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November 06, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-11-06

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Latest Deadline in the State






Soviets Threaten
Action in Egypt
Mentions Use of 'Rocket Weapons;'
1 Proposes Joint Action With U.S.
MOSCOW (R)-Soviet Russia served notice yesterday it is pre-
pared to use force to bring about an end to British and French actions
against Egypt.
Premier Nikolai Bulganin warned the two powers invading Egypt
that they face the risk of attack by a stronger power capable of launch-
Ing "rocket weapons" if they do not end the hostilities.
Pool Armed Might
Bulganin proposed to President Dwight D. Eisenhower that the
Soviet Union and the United States, the major H-bomb powers, pool

Ike, Adlai Vie
For, Presidency
Democrats, Republicans Predict
Victories For Their Candidates
By The Associated Press
The campaign oratory faded away yesterday and it was left up to
free Americans to decide today who shall lead them through the next
four years in a newly troubled world.
Republicans counted, with every sign of confidence, on another
sweep for President Dwight D. Eisenhower who four years ago won
the electoral votes in 39 states.
Democrats looked hopefully for "another 1948," when they
captured the presidency in the face of what looked like overwhelming
odds. They figured their man AdlaiT w

Crush Rebel
VIENNA (.)-The Russians used
guns, pleas and threats against
rebel holdouts yesterday in an
effort to snuff out the last breath
of Hungary's freedom.
A new battle was reported shap-
ing up at Dunapentele, in vhe
Danube valley south of Budapest,
as surviving rebels appeared gen-
erally to ignore a broadcast Soviet
ultimatum demanding surrender
by 6 p.m. (11 a.m. CST) under
threat of courtmartial.
Remnants of the freedom fight-
ers, decimated by the Soviet at-
tacks Sunday which put most of
the country again under the
Kremlin's thumb, fought on in
isolated actions.
Denied the material help for
which they had begged the West,
they were in most cases so cut off
that not even Western words of
sympathy could reach them.
"They have stood their ground
with honor against the Russian
troops," said rebel Radio Rakoczy
in pinpointing industrial Csepel
Island, in the Danube just south
of Budapest; the city of Kecske-
met, 50 miles southeast of Buda-
pest, as center of continued fight-
But the situation is "growing
desperate," it said. "Very little
ammunition is left." It reported
some hospitals were burning and
asked, in a message relayed by
Radio Free Europe in Munich, for
help from the International Red
Cross in Switzerland.
"Some Russian units marching
on the capital have been encircled
by us," said Radio Rakoczy. "In
many places they have built barri-
cades along the road. Desperate
? fighting is going on."
Whereabouts of the station, per-
haps a portable transmitter, was
unknown to Western listeners.
Rakoczy was a patriot who fought
for Hungary's freedom from the
At dusk the station came on the
air again:
"Here is Radio Rakoczy speak-
ing. According to couriers, the
Russian troops at Dunadolvar are
preparing an attack on Dunapen-
tele. Armored formations are ap-
proaching Dunapentele from Szek-
esfehevar, Budapest and Dunafol-
dvar. We request urgent help for
imperiled Dunapentele!"
The bulk of the countryside was
obviously in Russian hands.
Daily Covers
' Voting Results1
The Daily is planning the most
comprehensive coverage of today's
election in its history.
It will operate under a 4:30 a.m.
deadline, two-and-a-half hours
later than normal, and will de-'
vote five pages to election cov-
erage and world news.
Daily reporters will be stationed
at the campaign headquarters of
gubernatorial candidates Mayor

4their armed might under the
United Nations to end the in-
The White House issued a state-
ment in Washington calling the
proposal "unthinkable."
Bulganin said other UN mem-
bers could join the move.f
In New York, the Soviet Union
pressed the Bulganin demands be-
fore a special session of the UN
Security Council. It demanded ap-
proval of a plan for U.S.-Russian
military intervention in the Middle
East unless the British, French and
Israeli forces withdraw from Egypt
within three days.
Emergency Cabinet Session
In Paris, Premier Guy Mollet
convened an emergency cabinet
session early today.
President Eisenhower has made
clear that the United States does
not intend to become involved in
the fighting in Egypt. Washington
officials rejected the Bulganin
proposal, and the White House
declared the Soviet Union has "an
oblgiation before the world" to
withdraw its forces from Hungary
before talking about a Middle East
"We are full of determination
through the use of force to crush
aggression and put an end to the
war in Egypt," Bulganin said.
Another translation of this sen-
tence, as heard in a Moscow broad-
cast, was: "We are full of deter-
mination to crush aggressors and
re-establish peace in the East by
using force."
UN Council
Downs USSR
Agenda Plan
The United Nations Security Coun-
cil yesterday refused to consider
a Soviet request for the United
States and the Soviet Union to in-
tervene in the Middle East fight-
The refusal was registered when
the council declined to approve an
agenda suggested by the Soviet
Union. Only the Soviet Union, Yu-
goslavia and Iran voted for the
The United States, Br i t a in,
France and Australia voted against
Four Nations Abstain
Belgium, Peru, Nationalist China
and Cuba abstained on the agenda:
This killed the Russian proposal.
Unless the 11-nation council puts
it on the agenda it cannot be for-
mally discussed.
After the ballot, the United
Nations chief delegate, Henry
Cabot Lodge, Jr., told the council
that the Soviet proposal "em-
bodies the unthinkable suggestion
that Soviet military forces to-
gether with those of the United
States should intervene in Egypt
unless the fighting stops within
12 hours."
'UN Acted on Situation'
"This would convert Egypt into
a still larger battlefield," Lodge
said. "The fact is that the United
Nations Assembly has acted and
is acting on the situation in
Lodge said the course proposed
by the Soviet Union would run
couinter to wh4-at Ptranrv (:m an_

... seeks re-election amidst middle east controversy

... vies for presidency after vigorous campaign

S C>'

Ike Defends
Needs Time
WASHINGTON (M) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower said in an
election eve talk yesterday his ad-
ministration has proved it can
keep its promises, but needs more
time to carry out a program of de-
veloping prosperity in this coun-
try and peace everywhere.
Tlie President spoke on a closed
television circuit from the White
. His 10-minute talk was telecast
over a Boston station.
President Eisenhower had
planned to wind up his campaign
in Boston yesterday but said in
his talk that the foreign situation
made such a trip "inadvisable if
not impossible."
The President said that in re-
cent days "many crises" have
tested this country's willingness to
stand on its principles.
He said Americans "sincerely
hope" the people of Hungary can
accept the.20 million dollars worth
of aid this country has offered.
And he said this country re-
joices that Roman Catholic cardi-
nals in Hungary and Poland have
been released from captivity.
In domestic affairs, President
Eisenhower said, the Republicans
need more time to help in the
building of "desperately" needed
schools, in aiding distressed fndus-
trial areas, in building more high-
ways and airports, and in revising
immigration laws.
He called for the election of
Sumner Whittier, Republican can-
didate for governor of Massachu-
setts, and the whole Massachusetts
President Eisenhower spoke
from the White House library.
French Seizure
PARIS ()---The French govern-
ment after a four-hour cabinet
m e e t i n g yesterday ordered its
troops to carry on their occupation
of the Suez Canal Zone with their
British allies.

Parke, Davis Gives
ova or Split
The biggest financial problem in North Campus development was
settled yesterday at an Ann Arbor City Council meeting as formal
approval of a three-way cost split for water and sewage installation
was given by Parke, Davis & Co., University and City officials.
Installation of water and sanitary sewage facilities for Parke,
Davis' $10,000,000 medical-pharmaceutical research laboratories and
future North Campus expansion will be completed by August 1, 1958
according to the adopted plan.
After six months of negotiations the following division of financial
burden was accepted, (based on a $1,230,000 estimate from an im-
partial engineering firm analysis)..

University will assume 45 per
cent of the water bill and 44 and
one-eighth per cent of the sani-
tary sewage bill.
Parke, Davis & Co. will pay $45,-
880 for both facilities.
Ann Arbor's burden will be
slightly below $635,000 for both
water and sewage.
An additional provision states
"Maximum expense to the Uni-
versity for combined costs of water
and sanitary sewage installation
is not to exceed $450,000."
The city is obligated to guar-
antee the University three million
gallons of water per day. Parke,
Davis will require an additional
521,000 (maximum) gallons daily.
Another step towards exploita-
tion of North Campus area Was
made when City Council voted to
anex 54 acres near the intersec-
tion of Green Rd. and Plymouth
Rd. Bendix Aviation Corporation
has an option on the land and is
interested in establishing a re-
search-development plant.
In other business Mayor William
E. Brown, Jr., appointed a three
man committee to work on his
$11,353,000 capital improvement
Thescouncil also voted approval
of rezoning of six acres on Fuller
St. near Veteran's Memorial Hos-
pital. Under its new zoning re-
strictions a construction company
in that area will be able to build
an apartment house with over 300

Plane Crash
Sees Six Die
A transport plane loaded with Bri-
tons evacuated from the Middle
East crashed and burned near
Blackwater yesterday.
At least six persons were killed.
An official at Blackbushe Air-
port near the crash scene said five
other persons were unaccounted
for. Many were injured.
The official estimated 80 persons
were aboard, 56 women, 17 chil-
dren and one man as passengersI
and a crew of six.
Earlier reports said the plane
carried 64 persons.
The known dead were three
members of the plane crew and
three children.
Most of those aboard were wives
and children of British service-
The four-engine plane, inbound
from Idris airport at Tripoli, Li-
bya, nosed down through mist and
crashed into woods short of the
Blackbushe runway.
Many of those aboard leaped out
before flames enveloped the plane.
Others were pulled free by airfield
rescue teams.

Adlai Fears
Nixon Next
BOSTON (R)-Adlai E. Steven-
son said yesterday that a Repub-
lican victory today would mean
that Vice-President Richard M.
Nixon "would probably be Presi-
dent within the next four years."
"As distasteful as this matter
is," Stevenson declared, "I must
say bluntly that every piece of
scientific evidence we have, everyj
lesson of history and experience,
indicated that a Republican vic-
tory today would mean that Rich-
ard M. Nixon would probably be
President of this country within
the next four years.
"I say frankly, as a citizen morej
than candidate, that I recoil at'
the prospect of Mr. Nixon as cus-
todian of this nation's future, as
guardian of the hydrogen bomb,
as representative of America in
the world, as commander-in-chief
of the United States armed forces.
"Distasteful as it is, this is the
truth, the central truth, about the
most fateful decision the Ameri-
can people have to make tomor-
row. I have full confidence in that
Stevenson sought to raise a
question whether P r e s i d e n t
Dwight D. Eisenhower could live
through another four-year term in
an address over a nationwide
television hookup closing his sec-
ond bid for the presidency.
On the foreign policy front, Ste-
venson said that "tonight we have
seen the culmination of the disas-
trous Eisenhower foreign policy in
the Middle East-with the Com-
munists now proposing that we go
to war with them against Britain
and France."
In Washington a White House
statement yesterday said the pro-
posal of Soviet Premier Nikolai
Bulganin for the United States to
join with Russia in military inter-
vention - backed by the United
Nations - in the war in Egypt is
an "unthinkable suggestion."

Stevenson had come a long way
from his try four years ago.
Find New Arguments
Both sides, while deploring what
has happened in the Middle East
and in Hungary, found in these
grave events new arguments for
election of their candidates.
Today, about 611/2 million voters
will make their choice. Since more
than 80 million are eligible to vote,
this would mean that many won't
even bother.
Those who do vote will also be
deciding which party shall control
Congress the next two years. This
could be close and it may be to-
morrow before the outcome is
As of now, the Democrats are in
a majority in the Senate 49-47.
Democrats control the House 230-
201 with four vacancies. Four years
ago the voters gave President
Eisenhower a Republican Congress
and two years ago they decided
to change back to a Democratic
In 33 states, voters will be choos-
ing 35 senators.
And in 29 states, the governor-,
ships are at stake.
Adlai in Minnesota
The day before election found
Stevenson campaigning in Minne-
apolis, where he said America's
allies have lost trust in the United
States' leadership.
Stevenson also said that what
he described as President Eisen-
hower's "negligence on questions
of peace and war may plunge the
whole world into the horror of
hydrogen war."
President Eisenhower was at the
White House, having called off an
election eve visit to Boston. In
his office, he talked with Vice-
President Richard M. Nixon about
the Middle East crisis, Russia's
new pounce on Hungary, and
presidential politics.
White House press secretary
James C. Hagerty said Nixon gave
the President a "very optimistic"
report on his chances for re-elec-
tion. Asked whether Nixon had
predicted the Republicans would
win "big," Hagerty said, "Yes,
Mideast Oil
Herbert Hoover Sr., the last Re-
publican president before President
Eisenhower, replied forcefully yes-
terday to a statement by Senator
Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.), the
Democratic vice-presidential can-
didate, that the Hoover family is
"involved with Mideast oil."
"An absolute lie," the elder
Hoover saidat New York.
President and Mrs. Eisenhower
will drive to their home in Gettysr-
burg today to cast their votes.
Stevenson will be putting in his
ballot at the tiny town of Half
Day, Ill.
To Fly To Chatanooga
Kefauver will fly to Chattanooga
to vote. Nixon has already voted,
by absentee ballot at Whittier,
President Eisenhower's plans
called for a return to Washington
to receive election returns during
the early evening at the White
House, then to go to the Sheraton-
Park Hotel where the Republican
National Committee has set up a
It was generally agreed almost
from the start that President
Eisenhower, with his acknowledged
popularity, was stronger in most
places than the GOP state candi-
rm +ho nthe hQn. rennnt from

County Votes
On Officials
For All Posts
In addition to the presidential
and gubernatorial races, the vot-
ers of Washtenaw County will in-
dicate preferences for a long slate
of state and local officials today.
For lieutenant governor, Demo-
cratic incumbent Philip A. Hart
faces Republican Clarence A. Reid.
Contestants for secretary of state
are James M. Hare (incumbent,
Democrat) and Republican John
B. Martin.
Democrat Thomas M. Kava.-
nagh and Republican Richard C.
VanDusen are candidates for at
torney general. State Treasurer
contestants are Sanford A. Brown
(Democrat) and Frank C. Padzies-
ki (Republican).
Auditor General
State auditor general i being
sought by Frank S. Symanski, the
Democrat, and Paul D. Bagwell,
the Republican.
In this area, Congressional Rep-
resentative George Meader, Re-
publican, is opposed in his try for
re-election by Democrat Franklin
J. Shepherd.
Candidates for State Senator
from Washtenaw County are Ar-
thur E. Carpenter (Democrat) and
incumbent Lewis G. Christman
In the first district, George W.
Sallade (Republican) is running
for re-election to the State House
of Representatives, opposed by
Prof. Morris Janowitz, of the so-
ciology department, a Democrat.
Prosecuting Attorney candidates
are Walter A. Gregg, Democrat,
and Edmond F. DeVind, Repub-
lican.. County Sheriff contestants
are Lawrence P. Oltersdorf, Demo-
crat, and Erwin L. Klager, Repub-
County Clerk Post
Democrat Annette C. Hodesh
and Republican Luella M. Smith
are vying for the post of County
Clerk. County Treasurer oppo-
nents are Democrat Virgel L.'Mc-
Allister and Republican William
F. Verner.
Post of Register of Deeds is
sought by Agnes B. Fitzgerald,
Democrat, and Patricia N. Hardy,
Republican. Democrat Wayne
Predmore and Republican John
Flook are seeking the Drain Com-
Two persons will be elected cor-
oner. The three contestants are
James N. Davis (Democrat), Ed-
win C. Ganzhorn (Republican),
and Frank W. Staffan (Republi-
can). Democrat Richard Barc and
Republican Herbert S. Hicks are
seeking the post of Surveyor.
In nonpartisan contests, Talbot
Smith and Michael O'Hara are
seeking to become Justice of the
Supreme Court for the term end-
ing December 31, 1957. John
Simpson and George Edwards are
vying for the same post for a term
ending Dec. 31, 1959.
John W. Conlin and Loren W
Campbell are seeking to be Pro-
bate Judge for the unexpired term
ending Jan 1, and also a second
term for the full length.
Robert Fink, Jack J. Garris and
Stanley G. Thayer are contesting

Gubernatorial Candidates Give Late Charges
By The Associated Press
Charges and countercharges flew in Michigan yesterday on the
eve of the hardest fought election in many years.
Republican and Democratic leaders alike cried foul.
Republicans said that radio announcements attacking President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's health have been broadcast by outstate radio
The charges were first made by Detroit Mayor Albert E. Cobo,
Republican nominee for governor, who said the announcements were
what he termed "an all time low in American politics."
.h.n .....e.rihd n h.t whinh he said. was distributed to


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