When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Shemtr4tgatt Daily Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROIU OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 He Was A Terrible Man, Comrade" .. w- -ii Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: TAMMY MORRISON American People rMake Right Choice rPHE AMERICAN PEOPLE made a choice yesterday and we think they made the right one. Although we expressed some reservation about the record of Mr. Eisenhower, he was our candidate and we think he commands greater respect and is more capable of leading the nation for the next four years than his oppon- ent would have been. The next four years should bring a continu- ation of sound domestic government. Despite criticisms from politicians, Mr. Eisenhower has drawn competent and capable personnel into key positions within the federal government. The President's realistic outlook on matters of national defense is assuring, especially in light of the revival of the 19th century power politics in the Near East. Unpleasant as it may be, tough-mindedness is essential to the security of the nation today. The greatest problems, however, that the President will face during these coming years will not be at home but abroad. To say that these are times of trouble is an understate- ment. The conflagrations in the Middle East and Eastern Europe are but surface explosions of the complex issues boiling underneath. IF WE ARE to have the peace and prosperity the platform on which the Republicans were voted in, Mr. Eisenhower and his team must center the attention on the core of the ques- tions of the day rather than merely smoothing overfsuperficial manifestations. The burdens of the next four years will not be light. With Mr. Eisenhower at the helm, they will be productive and progressive ones. -RICHARD HALLORAN Editorial Director } z a i .../ r M 7 ^ :tl'a r atS I Ii nyur ILow ciL, tm e~try .. ,+ww kk4, A~ &CHOC 56+ dA ee d 6 > h: X ' the Loyal Opposition INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Britain, France Show Restraint in E pt By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst BRITAIN and France having brought the world to somber thoughts of a major war, appeared last night to be adopting some restraint in Egypt. Their decision to stop shooting-unless attacked-suggested they BOTH DEMOCRATS and Republicans can join today in wishing President Dwight D. Eisenhower good luck and good health during his second Administration. The coming four years, especially if the past few weeks have been any indication, promise to be filled with unprecedented peril and oppor- tunity. They will require mental and physical exertion on the part of our nation's leaders of a sort to which the first Eisenhower Admin- istration did not prove itself adequate. We can only hope that the second Eisenhower Admin- istration, if not providing bold leadership for a "New America," will at least take this oppor- tunity for a "New Look" at our foreign and domestic problems. With the cbming of the new Administration, many Cabinet resignations will be tendered, several of these should be accepted. Many new programs of action will and have been sug- gested, and many of these should be accepted. WE WOULD especially recommend a re- examination - now that they have lost some of their political flavor - of Adlai Stevenson's suggestion for a moratorium on hydrogen bomb tests and closer attention to the problems of the aged, of education, and those brought about by the Supreme Court's decision on the schools. And to Gov. Stevenson, we would offer first our congratulations on his becoming a grand- father, and second our thanks for bringing a new degree of rationality to American politics, and third our prayer that he will continue to actively serve the nation as wise counselor and leader of the loyal opposition. -PETER ECKSTEIN mdse-n LW4W.rO1rrta. TODAY AND TOMORROW: Hnary nMteiddle East might not insist on occupying the entire canal zone in the face of world-wide censure. They were frank to say that they were considering seriously Rus- sia's warning that she would not stand idly by while they continued military operations. Israel, too, announced her read- iness for a cease-fire in Egypt. They all know that if Russia gets into the area they may never get her out. e *a BUT in the meantime, the rum- bling of Arab war machines, slow to get going in Egypt's behalf, be- gan to be heard. And there was no tellingvheth- er Russia intended to join them. The Russian statement that she was "determined" to use force to restore quiet was cryptical. Some observers thought she meant just what she said, others that she meant a United Nations operation. Some thought she was merely bluffing, knowing that interven- tion could produce atomic war, and that nobody's interest in the Mid- dle East is worth that. Russia, however, took a view expressed privately by some offi- cials in Washington-that Britain and France are not working to- ward limited objectives in Egypt, such as internationalization of the Suez Canal, but also are working toward a return to power through- out the Middle East. The growing fear, widely ex- pressed in London as well as else- where, that the Anglo-French ac- tions could easily produce World War III, may have had its effect. The decision by Switzerlandthat the situation is so serious as to require a new summit conference on her neutral ground is signifi- cant. It may be that Britain and France did not realize how strong American reaction would be against them. IT MAY be that they consider their beachheads in Egypt to be sufficient to cause-the downfall of Egypt's Nasser and produce a Suez solution to their liking. It may be that Israel will not insist on going into Jordan as ex- pected, now that the situation has become so critical. And it may be that the situa- tion already has gbne too far. THE UNITED STATES may, face a tough fight in the forthcom- ing United Nations General As- sembly if, as seems inevitable, we continue to resist the seating of Red China. At the moment, the chances are that we shall suc-' ceed once again in getting the is- sue postponed. But the vote may be much too close for Washing- ton's comfort; and the price of the fight, in terms of 'arms twisted, bargains struck, and promises made, will be high. -The Reporter Israeli Attack Justif1ied WHY has the state of Israel, which has neith- er by word nor deed ever indicated that it wants a Mid-East empire, suddenly attacked Egypt? The following quotes are some of many similar ones offering an explanation: "We do not choose to comply with the Gen- eral Assembly's resolution on Palestine (es- tablishing the Jewish state in Palestine," Dr. Mahmoud Fawzi, Egyptian Foreign Minister, November 29, 1947. "In spite of the General Armistice signed at Rhodes two and one half years ago, my coun- try still remains at war with Israel." Dr. Mah. moud Fawzi, before the UN, August 15, 1951. "Peace between us and the Jews is impos- sible. As far as we are concerned, it is a mat- ter of life and death, not a dispute over fron- tiers or interests. Nor is it a difference over viewpoints which require mediation for settle- ment ... The Middle East cannot hold both of us. It is either we or they . . . there is no other solution . . . steel and bullets will realize our objectives." Cairo State-controlled radio, Jan. 12, 1956. "I am dispatching to the Foreign Minister of Egypt a protest against the action of the fedayeen .. . I consider that if Egypt has or- dered these fedayeen raids, she has now put herself into the position of an aggressor." Gen- eral E.L.M. Burns, Chief of the United Nations Truce Supervisory Organization, 'April 8, 1956. "There is no reason why the faithful feda- yeen, hating their enemies, should not pene- trate into Israel and transform the lives of its citizens into a hell. Yes, brother and sister Arabsl The fedayeen will be victorious because their motives are holy and their aims the highest. They will be victorious because they are more diligent in death than is Israel in life." Saut El-Arab, Egyptian Government con- trolled Radio Service, April 11, 1956. "The fedayeen, which started as a small force of 1000 men last year is today great in number and training and equipment. I believe in the strength, ability and loyalty and courage of this army." Gamal Abdul Nasser, May 28, 1956. "The Egyptian nationalization of the Suez Editorial Stafff RICHARD SNYDER. Editor RICHARD HALLORAN NLEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor GAIL GOLDSTEIN...............Personnel Director ERNEST THEODOSSIN..............Magazine Editor JANET REARICK .....Associate Editorial Director MARY ANN THOMAS.................Features Editor DAVID GREY.............. .........Sports Editor RICHARD CRAMER..........Associate Sports Editor STEPHEN HEILPERN .........Associate Sports Editor VIRGINIA ROBERTSON............ Women's Editor JANE FOWLER............Associate Women's Editor ARLINE LEWIS..............Women's Feature Editor JOHN HIRTZEL ................. Chief Photographer Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN.....Associate Business Manager WXTTT.TA 1' PUTTCC', A+;.e-, ,.A- -- - Canal is another step toward the liberation of Palestine . . . Today the Suez Canal and to- morrow Palestine." Abdul Aziz E-Di, Egyptian Charge D'Affairs in Jordan, August 2, 1956. "Now that the hour is approaching, I and members of the Revolutionary council will be in the front lines of battle. In this battle, our enemies will be convinced of their weakness and victory will be yours and, that of all the Arab states." Major General Salah Salem of Egypt in an address to troops at Gaza. IF CANADA and Mexico had an alliance against the U.S.; if they were blockading the East Coast and preventing U.S. ships from us- ing the Panama Canal; if Canada was chipping away at Michigan, New York and Maine; if it announced its intentions to invade the U.S. as U.S.; if they were blockading the East Coast and preventing U.S. ships from using the Pan- ama Canal; if Canada was chipping away at Michigan, New York and Maine; if it an- nounced its intentions to invade the U.S. as soon as it could; if it was receiving arms from Russia, threatening to throw the balance of power against the U.S.; if its allies found them- selves busy with internal troubles and our al- lies indicated they would help us in a preven- tive war against Canada, what would the U.S. do? This, of course, will never happen, but it serves to illustrate what lies behind the Israeli decision to attack Egypt. On casual observation, the Israeli invasion of the Sinai Peninsula looks like aggression and strong legal arguments can be leveled against it. But where is any sense of morality? In the light of Egyptian actions and intentions the Nasser Government deserves the actions now being leveled against it. Walter Lippmann has termed Nasser "the typical aggressor-dictator who will not gtop until he is stopped." General Nasser himself has written that he hopes to establish "an Empire stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Persian Gulf." JF NASSER follows the path of imperialist dictators of the past, the world will some day find it necessary to throw him out by force. It is best that the U.S. and the UN al- low Britain, France, and Israel to do it now. Waiting only puts it off to a time when more damage will have been done and the task will have become far more difficult. --DAVID GELFAND New Books at the Library Toynbee, Arnold - An Historian's approach to Religion - N.Y., Oxford University press, 1956. . Tracy, Honor -- The Straight and Narrow Path - N.Y., Random 1956. Tuchman, Barbara - Bible and Sword - N.Y., N.Y., Univ. press, 1956. Wendt, Herbert - In Search of Adam - Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1956. Wood, Alan and Mary - Islands in Danger By WALTER LIPPMANN THE drama in Hungary is tra- gic not only in the sense that it is a bitter sorrow to see so brave a people crushed; it is tragic also in tfie sense that the outcome has been fatally ordained since the Nagy government lost control of the rebellion. There are, we have every rea- son to believe, two stages in the liberation of a satellite. The first stage is Titoism or national lib- erty, which is not anti-Communist and which remains within the So- viet sphere of military and politi- cal influence. The second stage is complete liberty at home and abroad. No country which has once been within the Soviet orbit. - not even Yugoslavia - has ever reached the second stage. The Hungarian tragedy is that the rebellion tried to bypass the first stage, Titoism, and in doing that, it challenged the whole Rus- sian position in Eastern Europe. In the past ten days it has been all too evident that if the Hungarian rebellion could not be stabilized about where Gomulka has stabil- ized the Polish rebellion, it was running into terrible danger. * * * SHORTLY before the Red army struck, on Tuesday, Oct. 30, the Soviet government made the state- ment which so impressed Presi- dent Eisenhower. It outlined a new conception of Eastern Europe -that of a "commonwealth of so- cialist states." It was in essence a declaration that the Soviet Union would settle for Titoism. By Sunday, Nov. 4, the Red army had crushed the Hungarian re- bellion. The question is whether or not Russian action on Sunday can- celled the Tuesday declaration of Soviet policy. On the answer to that question may depend the fate of Poland, and the prospect else- where in the Soviet orbit. The answer will show whether within the Soviet government there has now been a return to Stalinism, or whetheraTitoism, but notmore than Titoism, is the Soviet policy. WHEN WE turn to the Middle East, we find ourselves in the pre- liminary and exploratory phases of a new policy. We have not pre- vented the British, French and Is- raeli intervention, nor have we been able to stop it, and we have not, as our action in the United Nations implied that we would, been able to restore the status quo ante. A new policy cannot now be adopted until the Anglo-French military operation is concluded and its results known and ap- praised. In our planning at this moment we have to assume that the Brit- ish and French will reach their military objectives and that or- ganized Egyptian resistance will have ceased. It is at this point, but only at this point when there is in fact a cease fire, that a United Nations police force could take over. The United Nations force could not intervene in the battle which is now being fought, and there is no reason to think that Britain and France will break off the battle in the middle. It is of vital importance to the world that Britain and France should not involve themselves in an indefinite occupation of the canal. It is in avoiding such an'oc- cupation that a U.N. force to po- lice the armistice may prove to be very useful. * * * IT IS difficult to see into the future as long as the outcome of the military operations is not known. But it would appear that if the operations succeed, the grand strategical result will be to contain Egyptian military power west of the canal, and thus to cut off the Egyptian thrust for the domination of the Arab states of the Middle East. 1956 New York Herald Tribune Inc. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an of. ficial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. No- tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the das preced- ing publication. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 40 General Notices Freshmen and Transfer Students who have been notified by the Admissions Office of an appointment with their former high school principal or college dean are reminded to be punctual for their appointments Thurs., Nov. 8, Meeting of all Senior Men interested in finding out about the Danforth Foundation Fellowships (for graduate study toward careers in college teach- ing in any subject matter field by men with religious convictions) in Room 3-A of the Michigan Union, Thurs., Nov. 8, at 4:00 p.m. Further information may be obtained from Prof. Robert Blood, 5622 Haven Hall Department of Journalism Notice: The "Bulletin Newspaper" on the first floor entrance to Haven and Mason Halls, which is made up from selected Reuters and Associated Press wire ser- vices and from Associated Press Photo- f Jx, is provided by the Department of Journalism as a public service through the co-operation of students in Journalism working under the di- rection of Professors James MacDon- ad and Dean Baker. During the cur- rent world shaking events editors of the Bulletin Newspaper will post as speedily Its possible all important wire reports from the nation and the world. Late Permission: All women students who attended the play at Lydia Men- delssohn on Oct. 30 and 31 had lat permission until 11:05 p.m. Late Jermission: All women students who attended the concert on Mon., Nov. 5, had late permission until 11:05 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Michigan Union Agenda Student Government Council Nov. 7, 1956 Minutes of the previous meeting. Officers reports, Activities: Nov. 9, Pep Rally. Central Pep Rally - Committee report -Lou Susman, National and International: U.N. Week. International Student Relations Sem- inar. Campus Affairs-Progress report. Coordinating and Counseling: Metal- lurgical Society. Education and Social Welfare: Aca- demic Counseling. Public Relations: Student Govrnment Review. Student Forum./ Old Business: New - Business: Thanksgiving football games: motion. Members and constituents time. Adjo~rnment. Next Meeting: Nov. 16 4 p.m. Union. National Science Foundation an. nounces senior postdoctoral fellowships in science, to provide an opportunity for individuals several years past the doctoral degree to supplement their training. Fellowshipswill be awarded in the mathematical, physical, medical, biological, engineering, and other sci- ences, including anthropology, psycho- logy (other than clinical), geography certain interdisciplinary fields, and fields of convergence between the na- tural and social sciences. Fellowships available to any citizen of the United States who has demonstrated ability and special aptitude for advanced training and productive scholarship in the sciences and who, at the time of application, has held a doctoral de- gree in one of the fields of basic sci.. ence for a minimum of five years, or who has had the equivalent in re- search experience and training. Those holding an M.D., D.D.S., or D.V.M. de- gree for at least five years and who desire further training for a career in research will also be eligible. Stipend based on the Fellow's normal salary as of the time he makes application for the award. No award less than $4000 or more than $10,000 per annum. Allow- ances for travel, tuition, fees, unusual research expenses & special equipment in an amount not to exceed $2000. Tenure will normally be either an aca- demic year of nine months.or a calen- dar ye,%r of twelve months. The dead- line is Jan. 14, 1957. Applications and information may be obtained from the Division of Scientific Personnel and Education, National Science Founda- tion, Washington 25, D. C. Lectures Secon d Campus Public Lecture by Leland Stowe, former foreign corre- spondent and now prof. of journalism. Prof. Stowe opened to the campus pub- lic his lecture in Journalism '230, on Egypt, acnd will now open a second lec- ture, "Russia's Betrayal and Armed Conquest of Hungary: Its Causes and Consequences." Thurs., Nov. 8, 11 a.m. Aud. D, Angell Hall, A third lecture, title to be announced, will be offered Thurs., Nov. 15 at 11:00 a.m. University Lecture sponsored by the Department of Botany. Prof. Robert Muir, State University of Iowa, will speak on "Cell Elongation in Plants" at A 1 4 r 'I 4 A i- kI LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: UJkranians, Indians, Israelis Comment To the Editor: Ukranian Protest . . T HE General Assembly of the Ukranian Students Club of the University of Michigan hereby registers its unanimous and reso- lute protest against the permission of the delegation of communist observers of the Russian dictator- ial regime, to visit the USA, es- pecially the University of Michi- gan, for the proposed purpose to observe the National Election. Among the members of the Ukranian Students Club are those who, up to the end of the Second World War, were under the Soviet regime and as eye-witnesses veri- fy and strengthen the well-known facts about the communist bandit- ism, rapacity, ungodliness, bru- tality, murders and all other dia- bolic atrocities which are prac- ticed within the framework of governmental legality for the pur- pose of poisoning the whole world with the communist scourge. These editors of "Isvestia" and "Pravda" did not visit the thous- ands of University of Michigan students and staff to admit that their "superiority" of atomic knowledge is largely due to the ef- fort of American scientists, whose secrets were stolen by communist traitors; but to further their es- pionage among American students and to gain the moral and mental strength of these students. The latest developments in the in the Soviet Union, especially the 45 million Ukranians who contin- ually, for 38 years, have been righting for their freedom and in- dependence, will bring about eventually the downfall of the Communist Empire. To hold onto its rule, most heinous medieval tortures have been revived by Mos- cow 'to destroy the national spirit of Ukraine, but to this day Russia has not been able to rid herself of the Ukranian resistance. A strong underground movement, the Ukranian Insurgent Army, striving for liberation and nation- al independence of Ukraine is still in existence today. This move- ment is the ally of the West in re- sisting Moscow's aggression. Free elections in the USA do not interest the communist edi- tors because free elections do not and cannot exist in the countries dominated by Russian communist imperialism. Yet, these same men claim they came to Ann Arbor to observe them. These men are ma- licious hypocrites and are not to be trusted. We vigorously protest against their visit to the USA and espe- cially against their visit to Ann Ar- bor. We must be mindful of the Roman proverb: "Timeo Damaos et dona ferrentes" - and urge all University of Michigan affiliates not to be deceived by these people. -Victor Halycz, Secretary --Ukranian Students Club reading the interview is one of surprise since he, being a Paki- stani, has not said a word about his own country. In these days when the need to promote inter- national and mutual understand- ing is imperative, Khan would have been better advised to give some insight into Pakistani affairs to his American readers in order to promote better Pakistani- American relations. If he did not have anything meritorious or commendable to say about his own country, it is poor taste to paint a grossly distorted picture about India to his American readers who are none too familiar with devel- opments taking place there. Is it his benevolent solicitude for the welfare of Inida that made him give this "warning"? Or does he take sadistic delight in malign- ing India? Anyway Khan's state- ments reflect, to say the least, very poor taste and judgement in- deed. Before concluding may I sug- gest to Khan not to overlook the beam in Pakistan's eyes before seeing the mote in India's? -A. T. Eapen, Grad. (India) Near Eastern Friends,. .. To the Editor: HOW does it feel to have your homeland invaded, or your home country commit itself to warlike actions? Watch the students listening to the newscasts on the Internation- the American people toward those whose homelands are invaded and whose countries involve them in war. When these are members of our Michigan family the expres- sion of our sympathetic under- standinpg is an individual responsi- blity for each of us. Let your Near Eastern friend know that you care. -James M. Davis, Director UN Charter Meeting ... To the Editor: The group of Israeli students in Ann Arbor were surprised that none of them had been informed directly that their government was, in a way, to be challenged. An Israeli student speaking on that occasion would fit well in the row of speakers from France and the United Kingdom. Our group unanimously agreed to the spirit of justice-seeking and peace-making behind which was the motive of all participants. Having been subjected for years to unofficial back newspaper col- umn infiltrators raids we hope the total cease-fire will eventually be accepted by enlisted as well as misled civilians. --Michael Bentwich Ann Arbor Israeli Club Propaganda? To the Editor: We must confess we were sur- prised to read Mr. Khan's state- 4 a A