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November 06, 1956 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1956-11-06

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Huber Wins To Gain Berth
In I-M Second-Place Finals

Sports Staff Outshown
By Woman in Grid Picks

Sport Shorts

The Big Red football machine
of Gomberg House added another
win to its impressive string of
victories by defeating a fired-up

Williams' Ron Deem caught Ron
Jernigan's pass and scampered in-
to the end zone to give Williams
a 7-0 half-time lead. John Wiley
scored Williams' other two touch-

Cooley House squad, 18-6, in aj downs.Wiley intercepted a Greene

residence halls first place play-
off semi-final tilt.
In the other first place playoff
game held yesterday at South
Ferry Field, Williams House romp-
ed to a 21-0 win over Greenej
Cooley's Trojans managed to
stall Gomberg's first attack, but
the Big Reds bounced back with
There will be meeting of the
M-Club tonight at 7:30 p.m. in
the 'M' Room. It is important
that all M-Club members at-
tend this meeting.
-Tom Maentz,
an interception of a Cooley pass.-
Gomberg scored its first touch-
down on a pass play going from
Bruce Fox to Bill Earl. The Tro-
jans knotted the score at 6-6 on a
pass from Bruce Conybeare to Ed
Gomberg struck again, as Fox
passed to Ted McVay. The Big
Reds then stopped the strong Tro-
jan offense, while Fox pitched to
r Jerry Barron for an insurance
Williams House gained the first
place final playoffs by a 21-0 rout
of Green House. They will attempt
to take the title from defending
champion Gomberg next week.

pass in the closing minutes and
turned it into a six-pointer for
Huber To Face Kelsey
In the second place playoff div-
ision Huber downed Wenley House,
21-6, to reach the finals. They will
face the Kelsey House squad who
won (by forfeit) over Hinsdale
Huber's Ralph Hutchings tossed
two touchdown passes to Ron
Bernas, and pitched to Jim Wheat
for the third six-pointer. The Hub-
erites scored two additional points
on a safety.
Catches Two Passes
Scott House will meet Van Tyne
next week in the I-M third place
final playoff. Don Herskouitz snag-
ged two touchdown passes for Van
Tyne as it rolled past Hayden
House, 14-0, yesterday afternoon.
Scott squeezed by Taylor House,
20-18, to gain its berth in the
Fourth place action saw Strauss
emerge as 7-0 victors over Lloyd
House, and Anderson win from
Winchell by forfeit.
In the fifth place division, for-
feits gave Michigan and Reeves
wins over Allen'-Rumsey and Chi-
cago. The teams will play for the
fifth place title.
Sigma Chi rolled up a 19-6 win
over Theta Xi in a social fraternity
"B" tilt.

Two free tickets to either the
State or Michigan Theater and the
winner's crown goes to Mrs. Tom
Anderson, 811 Catherine, last
week's Grid Pick contest winner.
Mrs. Anderson posted a 19-1 rec-
ord, missing only one game-the
Illinois-Purdue battle, which end-
ed in a tie. Her record also topped
the Daily Sports Staff, whose best
mark was a 17-3 effort by guest
forecaster Bill Cross.
It's easy to enter-just make
your choices and either mail them
to "Grid Picks," Student Publica-
tions Building, 420 Maynard, or
deliver them yourself to the main

desk on the second floor of The
For your convenience, there are
entry blanks at the main desk of
The Daily. However, it is not nec-
essary to use them to enter the
All entries must reach the Sports
Desk no later than noon on Fri-
day, Nov. 9. Please include your
name, address and telephone num-
ber and your forecast of the score
of the Michigan-Illinois game, as
this will be the deciding factor in
case of a tie.

TONY WALLWORK - Accepts the Neel Kanti Soccer Trophy
from Ron Kramer, on behalf of his victorious International Eleven
soccer team.


Illinois at MICHIGAN
Alabama at Tulane
California at Southern Cal-

MIT Beats Michigan Sailors
MEDFORD, Mass. (P)-Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology
won the Schell Trophy Sunday,
beating Michigan, 158-146, in the
New England fall invitational re-
gatta on Mystic Lakes.
Bruce Goldsmith, of Michigan,
won individual high-point honors
with 83 points in pacing the Wol-
verine sailors to the best showing
by a Midwest team in New England
waters in a decade.
* * *
Soccer Club Ties Kalamazoo
The Michigan Soccer Club tied
Kalamazoo Soccer Association, 4-4,
at Wines Field Sunday.
The Wolverines held a 4-1 lead
at halftime, but Kalamazoo, tak-
ing advantage of opportunities,
scored three times in the last
quarter. The last goal was scored
with less than two minutes left.
Bill Pentland, center - forward
for the Michigan eleven, lead the
scoring with three goals. The other
goal was scored by Juanito Co.
Despite Michigan's domination
of play, the visitors managed to
score in three out of six attempts
during the last half while the Wol-
verines missed ten chances.
.* * *
Perry Injured
PITTSBURGH Pa. (/P) - Lowell
Perry, fleet-footed rookie end for

International Eleven Wins Trophy

jured in the second quarter of
Sunday's National Football League
game with the New York Giants.
Perry was hurt as he was tackled
on an end-around play in which
he gained 23 yards. He was rushed
to Mercy Hospital where physic-
ians said his injury had been diag-
nosed as a dislocated left hip and
fractured pelvis.
* * *
Herrnstein Tied For Scoring Lead
C H I C A G O ()-The Big Ten
football scoring race for all games
remained in a four way tie over
the weekend as the leaders failed
to do any scoring.
Locked with sik touchdowns and
36 points were Michigan's John
Herrnstein, Illinois' Abe Woodson,
and Ohio State's Don Clark and
Jim Roseboro.
Dennis Mendyk of MmeU is in
fifth spot, as a result of his fifth
touchdown of the season in the
Spartan rout of Wisconsin.
Ron Kramer is in a tie for sixth
* * *
U.S. Olympic Athletes
HONOLULU (M) - The first of
a series of airplanes carrying U.S.
athletes to the Olympic Games ar-
rived yesterday en route to Mel-
Sixty-four athletes and officials
were aboard the chartered airliner
which made an uneventful 2,558-
mile overnight hop from Los An-

In a close well-played game Sun-
day afternoon at Wines Field
the International Eieven downed
Turkey, 2-0, to win the Neel Kanti
Soccer Trophy.
The International Eleven squad
dominated the game from the be-
ginning, scoring early in the first
half of the 90 minute contest. They
relied on their defensive play to
hold the Turkish team, and iced
the game late in the final period
with their second goal.
This was the first time in three
years that the Turkish squad has
not won the trophy. They rushed
their opponents goal often, only
to be turned back by the defensive
alertness of the Internationals.

Jan Eneroth of the Internation-

The deciding goal came near theI

al Eleven took a cross-pass from end of the game, when Interna-
the left wing and quickly kicked tional's center-forward Bill Pent-
the ball past the Turkish goal- land passed off to Bob Burnett

4. Clemson at Maryland
5. Harvard at Princeton
6. Indiana at Ohio State
7. Iowa at Minnesota
8. Navy at Duke
9. Northwestern at Wisconsin
10. Notre Dame at Pittsburgh
11. Oklahoma at Iowa State
12. Oregon State at Stanford
13. Pennsylvania at Yale
14. Purdue at Michigan State
15. Rice at Arkansas
16. Tennessee at Georgia Tech
17. Texas at Baylor
18. Texas A&M at Southern
19. UCLA at Washington
20. Vanderbilt at Kentucky

keeper to score the first marker.
It was then a see-saw contest,
in which the superior ball handling
and defense of the International
team frustrated the scoring at-
tempts of Turkey.

who ripped the ball into the Turk-
ish goal, making the score a safe
Ron Kramer, Michigan football
star, presented the trophy to Tony
Wallwork, captain of the victor-
ious team.

the Pittsburgh
Michigan star,

Steelers, and for-
was teriously in-





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What engineers are doing
at Ford Instrument Company



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Ford Instrument engineers are doing advanced work in
electronics for data handling computers. Radar design,
transistor work, airborne equipment, and both digital
and analog computer development are the backbone of
the companys' research. The techniques FICo has devel-
oped in this work have applieation in the design of com.
nercial and industrial automatic controls..

This peacetime application of nuclear power is being
studied at FICo. Operation of this type of reactor is
based on the use of nitrogen or helium under pressure
as the working fluid for direct transfer of energy from
reactor to turbine. The feasibility of building by 1961 a
power plant using this type of reactor to propel an oil
tanker is now being worked on in FICo laboratories

Engineers at
Ford Instrument
have exceptional
1. You get a chance to show
your abilities
Ford Instrument Company is
large enough to offer a variety of
interesting work, and small
enough to give its engineers a
sense of individuality. Your engi-
neering knowledge and abilities
will certainly be put to the best
possible use. The people you work
witg will be stimulating and con-
genial, and the opportunities for
your future will be unlimited. It
is a company made up of techni-
cally minded people. When we
tackle problems, an entire team
takes part, and each member
watches every step of progress
from new idea to practical reality.
2. The work involves
America's future
On this page are shown a few
projects which Ford Instrument
engineers have worked on. There
are many others, but they all have
one thing in common: These vital
projects encompass a variety of
technological advances which are
important steps in the scientific
and industrial progress of the
3. Job benefits are
unusually. liberal
Salaries are as good or better
than offered by other companies
in the field. There are many other
job benefits, such as payment by
the company of full tuition for
advanced study, pension, and in-
surance. Your future at Ford is
stable, because only positions of
permanency are offered.
4. Advanced study is at
your doorstep
Such excellent schools as Colum-
bia, New York University, Poly-
technic Institute of Brooklyn,
City College of New York, Cooper
Union, Pratt Institute, Stevens
Institute of Technology, and Man-
hattan College are within easy
reach. For those interested in ad-
vaned degrees this is of value.
In addition, most scientific and
engineering societies have their
headquarters in New York. You
can enjoy their regular meetings
and the contacts with other engi-
We often forget the advantages
of living in New York or its sub-
urbs. The city, with its opportuni-
ties for entertainment, culture,
shopping and sports, has every-
thing - it is truly the capital of
the world. From the U. N. Build-


Phillips Petroleum Company, one of America's
great integrated oil companies, has positions
open for engineers, chemists, physicists and
virtually every kind of technical graduate at
the Bachelor, Master or Ph.D. levels.
Representatives of
will visit your campus on
YOU ARE INVITED to make an interview appointment with your
Placement Office. Or, for further information, write:

Cround position indicators, course and distance con.
puters and other navigation equipment developed at Ford

Instrument Company are, being installed in the most
modern aircraft. Instruments for jet engines, for polar
navigation, and aerial telemetery are emerging from the
laboratories and into the shops of the FICo plants.

Typical of FICo is its work on the guidance
system for the Redstone Missile and with the
Army Ballistic Missile Agency on research,
development and design of more advanced
systems. Ford is also working with the Air
Force and Navy in the missile guidance field.

For over forty years, Ford Instrument has been designing the computers and controls
that aim our naval guns and torpedoes, direct our rockets and warplanes'and more
recently, control nuclear reactors. Not widely publicized for security reasons, but highly
regarded by the experts in the field, the achievements of the 2500 people at Ford Instru.
ment Company have been advancing control engineering and computer development
in many fields. Very soon, FICo will interview applicants on this campus to fill engi-
neering positions for some of the most rewarding and interesting projects in America.

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