PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEIfMER 6, 1956 PAEFU Tf TIIGNBTT USAYCOEBE",15 I Democrats Picked To Gain Control of 85th Senate Senatorial Candidates Campaign in '56 Seen as Unique Voters in 33 states will choose a total of 35 Senators today, with the Democrats given the edge for control of the 85th Senate. The Senate is now tenuously con- trolled by the Democrats, 49-47. One two-seat state, Kentucky, promises to be a real battleground. While Sen. Earle Clements is fa- vored over former Undersecretary of State Truston Morton, John Sherman Cooper is expected to edge out former Gov. Lawrence Wetherby, for a gain of one Re- publican seat. But Democratic prospects for picking up at least one more seat are also bright. In Ohio, for ex- ample, Gov. FranK Lausche, a long-proven vote-getter, is favored to beat Sen. George Bender. A good Republican prospect for gains is New York State, where state Attorney General Jacob Ja- vits has lost support as a result of the Middle East crisis, but is still favored to defeat New York Mayor Robert Wagner. Democrats eye longingly the seat of Sen. Herman Welker, who was seen as a sure loser to Rep. Frank Church until Church's pri- mary opponent, former Sen. Glenn Taylor announced his write-in candidacy. Church may still have the edge. Republicans once had their hopes set high on the Far Western seats of Wayne Morse and Warren Magnuson of Oregon and Wash- ington, and they sent in their first team against them, former Inter- ior Secretary Douglas McKay and Gov. Arthur Langlie, but hopes for both have dwindled. A Democratic chance for a firm Republcian seat may come in scandal-ridden Illinois, but Rich- ard Stengel still appears to trail Sen. Everret McKinley Dirksen. Democratic hopes are highest, perhaps, in Pennsylvania, where a rejuvenated Democratic organ- ization seems headed to replace Sen. James Duff with former Phil- adelphia Mayor Joseph Clark. Races may also be tight in Ne- vada and West Virginia, but the Democrats are expected to re- tain the seats they hold there. A see-saw Senatorial seat is that of Sen. Prescott Bush, who seems to have the edge over Rep. Thomas Dodd. DOUGLAS McKAY SEN. WAYNE MORSE MAYOR ROBERT F. WAGNER JACOB K. JAVITS DO YOU WEAR GLASSES? See the New Type, Tiny, $0 Plastic, Invisible, Fluidless CONTACT LENSES Safe and practical for work and play. Write or phone for a free booklet about contact lenses or drop in for a free demonstration. BETTER VISION CENTER 706 Wolverine Bldg.-4th and Washington Sts. Ann Arbor Phone NO 8-6019 SEN. PRESCOTT BUSH REP. THOMAS DODD RICHARD STENGEL SEN. EVERETT DIRKSEN By PETER ECKSTEM This forty-third Americart Pres- idential election and the caoxapaign which has preceded it has been unique in several ways. The most striking is ill ustrated by the fact that The Ni ;w York Times, in their final review of the week section two days befo re the election, devoted a full page and a half to the events of the pes t seven days without devoting ed ther a paragraph or a picture to, the cam- paign. What even started out as a rather quiet campaign ,enbded up as the number three story in American newspapers. Campaigns in the past ha ve been influenced by last-minutte; devel- opments, as when a suppr ter's re- mark about "Rum, Romax.ism and Rebellion" cost James Q. Blame the Irish vote, New Y wk state and with them the 1884, election. And other campaignsh'b ve had shadows cast upon thedn'. by the stormclouds of foreign ve vr - the "Battle of Britain" in 19 ta', Ameri- can preparations for Wcdd War I in 1916. Eight Days to Ou But never have eventepmoved so swiftly so shortly before a Presi- dential election. It was (Oct. 19 - just 18 days before the velection- that Soviet troop moire ments in Poland first hinted at the bloody upheaval and suppression occur- ring within the Soviet eaipire. And it was Oct. 29-a scant eight days before the balloting - that war, the first new, full-scale war in six years, broke out in the Middle East. The impact of the develop- ments - even their fu. content- cannot be foretold a day before the election. But their-.impact can be better understood in. light of the attitudes which thei American voter brought into i the election. He has generally voted Demo- cratic as long as he c'rin remember - except for Ike i:l. 1952. He thought the DemocrE'ls would do a better job in keeping the economy going at full steam, and he prob- ably will vote for rwnst of their ticket, but he wasn't enthusiastic about Adlai Stevenscm. He liked President Dwight IX Eisenhower and the way he ended the Korean War and kept us ou t of any new ones, and he had mifgivings about the Democrats on tl at score. He thought he'd split I tis ticket and vote for the President again. There were two wa ys the Ameri- can voter could local. at the new developments. If ti ere were war, LET U of M BARBERS DESIGN A HAIR Style to plewe you 715 N. University he might reason, who would be a better leader than a man of the President's military background. Who could better keep the peace than the man who ended the war in Korea? And to heighten this perception, as well as to attend the mounting demands of the crisis, President Eisenhower left the campaign to subordinates and devoted his energies to world af- fairs. Reassuring Appearance Adlai Steveson, on the other hand, hoped the voter would see it another way. After all, he might argue, who got us into this mess if not the Republicans. And what about the President's "energy?" Would it be adequate-in spite of his reassuring appearance-to the demands of those most demanding of all events of his Admiinstration? These were the questions Adlai Stevenson raised, and the quite co-incidental illness of the Secre- tary of State might well underline the toll such events can take. In their straw polls across the nation, teams of New York Times reporters thought they detected a Republican advantage in all the black headlines, enough to drive a final nail in the coffin of Adlat Stevenson's 1956 Presidential am- bitions. Another unique aspect of the campaign was the newness of some of its biggest issues, largely the result of Adlai Stevenson's per- sistence in pushing his proposals to end hydrogen bomb tests and eventually the draft. They were "artificial" issues in that neither was forced upon the candidate by the course of events, and neither was a major consideration in the voter's mind before the campaign began. In that sense Stevenson strove to lead public opinion on these issues rather than just do the best by selectively emphasizing existing attitudes. Tarriff Denunciation President Grover Cleveland had tried something similar when in late 1887 he devoted his entire message to Congress to a denunci- ation of high tarriffs, personally thrusting it into the 1888 cam- paign as the major issue. He lost the election. And Henry Clay, searching for an issue with which to flay Presi- dent Andrew Jackson in the 1832 election, pushed through Congress a renewal of the charter of the Bank of the United States four years before it was due to expire. As expected, Jackson blisteringly vetoed the b111, and it became a major issue on which he defeated Clay. But the more usual method - and one which both candidates have primarily relied upon-has been to take public opinion as is, pushing home the party's case in those areas where it has most appeal, the Republicans pushing "peace," the Democrats "pockets See PUBLIC, Page 5 r 1 J ' (Author of- Barefoot By WitA Cheek," etc.) DAN THORNTON JOIN A. CARROLL REP. FRANK CHURCH SEN. HERMAN WELKER A GUIDE FOR THE UNMONEYED R.1L. Sigafoos was a keen, ambitious lad, and when he finishd high school he wished mightily to go on with his education. It seemed, however, a forlorn hope. Crop failures had brought his father to the brink of disaster. (R. L.'s father raised date palms which, in North Dakota, is a form of agriculture fraught with risk.) Nor could R. L.'s mother help; she had grown torpid since the death of Rudolph Valentino. R. L. could go to college- only if he worked his way through. This was a prospect that dismayed him. ..1dae ertcb?.lessons to Ml W. a Womrt ,.. Racked with misgivings, R. L. paced the streets, pon- dering his dilemma. One day, walking and brooding, he came upon a park bench and sat down and lit a Philip Morris. (There is no occasion, happy or sad, pensive or exuberant, when Philip Morris is not entirely welcome, as you will discover when you go to your favorite tobacco counter and buy some.) R. L. was suddenly interrupted by a small, quavering voice which said, "My boy, you are troubled. Can I help?" Seated beside R. L. was a tiny, gnarled man with wispy, snow-white hair. His skin was almost transparent, showing a delicate tracery of fragile bones beneath. His back was bent, and his hands trembled. "Do you think, sir," said R. L., "that a boy can work his way through college and still enjoy a rich, full campus life?" "Why, bless you, son," replied the stranger with a rheumy chuckle, "of course. In fact, I did it myself." "Was it very hard?" asked R. L. "Yes, it was hard," the stranger admitted. "But when one is young, all things are possible. I, for example, used to get up at five o'clock every morning to stoke the furnace at the SAE house. At six I had to milk the ewes at the school of animal husbandry. At seven I gave a fencing lesson to the Dean of Women. At eight I had a class in early Runic poets. At nine I gave haircuts at the Gamma Phi Beta house. At ten I had differential cal- culus. At eleven I posed for a life class. At twelve I watered soup at the Union. At one I had a class in Oriental languages. At two I exercised the mice in psych lab. At three I gave the Dean of Women another fencing lesson. At four I had qualitative analysis. At five I went clamming. At six I cut meat for the football team. At seven 1 ushed at the movies. At eight I had my ears pierced so that at nine I could tell fortunes in a gypsy tea room. At ten I had a class in astronomy. At eleven I tucked in the football team. At twelve I studied and at three I went to sleep." "Sir," cried R. L., "I am moved and inspired by your shining example !" "It was nothing," said the stranger modestly, shaking his frail white head. "It was just hard work, and hard ..: :.,..:....,ยข:.:::. ...:. +f..,.M.E., Class of '1 v.. ., .... .... . : x ;.;v.;.:.n v:, : . r} r",;4. . :i": : v . : :v. :...::'' w ,,"':; {itrv . ?.. "..: "S " i i 4 .4 I "You'll reach the lop faster with a smaller company like Emerson Electric where there is greater diversification and continuous planned expansion." "Only in a smaller company like Emerson Electric4 you meet management on common ground, discuss with brass your individual problems and plans. Together work out new ideas . . . and they're more than willing ' give yours a try. And there's more diversification in y duties. "Furthermore, at Emerson your daily contacts inc sales, purchasing and production departments. You hi the opportunity to learn, first hand, all company funct . knowledge that's invaluable when you're on thev to the top. If that's your ambition, then Emerson has job for you." The ink was barely dry on Ed Johnson's M.E. deg before he started at Emerson Electric. His has been ar success story, and after just six years with the compan it isn't finished by any means. Ed's first Emerson job in the production department, an administrative assist From there, he moved on to shop foreman. In Ed's own w ... "I wouldn't trade the experience gained there for c thing, the most valuable in the world to me today." N can Whatever your preferred field of engineering specializa- top tion, there is a gateway to career progress waiting for you you at Emerson. Commercially, since 1890, Emerson has been to a leading producer of fans, motors, air conditioners, welders, your and power tools. The Electronics and Avionics Division a leader nationally since 1940, designs, develops, and manu- factures active defense systems for bombers, supersonic air [ude frames, mortar locators, missiles and rockets like the Honest ave John. ions way Find out how you can get in on the ground floor of this the fast growing, medium sized company. Meet Emerson's engi- neering represertatives and talk your career over with them. Firm job offers can be made. If it's impossible for you to gree make a date, be sure to write or call A. L. Depke, Office real and Technical Placement Supervisor, for full details. y it was ENGINEERS . . . A.E., C.E., E.E., I.E., M.E. ant. ords INTERVIEWS ON CAMPUS ny- ext, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 -'-- em -- -- -.s -- --- - - - , You've been contacted by many corripanies, all offering many and vaimed advantages. But you owe it to yourself to consider which of these wil, in the long run, offer a future that will keep pace with your ability.; At Martin you'll have a chance to measure your background against your c h o s e n engineering field,' w hether it is aerodynamics, elec- ti conics, nuclear, electrical, civil,' clemical or mechanical. Your future mill grow with an expanding com- puny, pioneering in tomorrow's sci- euices as well as projects a decade in aivance-anti-gravity research and ion propulsion. .. , .. ..., ..... .... A