WEDNESDAY, NOVMMER 7,1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1956 THE MICHIGAN I)AILV PAGE SEVEN Determined Voter Ann Arbor Offers Outlet' To Stimulate Art Sales By SUSAN KARTUS the public and private schools in Gargoyle Set For Release Navy Officers Give Advice To Students In Mason Hall I. The city of Ann Arbor is richer than many of its citizens realize in that creative cultural resource, art. Realizing that it is very neces- sary for artists to have an outlet for their works, practicing artists. and interested patrons in the com- munity have created the Ann. Arbor Art Association. The purpose of the organizationt is to provide artists in all fields, both amateur and professional, with an opportunity to exhibit their works and consequently stim- ulate sales. Prof. Alexander Pickens of the College of Architecture and Design,I currently in charge of the exhibi-, tions, explained that the associa- tion's membership includes every type of artist, since all media, from ceramics or furniture to sculpture and painting are ex- hibited. The first exhibition of the year, entitled "Octet," represented eight Ann Arborites. Represented were the professional who expects to earn his living by selling his works and the housewife who has found in this avocation a new way of expressing herself. "Fifty cents to $50," the Christ- mas exhibit, will include a wide variety of hand made gifts and art objects contributed by many Uni- versity personnel and townspeople. All works shown will be on salei beginning Nov. 16 in the Rackham Building. In May, the Ann Arbor Art Asso- ciation is planning a youth exhibit, drawing the material from both the area. Prof. Pickens encourages anyone interested in the art life of the' community to become a member of the association. "After all, he concluded, there is no other place, in the area to exhibit works." Pep Rally, Dance To Be Held Friday A pep rally for Friday night pre- ceding the Michigan-Illinois game is being sponsored by the Michigan: Union and the Wolverine Club. The rally which is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. will begin in front of the Union . The marching band will lead the way to Ferry Field where the rally will be held. An after-rally dance is being planned. The dance is being held at the Union Ballroom immediately after the rally. Panhel Ticket Sale' Tickets for the 1956 Panhellenic Association Ball are still avail- able. Nancy Thompson, 158, publicity chairman, announced that the tickets may be obtained from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. through Friday at the League. The sensational "Plowboy" is- An added attraction in the sue of Gargoyle will be sold wher- Mason Hall concourse is the pres- ever crowds gather tomorrow. ence of uniformed naval officers, This issue, a satire of popular who will answer questions and dis- "Playboy", is claimed to be on a ested students.- par with the famous "New York- According to Lieutenant W. W. er" par'ody published in 1953. Malsen, professor of Naval Science, According to Art Editor Robert representatives of the Navy's Offi- Maitland, the Garg sales booth, cer Procurement program will be which is usually seen in front of stationed in Mason Hall through- the library, has been extensively out this week. remodeled, and now features sev- Officers for the U.S. Naval Air Coeds have not been left out of this seemingly all male military picture. A lieutenant in the WAVE division of the Navy is on hand to GOING MY f/y WA Y? *--K { talk with interested women about this two year program, which in- cludes eight weeks of indoctrina- tion leading to an Ensign's com- mission in the U.S. Naval Reserve. Stowe To Letur rav f v JL v tL t ccaa v eral gaudy paintings by David Rohn, former art editor. "Plowboy is full of objectionable photographs, indecent ads, impro- per stories, suggestive drawings and misleading advice," said Jim Dygert, contributing editor. "Also Garg's first cover girl since 1938." Price remains 25c, anyway, though. Station, Grosse Ile., are prepared Prof. Leland Stowe of the jour- to discuss the Navy's two aviation nalism department will lecture on officer programs with students. the background of the Russian The first of these is the aviation conquest of Hungary, at 11 a.m., officer program open to male col- tomorrow, in Angell Hall's Audi- lege graduates between 19 and 26 torium D. years of age. The other program Prof. Stowe's regular Current is for men who have completed two World Affairs class, which meets years of college and are between at that time, will be open to inter- the ages of 18 and 25. ested students. a ' i.. -Daily-Charles Curtiss "NEITHER WIND NOR RAIN"-Yesterday's mid-afternoon rain didn't stay voting intentions of Mrs. Ruth Back, 600 E. Washing- ton. She was one of many Ann Arborites who ventured outside to vote, despite the precipitation.I ""ii DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN l, ! I (Continued from Page 6) Symphony No. 102 in B-flat major, Don Juan, Qp. 20 by Strauss, and Sym- phony No. 51in E minor by Tschaikow- sky. Open to the general public with- out charge. Academic Notices Linguistics. Preliminary examination in Linguistic Science Sat., Nov. 10, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 1611, Haven Hall. Botanical Seminar. Prof. Robert Muir State University of Iowa, will speak on "Relationship of Chemical Constitution and Growth Regulator Action" on Wed. Nov. 7 at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1139, Nat- ural Science Building. Refreshments at 4:00 p.m. Orientation Seminar. Thurs., Nov. 8; 7:00 p.m. Room 1300, Chempistry Build- ing. Dr. R. B. Bernstein and Dr. J. O. Halford will be the speakers. Chemistry Department Colloquium. Thurs.,.Nov. 8, 8:00 p.m., Room 1300, Chemistry Building. Thomas Houser will speak on "Kinetics of the Thermal Decomposition of Pentachioroethane and Pentachloroethane-d"; Walter Mey- er will speak on "Further Work on Pyrrolidinediones". 461 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Application of Mathematics to Social Science, Room 3401, Mason Hall, 3:00- 4:30 p.m. Thurs., Nov. 8. Anatol Rapo- port, "The Quantification of Perform- ance in a Logical Task with Uncer- tainty." Coming Events Two Color Films produced by Audio- Visual Canter will have first public campus showing Thurs., Nov. 8 at 8:00 p.m. In Aud. A, Angell Hall. They } are "A Decade of Achievement" andI "Children With Cleft Palates". Second showing at 9:00 p.m. if there is an over- flow crowd at 8:00 p.m. Placement Notices ..The following school will be at the Bureau of Appointments, on Nov. 8 to, interview for teachers. East Detroit, Michigan - Junior HS Vocal Music/Social Studies for Janu- ary; Social Studies for January; Eng- lish/Social Studies or some other minor for February; School Psychologist for February; Visiting Teacher for Febru- ary. For additional information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Building, NO. 3-1511, Ext. 489. Personnel Interviews: Representatives from the following will be at the Bureau of Appointments: Tues., Nov. 13 & Wed., Nov. 14 Michigan Bell Telephone Co., Detroit, Mich. - men with degree, in any field including Econ., BusAd., and LS&A for Management Training. Mich. Bell pro- vides telephone and otherhcommunica- tions services within the state of Michigan. It plans, constructs, and maintains the facilities required, oper- ates them, and is responsible for busi- ness contacts wtih customers and the general public. Amer. Telephone & Telegraph, Long Lines Dept., Cincinnati, Ohio - work in New York City, Cincinnati, and Kansas Cay, Kansas - men with de- grees in BusAd., Econ., Humanities, and other fields. A.T.&T. provides long distance interstate and overseas tele- phone and teletypewriter exchange ser- vice. Long distance interstate line ser- vice including telephone, telegraph, telephotograph, radio, and television program transmission. Western Electric Co., Detroit - work in East and Midwest States - men, any degree in BusAd., Econ., Humani- ties and other fields for Management Training. Western Electric Co. oper- ates Manufacturing, Purchasing, Dis- tributing and Installing Telephone and Teletype Equipment for the Bell Sys- tem. Wed., Nov. 14 The Kroger Co., Detroit - work in Detroit, Midwest and South-men with B.A., B.S., M.A., MBA, and LLB in Marketing, Personnel, Accounting, Transportation, Retailing, Advertising for Management Training in Merchan- dising, Warehouse and Transportation, Acctg., Real Estate, Personnel, Advertis- ing, and Sales Promotion. Thurs., Nov. 15 J. L. Hudson Co., Detroit, Mich. - men and women with degrees in LS&A and Bus.Ad. for Executive Training to develop executives at the Assist. Dept. Head level. Surface Combustion Corp., Toledo, Ohio - men with B.A. in Econ. or Bus. Ad. for Staff Assistant in Production Control Dept. Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, women with either typing or hand for Secretarial positions. Ind.- short- Thurs., Nov. 15 and Fri., Nov. 16 Fri., Nov. 16 The Texas Co., New York, N. Y. } work in various areas-men with LS&A1 degrees for Sales, technically trained men for industrial sales and general sales, lubrication engineering, automo- tive engineering, and various operating positions. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y. - men in LS&A and BusAd. for Employee and Plant Community Rela- tions Program. For appointments contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., ext. 371. Personnel Requests: Leonard Refining Inc., Alma, Mich., is looking for a man with a B.B.A. and Real Estate background to work in the Real Estate Div. and eventually head the department. The company is also looking for Salesmen for Sales Management Training. Kansas State Civil Service announces an examination for Local Health Offi- cer I and II. Requires graduation from a medical school and one year's intern- ship and a valid Kansas Medical 11- cense. For information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. -ap 'coerin &/ tver FRIENDSHIP RING Gleaming sterling silver ring, proudly enriched with the University of Michigan sea!. Good-looking, skillfully and beautifully crafted . . . and in excellent taste. A lasting gift she'll cherish from you. Priced at $3.00 arnd $3.50 plus tax Buy at FO LLETT'S 322 S. State We've a grand selection for you priced fromt 22.95 to 39.95 Sizes from 7 Special sale group at 10.00 BEAUTIFUL, NEW To Dance You Thru' 'Pan He!' and Coming Festivities Glide across the floor in a heavenly mist of net or chiffon - sparkle in a bouffant gown of taffeta, satin, velvet, or brocade. N FOREST \ South University I Abave is exquisite sheath of Wool Jersey -- Black, astel blue and pink.. at 22.95 *.NEW YORK CITY HARTFORD SHINGTON t BaO'r.ON i Join the happy throng at HILTON- STATLER HOTELS Special Student Rate Enjoy Big Name Bonds NEW YORK CITY: The Statler The Waldorf-Astoria The Plaza WASHINGTON, D. C.r The Statler BUFFALO: The Sa ler BOSTON: The Statler HARTFORD: The Statler FOR RESERVATIONS write the Student Relations Repre- sentative at the hotel of your choice or call any Hilton-Statler Hotel for immediate confirmation of out-of- town reservations. £ 'o0 off .. . . CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR ENGINEERS Pittsburgh Coke & Chemical Company, a medium sized basic chemical producer in Pittsburgh, Penn- sylvania, offers a variety of challenging opportunities for graduate engineers in its Chemical Division ex- pansion program. CHEMICAL AND METALLURGICAL ENGINEERS- For process development, project engineering, corro- sion engineering, product research. CHEMISTS-For process, physical, organic chemis- try. i 1 To set up an interview appointment or to get further information, please contact Mr. John G. Young, College of Engineering. Company representatives will be on campus Friday, November 9. HOWIE SCHUMAN'S ORCHESTRA Still has open dates for NOVEMBER and DECEMBER Book direct: Howie Schuman Whitmore Lake Phone-Hickory 9-5982 . 11 I JUST RECEIVED Corduroy Sport Coals We now have a choice selection of these serviceable sport coats. They are smartly tailored and come in charcoal grey, tan, rust and wine. Regulars and longs, 36- 44. $17.95-$19.95 I ivy League Slacks quaity cleaning Individual thorough,; expert attention FREE MINOR REPAIRS: given to each garment * Trouser cuffs brushed and tacked tI Polished Cottons Corduroys..... Wool Flannels .. .......$ 6.95 . a. . . .$ 9.95 .. . # . $10.95 11 I i - - - - - - - - - - -