the Soviet Union to the use of brute force to keep their slaves in line marks in blood a reversion to the old Stalinist methods. The Hungarian people became fed up with their subjection to the Russian despots, and dared to launch a struggle to break away and set up a government of their own choosing. Their courage was rewarded with merciless slaughter-the slaughter, not only of active rebel combatents, but of innocent people. The. Russian invaders overwhelmed the Hungarian nation in one mighty blow, shooting down everyone in sight, be it man, woman or child. Such cold blooded mass murder is unforgiv- able. WHAT CAN WE do about it? The Free World is in a quandry. There are a number of considered alternatives, but none so far fills the need. Sympathy the victims have in abundance, but that is no help. Censure of the murderers sounds good, but is totally ineffective. The Western world* can deplore the Soviet action till it's blue in the face, but that doesn't save any lives. Armed intervention is certainly called for, but that is impractical. The result could only be all-out war, and the subsequent loss of many more lives. A United Nations police force, such as that set up in the Middle East conflict, would be worthless, for there is nothing to police until the Communist hordes are first driven out. And this brings us again to war as a solution. Probably the best course open to us now is one midway between the mere extension of sympathy and sending military aid. Though it is far from sufficient, the least the Free World can do now is to send help in the form of mili- tary, medical and food supplies. So far, even that has not been done to any appreciable extent, except for some food and medical supplies sent through the international Red Cross, despite the desperate pleas of the embattled rebels. BEFORE THE LAST of the rebel efforts is wiped out, the West should mobilize a relief airlift. The few rebel strongholds re- maining report a critical shortage of ammuni- tion, as well as food and medicine. To at least make an attempt to reach them with material aid, with something more than sympathy and verbal encouragement, is an obligation. Even though this may not save the Hungarian nation at this stage, it will at least serve as an encouragement to other oppressed people with revolt in mind-the East Germans, the Ruman- ians, the Poles and others who have not yet dared to give any overt sign of their desires, as these have. The East Germans and the Rumanians have shown their unrest in small scale demonstra- tions. The Poles succeeded in attaining at least partial separation from Moscow domina- tion, and are reported again seething with un- rest over the Hungarian tragedy. We owe it to these people to make every possible effort to encourage them. The masters fear the slaves, as is shown by the extreme precautions taken recently by the Soviet occu- pation forces in East Germany and Berlin. IF ENOUGH of them arose at once against their Soviet "leaders," the end of the threat of world communism would be in sight. Any relief action could best be taken through the United Nations, but it is up to the United States, as leader of the Free World to initiate such action. -EDWARD GERULDSEN r r Arm 4-4-E~ 2L- oc #w 'qr '9S{r -r+EL4Ast14~tcrr .iPaCS'r'. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND:. Green Candles in the Windows .. By DREW PEARSON New Senate an Improvement THE MOST STRIKING thing about the election returns - aside from the width, breath and depth of the Eisenhower majori- ties-is the divergence again shown between the Democratic Party, which increased its control of the Senate and its majority of the governor- ships and experienced very few losses in their margin of House control, and President Eisen- hower, who widened his 1952 margin by several percentage points. Despite the Eisenhower landslide, the Demo- crats have emerged from this election even stronger than they did from that in 1954. New faces like Clark in Pennsylvania, Furcolo in Massachusetts and Church in Idaho, plus a number of other new Senators and Governors, have provided a healthy injection of promising new blood. Senator-elect Clark, especially, is a man who bears watching in future contests. Lest there be too much Democratic cheer over their party's. continuing majority status', it should be remembered that such things are subject to change, especially under the appeal of so popular a leader as Dwight Eisenhower. Democrats need only recall this country's political transformation from 1928 to 1948 under the tutelage of Franklin Roosevelt, and and President's victory will seem more fore- boding. Again, however, they can take consolation in the fact that as yet Eisenhower's popularity has not generally rubbed off on his party and there have been no events comparable to the Great Depression to completely alienate large groups of onetime Democratic voters. LIBERALS of both parties can be encouraged by the outcome of yesterday's Senatorial contests. The comparison between the 84th and the new 85th Senate runs like this: Colorado--John darroll for conservative Eu- gene Milikin is a definite improvement in liberalism if not intelligence. Georgia-Demagogue Herman Talmadge is replacing moderate old Walter George, a de- cided setback for any form of rationality. Idaho-Young internationalist Frenk Church is replacing crusty conservative Herman Welker, a member of the shrinking McCarthy clique iii the Senate. Kentucky - Internationalist John Sherman Cooper, who did an impressive job as Ambas- sador to India, won the seat of the late Alben Barkley, no great loss for the cause of liberal- ism. Cooper's experience should make him a real asset to the Senate. Ohio-Conservative Democrat Frank Lausche defeated conservative Republican George Ben- der, who had shown signs of liberalism as he grasped for the President's coattails. Probably some improvement from the liberal viewpoint. Pennsylvania-Ultarliberal Joseph Clark beat out moderately liberal Republican James Duff, in something of a gain. Clark's comparative vigor must also be counted a liberal asset. New York -- Probably little change, as ultra- liberal Republican Jacob Javits took over the seat of ultraliberal Democrat Herbert Lehman. West Virginia -- The last of only two decided liberal setbacks. Former Senator Chap- man Revercomb, of the barnacled wing of the Republican Party, succeeds to the seat of the late liberal Sen. Harley Kilgore, whose seniority was a positive asset in making him chairman of the Judiciary committee and a negative one in keeping James Eastland out of that post. THE 85TH SENATE, then, should find the Dixiecrats slightly stronger, but with Old Guard Republicanism on the decline, the liberal Democrats and Republicans both increasing their seats in the Senate. -PETER ECKSTEIN A LITTLE MAN from beleaguered Hungary came to see me the other day. On his left arm was tattooe dthe number "B.12305," cruel reminder of his slave days in Hitler's Auschwitz concentration camp. He did not show me the number on his arm. I learned about it by accident, just as I learned other things about him by acci- dent, Dr. Bela Fabian, exiled leader of Democratic Party in Hungary, first came to see me a good many years ago. In between, a lot of things had happened. Among them, Arkady Sobolev, Soviet delegate to the United Nations, recently denounced Dr. Fabian as "The leader of the anti-popular underground move- ment" for which preparation had "begun as early as June 27, 1956." Sobolev was telling the truth- as far as he knew it. What he didn't kno wwas that Fabian's undergorund preparation began long before June 27, 1956. It began even before the first time I met him in 1950 when he tipped me off to the fact that the doctor who administered the drug to Car- dinal Mindszenty at his trial was now Hungarian minister in Wash- ington. The campaign I waged to force the recall of Dr. Emil Weil from the Hungarian legation was the result of Dr. Fabian's under- ground intelligence. FOR YEARS Dr. Fabian had been telling me: "The Hungarian people will revolt. Hungary will be the first country to challenge its Soviet masters. I know my people. I know the unrest among the peasants, even in the army. With a little help from you Hungary will burst into flame." "But how do you know this?" I pressed him. "You have been away a long time." "I will give you one clue," was his reply. "The green candles in the windows. Green is the color of the Peasants' Party. It has become the symbol of freedom, the symbol of protest, of revolt. All over Hungary you will see green candles in the windows. The Soviets can't stop them. "You will also see green paint on the walls-slaps of green paint. It's a symbol. Your crusade for freedom has helped this. Your balloons have helped. They have carried messages which keep the spirit of freedom alive. They have spread green all over Hungary. You do not believe me, but the Hungarian people are stirring, They will rise up when the time comes, and then they will look to you for help." OVER AND OVER again during the past five years, the gnarled old refugee from Hungary warned me what was coming. He came back last week to remind me of his warning-and to ask for help. "What can the United States do?" I asked. "You can risk a little blood," he said. "Risk a little blood now, and you save a great deal of blood later. "This could be the beginning of Warld War III," he said, "or it could be the way to head off World War III. It all depends on you. If you let the Hungarian people down there will be no more revolt behind the Iron Curtain. Poland is watching H ungary. Czechoslo- vakia is watching. Rumania, Bul- garia, Albania-all are watching Hungary. "You would not believe me when I told you several years ago that the Hungarian people would be the first to rise. But it was true. I told you about the green candles. It was true. I have always told you the truth. I told you about Dr. Weil. You exposed him, and he was recalled. He is now dead. They purged him. * * * "NOW IS THE TIME for you to help your friends behind the iron errtain, if you don't want the Soviet to become a juggernaut which some day will rise up and crush you too., "You have heard the cries of the people of Hungary. You have heard their appeals for help. I have told you the truth before- always the truth. I tell you the truth now. If the Soviet crushes} thhe flaming spark of freedom in Hungary-if you let it be crushed-- then you and I, as we sit here, are witnessing a new Russian march of conquest that can lead only to World War III." (Copyright 1956 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.,) altered to make the pomopsity of the original apparent. But the success of a parody oft- en depends on readers familiar enough with the original to see the point. The authors of the Nou- veau Riche, Gargoyle parody of The New Yorker, almost dropped the idea of a parody when they discovered that Garg had a wider circulation in town than did The New Yorker. I am informed that this danger does not exist with Playboy. * * s AND THE CRITIC too must be expected to know the original pro- duct before he dare judge the worth of the substitute. iWth this consciousness of criti- cal responsibility firmly in mind, I pushed back my chair from the typewriter, licked my lips and set out in quest of-knowledge. My quest took me to the Blue Front Cigar Store where, after a few nervous glances about, I made for the rack of girly magazines. I had to wait my turn. A new shipment had evidently just come in and the crowd was three deep in front of the rack. After about tenhminutes I man- aged to get my hot hands on a. publication which called itself Bloodlust. The cover was pleasing enough (a gorilla was nibbling the neck of giggling buxom blonde) but it was several minutes before I jostled out enough room to turn the pages. (There was a Profes sor of Econ on my left and an "M" man on my right and neither would jostle easily.) I soon re- membered that it was not just bloody pulp I was seeking but slicks with names like Leer, Smirk, Cad, and Churl. They, like Play- boy and Plowboy seem to be seek- ing financial security through "sophisticated" sexual expression. * * * THEY ARE ALL trying to get something (money) for nothing (nakedness). A distinguishing fea- ture seems to be the large center- fold color-photo of a girl bare from the guggle to the zatch. Armed with this sort of knowledge I re-examined Plowboy. It seems obvious that a great deal of time was put in on produ- cing Plowboy. It seems sad that an enormous amount of time was not put in. Good dirty fun is made of the content and attitudes of Playboy; and Plowboy is most suc- AT THE STATE: Center' On "STORM CENTER," starring Bette Davis, is a striking film about a small town librarian who is fired for refusing to suppress a book called "The Communist Dream." It is the story of a community beset by hallucinations of a "red menace" and confused by a young McCarthy-type ("look for Reds under the beds") politician who is Ihooking on to a good issue. As a documentary attempting to portray the "witch-hunt" atmos- phere of the post-World War II decade, -the film is convincing. However, as a filh drama, it is choppy and somewhata unbe- lievable. * * * PERHAPS this was the deliber- ate intention of scenarists Elick Moll and Daniel Taradash. Rath- er than offering a neat film play in which the audience would sim- ply empathize with the protagon- ist and achieve catharsis with the eventual resolution of conflict, they chose to present an exposi- tion of a crucial domestic problem. iMss Davis refuses to ban the pro-communist book even though she personally dislikes it. She be- lieves in the free expression of all ideas, irregardless of their popu- larity or unpopularity. A mass meeting is called by a sympathetic minister to defend the librarian. Only 20 show up, greatly due to intimidation by the local newspaper. Miss Davis dis- misses the group, stating that she prefers not to fight. And several of her supporters, fearful of their own positions in the community, are quite thankful for her inaction.. ce'ssful in its stories and articles. Plowboy dutifully furrows its ear- thy path through the departments, features, and ads of Playboy. But the artwork, though fin 'in itself, fails as parody, there being no recognizablegcounterpart in the original magazine. Another quarrel to be laid at the art editor's door is the hardly better than rudimentary attempt to employ similar type, format and layout. These superficial trap- pings of parody can frequently de- light far beyond any reasonable expectation. Not attending to them leaves the reader, after the first few pages of Plowboy quite certain he is looking at the same old Gargoyle. -Richard Laing DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) cia1 events are approved for the coming week-end. Social chairmen are re- minded that requests for approval for social events are due in the Office of Student Affairs not later than 12:00 noon on the Tuesday prior to the event. Nov. 8: Helen Newberry. Nov. 9: Chinese Student Club, Delta Theta Phi, Evans Scholars, Kappa Kap- pa Gamma, Phi Delta Phi. Nov. 10: Anderson-Cooley, Alpha Ep- silonri P, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Allen, Rumsey, Acacia, Alpha Phi, Delta Sig- ma Phi, Delta Sigma Pi, Delta Theta Phi, Delta Upsilon, Gomberg, Phi Kap- pa Sigma, F. F. Fraternity, Huber, Kel. sey, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Alpha Kappa,. Phi Delta Fli, Phi Kappa Tau, P1 Lambda Phi, Psi Omega, Reeves, Sig- ma Alpha Mu. Sigma Delta Tau, Sig- ma Phi Society, Strauss, Tau Delta Phi, Theta Chi, Triangle, Tyler, Wil- liams, Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta Psi. Nov. 11: Henderson House, Phi Delta Phi. SEAGER'S HILDA MANNING: I 4 Novel Laclis Craftsmanship Lectures Second Campus Public Lecture by Leland Stowe, former foreign corre- spondent and now prof. of journalism. Prof. Stowe opened to the campus pub- lic his lecture in Journalism 230, on Egypt, and will now open a second lec- ture, "Russia's Betrayal and Armed Conquest of Hungary: Its Causes and' Consequences." Thurs., Nov. 8, 11 a.m. Aud. D, Angell Hall. A third lecture, title to be announced, will be offered Thurs., Nov. 15 at 11:00 a.m. Research Seminar of the Mental Health Research Institute. Dr. Arnold Horowitz will speak on "Som~e Work In Cross Cultural Experimentation", Thurs., Nov. 8, 1:30-3:30 p.m., Confer- ence Room, Children's Psychiatric Hoe- pital. Erich Leinsdorf, director of the New York City Opera Company, 4:15 this afternoon, Aud. A, Angell Hall, "~The Problems of Opera Repertory," aus- pices of the School of Music. Open to the general public. University Lecture sponsored by the Department of Botany, Prof. Robert Muir, State University of Iowa, will speak on "Cell Elongation in Plants" at 4:15 p.m. orf Thurs., Nov. 8 in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. "Air Traffic Control." Fri., Nov. 9, Room 2072, East Engr. Bldg., 2 to 4 p.m. J. L. Anast, head of the System Group studying the problem of Air Traffic Control for the President. Astronomy Department Visitors' Night, Fri., Nov. 9, 8 p.m., Rm. 2003, Angell Hall. Dr. Lawrence Aller will speak on "The Origips of the Stars." After the lecture the Student Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be open for inspection and for telescopic observations f Mars and the Moon. Children welcomed, but must be ac- companied by adults. Concerts University Symphony Orchestra, Jo- sef Blatt, conductor, 8:30 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 8, in Hill Auditorium. Program: Symphony No. 102 in B-flat major, Don Juan, Op. 20 by Strauss, and Sym- phony No. 5 in E minor by Tschalkow sky. Open to the general public with- out charge. Carillon Recital: Final program in the fall series of carillon recitals by Percival Price, University Carillonneur, 7:15 this evening. Three Short Marches, Andante, Air, Two Minuets, La Fer- lande, La Fanatiq, La Grotte de Ver- salie, and Two Ave Marias. The entire series of eight recitals covered the repertory of Joannes de Gruytters, Flemish carillonneur. Academic Notices Linguistics. Preliminary examination in Linguistic Science Sat., Nov. 10, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 1611, Hayen Hall. Orientation Seminar. Thurs., Nov. 8, 7:00 p.m. Room 1300, Chemistry Build- ing. Dr. R. B. Bernstein and Dr. R. Ire- land will be the speakers. Law School Admission Test: Candi- dates taking the Law School Admis- sion Test on Nov. 10 are requested to report ot Room 100, Hutchins Hall at 8:45 a.m. Sat. Chemistry Department Colloquium. Thurs. Nov. 8. 8:00 p.m., Room 1300. 'f 4 j. r .4 Y, ,,{ 1 A, INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Trends in Voting By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst- HERE'S SOMETHING going on, in the American voting pattern which could turn out to be more important than Tuesday's choice between two good men for president. Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER. Editor RICHARD HALLORAN LEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN.....Associate Business Manager WILLIAM PUSCH............... Adertising Manager CHARLES WILSON...............Finance Manager PATRICIA .AMmER A ...,.,,.. *. There is the maturity and the new indepen- dence of party lines shown by the voters. They stepped into the booths and demon- strated overwhelmingly that Dwight Eisenhower is far more popula rthan any party. Then they went right ahead and refused his advice on how to vote. They made their choices of other candidates on part personal, part re- gional grounds. Several candidates the Presi- dent has endorsed were beaten, some of them his close friends. There must have been more split tickets than ever before-and once a voter begins to split his ticket he has broken the hold of precinct politicians. T HE MOST significant display of this ten- dency was, of course, in what used to be called the Solid South, which is solid no Hilda Manning by Allan Seager, Simon and Schuster, $3.95. 312 pp. ALLAN Seager's latest novel, Hilda Manning, is disappoint- ing since his collection of stories, The Old Man of the Mountatin, gave evidence of craftsmanship and a promise of better things to come. Now the reader is left won- dering whether Mr. Seager has forgotten the skill he displayed in a number of those earlier short stories or whether what then ap- peared to be skill was merely un- conscious choice and luck. The setting for Hilda Manning is a small town in Michigan. (Pre- sumably one near Ann Arbor, for at one point Hilda's husband is brought to the University hospi- tal.) With perhaps Madame Bo- vary in mind Mr. Seager has as- pired to portray Hilda as a kind of extraordinary woman, that is as extraordinary in this provincial American setting as Bovary was in that of France. He places her in circumstances which lead her to commit murder and attempts to explain her psychology and the psychology of her semriural neigh-f bors as they watch her, a woman possessing what the flap writer calls "a kind of elemental sex appeal." It is here, in this attempt to exulain the psvchologv of Hilda talking about people he has never really seen nor understood. IN HILDA Mr. Seager attempts to picture a woman married to an older man whom she does not love, a woman who feels that her life is sterile because she has been de- prived of her illegitimate son. But the relationship between Hilda and her husband, between Hilda and the facts of her existence, lacks all of that tension and interest which one feels so strongly in Ma- dame Bovary. People do suffer in silence,, and perhaps. that is what Mr. Seager intended to imply in his characterization of Hilda, but a writer does not, if he wishes to interest his reader, portray bore- dom by boring. Whether she is stepping out of her nightgown for the pleasure of a lover or noncha- lantly poisoning her husband, Hil- da gives the impression that she has neither a mind nor a soul; that she is, in fact, only a verbal car- toon. Yet perhaps such people do exist, though they are scarcely choice subjects for psychological f fiction, and a writer may be ex- cused for confusing life with the necessities qf art. But when a writ. er presumes to show us the psy- chology of typical rural and small town people and then makes gross mistakes it is difficult to forgive those white front porches and those false-front stores. * * * FOR AFTER Hilda has poisoned her husband, one by one, the doc- tor who signs the death certifi- cate, the undertaker who embalms the body, the suspicious friends, all keep silent. And, as though this were not incredible enough, after Hilda has gone away, Sam Larned, who. loves her and whom she has turned down, proceeds, out of anger, to dig up the body of the murdered Acel Manning and to get a coroner's jury convened. Even after the examiner has found arsenic in "a massive amount in the stomach" the jury, though some are certain that it is mur- der, call it suicide. Why? Because, as one of them says: "She's 'a beautiful woman and if I vote murder, she'll never come in my store again." Perhaps, if Mr. Seager had por- trayed Hilda Manning as a kind of Cleopatara, a woman of infi- nite variety, rather than a dull farm wife, we could accept such motivation on the part of these men. But even then one would recall that Cleopatra was not for- given by Octavia because she was a beautiful woman, and most ev- ery man has his Octavia. But Mr. Seager, unlike Flaubert, has man- aged to keep out of his novel all of the complexities of life. '4., :t * * * KEVIN COUGHLIN, a neurotic schoolboy with a mania for books, reflects the anxiety of the com- munity in shifting from an admi- ration of Miss Davis to a paranoid fear of her. In a drastic act - dramatically incongruous, but with tragic por-' tent - the young boy sets fire to the library. We see the flames consume the works of Dickens, I