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November 08, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-11-08

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UN Resolves
To Create
Police Force
N General Assembly
Approves Resolution
64-0 As 12 Abstain
The United Nations General As-
sembly voted yesterday to create
h °t an international emergency police
force for immediate use in keeping
peace in the Middle East.
It acted in the face of two com-
1) Israel has announced she will
bar "a foreign force, no matter
how called," from territory her
troops are occupying.
2) Arab nations demanded the
withdrawal of all attacking forces
in advance of the arrival of the
UN police force-and Britain
served notice she would refuse to
do so.
The resolution was approved by
64 to 0 with 12 nations abstaining.
It stipulated that the UN chief
of command should consult with
r Secretary General Dag Hammar-
skjold on the size and composition
of the emergency force, then "pro-
ceed with the full organization"
of it.
Twelve countries have already
offered to contribute troops.
The resolution also created a
} seven-nation advisory committee,
composed of representatives from
Brazil, Canada, Colombia, India.
Ceylon, Norway and Pakistan, to,
assist Hammarskjold, as chair-
man, in setting up the force.
The action went beyond last
Sunday's move by the Assembly.
At that time it voted to authorize
Hammarskjold to prepare a plan
for the force. Yesterday's action
approved the plan and issued the
directive to put it into force.
The vote came after a daylong
debate during which indications
mounted that pressure will be ap-
plied to get the Israeli army out
of Egypt.,
Sir Pierson Dixon, British chief
delegate, told the General As-
sembly it is Birtain's policy "to
ensure that Israeli forces withdraw
from Egyptian territory,
Dixon said, Britain "cannot ac-
cept the proposition that British
troops withdraw before the cre-
ation of an international force
which could serve to separate
Egyptian and Israeli forces."
He said fighting might break out
again between the Egyptians and
Israelis "if we withdrew before
arrival of the international force."
The Assembly also adopted a 19-
nation resolution calling on Bri-
tam, France and Israel once more
to quit Egyptian territory im-
This resolution specified that
the Israeli army should go back
to lines "established by the armi-
stice agreement of 1949." This
would take the Israelis from the
Gaza Strip and the Sinai Penin-
Clashes Mar
In Port Said
LONDON (0)-Shooting ripped
through Port Said late yesterday
despite the cease-fire invoked by
Britain and France along the oc-
cupied Suez Canal.
Dispatches from the battle-
scarred city astride the canal's
Mediterranean gateway reported

continuing exchanges b e t w e e n
Egyptian snipers and Allied oc-
cupation forces.
The Egyptian government said
fighting for control of Port Said
and the northern end of the canal
continued yesterday.
Opposition Gone
The British and French had re-
ported no organized Egyptian op-
position was left at Port Said.

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-Daily-Ed Graff
BRITISH OPERETTA-Members of the "Ruddigore" cast prepare
a scene for today's opening performance.
G&S o Do Rdigore'
DAt ydia Mendelssohn
Ghosts and bridesmaids will rollick on the Lydia Mendelssohn
stage at 8 p.m. tonight in the opening performance of the Gilbert
and Sullivan Society's "Ruddigore."
With the scene of a small fishing village for a background ,a
chorus of professional bridesmaids show their anxiety in the production
for the quick marriage of Rose, the maidens' most aggravating com-
The Story: Which One To Choose?
Caught in the quandry of loving two men, Rose vacillates between
marrying the hapless hero, Robin Oakapple and his half-brother Dick
Dauntless, while the bridesmaids
The secret past of Robin, how-
ever, is subsequently divulged, and
Rose discovers him to be the Bad
o* Baron of Ruddigore, who must
fulfill his family's ancient curse-
"a crime a day or death."
Spurned by Rose, Oakapple
sulks in the picture gallery of
Ruddigore Castle and gazes gloom-
ily at the portraits of his ancestors.
By TAMMY MORRISON One by one, the ghostly ancestors
Student Government Council step down from their frames only
yesterday voted to bring two plays to scold the not-so-bad baronet for
produced by the Moral Re-Arma- acommitting such inferior crimes as
ment movement, to the University. turns."c
The Council heard the move- Oakapple Wins Out
ment explained by several of its Undaunted, even by his ancest-
followers from countries all over ral spooks, Oakapple resolves the
the world. Undenominational in whole situation, and true to Gil-
nature, the goal of the movement bert and Sullivan style, everyone
it "to build new men who will lives happily ever after.
build new nations and a new With a cast of more than 50,
world" through personal adher- choruses of ghosts and bridesmaids
ence to four absolute standards- will frolic through one of the
honesty, purity, unselfishness and authors' gayest satires, playing at
love. 8 p.m. tonight through Saturday.
Plays in Detroit Tickets for tomorrow and Sat-
The group is presently putting urday "are virtually sold out." ac-
on its plays, "The Vanishing Is- cording to Jerry Davies, '57, G & S
land" and "Freedom" before De- publicity director.

Dems, GOP
Split States;
One In Doubt
By The Associated Press
A delayed vote count last night
gave Democrats their 15th winner
in 30 contests for governor.
Republicans have won 14. One
race -in Rhode Island - is still
The latest Democratic victory
was scored in Oregon when Demo-
crat Robert D. Holmes unseated
Republican Governor Elmo E.
Holmes' triumph meant that the
Democrats now have a net gain
of two governors. Earlier results
brought the downfall of Republi-
cans in Iowa, Kansas, Massa-
chusetts and Washington.
GOP Ousts Dems
Contraywise, Republicans oust-
ed Democrats in New Mexico,
Ohio and West Virginia.
In the one remaining undecided
contest Democratic Governor Den-
nis J. Roberts of Rhode Island held
a razor-thin edge over Republican
Christopher de Sesto,
West Virginia elected its first
Republican governor-Cecil Un-
derwood, 34 years old-since 1928.
On the other hand Kansas elected
its first Democratic governor-
George Docking-since 1936. 1
Republican SweepI
Underwood rode a Republican
sweep in West Virginia to victory
over Representative Robert H.
Mollohan for the seat vacated by
Governor William C. Marland who
lost in his bid for a United States
Senate seat.
A bitter split in Republican
ranks was credited with helping
Docking in Kansas. Although
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
and Senator Carlson (R) swept
Kansas, Docking easily bested
Warren Shaw, Republican.
In Iowa Governor Leo A. Hoegh
lost out to Democrat Herschell G.
Ohio Race
William O'Neill, Republican
state attorney general, won the
Ohio governorship in a race with
Michael V. DiSalle, Democrat and
former OPA head, O'Neill will suc-
ceed Governor Frank Lausche, who
won a U.S. Senate seat.
Illinois Governor William G.
Stratton, Republican, trailed Dem-
ocrat Richard R. Austin in the
early tabulations but came on
strong to win by a handy margin.
Fleet Moves
tic Fleet's mightiest warships,
headed by the giant carrier For-
restal, were at sea yesterday as a
result of Russia's threat to use
military force in the Middle East

VIENNA (A)-Hungarian rebels
battled yesterday to stem a sys-
tematic slaughter by the Russians
inside armor-ringed Budapest.
They fought on also at points
south of the capital and appealed
to President Dwight D. Eisenhower
for aid.
Trustworthy information that
has been received in Vienna, and
broadcast by the rebel Radio Rak-
oczy told of the Hungarians' con-
tinued struggle for freedom from
the Soviets on this 39th anniver-
sary of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Failing in a three-day attempt
to wipe out pockets of resistance,
the Russians opened their heaviest
shelling of Budapest late last Tues-
day, these accounts said.
Clinics and hospitals were among
their targets. Men, women and
children were killed.
The Red Cross said civilian cas-
ualties were very heavy,
The siege lines clogged supplies
from the countryside and some
areas of the city were without food.
At Killian barracks, the Var
Palace, Moscow Square, an auto
factory office and other positions,
rebel detachments hammered back
at Soviet forces harassing them
with mortar and machinegun fire.
"Manpower is no problem," a
Hungarian reported. "When one is
killed another - s o me times a
woman- picks up his gun."
French Storm
PARIS (;P)-Thousands of infuri-
ated Frenchmen, shouting "free-
dom of Hungary," yesterday storm-
ed and set afire the headquarters
of the French Communist party.
Then they marched to the plant
of the Communist n e w s p a p e r
L'Humanite, shouting anti-Soviet
slogans and singing the "Marseill-
Police, firemen and Communist
defenders hel dthe into a stand-
About 30 persons were injured.
The violence climaxed a day of
mass anti-Communist demonstra-
tions in France and elsewhere in
Europe .on the 39th anniversary of
the Bolshevik revolution.
Five former French premiers led
tens of thousands in Paris in a
parade through the Arch of Tri-
umph protesting ruthless Soviet
repression of Hungarian patriots.
The ex-premiers did not join the

-Daily-Irvin Henrikson
CAST REHEARSES-Two members prepare a scene for the DAC
production, "The Father," scheduled at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
Masonic Temple:
DAC To Give Strindberg's
'Fvather' As 2nd Production
One of the most powerful of August Strindberg's domestic dramas,
"The Father," will be presented at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Masonic
"The Father" is the second play of the current season for the
Dramatic Arts Center, Ann Arbor's professional arena theatre.
Though the DAC has received a great many requests for a work
of Strindberg, according to Director Joseph Gistirak, the company
felt that he offered a challenge they were not strong enough to meet.
"Now," Gistirak said, "with a stronger company than We ever
had, we are presenting 'The Father.' This play is probably the most

troit-area audiences and will re-
main in this vicinity until the end
of the month.
In addition to approving the
bringing of the plays to campus,
SGC's motion stated that "SGC
recommends to the student body
that each member give serious
consideration to the goals and
principles of Moral Re-Arma-
Crisler Denies
In reporting to the Council on
the activities of the Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Athlet-
ics, Ron Kramer, '57, intimated
that, in order to fill out a pro-
posed ten-game round-robin con-
ference schedule, the Big Ten
might consider adding a team.
Athletic Director H. 0. "Fritz"
Crisler later denied this, saying
that, in the event such a round-
robin schedule were set up, the
tenth game would be played with
a non-conference team, similar to
games played this year with UCLA
or Army.t
- - - - - - - - - - -

U.S. Tightens
World Defense
military commanders around the
world have been alerted to tight-
en their defense readiness, the,
Joint Chiefs of Staff disclosed yes-
With an eye on Russian moves
in Europe and the tense situation
in the Middle East, the Joint
Chiefs have canceled some naval
training maneuvers, reduced train-
ing activities of the Strategic Air
Force to keep it assembled for in-
stant action, and taken similar
steps in the Army.

representative of the naturalistic"
phase of the work of this great
Swedish literary genius."
"The Father," which will be dir-
ected by David Metcalf, features
an entirely professional cast, with
the exception of one actor who is
a resident of Ann Arbor.
The play will be offered at 8:15
p.m. tomorrow, Saturday and Sun-
day, and Thursday through Sun-
day of the next two weeks.
Tickets may be reserved by call-
ing the Masonic Temple, or may
be purchased at the DAC box of-
fice in the Masonic Temple.
SGC Candidate
Denies Poster
Student Government Council
candidate Al Lubowitz, '57, yes-
terday denied he was responsible
for a campaign poster left on the
candidates' bulletin board on The
Diag all day Tuesday:1
The poster read: Vote Lubo-
witz, you asses."
Lubowitz said he removed the
poster immediately after hearing
about it Tuesday evening, but
friends told him it had been up
all day.
"It certainly wasn't My idea,"
he said. "That's not the way to
win votes."

GOP mWins
DETROIT (AP-Democratic Gov.
G. Mennen Williams broke
through the heavy Republican
tide in Tuesday's election to score
his biggest political victory and
clinch an unprecedented fifth
With only a few returns still to
be counted, Gov. Williams had
crushed Detroit Mayor Albert E.
Cobo, his Republican rival, by
285,000 votes in a record turnout
that neared 3,1-00,000.
Winner in three previous cam-
paigns for mayor, Cobo was un-
beaten in 16 elections for posts
in Detroit's non-partisan govern-
Slate Wins
Gov. Williams swept into office
all five of his running-mates on
the state ticket.
Meanwhile, President Dwight D.
E is e n h o w e r ' s victory margin
swelled beyond 350,000 votes, eclip-
sing the 320,000 vote triumph over
Democrat Adlai E. Stevenson he
had chalked up four years ago.
Michigan will send 12 Repub-
licans and six Democrats in its
house delegation to the 85th Con-
gress next year.
GOP Adds Seat
Returns from elections in 18
Congressional districts showed
yesterday Republicans picked up
one more congressman by un-
seating the Democratic incum-
bent in the Sixth District.
The Michigan lineup in the 84th
Congress is 11 Republicans and
seven Democrats.
The victory-by a narrow mar-
gin-gave Republicans a clean
sweep of outstate districts.
Triangles Tap
From 'neath the heels of dusty

Second Seat
GOP Loses House
As Democrats Win
228 Seats; 7 Doubtful
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (/) - Re-
publican Thurston B. Morton
opened a 2,643-vote lead with
returns in from 3,800 of 4,057
precincts and closed in yester-
day toward an upset victory
over Sen. Earle C. Clements,
assistant Democratic floor lead-
er in the Senate.
WASHINGTON (') - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's landslide
failed to put the Republicans in
control of Congress,
Almost complete returns from
Tuesday's balloting yesterday as-
sured the Democrats of majorities
in House and Senate, continuing
the political division between the
legislative and executive branches
created by the 1954 elections.
It was the first time in over a
century that a president has failed
to carry into office with him at
least one branch of Congress,
Maintain Majority
The Democrats were certain of
maintaining their present 49-47
Senate majority, with a chance of
raising it to 50-46, depending on
the Kentucky results.
In the House, at last count, the
Democrats had captured 228 seats,
the Republicans 200, with 7 con-
tests still in doubt. A majority
of the 435-membership House is
A single Senate race, in Ken-
tucky, remained in doubt. Sen.
Earle C. Clements and Republican
Thurston B. Morton were in a
see-saw race in this one. The lead
changed hands several times.
Victory Needed
Victory for Clements, the assist-
ant Democratic Senate floor lead-
er, would knock the last "if" out of
any disagreement over whether
Democrats or Republicans would
organize the Senate and take over
chairmanships of all its com-
While the Democrats had racked
up a numerical majority of 49
seats-a majority-they still could
miss out on practical control.
Ohio's Democratic Gov. Frank
J. Lausche swept to victory to un-
seat Republican Sen. George H.
Bender, but he had not yet made
clear whether he will vote with the
Democrats to organize the Senate.
In a statement yesterday
Lausche described himself as
"American first and Democrat
While President Eisenhower was
running up his landslide victory,
the GOP failed in one'of its cher-
ished ambitions-to unseat Sen.
Wayne Morse in Oregon.
Sen. Morse rolled up his vic-
tory over Republican Douglas Mc-
Kay, who resigned as secretary of
interior to run against Morse.
Three Republican senators also
went down to defeat in bids for
Duff Defeated
In Pennsylvania, Democrat Jos-
eph S. Clark, former mayor of
Philadelphia, defeated Republican
Sen. James H. Duff, who was one
of the original Eisenhower-for-
president backers in 1952.
In Idaho, Boise attorney Frank
Church defeated GOP Sen. Her-
man Welker. The third overturn
was Gov. Lausche's victory over
Sen. Bender.

In South Dakota, Sen. Francis
Case (R-SD) won re-election after
a tight contest with Democrat Ken
Holum, a farmer.
Dems Take House

Union Fountain Finally Bubbles Forth Lighted Spray,

Egyptian'-of ficials had Touis H]ft 10 Iiold
ced in the cease-fire asked by the
United Nations but demanded
withdrawal of foreign troops and ! eIfO nes
other concessions.
News correspondents returning F
to British-French headquarters on
Cyprus from flights to the Suez U n i v e r s i t y President Harlan
Canal said m ore Allied troops were U Hatcher w i gy ri dh t h rUn
being disembarked there. Hatcher will highlight the Union
But there was no indication that ad iion demit a cee moni on
the British-French fore had ad- I~am oorwa h no'
north side.
vanced f'om points they held at!
the cease-fire hour. President Hatcher will open the
Allies in Control ceremonies with a brief talk then
Associated Press correspondent will cut the ribbon to officially
Lenonai-d PAimy'trn ftonfn the new Uninn addition- Alin

The Class of June, 1956 can now breathe a sigh of contentment..
At long last, their gift to the University is bubbling and gurgling,
unmindful of the coming winter.
The fountain, situated between the Union and the Administra-
tion Bldg., finally started spurting yesterday. Cold spray spattered on
the few curious onlookers.
Spectators Thrilled at Sight
Reactions to the fountain varied. One student commented, adroitly
dodging the icy drops. "Isn't is beautiful?" while another less en-
thusiastic 'spectator merely grimaced and muttered, "uuh."
Air pockets in the structure's base and an innefective pumping
system delayed fulfillment of the watery display, originally scheduled
to be completed by commencement last June.
According to Union General Manager Franklin C. Kuenzel, a new
pump has been installed and the air bubble problem solved. This
made possible the four foot gusher that rose from the fountain yes-
terridv afternoon. Actually, the new pump is supposed to push a

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